Chapter 2306 The Ultimate Dragon!

Three of the remaining high-level dragon clans were adopted at once, and the already empty inner city was now even more empty. There were only a few defeated soldiers left, and it felt like the situation was over and the sun was setting over the mountains.

Before the war started, who could have imagined that such a decadent and tragic scene would happen on the side of the Dragon Clan.

Although the Allied Forces also suffered heavy losses, with more than 70% of their losses, they had the consciousness of sacrifice, their momentum was unstoppable, and their fighting spirit was as strong as the sun. They defeated the dragon scales of the dragon clan with their noble and persevering spirit.

Like Ninpa and the others, many dragon people began to choose to "attract the flames of war" for Master Bakar, retreating along the former mad dragon's territory or the Lake of Eternal Stagnation. They really couldn't wait any longer.

If you have not shared the calamity fire, you will become a part of the calamity fire.

"Bakar seems to have something on his mind, and has been talking about something that is not in line with the times, the trial blade..." Ningpa didn't understand the true meaning of these words, and was just guessing who had arrived across time.

Ningpa yearned for him more and more, and after just holding her fingers for a while, she got unimaginable benefits. Her green skin began to turn as pink and clean as a peach blossom, her beautiful white cloud wings became more powerful, and her nails were sharp. A layer of old skin and nails have fallen off from the paws, and the new little hands are white and soft.

It seems that he has lost the ferocious claws of the dragon, but Ningpa is sure that he has really become stronger, his manipulation of magic power has become more friendly and sophisticated, and his flying speed has increased by at least half.

Her best talent, the power of pollen, has also undergone a transformation.

Ningpa's pollen had almost no effect on the existence of the four giant dragons. Now Ningpa can be sure that her pollen will have half the effect on the giant dragons.

The change that shocked and delighted Ningpa the most was her special physique that could not help but swallow up the vitality of plants. Now, under his guidance, she seemed to have found a way to actively control it.

Ningpa likes beautiful flowers and plants, and has cultivated a large garden by herself, but she can only stay next to the gorgeous blooming flowers for a few seconds before leaving, otherwise the flowers will wither.


There was a shocking loud noise in the center of Dragon City, and a waterfall of thunder fell from the sky, shocking all directions. The robots fused with Diligon took the initiative to attack Bakar, executing Hayed's order.

"My road to calamity fire begins from here!" Bakar finally moved, with a huge body, ferocious dragon horns, and muscles all over his body like streamlined rocks, and every inch was filled with an absolute sense of power.

The thunder waterfall that annihilated Enneki, a high-level dragon clan, splashed on the Dragon King's body, but it was completely unharmed. It was invulnerable to all means and stood immortal.

An ultimate dragon of Bakar's level can easily make himself without any dragon characteristics. Dragon scales, horns, and even body shape can be modified or removed at will.

The reason why he didn't do this was probably because he felt that he was still a dragon after all.

"Annihilation, particle cannon!"

Diligon's eyes were bright, and he clasped his hands in front of him, and endless beams of light shot out, shining violently, like a rainbow falling from the sky, engulfing Bakar's majestic body.

Her particle cannon has about 50% of the destructive power of the Eternal Light particle cannon, and is characterized by its ability to be fired instantly and used multiple times.

"Is it because I have been silent for too long that you feel that the warmth of my blood has been extinguished and I have become silent, and that even scrap metal dares to be my enemy?"

With a shocking shout, Bakar was showered with particle beams and shot up towards the sky. He clenched his five fingers into fists and was immune to thunder and lightning. His hair was burning like fire. The might of the dragon made the sky and clouds suddenly change color and flow unpredictably.


The particle cannon was interrupted, and Diligon was knocked upside down by a punch. He hit Mount Halt dozens of kilometers away. A large area of ​​the mountain was cracked. An alloy made from part of Terra's technology was used. At this moment, a deep fist was sunken into his chest. print.

If it were any living body, all the internal organs, including the spine, would be shattered at this moment, the flesh and blood would be turned into mud, and the front and back would be translucent, and it would be impossible to survive.

The cold-textured metal turned into a liquid state, and the surface rippled like water. After a few minutes, it was intact.

Diligon flew into the air, his eyes flashed through the dense data flow, and he whispered: "Data analysis, invincible, prepare to execute the third order, fuse... Gaibojia."

However, Gaboga is still in the hands of Michel, and is in a different dimension. If she doesn't come out, Diligon can't do anything.

The Union troops, who were overjoyed at having breached the inner city, fell into silence. A basin of cold water was poured over their heads, making them feel cold from the top of their heads to their toes.

They saw with their own eyes that Diligon, who was integrated with the prairie fire mechanical body, was unstoppable, killing dragons like chickens and dogs. High-level dragons also killed several people, helping them break through the inner city along the way. He was unstoppable and powerful.

But what happened now? Diligon was blasted away by the Dragon King's punch from the bathing particle cannon. His chest was sunken, and it was almost transparent from front to back. He was obviously no longer an opponent.

Ordinary high-level dragons, fused Diligon, Bakar... there seems to be a terrifying gap between them, which is disappointing.

"Particle cannon, start charging to the limit!" Juvenir, who returned to the Eternal Light, shouted angrily. The detailed coordinates and frontline scenes all appeared on the three-dimensional light curtain. This blow will pour into the world of despair for more than five hundred years. and hope.

Whether it is successful or not depends on the call.

"The ultimate dragon, Bakar is big..." Puff subconsciously imagined using the honorific title before, then changed his voice and continued: "...stupid pig."


The power of blood is a very vague but tangible inherited substance. The origin and blood of the dragon family can easily determine the strength and future achievements of a dragon.

For example, the descendants of the sky dragon are stronger than ordinary dragons. Astra can kill all kinds of dragons with one claw, and can turn the electric dragon Toni into an eel.

There are also Kabali and Gurt, the children of the maker Luke, who are born with the power of light and darkness, shining or deep.

Akko, the daughter of Cane and Held, has excellent magical talent, but has not studied magic specifically. The noble Holy Spirit runes are all close to her.

By constantly fighting to hone oneself, cultivate one's body, and meditate on one's spiritual power, one can purify one's blood and burn useless impurities. This is also one of the very common cultivation methods among dragons.

When the bloodline is in a state where it is almost impossible to sublimate, it can be called a complete dragon, and the most powerful dragon species can be called the ultimate dragon.

As a member of the Sky Dragon, Bakar naturally deserves the title of the Ultimate Dragon.

And after the limit of the bloodline, is there still a realm that transcends the shackles of the bloodline? No longer limited by the origin of the bloodline, and is the founder of the bloodline, it is called the original dragon.

Theoretically, it is possible for any perfect dragon to soar into the sky and transcend the limitations of bloodline. However, as time goes by on the Trobot planet, countless dragons are born and die, but there has never been a second original dragon.

Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, once vaguely touched the threshold and gained an understanding that was unique to him...but he was "abducted" by Held halfway.

The majesty of the Explosive Dragon King filled the air, and Brona was the least disappointed. She had no idea about the power of Ye Lin and others, so she trembled and murmured: "Lord Bakar..."

He simply rolled his eyes and fainted on the spot.

She was afraid that if Master Bakar took action, he would kill the traitors in a rage and kill all three of them with one punch.

Puff glanced at Astra subconsciously, then lowered his head slightly to look at the back of Sophie's head, comforting himself that it was okay. Astra was also the ultimate dragon at the very least, so he shouldn't be afraid of Bakar.

Ningpa's words made her feel more reassured. She bit Ye Lin's finger, knowing full well the huge energy hidden in the other person's body.

If high-level dragons, fused Diligern, and Bakar are not on the same level as each other, then he is above all of them.

"You guys should find a place to hide for a while, or go to the different dimension space I created." Ye Lin said, and then glanced at Brona who was unconscious. She was afraid of death.

Puff muttered, why are the boss's friends accustomed to them going first when something happens?

Ningpa moved his body, suddenly picked up his handsome face and kissed it forcefully, asking for more evolutionary energy.



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