Chapter 263: Space Control, So Close and Far Away

"What the hell?"

Baan was shaken by the huge force and retreated repeatedly. His arms were numb and sore, so he reluctantly drew out his dagger and waited cautiously.

A powerful being emerged from the space crack that could tear everything apart?


Brands let out a light sigh. He had just kicked away a monster that was blocking his way, and now the soles of his feet were starting to turn black and dissolve slightly.

If it weren't for the abyss demon's special physique and the natural bone armor covering its limbs, I would never have wanted this foot.

"Inset, come out and see, what is this?"

Brands shouted into the crack behind him.

In the shocked eyes of the three people, another Abyss Demon appeared from the crack. It had the same appearance as Brands, but its skin color was as green as a pickled cucumber, and its whole body exuded an unknown aura like Di Ruigi. breath.

Incest leaned over to check a little of Di Ruigi's body, then hurriedly stepped back to catch his breath, and said in surprise:

"You're covered in disease, but it's even more poisonous than me! Brands, you almost died."

Inset, the virus, is also a family of abyssal demons who live in the realm of nothingness all year round.

What was most incredible to Ye Lin was that a ray of gray soul was imprisoned in a ball of light behind Incit's head.

That was actually Yuris who had given up his body not long ago and wanted to escape from the continent of Arad and get rid of the fate of death!

Because the other world opened by the annihilation black hole and the dimensional blade is actually the realm of nothingness!

"With this kind of poison, could it be the apostle Di Ruigi? Why does he look so miserable?"

Accompanied by doubtful words, the third abyssal demon stepped out of the space crack. Its body was taller and burlier than Brands, with two horns on its head, bulging shoulder armor, and a source of energy shining in the center of its chest, holding in its right hand. A strange-looking staff.

G.S.D, who had been reluctantly calm all this time, suddenly changed his expression, because he couldn't see clearly where the opponent was. He placed his trust in the power of fluctuations, but he couldn't feel the fluctuations in the opponent's attributes.

It was obviously only a few dozen meters in front of us, but it seemed as if there were countless dimensional spaces in between, and it seemed that no attack method could touch this abyss demon.

It seems so close, yet so far away!

Space Dominator—Gaunis.

Brands said in surprise: "He is the apostle who is known as the strongest life form in the universe? No wonder it is so."

He did not mock Di Ruiji's current downfall. After all, when this guy was at his peak, even the Abyss Demon would give him everything for nothing.

Gaunis waved his staff casually, and the space crack behind him that had been turbulent and tearing like a whirlpool in the eye of the sea suddenly stabilized, as if it had turned into a mirror that was accidentally broken.

When Held transferred Di Ruigi, she used her extraordinary magic skills to bury a spell in Di Ruigi's body. Once it "dies", it will be pulled by the cracks and endure endless torture in a different space. Pain until death.

Originally, Alice was supposed to do this job, but Alice was offline...

In the vast universe, apart from the Lord of Time and Space who can easily smooth out Held-level cracks at will, probably only the Space Dominator can do so easily.

"Abyss Demon?"

Baan stood up, frowned and wiped the mud on his armor. His chest felt a little painful after being slapped.

He had heard of this race. Not only were they extremely war-loving, but each one of them was extremely powerful. They seemed to be born just for fighting.

The fourth apostle, the Conqueror, contracted a summoner to satisfy his desire to fight through his clones, while the Abyss Demon spread magic stones and magic invitations, also for the purpose of fighting.

He had nothing to do with the Abyss Demon, and he felt like he had suffered a loss when he was slapped earlier, because the other person seemed to be aiming at Ye Lin, which made him even more happy.

Di Ruji's body was not far away from him. He quietly took a few steps, wanting to reach out and touch the wild boar-like apostle. The ring on his finger exuded a faint black light.

He couldn't hide the ecstasy on his lips. In the battle in the Wailing Cave, the extremely weak apostle was no match for the Four Sword Saints. Thinking about the power that might be contained in the corpse, which could be used for his own use, made people tremble all over.

Moreover, the corpse of Apostle Di Ruigi not only had unimaginable research value, but also had the accompanying resurrection effect, which he had been pursuing hard.

Because his lover Emily is dead.

call out!

A dart grazed the back of his hand and was submerged in the rain, making Barn's movement of bending down to catch Di Ruiji stiff.

This was a warning. If he dared to make the slightest move, he would be faced with a devastating attack.

"This thing is full of deadly viruses. Mr. Barn, it's better to be cautious."

Siatt's expression was indifferent, and the mad dragon sword in her hand was trembling slightly. If she hadn't been confused about the intentions of these three abyss demons and couldn't easily act rashly, she might have swung the sword.

Baan hesitated for a moment, smiled, nodded, and slowly straightened up: "You are right, direct touch is too dangerous, you should wear gloves, hahahaha..."

Before he could stop laughing, he suddenly bent down and grabbed Di Ruiji's body. Even if he could only get a claw and a half, even if he got a little injured, it was totally worth it!

Siatt's pretty face turned cold and she was about to strike with her sword, but Mo Mei suddenly grabbed her arm and shook her head slightly to tell her to look again.

An extremely strange scene appeared. Barn was clearly standing next to Di Ruigi, and he could reach the body by stretching his legs. But now, no matter how hard he tried to grab it with his hands, he couldn't touch Di Ruigi.

From the perspective of the team members, every time Barn bent down to grab something, his palms would always be one centimeter apart, seemingly close in front of them but far away in the horizon.

It seemed as if Baan's arm had been shortened, and it seemed as if the space where he and Di Ruji were inexplicably lengthened...

Until cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he even punched Di Ruiji's body with a punch. The punch that should have touched a solid object actually hit the air.

"Boy, the corpse of a strong man is also a rare and precious material. If you want to take it away, you must defeat me."

Set, the cause of the virus, rubbed his wrist. The mysterious phenomenon just now was naturally the work of Gaunis. After all, it was the body of the apostle, so he still had to give it some respect.

Baan's eyes were extremely cold and he said angrily: "We originally killed Di Ruiji, what does it have to do with you? Why do we need you to agree?"

"Because I want to fight you."

Before Inset finished speaking, he punched Barn.

Trying to reason with a race like them who are born for fighting is better than playing the piano to a cow, and maybe the cow can still falter.

Baan raised his sword and slashed out the surging sword energy, shattering Incit's right arm. However, before he could be surprised, the arm that turned into a ball of green mist recovered easily and hit his heart.

Siatt was closely watching Baan's fighting style. For her, this was a golden opportunity to observe Baan's combat weaknesses.

"Kid, you summoned my clone through the magic stone, but you used a trap to trap me. Do you still remember?"

Brands laughed ferociously, his momentum rising, as if he was going to have a duel with Ye Lin.


Ye Lin scratched his head helplessly. That was how long ago it was. It should have been the time in Sky City, at least half a year ago.

Is this Brands so vindictive and petty?

"Come on, today, if you win, it will be written off, and I will give you a reward. If you lose, do you see that ghost?"

Brands was referring to Yuris, who was imprisoned by Incet and wanted to cross the world through a rift in another dimension, but was caught red-handed.

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