Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2399 You are not allowed to drive without a driver’s license

"It's so uncomfortable, so hot." He

Goyeda, who had just arrived in heaven, was trembling with her arms folded. Water droplets oozed from her delicate and cold skin. Her ears, eyebrows, and beautiful jewelry on her wrists were all melting and almost deformed.

She couldn't stand the pleasant warm sun and spring breeze in heaven.

As a last resort, Gojeda used the magic power in his body to create a land of ice and snow, sealing the ocean and reflecting the blazing sun in the sky, creating a temperature of about minus 30, which finally made him feel better.

Gojeda's fatal weakness is that the pleasant spring breeze is like blazing lava to her, and her resistance to warm environments is weak.

Her skin seems to be delicate and smooth, and can be broken by a blow, but the actual temperature is enough to freeze ordinary living beings to death. It will die when touched and turn into ice sculptures. It is ice-cold and jade-free in every sense of the word.

Ye Lin helped create a barrier with extremely low temperatures. Gojeda's body that is afraid of heat needs to be changed, otherwise there are few places suitable for her to live in the three worlds, namely the eternal frozen soil of Arad, the white snowfield of the heaven, and the devil's world. There are only a few places in the Holy Snow Land.

And washing the sheets later will be troublesome enough. He

On the other side, Xiaobing shouted in dragon language, calling for an old friend who was still sleeping.

In a corner of the Heavenly Palace, Lao Pi lay there for a long time, as if he was dead.

Suddenly he opened his majestic dragon eyes, stood up from his place of residence, pondered for a while and then flew into the sky towards the place where Skatha called.

People in the palace were not surprised by this scene, because Lao Pi had a good appetite and could eat. It would be unfavorable to transport fish and shrimp with fishy smell to the royal palace all day long.

So Lao Pi would often fly to the port by himself, catch any fishing boat that happened to be returning, and feast on it, and the Seventh Reich would settle the bill and reimburse him afterwards.

It's not a big problem if you only raise one dragon.

Just taking Lao Pi to Nospes to plunder the huge amount of property seized from the nobles' houses was enough to last him a lifetime. He

In the bustling street of Ghent, the city of Gods, Mintai raised his head, covered the sun with his hands, and said in surprise: "It seems to be an old man."

"Well, let's go out to eat again. It's great. You can eat all day for free." Biana, who was nowhere to be seen at home, was active in the heaven. She wore big, cool sunglasses on her small face and was full of envy.

She also wanted to eat as much as she wanted without paying.

The graduating class of the magic school were taken to heaven by Principal Shalan for a period of study trip.

It was also the principal's own whim that gave these children a chance to get out of Arad and have a look.

From Belmare to Xu Zu or Dros, as long as you have legs, a legal identity, and are not a wanted criminal posted on the wall, passing through the border lines of various countries will not be a big problem.

However, traveling between the Seventh Empire and the Arad Continent still requires some procedures, which is quite troublesome. For most people, it takes some time and expense to apply. He

Principal Shalan has some connections in Bellemare and Tianjie, and can easily solve the visa problem for these children.

The first stop for the graduating class was the magic school created by Ye Lin in Heaven. Entrusted by Ye Lin, some highly respected dark elves taught there, and of course there would be generous rewards.

Although Gan Cane bears the name of the dean, he has not visited him for a long time.

Then there are two or three days of city travel, and finally a more leisurely and free time to relax.

On the road, a beautiful red luxury car passed by like a stream of light. Ruike was humming a pop song in the driver's seat. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of Biana and the others, who were dressed in completely different styles from Tianjie. She raised her eyebrows and didn't say anything. Pay attention and drive by in an instant.

Beyana also noticed the super beautiful luxury car, and immediately went to lift Wanzi's big hat, and said with a smile: "Wanzi, where is your frost drilling car, my legs are so tired."

"No, it can't be opened in the heaven." Before Wanzi could hold down the hat, Shadow Night Cat came out and stood above Wanzi's head, looking left and right. He

Driving in Heaven requires something called a driver's license. If you don't have one, your car will be impounded.

You are also not allowed to ride on a broomstick, and you must have relevant certificates.



Lao Pi relied on the connection between dragons to find the disguised barrier that Ye Lin had randomly arranged, and then forced his way through the not-so-wide barrier door. It was so fat that it was like stuffing a boiled egg into the mouth of a bottle. .


"Skasa, what do you want from me, eh... Gojeda?" Lao Pi stared at Gojeda as if he had discovered a new world. Something was wrong, how could she appear in this era. He

Lao Pi knew that Skatha cut off the dragon's horn and created Gojeda. Dragon horn is one of the sources of magic for the dragon clan, so Skatha's behavior at the time was quite hard to understand.

Xiaobing, Laopi, and Hertz lived in the same palace a long time ago. Later, when their bodies grew up, they were separated into their respective fields to continue growing, and then were sent to the Arad continent one after another.

"Spitz, let me tell you some good news. Lord Yelin may retrieve Lord Bakar's remnant soul from the river of time and reappear in the world."

Xiaobing breathed out strong cold air due to excitement, which caused the ice and snow to expand a lot. The abnormality on the sea surface caused the giant creature in the sea to glance at it, and a tyrannical mental power passed by quickly.

In the deep and dark sea water, several huge blue eyes slowly lit up, and he said in a low voice: "That guy's dragon body has rotted, what's the use of just the remaining soul."

Mr. Luo!

Lao Pi tilted his head, digested the news for a while, then shook his head vigorously, pointed at Ye Lin with his huge dragon claw, and complained: "I don't believe a word of what he said."

What a liar.

When Lao Pi still lived in the manor, Ye Lin often deceived his pure heart.

"Moreover, Lord Bakar cannot be tolerated in the heaven. Even if he is resurrected, there will be a battle." Lao Pi said.

Unlike it, Lord Bakar is a cruel tyrant, a murderous criminal, and the endless pain in the history of heaven. His shame is unforgettable, and it is impossible to allow Bakar to come back.

Unless, Lord Explosive Dragon King will never set foot in the heaven.

Xiao Bing also slowly cooled down his excitement. Mr. Bakar must be strong in life, and he must die standing up. He cannot be inferior to others.

There can only be one king! He

It seems that the best option is to return Trobot to the main dimension.

"I remember..." Lao Pi touched his round belly and recalled: "There used to be a little guy with nine tails who also admired me very much. He even imitated me and focused on his vitality in the direction of evolution. He must have died long ago.”

Being able to meet Gojeda again and seeing the happy Skasa family, Lao Pi lamented for a while, recalled the past, talked about the past, and then walked out of the barrier wagging his thick tail.

"Where are you going?" Xiaobing asked.

"We're going to eat, are you coming?"

At a certain port in Tianjie, fully loaded fishing boats were on deck and in the reservoir, and the cold storage rooms were filled with large amounts of seafood catches.

This boat of fish and shrimp will be selected and sent to the nearby factory to make fish and shrimp paste, a famous product in Tianjie. Jurgen especially likes to eat this, and it has been sold to the Arad continent. He

Accompanied by a strong gust of wind, Lao Pi came majestically to the side of the fishing boat. His huge body dwarfed the entire ship. He lowered his head and ate fiercely.


"Xiao Ge, since you are lucky enough to travel through time and space and arrive in the modern age, you can unfold a life picture of your own." Before leaving, Skatha once again gave many instructions and was very responsible, and then set off for the devil world.

The Quest area, one of the eight sides of the Demon Realm, has an extremely cold restricted area of ​​holy snow. There is a kind of eternal ice that can instantly deprive heat, which should be very beneficial to its cultivation.

Astra turned into an arrow and rushed over. Anyway, there hasn't been much happening recently, so she obviously wanted to accompany Xiao Bing on the journey.

The vast ocean slightly refracted tiny rays of light under the sunlight. On the line between water and sky, two giant dragons flew together, creating a somewhat unexpected harmony.

Then, Xiaobing rubbed Astra's neck with his head, and then the good-for-nothing became stiff and fell straight into the sea, creating huge waves. He

"Xiao Ge, let's find a place to help you solve your body temperature problem." Ye Lin invited.

He has also gained some prominence in Goyeda's work. With his tall and graceful figure and pure and pure temperament, it is not difficult to make a living with his good looks.



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