Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2255 Big bone stick with teeth marks

Who dared to make a sudden noise in front of Mr. Explosive Dragon King and risk his life? He actually disturbed Mr. Bakar's cold execution.

Especially the Lord Dragon King is in a furious mood. Mejilia's betrayal of stealing the blood-stained dragon scales is something that the Lord cannot tolerate.

The high-level dragons who were watching were all in an uproar, and immediately looked around to see who the idiot was. I wonder if Mr. Bakar pays great attention to the majesty of his aura.

Puff, who was very familiar with the voice, immediately ran away and hid far away. She thought she was smart and didn't want to hang out with Sophie now.

If you are mistaken for being an accomplice or something, you will be jointly and severally liable.

In fact, Sophie had disappeared a long time ago. The great primal dragon appeared and could not walk past it on the ground.

"No, no, Sophie is obviously a dragon knight, and I am the boss of the dragon knights in the Dragon City..." Puff took two steps back and thought about it carefully, and then looked at each other with little Toni... Oh, hey, I'm numb. Finished.

It seems that no matter what, it will be related to her.

In recent days, most areas of the heaven have been experiencing persistent cloudy and rainy days. Occasionally, there are muffled thunders in the thick dark clouds, and the rumbles resound throughout the sky, the earth, and the wilderness in all directions.

Bakar slowly put away his big hand that was about to slap Mejilia to death. The knuckles of his palms were as thick as tree sticks, and they were wearing some magic rings. His nails were like sharpened obsidian. He could easily strangle Mejilia to death just by the size of his palms and his physical strength. Mejilia.

It wasn't Sophie's sudden shout that stopped him, but his consciousness sensed that there was an unprecedented dragon power in the heaven, an opponent he had never seen before.

The gloomy dark clouds in the sky suddenly stirred like a whirlpool, and the huge vortex-shaped twisted black clouds flashed with dense and dazzling lightning, as if a terrifying storm that broke historical records was approaching, and suddenly appeared overwhelming fire and meteorite rain, all of which Full of destructive atmosphere.

Immediately afterwards, a scene appeared that made all the high-level dragons in the city tremble and panic. A huge black claw suddenly emerged from the clouds as if it was about to cut open the dark sky.

There are many flickering sparks between its fingers, hanging high in the sky, and a rain of meteorites falling down, and the sun seems to be crushed by it.


Astra's huge and majestic body completely descended from the whirlpool. The black dragon roared like thunder and was full of absolute destructive power. It dominated the sky above the heads of the high-level dragons. Every scale and every inch of muscle was a top predator. symbol of the person.

It even dared to hang above Bakar's head, looking down and casting its gaze, domineering, provocative, and unparalleled in publicity.

An old dragon from Trobot was so frightened that he almost knelt down to Astra. He said in a panic: "That is the oldest enthronement ceremony of the Dragon King. It wants to slaughter the whole city and use our blood soul lament Shape your own position as Dragon King?"

Why does another giant dragon in the sky appear in the heaven besides Lord Bakar?

All the dragons were frightened and couldn't understand it, but they were absolutely certain that the mysterious dragon with a huge display above their head was very rare on the planet of dragons, and it was also the strongest high-ranking species of the dragons - the sky dragon.

The sky dragon, whose ferocity and strength are recognized by Lord Bakar, was able to suppress various races in the ancient Trobot era. Those more distant dragon kings are basically sky dragons, including the current Lord Bakar. Too.

However, it has been recognized over a long period of time that Lord Bakar must be the strongest Dragon King so far. He seems to be different from the previous Dragon Kings.

But it's so strange... Many dragons that existed in the Demon World Dragon War era, and have seen Bakar's true form, secretly winked at each other, and everyone thought about it carefully, whether there was a big problem.

The Dragon Planet and the Demon World have been disconnected for many centuries. It is almost impossible for a giant dragon banner to spread across the star field, break through the void storm, radiation turbulence, and meteorite ocean... to reach the continent of Arad.

Not even Mr. Bakar can return to the Dragon Planet. Only the top space proficient and familiar with the galaxy coordinates can return home.

So, where did this giant sky dragon, which is very similar in appearance and ferocity to Master Bakar, come from.

You must know that in the demon world and the heavenly Arad, there has always been only one dragon in the sky, the supreme Lord Bakar.

Some active dragons thought that their analysis was correct, so they secretly looked at Bakar with the corner of their eyes.

Sir, when did you marry a wife and have children, and the other woman is murderous? Could it be that there was a family conflict?

For example, you abandoned your wife and children just for your own happiness, but ended up being blocked by others and killed directly in the sky of Dragon City.

The new sky dragon is obviously not here to recognize his father, but wants to kill his father.

And why did the other party appear just when the Dragon King was about to kill Mejilia? Was it an accidental coincidence, or was there another hidden story?

Many dragons are aiming at the high-level dragon Berisk again. Do you feel that your forehead is itching and turning green now?

Little did he know that Bakar had no time to care about what his men were thinking, because he himself had a question mark on his forehead.

He thought it was his other self who was interfering, but he denied it after Astra showed up completely. Not only did he not have the aura of an apostle, but his appearance was also completely different.

His subordinates think that he is similar to Astra, but how can Bakar not recognize his own appearance? There are still many differences.

But none of that mattered anymore. The sudden appearance of a powerful enemy and his undisguised hostility gradually boiled the boring dragon blood in his body.

There is no need for an opening statement, no need to ask who the other party is, or even any reason.

Bakar suddenly laughed loudly, the sound was deafening, and then he stomped on the entire square, collapsing half of the city's tall buildings, and his body rushed into the sky like a meteor in retrograde motion carrying billowing flames.

This is one of the inherent laws of the dragon clan. There will not be two supreme dragons in the same sky at the same time, but only one supreme dragon king.


In the secret, Yuena was complaining in a low voice, saying: "Astra, it seems that she made the scene so grand by herself, and suddenly she felt like laughing."

It's just that the dragon transformed from small to large. Wherever there would be dark cloud whirlpools, overwhelming thunder, meteor showers... It was not so serious when it showed off its power in front of the sissy Skatha.


Siatt and the others thought about it and couldn't help laughing. In other words, Astra first hid behind the clouds and transformed, stirred up a huge vortex by herself, then made cool thunder and meteorites, and then leaned out Declare war on Bakar.

Behind every grand occasion, there is an arrangement that ruins the impression.

"It did this on its own and has nothing to do with me." Sophie spread her hands.

We can probably understand Astra's psychology. This is the first time it collided with the Dragon King Bakar of the main dimension, which is a commemoration of extraordinary significance.

The Bakar I encountered before was either a ray of residual consciousness, or a temporary embodiment summoned by Ye Lin using body fragments.


Dense thunders and flames fell from the sky, and the world became turbulent and unpredictable. Huge dragon roars were often heard, and two behemoths were fighting fiercely behind the clouds, casting huge shadows.

On the Union Army side, Irina and Rosa were stunned.

Sophie raised her hand to condense the bright red and violent original dragon blade. This weapon can change forms at will, such as a giant sword, a sword, a halberd, etc. However, she still likes to use the dragon blade style, and occasionally it turns into a huge light halberd.

Mejilia was knocked aside by Bakar's shock wave and was seriously injured. The surrounding high-level dragons looked on with cold eyes, not daring to save or touch up the damage.

"In my world, another dragon king refused to save us, and the loyal dragon knights almost lost all in the face of the cosmic demon. From now on, I hate the indifferent relationship between the dragons." Sophie decided to give them A little bit of primal dragon shock.

"Sophie, wait a minute." Yelin called to her, don't worry yet.

"Don't wait!" Sophie raised her chin slightly with an arrogant look on her face. She didn't want to listen or listen. Dragon knights all have this stubborn temper and they just like to go against others.

"Listen to me, it's not shocking enough for you to appear directly like this."


Ye Lin quickly explained to her that Bakar's majesty had been deeply rooted in his bones for a long time, and the dragons under his command were almost fanatical and ignorant.

Just like Dragon Knight Puff, he is a stubborn person who has been overwhelmed by you many times, but he still believes that Bakar is supreme.

Unless you defeat Bakar head-on, even if you punch these high-level dragons down one by one, they will still stiffen their necks and refuse to accept it, and will shout long live Lord Bakar.

"It seems to make sense." Sophie agreed after thinking about it. Then, should I be as awesome as Astra?

Ye Lin shook his head and explained while giving her a big bone stick and said: "We are doing the opposite. Do you know a saying? There are equipment with powerful names all over the world, such as the relics of ancient times and the falling stars. , sounds impressive at first glance...but no one can bear the humiliation of being defeated by a big bone stick with teeth marks.”

Sure enough, the beef leg bone Ye Lin handed her had a few small teeth marks on it. Sophie's teeth were very strong, and the beef thigh tasted very fragrant~

This also caused Gan Cane to be a little frightened every time he did nucleic acid tests on her. After all, in a sense, he was feeding her a lot of meat, and he was worried that she would not be able to hold back and gobble it up, which would lead to her being insecure.

After playing a wild group with three characters, I suddenly felt very tired.

Because we are currently clearing up wasteland, each group basically takes about 50 minutes to clear, not including the time to restart the group.

This leads to staring at the computer screen all the time, which feels like it’s too much for my eyes...and my body is tired.

As far as the situation is concerned, after experiencing the destruction of the team on the first day, the teammates on the second day have obviously matured a lot.

"Additional complaints, the Chinese server is really bad, with high latency and high lag. In addition to being unfamiliar with the mechanism on the first day, there is also this delay problem. 』


One of the mechanics of Puff is particularly cute. Little Toni holds meat in his mouth to feed Puff. Players need to knock off Little Toni's meat, and then get close to grab the meat...

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