Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2283 Battlefield First Aid Bear

Affected by the fire extinguishing device and the nuclear explosion, the barrier that interfered with the radio waves was shattered. The long-interrupted communication system gradually returned to normal, and the signal began to be full.

Flo had frostbite in many parts of his body, but at the moment he had countless questions about Stark in his mind. He asked Oscar to help connect to the command channel, and said in an encouraging tone: "Rosa, Courtyard of the Dragon..."

"Great, we finally got in touch. How are you doing now? If we arrange the signal source, the weapons of Eternal Light can land smoothly through the Sky Port. If we can't arrange the signal source, we can retreat. Ye Lin has opened up the backup Eternal Delay Lake." Rosa's frowning eyebrows at the headquarters relaxed, as if flowers were blooming in spring, beautiful and moving, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

Because as a staff officer and commander, the most important thing is to have frontline intelligence at all times so that you can make more accurate and faster judgments.

The signal loss in the Dragon Courtyard made the headquarters uneasy. If they couldn't figure out what happened, simply sending troops to reinforce would most likely increase casualties and waste the precious lives of the soldiers.

Therefore, Rosa, who pursued precise intelligence, was very uneasy. She kept opening and closing the folding fan, warning herself to stay calm.

"Losa, the dragon troops in the Dragon Courtyard and the gatekeeper Eskur are all dead. We can unite our forces. The casualties of the Black Rose Special Forces and the Winged Eagles have not yet been counted."

Flo's heart ached at the thought of this. The flames of Eskur boiled like a sea, and even the bodies of the sacrificed soldiers were molded into lakes. It was hard to distinguish who was who from the charcoal, and the handwriting on the military plaques was melted.

Flo paused for a while, then picked up a fragment of a sword blade, with traces of melting on the edge, and said, "You may not believe it, but I saw the legendary Captain Stark. He used a machine to fight Ace Kurtun died, and the big explosion in the Dragon Courtyard came from him, and he was indispensable."

On the other side, Rosa seemed to know something more hidden. She sighed and said, "We have never forgotten him. We have always remembered his indomitable will and shining immortal achievements."

From the moment Stark appeared with mechanical equipment, he had the awareness to look forward to death, because those powerful machines were beyond the capabilities of the human body and produced a terrifying load.

Coolio once said that using these combat devices at the same time would probably require a mechanical heart.

Three of the four members of the Explosive Dragon King Bakar's bodyguard have been eliminated. Although the remaining true dragon Litreno is also very powerful, he must not be underestimated.

But compared to the first three personal guards with special abilities, the real dragon is still extremely arrogant, but he is also the one who is easier to deal with.

"Bakar, he is so calm and motionless." Flo looked at the majestic outline of the palace in the distance, where the clouds gathered darkly, and occasionally flashed with the power of thunder and lightning, but still couldn't open it. The almost stagnant atmosphere of Dragon City.

Bakar is the king of the dragon clan. He is supreme and is deeply respected by everyone in the dragon clan. There is no doubt about this.

However, since the beginning of the Mechanical Revolution, many high-level dragons have fallen, including personal guards Eskur, Neyinze, and the arrogant hypocrite Renak further away.

Bakar, who was sitting high on the Dragon Throne, remained indifferent and watched with cold eyes without any additional expression.

Except for the waning moon celebration a long time ago, Mo said that he came to help, and there was not even a single order.

This kind of behavior seems unbelievable to Stark and Flo. They are an extremely incompetent leader. In other words, they are a fool and a rotten person who don't care about the life and death of their subordinates.

Sure enough, it was time for the Dragon Dynasty to decay.

Bakar is not Rosa, because he has no power to tie a chicken with his hands, so he decides the world with his wisdom.

He clearly possesses the most powerful combat power in the world. Even if the Celestials take the initiative to start a battle against tyranny, they can only pin their hopes on the particle cannon to determine the outcome with one hit.

"Whoever is powerful will sit on the throne. At least the dragon clan is easy to understand. If he had the consciousness to live and die with the dragon warriors, then our world would have been doomed long ago." Oscar shrugged and called the medics to help. Flo sought urgent treatment for the wound.

"Flo, good news or bad news, whichever you want to hear first."

"Say it together."

He suffered from frostbite and hypothermia all over his body. The flesh and blood of his ten fingers were frozen and damaged, leaving him unconscious.

"Unless you can aim just as accurately with your feet, Flo, you have to retreat from the battlefield. Your hands are useless. I will advance to Dragon City."

The bad news is that your hand is useless, the good news is that you can take a break.

Compared with those soldiers who have sacrificed their lives, Flo is certainly lucky, but for an ammunition expert who has carefully studied the secrets of shooting and bullets, it is still extremely cruel to be unable to pull the trigger in the future.

"Of course, Juvenir might be able to make a pair of prosthetic fingers for you. There is still hope. Don't be downcast. His skills have always been excellent." Oscar consoled him in a rough tone.

"By the way, where are the medical soldiers? Why haven't you come yet..."

"Stop shouting, Oscar." Flo interrupted him. Both the Winged Eagle and Black Rose special forces were seriously damaged, and the logistics medical soldiers were covered in sweat and couldn't do anything.

And there is another embarrassing thing. Before the battle started, based on the advance preparations made based on the environmental intelligence of the Dragon Courtyard, most of the medicines carried by the medical soldiers were to treat burn symptoms.

Finally, a medic rushed over and expressed confusion about Flo's frostbite. Everyone else had burns all over their skin, so why did you still suffer from hypothermia?

In the end, he could only sigh and apply some anti-infection ointment, indicating that Flo should withdraw and not participate in the next battle.

"So, I'm a liability." Flo shrugged, quite optimistic.


Another medical soldier ran over with brisk steps, carrying a large medical box on his back. His furry paws directly grabbed Flo's arm and took a look, then lowered his head and rummaged around in the medical box.


Flo, Oscar, and the medic were all startled and dumbfounded to see a bear that could run on two legs and carry a medical kit, and it seemed to be a medic... a medic bear?

Magic like I've never seen before.

When you encounter something you cannot understand, you can use magic to explain it.

And if you look carefully, you can see that the bear's skin is black and white, with many stitches at the joints of the fabric. He is wearing a gentleman's vest. It is probably because there is ground fire in the Dragon Courtyard. The bear also wears a pair of high-end fire-proof boots.

Crazy Bear fiddled with the medical box for a while, took out a bottle of Remy's Aid and threw it to Flo, then took out a roll of medical gauze and threw it over, covered the box, and carried the bear on his back. The legs ran to the next injured person.

Flo looked down at the medicine bottle and gauze. The liquid in the bottle had an unusual fluorescent color, and the gauze also had a special herbal smell. It was not ordinary medical gauze.

"Since it's magic, maybe it has something to do with Ye Lin. Why don't you try drinking it? You're already useless anyway." Oscar couldn't speak at all, but fortunately the truth was correct.

Whether he bet on the miracle of magic or be sent down to recuperate, he probably couldn't keep his ten severely frostbitten and almost necrotic fingers.

Flo raised his frostbitten hand and said scornfully: "How can I drink when you see me like this?"

"If you have any difficulties, please tell me earlier and I will help you." Oscar laughed loudly, then uncorked the bottle, held Flo's chin and poured it directly in. The latter choked and rolled his eyes, almost shedding tears of grievance.

Fortunately, the other medical soldier couldn't stand it anymore and carefully wrapped gauze around his frostbitten fingers, leaving half a roll of gauze.

Oscar was responsible for contacting Rosa and decided not to stay here for long. He immediately removed the wounded who could not fight, added new manpower, and stormed the city in one go.

If what is expected is true, with the dragon tribe's fanatical worship of Bakar, all high-level dragon tribes will be forced to return to defense, thus being in a strategically advantageous position.

The Dragon Clan's mobility far exceeds that of the Union Army. If they are allowed to fight guerrillas, they will be a big problem.

"And Flo, he can no longer fight, I propose..."

Flo took his communicator and said, "Rosa, I'm fine. Just prepare the next plan."

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