Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2422 If there are eight mechanical seven gods of war

Imperial Palace Government Hall

The legislators who had slapped the table and stood up in a row a few days ago, blushing and thick-necked, now all have warm smiles on their faces, assuming elegant, calm and graceful aristocratic postures.

When talking, he started to be polite, humble and gentle, and there was no fault in being picky.

Because the new empire is about to be established, they are noble members of the Parliament and upper-class people who hold some power.

"Tch, it's like a group of monkeys have learned etiquette. They are pretending to be polite. Siatt, have you ever heard of a real experiment about the class division of human beings?" Michele gnawed on a red apple, she was in a state of invisibility. , the sound was also blocked by the barrier.

Machel introduced the experiment, which basically said that a professor randomly selected a class in the school and randomly assigned half of the people in the class to be guards and prisoners.

Prisoners will be treated poorly by prisoners, and prison guards will have the duties and rights of prison guards.

It was originally just a well-paid experiment, and the students were not real prisoners or prison guards.晙

However, only about one-third of the experiment was carried out, and the students gradually forgot their identities, and their emotions and personalities were evolving into real prisoners and prison guards.

This absurd experiment was eventually halted urgently.

The curator was thoughtful when he heard this and said nothing. He quietly turned his head to look at the brightly dressed and proud members of Parliament in the Council Hall.

There is no denying their outstanding and heroic contributions in the past, but the different positions they are in can quickly change a person.

"Oh, I'm just talking casually." Seeing that the curator was really thinking deeply, Michel quickly explained that it wasn't like that. At the end, he coughed again and added: "It's not casual, I just suddenly saw it. The arrogant expressions of some people are really similar to those of some nobles in our era. Of course, most people are still fiercely loyal."

When I was the leader of the organization, I lived and ate with the soldiers, lived and died together, and the four years of comfort and enjoyment may have softened the will of a small number of people.

The "Five Hundred Years' Development Record of Heavenly Realm", which has never been sold to Rosa, records in detail more than seventy years after the establishment of the Seventh Empire, which was around the year 620 of Arad.晙

When the third Supreme Priest was appointed, the political structure of the Seventh Empire changed a lot, that is, it changed its flavor. Later, that strange smell continued until Elizee came to the throne.

The author of that book was written by the penultimate highest priest. Otherwise, a book that touches the overall face of the nobility would never be released to the market.

Siatt suddenly asked: "Mechel, is the expression you are talking about? On the surface, it looks calm as water, but if you look closely, you can't hide your pride and pride. You can't help but raise the corners of your mouth, giving people a feeling that they deserve a beating." Feel."

Then, Siatt straightened Yelin's face and looked to see if he was as complacent as he was now.

The reason is quite simple. Last night, the team lost Xiaoyu and Fengying, a pair of extremely important combat forces, and took two crucial steps towards the path of being useless.

"How is it possible? I am more upright and handsome than them." Ye Lin immediately retorted.

Mo Mei also agreed with her boss's statement and said: "Boss, he has always been an upright scumbag. He will be proud when he is proud."



Today's parliament is still presided over by Irena. She has a noble and bright appearance and has been pursued by admirers for four years.

Ilena announced that the results of the public opinion polls a few days ago have been summarized and today is the day to announce the results.

"Although there were time constraints, regional network fluctuations and a series of other issues, we still received nearly one million real-name votes."

Ilena pressed a button, and the holographic model built in advance materialized out of thin air, and said: "Look, the data shows that nearly 80% of people choose the name Seventh Empire, so the advantage is overwhelming, and all the data are true. Any mistakes can be traced back to their origins.”

Richter and the others were silent for a moment, then nodded and no longer stubbornly expressed their objections.晙

Regarding the name of the new empire, the final chapter was completely written at this moment.

In fact, the original data competition between the two names of the Yith Empire and the Seventh Empire was almost balanced.

Until one day, I don’t know who expressed an opinion on a relevant forum, saying that when a person is full of glory and brilliance, the stains on his character will be particularly glaring.

As soon as these words came out, the number of votes for the name Seventh Reich began to surge, and the result was finally determined with an overwhelming advantage.

Irena and Juvenir were all stunned by this phenomenon at first, and then smiled bitterly after thinking about it deeply.

That sentence is easy to understand. It means that under the name "Seventh Empire", it will last for thousands of generations, and the people in the heaven will instinctively understand the true meaning of the number "Seventh".

It's because there are seven people in Mechanical Seven Gods of War.晙

Including the world under the sea, if there is an opportunity to open roads and communicate with each other in the future, they will surely be curious about the meaning of the "seventh" number and explore the story behind it.

Then, when the seven heroes with numerous meritorious deeds and splendid achievements are juxtaposed in the history books, attracting detailed understanding, compared with the other six flawless heroes, the stain on Taneba will be particularly dazzling.

Therefore, taking the name of the Seventh Empire will make Taneba's name nailed to the pillar of shame for eternity.

The name Seventh Reich was proposed by Juvenir. However, he did so purely to commemorate the seven laudable ancestors and did not consider many additional factors.

Irina also asked Alijie privately, after nearly five hundred years, the truth about Taneba still has not been revealed.

Got the answer in the affirmative.

Alijie was determined to help Taneba take off the traitor's hat, but it had been too long. The name of the traitor had long been ingrained in the hearts of the people, and it was also a fact that Nameroth was destroyed.晙

The evidence is hard to find, the people cannot be trusted, and there is almost no way to reverse the case.

"Although the truth cannot be revealed to the world, he is a real hero and we all remember him." Alijie said solemnly.

Next to him, Ye Lin touched his chin, his mind began to drift away, and said: "There are four of the Three Illusion Gods, and there are almost eight of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War."

Mo Mei was curious and said with a smile: "Boss, do you mean to say that if it weren't for your ability to erase the anomalies that travel through time and space, the Seventh Empire might have become the Eighth Empire due to the distortion of history caused by Garrincha's evil deeds. empire?"

"Well, there is another factor." Ye Lin gave her a thumbs up, and then said carelessly: "The Seven Mechanical Gods of War can be simply called Machine Seven, and the Eight Mechanical Gods of War can be called..."

"Shut up!" Siatt glared at this guy. On a solemn occasion, don't think about egg yolks.

Ye Lin said faintly: "Obviously the abbreviation is... Iori, Miss, you are dirty."

"Tch, I'll kill you."

All preparations for the founding ceremony of the Seventh Reich have been completed, and everyone's face is filled with energy and smiles.

After the destruction of Dragon King Bakar's dark rule for more than five hundred years, the people of heaven will usher in their own kingdom.

"Everyone, I have decided that I will withdraw from the Council of the Seventh Reich." Oscar stood up, straightened his expression, and announced something.

He had always been in an indecisive attitude, and was so irritated that his hair fell out all day long, but today everyone's inexplicable change in attitude made him even more determined.

The people here were originally a group of tough men and women who wielded swords and guns and dared to go head-to-head with the Dragon Clan.

Today, this man suddenly put on a show of pretense and discussed that after the establishment of the empire, nobles should dress, speak and behave in a manner consistent with their status.晙

Haha, it's a bit disgusting. Is it because the four years of leisure have smoothed the blood and corroded the heart and bones, and I can enjoy the victory that everyone has sacrificed their lives for with peace of mind.

It's like shaving the mane of a lion and putting a wreath on it, but it doesn't feel right.

The parliament fell into silence, and not long after, noise slowly started to reappear. No one was surprised. There had long been various rumors that Tianying advocated freedom and freedom from restraint.

Moreover, they are a family inheritance and are not suitable for the existing parliament.

Irina nodded, knowing this decision a long time ago, and said: "Oscar, we respect your and Skyhawk's choice, but Skyhawk, as an armed organization, must be under the supervision of the Seventh Empire."

"I understand this." Oscar smiled heartily and said: "Sky Eagle is preparing to transform into a security organization and provide all bodyguard services. As for our internal changes, I won't bother you."



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