Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2598 Agamemnon, Lucifer

The human brain will selectively forget some unimportant things. If everything is recorded in detail in the mind, it will be a strong burden on the ordinary person's brain. [.\\nCOM Situ’s updated chapters are the most complete and comprehensive, and error-free content is repaired in the most timely manner. Due to caching reasons, browser access is recommended.\\nCOM official website]

Most memories will gradually be ignored and ignored over time. They will only occasionally come to mind at midnight and become vivid again, but most of the time they will be forgotten.

Even if a strong person opens the sea of ​​memory, it will be difficult to find these almost non-existent things.

Fortunately, the memory about the arrival of Apostle Mr. Luo was very vivid and clear in the sea of ​​​​memory because Aryan was full of fear at the time, and Ye Lin easily pulled it out.

Of course, before looking through the old memories, Ye Lin had already brought the other party to a room where there were no outsiders. A dozen translucent Yalids were suspended in the air, and their mouths were constantly opening and closing, but they could not make any sound. It was scary. of.

Most of the school is filled with students, and there are final exams tomorrow, so you should pay attention.

Memory and time were traced back to the point where Lotus descended. The behemoth suddenly and unexpectedly descended on the second vertebra, which brought considerable terrifying trouble to the GBL religion, which was simple in nature and obsessed with academic research.

Ophelia's delicate body trembled slightly as she watched the scene. The scene in front of her was undoubtedly a lingering nightmare for her who was young at the time.

Fortunately, she finally met the hero!

At that time, everyone in the GBL church was extremely frightened, but they soon discovered the "weakness" of Lotus. This ugly big octopus seemed unable to leave the second vertebrae. Body.

Aryan's evaluation of Mr. Luo was ugly, Sophie's evaluation was delicious, and Ye Lin thought Mr. Luo's eyes were quite beautiful.

As a mature and beautiful woman, the curator was not... someone who had personally experienced the Lotus incident as an adult. She recalled the minutiae and said: "The behemoth of the sky at that time happened to often pass through moist clouds, and it was the rainy season."

There is a legend that no one has experienced, that is, the giant beast of the sky will only stop to rest once every three hundred years and rush into the sea above its head to eat and drink water. The big magic circle seems to have no effect on this guy.

However, at least the curator has never seen the giant sky-curtain beast rush into the sea, and Mr. Bei Yinlansi, who founded the GBL religion, probably has not seen it either, otherwise humans would not be able to survive in the sea for long.

"And because we don't communicate frequently with the ground world." Ophelia added on the side.

Clouds and winds are often whistling around the giant sky-curtain beast. Only when the flying speed of the giant sky-curtain beast slows down will everyone use the airship Dornier to communicate with the ground.

Therefore, when Lotus arrived at the beginning, the GBL Church had no choice but to seek help from outside.

"It's terrible, it's terrible. That big octopus is definitely not as easy to deal with as we thought. It must still be capable."

The priest-level Aryan hid in his room, shivering, pacing back and forth, his lips and face extremely pale. At that time, he was still a well-built man.

"Now Marcel and Aden Bader are holding a response meeting. I think they are risking their lives! They must escape and go to the extreme day where the sun is the brightest. No, there will be night there too. I want to remind everyone... no... "

Aryan hesitated again. First of all, it was not only believers who lived on the giant beast of the sky, but also many ordinary people, centaurs, and even tree spirits who advocated nature and harmony.

However, the total number of airship Dorniers is limited. Aryan calculated that even if all the airships were used, it would take at least dozens of round trips to send everyone away.

This will undoubtedly take a very long time.

However, the big octopus may be in fatal danger at any time.

After the response meeting on Lotus ended, the acting leader Aden Bader, Ophelia's mentor, met Aryan.

"Sir, the GBL branch near the west coast has been established for some time. I want to go down and have a look, and then draw a topographic map of the northern snowfield."

Aryan suppressed his violently beating heart, found a reasonable excuse, and used a Dornier airship to leave the Sky Veil Behemoth.

When he turned back, the huge sky-curtain beast had penetrated into a thick dark cloud.

He kept whispering to himself, maybe it was his misunderstanding. Marcel and the others were very strong and should be able to deal with that octopus.

Ofelia and Yelin were the first to experience what happened later.

As time passed, Apostle Lotus was unable to obtain life-sustaining water from the rain clouds in the sky, so he used his supernatural spiritual power to dominate the followers of the GBL religion.

They were ordered to build sun-shading buildings on themselves and pour water on themselves. The powerful spiritual power even distorted the structure of flesh and blood. Many believers who appeared to be human on the surface had turned into sucking octopuses from the Sticky Lake under their uniforms. .

Later, Ophelia was forced to escape from the Sky Veil Behemoth, drove Dornier downwards to seek help, and then bumped into Ye Lin's newly formed team.

In the end, Mr. Luo borrowed the egg and was reborn, but was almost stabbed by Krach.

"I was right, I was right to escape in time!"

"I should have done my best and told Aden Bader my gut feeling."

"They won't believe it. Everyone is selfish..."

Ye Lin shrugged. Aryan's past is now very clear.

He was selfish, evasive, and used false excuses to escape from the giant beast of the sky in order to survive. Then he did not expect that the losses of the GBL religion would be so serious. Large parts of the building were damaged, and the number of believers was reduced by 80%. Bishops, priests, Aden Bader , all sacrificed.

But Aryan also has a conscience and self-blame, and has constant nightmares all day long. In order to rationalize his weakness, he first formed an escape personality, then selfishness, and then fear...

Aryan was schizophrenic, and more and more personalities emerged in his mind. His original conscience personality was buried in a corner, and he became extremely selfish and indifferent.

In the end, Aryan followed a certain instinct, a special need, and went to the extreme altar deep in the Canyon of the Dead.

The radiant Agamemnon liked his multiple personalities so much that he took Aryan in and made him one of his servants.

"Let me see why Agamemnon let you go and allowed you to briefly regain your conscience." Ye Lin spoke calmly and looked at Aryan, who had more than a dozen personalities and souls.

There may be weirdness, the interweaving of mysterious forces, and dangers, but under the gaze of God, everything is like a chicken or a dog.

If he hadn't been able to peek, he would have even wanted to see if the lady in black dress with narrow eyes could take a shower.

Although he does not have Michelle's Holy Eye ability, his realm is here, and because he often practices double cultivation with the eldest lady, and borrows the power of the goddess of fate, his grasp of causality is also improving by leaps and bounds.

Principal Shalan and Ophelia who were watching were already a little numb. Do you want to ask him verbally later or force him to ask him what state you are in now and how strong you are.

Ye Lin's eyes swept across the clouds and saw the moon, and he understood the truth behind Aryan, a believer in multiple personalities...

Extreme Altar

Agamemnon of Glory sat motionless, as quiet as a giant mountain, with a huge and complicated magic circle of light lighting up behind him, half light and half dark. There are many legends about Agamemnon.

Opposite Agamemnon, there was a strange figure. It had long white hair, a sacred aura, holding a bright war spear, but behind it was a pair of gray wings.

Especially his stern face, his eyes were covered by a pair of golden wings, and the closed feather tips resembled a single horn.

"Agamemnon, the angel of light, you and I are the same kind of angels, ugly light, true darkness."

"Lucifer, the angel of chaos, I failed. What I am pursuing is not light and darkness, and you are not the real chaos."

The two angels seemed to be communicating, but also seemed to be in a serious confrontation. They had been in this state for a long time, and they were completely unaware of Ye Lin's gaze.

"I failed, so I dismissed some of my slaves and returned to heaven without shame. The underworld will not tolerate me. You answered the prayers of some people and came here. What do you want to do?"

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