Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2286 Opening the blind box

Flo lost his optimism, scratched his hair, and said helplessly: "There is another guy who likes to make trouble. I almost forgot about him."

The Dragon King Bakar has four powerful personal guards. Among them, the golden dragon Renak was beaten by Ye Lin with a hammer, rubbed on the ground, and his nose was bruised and swollen. Then he was handed over to Irina to be shot, and the blood sacrifice was performed in the oath-taking ceremony. .

The black dragon Neize died from the charged particle cannon, and the fire dragon Eskur was taken away by the mechanically armed Captain Stark.

The real dragon Litrenor has no very special abilities. He can't breathe fire, can't create barriers, and can't do dark magic.

He became a member of the Guards purely because his dragon scales and strength were very powerful, he was invulnerable, and he was a bit like the mad dragon Hess.

He is an undoubted fighting maniac, and he has no fixed territory. He wanders around the heaven, and actively provokes troubles and declares war on those who seem to be powerful.

For example, other high-level dragon clans, or some revolutionary organizations.

It is precisely because Litreno is so ostentatious that Sarah has done the most research on him. To sum up in one sentence, he bullies the weak and fears the strong.

For those who are weak, Littreno always responds with the utmost torture.

He doesn't kill the opponent instantly, but plays with it slowly like a cat playing with a mouse. He is very intoxicated in mocking and trampling on the weak.

For him, fighting is not a process of learning experience and strengthening himself, but rather enjoying the pleasure of crushing others.

If the "mouse" has no strength and is about to lose the fighting spirit to resist, Litreno will cruelly take away the other party's most precious things, such as family, to make the mice angry.

Litreno enjoyed it and was obsessed with it.

But on the contrary, if he unfortunately encounters someone stronger than him, then he will "wisely" use the thirty-six strategies and take the best strategy.

Life-and-death conflicts rarely break out between high-level dragons, so Litreno's targets are basically Celestials.

Except for being slashed by Siat in Nameroth, which nearly split him apart like firewood, he had never encountered an opponent who needed to make him leave harsh words and then run away in confusion.

"You are all elites, right?" Littreno smoothed his hair with his hand and laughed wildly: "Come on, let's have some fun."

He is very confident and believes that he is fundamentally different from other guards. He does not need those flashy abilities. Absolute power is the most essential strength.

"Juvenir, tear apart that dirty lizard. He underestimated us, and he is also looking down on you." Oscar waved his hand cheerfully. The power of TNB has been demonstrated, it is terrifying and perfect.

I believe that even Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, would have to temporarily avoid the torrent of bullets.

Some noisy sounds flashed through the radio communicator, and Juvenir sighed and said: "Once the TNB goes into cooling, it will take three minutes to start again, and the rotation speed of the TNB base may not be able to keep up with Litreno."

The powerful true dragon is different from the stone giant. The latter is huge and shakes the earth when it moves, but its speed is also slower and the area affected by the attack is larger.

Before Oscar, who was in a state of astonishment, could utter a curse word, Litreno could no longer restrain his desire to fight. He burst into madness, raised his right leg high and stepped on the ground, causing cracks like spider webs to spread towards the coalition forces.

"Get away!" Oscar shouted quickly, and then stared at TNB. No, this precious machine must not allow any mistakes.

"Come and attack me. Be fierce. Don't let me down."

Every time Litreno stomps his feet, it will cause a violent earthquake. The tiny ants tremble under the giant's stomping feet. It is really interesting.

Sky Port was forced to recycle the TNB machinery. If it continues to be shaken by Litreno, if it breaks down due to collision, it will affect subsequent actions.

"Flo, Oscar, there will be additional reinforcements soon, please hold on." Juvenir said through the communicator.

The coalition army was using the terrain to fight Litreno. When the stone giants collapsed, they formed a shield. When they climbed out, they also pushed away the earth, forming a terrain of ravines and crisscrossing terrain.

"Is it a particle cannon? Hurry up." Oscar glanced at Litreno with the heavy firearm, and then quickly used the terrain to dodge.

We can't let this guy get close. They don't have Stark's mechanical armor. No one can withstand the punch of the real dragon. The guy's brute strength is really amazing and he can easily kick the stone giant.

If Littreno could be controlled and allowed to move bricks, stones, and pick cotton, one person could do the work of a hundred people.

"It's not a particle cannon. To be honest, I don't know much about it..." Juvenir paused awkwardly. He personally suspected that it might be the seven mechanical gods of war who appeared mysteriously. He said, "It's a radio communication from an unknown source. The other party told me There is a way to defeat the true dragon.”

"Damn it, have you already written an epitaph for me?" Flo couldn't help rolling her eyes. It's a matter of life and death right now. Are you trying to open a blind box with me?

"Flo, it's hard to explain the details, but I promise you can trust..."


"Are they all hiding in the ground? They are indeed lowly reptiles." Littreno laughed and spread his dragon wings, leaving a bright green afterimage and chasing his target.

Because Litreno had the habit of toying with his prey, he was not in a hurry to kill them quickly, so although the Union Army was in a panic when being chased, there were no casualties yet.

The broadsword mine that Flo left behind was detonated. The explosive shock wave and flying steel fragments hit the real dragon's body with tinkling sparks, but could not penetrate his hard dragon scales.

"Lord Litreno." Thunderstrez appeared with flashing lightning and reminded in a low voice: "Their machinery is quite extraordinary. Since the war began, five high-level dragons have fallen."

Stetz knew Littreno's character, so he could only hint at reminding him in this way.

Arrogance is a common weakness of the dragon clan, so it would be better to deal with these rebels as soon as possible.

The purity and level of Stetz's dragon blood are not high. He evolved into a high-level dragon after fighting all the way, bathed in thunder and lightning, and almost being chopped into charcoal several times.

Therefore, in terms of character, there is a fundamental difference between the natural strength and arrogance of the Guards.

"Litreno, let's deal with them together." Two other high-level dragons approached and reminded: "If we let them go forward, they will reach the scope of Dragon City."

If the Allied Army of Heaven were allowed to touch the Dragon City, even if only one person entered, it could be said that the Dragon City was conquered.

It is the dereliction of duty of their high-level dragon clan, which is a huge shame that cannot be accepted.

Litreno was a fighting maniac and immediately said dissatisfied: "I haven't had enough fun yet."

However, when he thought about the fact that the Guards had been wiped out in three parts, and the consequences of being touched by Dragon City, he still frowned and nodded in agreement.

The coordinated cooperation of the high-level dragons instantly doubled the pressure on the coalition forces, putting them in danger and causing casualties.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, the sky port was opened again.

In the intense anticipation of Flo and others, a small supply box fell down and cracked on the ground with a clang.


Is Eternal Light crazy? At the moment when their ammunition was almost gone and their lives were at stake, they sent a bunch of obviously rubbish.

Flo picked up a large metal wrench. What do you mean, use this to hit Litreno, or repair the broken machine... at least get a gun.


A certain high-level dragon took a breath of air and subconsciously covered his neck and took a few steps back.

"Why are there still big bone sticks? Juvenir, what are you doing? Are you a ghost of the Dragon Clan?" Oscar was really a little angry and picked up a slippery leg bone. It should be some kind of cattle and sheep livestock. bones.

It's just that the particle cannon can't be transmitted. Why use these things to fool the soldiers on the front line.

On the other side, Stetz's face suddenly turned green, and he turned into lightning and escaped without saying a word. He could die on the battlefield, but he absolutely could not accept having his throat blasted with a bone stick again.

"And mace?"

In less than half a minute, the items in the supply box scared away the three high-level dragons. Each one ran faster than the other, and was even more threatening than TNB. Leaving only a confused look on the spot was Litrenor.

Oscar was also a little dumbfounded. What do you mean, these things...are magic?

"Hello, Mr. Flo, Mr. Oscar." Michelle connected to the command channel for the first time. She has been busy in Curio's different dimension space in the past few days. She was very excited to participate in the mechanical revolution and said: "Please create an opportunity where Litreno won't move for two seconds and let me beat him to death."



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