Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2434 You can marry boots

"Rafael, to be honest, your boss doesn't tell you, doesn't pay overtime for overtime work, and doesn't have benefits on holidays. Don't you feel aggrieved? Is there a strong spirit of resistance born in your mind? "

Yelin couldn't get into the kingdom of heaven for a while, so he secretly chatted with Rafael and tried to sneak into the corner of the narrow-eyed corner.

My place includes food, accommodation, warm beds, five social insurances and one housing fund, two weekends, and normal holidays on holidays without the need for compensation.

Join now and you will receive divine secrets at the speed of light. There are many benefits, so don’t hesitate.

Archangel Rafael has signed a special contract similar to "Michelle Michael" with Priest Gladis, and the three good students are now half archangels.

Also benefiting from the effect of the contract, Rafael gradually developed a very special affection for the continent of Arad, as Arad was like his hometown.

Obes' contracted angel is Raguel, because Obes is active and has a lively personality, so his compatibility with Raguel is higher.

"Then great God, what can I do for you?" Rafael smiled sweetly, and his wavy golden curls were very eye-catching. accuse

The sacred gods had already divided their responsibilities and domains in the beginning, and the newly born gods were not part of the plan, which resulted in Yelin not yet having envoys, divine realms, etc.

The main reason is that he is lazy, hands off the shopkeeper, and doesn't want to worry.

He has a temple in the mirror dimension and has no angel followers, so he uses high-level evolved bodies of the Gruda race as angels. They all have wings anyway, so there is not much difference.

Ye Lin patted his chest and said seductively, "I'm responsible for making money to support the family, and you're responsible for being as beautiful as a flower."

"No, no, Rafael is not a useless vase. Everyone, even a flower or a grass, has its own value. People who are easy to talk but lazy to do will go to the underworld."

While Ye Lin and Rafael were chatting, Raguel arrived on a rainbow bridge with the new angel Irina and the little angels.

The barrier of heaven is lifted like a broken mirror, a rainbow hangs, and the bright holy light illuminates the world. accuse

"Iliena, you have ascended to become an archangel." Ye Lin was surprised. He thought that Iliena would be summoned to the Hall of Valor with narrowed eyes.

"She has the qualifications of an archangel for the time being." Raguel added that heaven is a sacred place and false lies are not allowed to exist.

Because once a lie appears, there will definitely be more lies to cover up and disguise it, which is tantamount to blaspheming the glory of Lord Remy.

It is not so easy to ascend to the rank of Archangel and become transcendent in one step.

Ilena has only experienced the initial baptism, faded away from the mortal body, has outstanding qualifications, and is now a Seraph.

Irina nodded and then smiled, her eyes bright, as if she had had an incredible dream.

Rafael also put away his nonsense attitude, became serious, and said: "Irina will do some civil service work here, and she will be my assistant for the time being."

"Hey, what about me?" Little Angel Rafael raised her hand and pouted a little unhappy. Her job was taken away. She would occasionally help find information.

"You~" Rafael poked her smooth and elastic little face and smiled: "You are always cute and responsible."

Ye Lin gave candy to the little angels, then dragged Irina away to whisper something.

"I find it incredible." Irena touched the light feathers on her back. She had not yet learned to put them away. She smiled bitterly and said: "As you know, I used to be a staunch atheist, but after my death, I was killed by the goddess. Favor, this feeling is quite weird.”

Although Ye Lin has always called himself "god", Irina regards "god" more as a distinction between high and low strength.

And in the holy heaven right now, through Raguel's brief introduction and observation of the environment, Irina was keenly aware of a subtle existence called "divinity".

In other words, in the kingdom of heaven that transcends time and dimensions, every pavilion and pavilion, sacred mountain and fairy mist are quietly displaying the will and powerful brilliance of the noble goddess. accuse

Therefore, Irina had a strong curiosity about Remy. What kind of goddess she was, and what her divine thoughts were explaining.

According to Iraguel, the goddess is gentle, kind, and kind...and how does she express it to all things in the world?

Ye Lin nodded and said calmly: "Although Nian Miyan can occasionally be a bit sinister, overall she is 100% excellent. I can give her ninety-nine point nine points. Ilena, have you decided to stay here. "

"I think I might be suitable here."

Her current state is the most splendid in the era of mechanical revolution in the heaven. She is tall and graceful, with fair skin, her hair is tied up with two flower bud hairpins inserted at an angle, and her long and straight legs make Ye Lin unable to help but shed tears. saliva.

I have been licking my beautiful legs for a lifetime and I still don’t feel tired of them.

He has always had a small, special hobby for Irina, that is, when those long, slender legs are about to be wrapped around her waist, Sugar Cane will ask her to put on her long boots first. accuse

Irina never understood why he had such special XP in her whole life. She asked him that he just liked him. At one point, Irina complained about him, saying, "You might as well marry my boots."

Then ask the merchant to produce three thousand pairs for you to display in your home. This will be your harem of three thousand beauties.

Fill six thousand boot tubes and you should have no such worldly desires.

"Say hello to Sarah and Rosa for me." Irina couldn't help but touch the wings on her back. She didn't feel it when it was on her back, but it had a special touch.

Human beings' yearning to fly freely in the sky is engraved in their bones, and Irina is no exception. Now she really wants to give it a try.

"I will convey that the dragon girl Gojeda is also fishing in heaven and is responsible for managing an ice crystal area."

Ye Lin hugged Irina's tight waist and kissed her goodbye affectionately amidst the shocked eyes of a group of little angels. accuse

"Wow, it's a shy kiss, and it's the kind that sticks out the tongue." Little Rafael shyly covered his eyes, then quietly exposed a little of his fingers to peek.

Little Raguel, who was wearing a single ponytail and holding a small trumpet, looked indifferent. He had seen it many times and was used to it.

"Raguire, should we learn to try?" Little Rafael asked quietly.


Heaven in normal time

In the afternoon, Sarah and Rosa, who had been "reborn" in advance, had a drink in a cafe. The two of them now live together, and both have restored their best youthful state.

One with slender branches and fruity eyes, charming tear marks on the corners of her eyes, one with layered palace skirts, a ladylike temperament, very eye-catching in the cafe. accuse

In particular, Sarah stretched the clothes on her chest until it was tight and round, attracting many secretly peeping eyes, and they all sighed to themselves that not only were they lucky enough to weigh it with their own hands, but just smelling it would also extend their lives.

I really don’t know who can get what she wants and call her “Mom”.

"Our Jurgen family is a little embarrassed, but it's not too much. If your Wein family didn't have the elytra of the seven gods, it would probably be gone." Rosa rolled her eyes. With help, I temporarily went to work in a royal museum.

It was Rosa who asked to go.

Rosa wanted to study the appearance and elegance of this era first, and then make additional plans in the future.

She originally longed for it extremely much, but Ye Lin refused to sell it to her "prophecy book", and now it has really become a history book.

It’s thirty yuan a copy in the bookstore, and it’s a hardcover version. accuse

She checked the relevant information online again. Everywhere in the heaven has changed a lot, but there are also many things that have not changed at all.

For example, the mechanical war god Tanebba is still a traitor that makes people grind their teeth, and there is no information about Juvenir in the era of mechanical revolution.

Rosa knew the inside story, and at his personal request, she replaced them all with the "Eternal Light Leader".

Also, members of the Jurgen family still like to play with fans.

Then when Rosa was searching Ye Lin, a series of contents that popped up almost blinded her eyes. What kind of general, the strongest adventurer, the hero who defeated the apostle Antu En, the best sugar cane in the world...

"The second generation of parliament members can be considered upright and selfless, but they changed in the third generation. It's no wonder that Alijie concentrated power on the emperor." Sarah sighed slightly. The needs of different eras are also different. Ilena's policy It is no longer suitable for modern times.

But her noble and selfless character still deeply affects generations of people in Heaven. accuse

The Selia Chamber of Commerce has always had charity projects and institutions to help orphans, children's welfare homes, poor families who are seriously ill but have no money for medical treatment, etc.

Sarah now works in related organizations of the Chamber of Commerce. She has always liked innocent children.

In the past, in heaven, I also took care of children who lost their families after the war.



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