Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2577 Successfully Get Rich

Chloe Yin was smiling bitterly just now, but her sad expression suddenly turned very embarrassing.

What they said was absolutely correct. The Imperial Research Institute and the Alchemy Association had been emptied out after Queen Josephine took office, and all members who participated in the evil experiments were severely punished in accordance with the law.

The newly established Imperial Alchemist Association is composed of talented alchemists who have not been reused before but are highly respected and talented in the academic world. It is completely different from the original association during the reign of Emperor Lyon.

Chloe Yin concentrated on performing tasks in the principality and ignored what was going on outside the window. He only found out about this not long ago. In the past, his superiors were all beaten, and the grass on their graves was taller than a person.

So after much hesitation and thinking, and staying up all night, she decided to take advantage of the situation and continue to work as an alchemist in the principality.

My past identity will be thrown into the trash can like that piece of identification.

I never thought that they would uncover it accidentally. Maybe, this is fate.

Chloe Yin sighed in relief, with a bitter look on his face: "I've had enough of this fearful and guilty life."

She made a request in a low voice, whether you send me to the Empire or the Principality, I will have no complaints, but can you give me some time to write a farewell letter? Teacher Norton is very kind to me.

"Chloe Yin, why don't you listen to your story first." President Norton is short and fat. He wears a pair of highly myopic glasses and a blue hat to hide the fact that he has Mediterranean hair.

"Teacher Norton!" Chloe Yin's voice suddenly trembled.

Norton waved his hand. He had long known that Croyin's origin was not normal. When he accepted the invitation of Queen Josephine and returned to the empire for academic exchanges, an old friend from the past had informed him of the relevant matter.

The empire once trained a group of spies who secretly traveled to other countries to infiltrate political institutions or important organizations, including the Alchemist Association.

Norton sorted through the members who had joined the Alchemist Association over the years, and quickly identified several suspicious characters, including Croyin, but they were never exposed.

Croyin nodded gratefully. Her story wasn't too dramatic, or it should be said that it was because the previous empires and monarchs were cruel and ruthless. As a result, if you ask around in any tavern, you can hear similar tragic stories.

When Chloe was still young, her poor parents thought she was too weak to work, so they sold her as a slave and no one was willing to take her, so they abandoned her.

Cloyin was forced to live a wandering life, often stealing bread from other people's shops to fill his stomach, and was beaten and scolded until he was discovered and taken in by the imperial organization.

Similar to the "Magic Fighters" Ye Lin and Reni saw in Reni's hometown, the empire will recruit street children and children from poor families through various formal and informal means, and train them to perform tasks or simply become experimental subjects.

Cloyin was one of them. Because she had a certain talent for alchemy, after learning some knowledge from Cloyin, she was ordered to come to the principality to infiltrate Norton's association to steal information.

"Everything I said is true, and I can swear to it." Cloyin's raised hand was trembling, full of uneasiness about his future fate, and he said: "The knight of the principality, the magic gunner Laino can vouch for me, he is my friend. "


Norton had some impression of this name. Lenno was one of the Empire's magic gunner experimental subjects. He survived in the cruel Empire arena, and left the Dros Empire after being relieved of his slave status. Later, he became a minor celebrity. adventurer.

He often appears in the Adventurer's Alliance in Hedunmar. Because of his outstanding performance, he has also obtained the status of a knight of the duchy. It seems that he has cut off his ties with the empire.

"Kloe Yin, have you stolen any information? Tell me truthfully." Wanzi reminded that this question is very important.

If the theft is unsuccessful, then it is an attempt. There is a motive and there is room for forgiveness. If the theft is successful, it involves the core secrets of the Alchemist Association. President Norton dislikes this the most.

"No...I can't find Mr. Norton's core research."

Norton suddenly laughed and said: "The core research is all in the book, but you are not capable enough to access it."

Norton extremely hates others peeking into his research materials and interfering with his research, but this does not mean that he is unwilling to share his research results. His love for alchemy is unlimited, and he is willing to let other alchemists expand this influence. force.

In other words, Norton just dislikes having unauthorized people dictating his work while he is doing research. Such people deserve to die.

"My research results are all in the association's secret room. As long as you are at the master level, you can view them at will."

Facing Norton's open-mindedness and generosity, Cloyin bowed deeply, his face full of shame.

"Okay, do you have Goblin hand bones? Cloyin said you have a lot of them." Norton asked.

Chloe Yin was stunned and asked cautiously: "Teacher Norton, I am... a spy..."

"The Imperial Association no longer exists. Let bygones be bygones. Your talent is good and your reputation within the association is also very good. Therefore, I will fine you three months of alchemist subsidies."

Appropriate punishment can help reduce the other person's inner shame.

"Yes!" Chloe Yin was grateful.

After finding an empty room, Biana opened her space props like a show off, and all the densely packed hand bones came out instantly. Most of the hand bones were stained with blood and the smell of blood.

The shape of the goblins is almost the same as that of humans. The palms piled on the floor, the pungent smell of blood, twisted nails and fractures are terrifying, as if the door to hell is opening, which immediately makes Norton and Croyin scalp. My body was numb, my body was shaking, and my mind was almost emptied of all reason.

I shivered sharply in broad daylight, and the soles of my feet felt cold.

When the two of them looked at Biana and the others, their eyes became horrified. They were obviously pretty little girls, but how could they keep their faces so expressionless and look so murderous?

President Norton managed to catch his breath and nodded: "You are Ye Lin's sister, I guess. I have an impression. No wonder."

It should be the action of the strongest adventurer. He heard that the mission from the Adventurer Alliance is to hand bones or cat demon claws.

Unexpectedly, Ye Lin doted on his sister so much and killed so many in one go.

"We collected it ourselves!" Bayana explained solemnly.

President Norton and Chloe Yin called on a few brave alchemists to make statistics on the quantity and quality of the hand bones, and purchased them at standard market prices.

The most essential part of the Goblin is the hand bone. The flesh and blood attached to the bone are useless and need to be removed.

"I'll put the money directly into the Celia Chamber of Commerce this month."


Bayana blinked and didn't understand what it meant. Shouldn't she just give me the money? A big sum of money, a huge amount of money, a sudden fortune.

"Aren't you Ye Lin's sister? President Celia is your sister-in-law, right?" President Norton stroked his beard.

"That's true."

"That's not right."

President Norton nodded. The accounts of the Alchemists Association and the Chamber of Commerce are calculated on a monthly basis. It is convenient and trouble-free to directly transfer the acquisition money to the accounts at the end of the month.

You kids are so good, you know how to run errands for adults.

"No! It's up to everyone." The team members cried sadly, that's our money, it has nothing to do with the rich woman.

First I was washed away by Sister Niwu, and now I am misunderstood by President Norton.

After figuring out the whole story, President Norton felt slightly embarrassed and said that you are a family anyway, so just go directly to Celia to file the bill in two days.

At Biana's insistence, the money was transferred back through manipulation, successfully fulfilling her wish to get rich.

Once the money goes into the rich woman's pocket, it will be difficult to get it out again.

As for how long they can save it, it depends on their personal self-control.

"President Norton, we have a big treasure, a very precious and top-quality material, the body of the Goblin King."

President Norton is very easy to deal with and the price is right. He must be the first choice for the buyer of the Goblin King.

"Goblin King? Chief." Norton twirled his beard and said that he had never heard of Goblin having the title of "king".

Occasionally, there will be goblins like Lorekaino who rule a forest and are jokingly called the chiefs of the tribe by scholars.

When Gog's body was taken out, Norton's expression changed and he became very solemn. He had never seen a Goblin corpse with such strong majesty and magic power.

Norton personally examined the corpse and found that the density of the muscles and bones was beyond imagination and seemed to be comparable to that of an ordinary giant dragon.

"Let's do this. I need this body, but its value is hard to estimate at the moment. If you trust me, you can put the body here first. After half a month, I will give you a suitable quotation."

President Norton's reputation is absolutely trustworthy, and the other party also understands that Biana is Ye Lin's sister.

Therefore, it is very possible that this corpse is the work of the strongest adventurer, and it is absolutely impossible for someone to cheat in it.

"Would it be more valuable if sold to a collector?" Biana asked quietly, hearing that the man liked to collect some weird things.

Not long ago, she wanted some of Luo Lian's blond hair, which resulted in her having a sister-in-law.

"Not necessarily." Wanzi said smartly, "He may not know the truth. President Norton doesn't even think that goblins will have kings, but he still used his professional knowledge to determine that Gao Ge's body is unusual."

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