Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2383 It was a little bit close before, but now it’s a hundred million points

Sophie is not very good at using her brain to think about things, but when it comes to fighting, she is very energetic. zero

It turns out that things are not that complicated and difficult to understand. The essence is that you wanted to kill me before, but now I want to kill you. It is very simple.


Sophie shouted, come on, come on, you were almost framed and killed by this bastard, and the dragon scales were peeled off and covered in blood. If you don't take revenge now, you will have no chance in the future.

Realm crushing, two against one, no martial ethics.

Bakani roared angrily, and was forced to transform into a black dragon to fight for her life. All kinds of dragon secrets were swayed like rain. Her powerful body collided with Astra, and she immediately fluttered her wings and flew into the starry sky.

There is still a place to go to escape for your life, maybe you can hide.

Hebron, which has turned into an apocalyptic world after Luke's death. zero

It's a pity that he narrowly escaped with his life at the hands of the cosmic demon. It was already a blessing from fate, and now there is no second chance of good luck.

The original dragon blade that Sophie tempered with the Chaos Demon Stone has a hint of the beginning. It is already in the process of transformation and is moving towards the end of the artifact.

Although this process may take a long time to settle and resonate with history, the original Dragon Blade is indeed stronger than before.

As she raised the knife and dropped it, Bakani whined and fell to the ground, dragon blood billowing from her chest and abdomen, and it rained heavily, hitting the ancestral land of the Fenlong clan.

"As you said, the default law of the dragon clan is that the weak will eat the strong. In order to survive, all means are worth it." Sophie Dragon Blade pointed at Bakani and said calmly: "You think you are right from your point of view, and I am also right. I can’t fault it, so I’ll give you a good time.”

Sophie's "gift" words obviously stimulated Bakani. The dragon's eyes turned blood red instantly, and he breathed out flames and shouted angrily: "I am the master of this dimension, I am the person of destiny, I am the only transcendence, without me, the dragon The dimension will come to an end of decay, and you are going against the general trend of the dimension."

Ye Lin raised his eyebrows. What Bakani said actually made sense. He was indeed the chosen one in the dragon dimension. zero

In the Dragon Dimension, when the strength of all the apostles is relatively equal, only Bakani stands out, absorbing many sources of darkness and integrating them into herself, achieving transcendent realms.

He almost became the equivalent of Archangel Michael.

But it used to be a little bit close, but now it's a 100 million point difference.

Archangel Michael had the fearless mentality of burning with the enemy and sealed Ozma and himself into the embodiment of Michael, thus achieving today's glory.

Fearless and noble spirit of sacrifice!

On the other hand, you...

"It doesn't matter. After you die, if the dragon dimension encounters decay, I will continue it." Sophie is very energetic, confident and confident. zero

Although her true origin is Nimer's divided will, the Dragon Dimension is indeed her childhood hometown. She has her friends and her memories. She will not stand idly by.


The red light of the dragon blade bloomed, so huge that it filled the sky. The supreme dragon's power overwhelmed the sky and made the stars tremble.

Bacani struggled desperately, breathing out the most original flames to resist, using countless dragon secrets, and even hurriedly sought help from some special beings, including the original dragon, the time and space lord Garrincha, the Last Messenger... to save his life. The desire is particularly strong.

Unexpectedly, Bakani was actually summoned to look beyond his gaze.

He once saved each other's lives with the time and space lord Garrincha, and they had a deep friendship. He has Garrincha's time power left in him, and he can teleport him away across time when he is truly desperate and about to die.

Before Garrincha died, he had been completely eaten away by the decay of the end, and the symbols on Bacani's body also had the effect of connecting to the end. zero

A messenger cast a corrupted gaze, and the huge gray pupils hung in the sky, majestic and high, blocking the sun. The entire glorious Trobot instantly became gloomy.

Bakarni was ecstatic. She was saved from a desperate situation, and there was really a glimmer of hope.

However, when the rotten eyes accidentally glanced at Ye Lin, it shattered into pieces and disappeared in an instant, as if the eyes were suddenly blind.

"Xinei! I don't have to worry about you anymore." Sophie swung the last blow, destroying both body and soul.


The dead and cold ancestral land of the Burning Dragon Clan was rekindled by Bakani's blood. The rocks and soil were red and hot, and the frozen underground river of fire began to slowly melt, and the heat hit the face.

"It's a good place. The ancestral land is close to the lava area in the core of the earth, which is very good for fire dragon training." Ye Lin commented. zero

We are Fenlong... The Fenlong clan collectively rolled their eyes. The word "burn" means destruction, and it is much more violent and more intimidating than the word "fire".

But the boss said they are fire dragons, so let’s just be fire dragons for the time being. No one has a big fist, so they have to bow their heads honestly.

During the day, the new king Yegu was hammered to pieces. Now, the old king Bakar is also dead. Both kings fell in one day, and Sophie the Dragon God was unparalleled.

If they heard the news that the ancient kings were taken out and beaten up early tomorrow morning, they would not be surprised at all.

The Burning Dragon clan immediately pledged their allegiance collectively, swore an oath in the name of the Dragon God, and became Sophie's support. If they don't pledge their allegiance at this time, how could they wait?

The two extremely powerful people in the clan were secretly frightened and looked at each other, both keenly aware of something special.

In the past, oaths sworn, whether in the name of the original dragon or the Dragon King, had a certain magical effect, but the limited ability was average, and it was more about loyalty in the sense of the word. zero

It's different now. Sophie is a living transcendent. Their oath will be tied to the cause and effect of loyalty. If they betray at will, they may pay an unimaginable heavy price.

Sophie stretched herself well and felt very satisfied. Her face was radiant and her stomach was growling.

The causal grudge between her and Bakani has been completely ended, and the obsession in her heart has also dissipated. Her body and mind feel unprecedentedly relaxed. Sophie feels like she is floating when she walks, and her state seems to have become stronger. .

The stove was raised, the spicy pot bottom was filled with the aroma of meat, and I was rewarded with a hot pot supper without any green leafy vegetables.

Sophie shook her head and analyzed: "A race with intelligence will inevitably be divided into high and low classes, monarchs, ministers and common people. This is inevitable, and the same is true for the dragon race."

After returning from the Burning Dragon Clan, not only was the knot in my heart untied, but my mind became a lot brighter. zero

The new king and the old king have all been sent now. If Trobot is left alone, the Explosive Dragon King will be born after a certain period of time with the tribulation fire and the soul song. There will always be someone who wants to be the supreme number one.

Every Explosive Dragon King ascends the throne, with bones beneath his feet and countless lives trampled upon.

"I can't tell all the dragons to practice honestly, no fighting, no fighting... none of you can do it, let alone us dragons." Sophie said vaguely with her mouth full of beef: "I can only do it There will be no new Dragon King born."

She encouraged the dragon clan to find various ways to become stronger, but she prevented anyone from trying to ruthlessly kill their fellow clansmen, and Jiehuo ascended the throne, that is, becoming a dragon at the peak of its origin.

As for Ye Lin's idea of ​​​​wiping out half of it by snapping his fingers, Sophie also saw it and almost balled up the paper and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I have another idea~" Ye Lin raised his hand to construct a magnificent star map of the universe and said: "Tropote has limited resources, so it is better to radiate the territory to the surrounding star fields. Although some stars are lifeless, they have many high-level Regions of energy, such as Hebron.”

The mechanical planet Hebron is in the same galaxy as the Dragon Planet, and the names of the two great monarchs influence each other. zero

After the death of the maker Luke, Hebron was completely burned by the evil sun. The world of light and darkness was imbalanced, energy was manic, and life was extinct.

If a space channel is built and the territory is expanded to Hebron, it can effectively alleviate the dragon clan's territorial grab.

"But I heard a saying." Since there was a midnight snack, Mailu would definitely not miss it. She ate tomato pot, which tasted sweet and sour.

“One percent of the world’s people occupy 99% of the resources. If the resources are doubled, 99% of the resources will still flow to the one percent, not the 99 people. "

Makes sense!

"So..." Ye Lin raised his hand, powerful power flowing, and said with a smile: "Shall I snap my fingers?"

There are few solutions in the world that have the best of both worlds, which can solve the fate of the Dragon King. With Sophie's pressure, it will be extremely difficult for there to be no more ruthless and cruel tyrants. zero



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