Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2242 The man named

The cold rain that covered most of the heavens was only missed in the Steel Cemetery. The rough gravel on the ground was very dry, exuding a unique desert-style desolation.

Ilena was very considerate and mistakenly thought that Ye Lin was a "native" from Arad. He must have never been exposed to something like a car that could run on fuel, so she sat in the driver's seat.

In fact, Ye Lin had a driver's license, and it was a top-notch one. Sometimes he would drive so fast that Kelly would turn pale.

The place now known as the "Steel Cemetery" will be called the "Kalaha Desert" in the future, which is the largest desert in the Lawless Zone and the place where Meshel later experimented with the power of Geboga.

Because the heaven in this era has not yet been divided into four, due to the influence of the terrain, the foggy city of Heis has not yet been born. Although the terrain of the Ardennes exists, it has no name.

The Kalaha Desert is also the source of power for most machinery because of the oil produced in the desert. Therefore, it has a very strategic position in the current situation in the heaven, and both humans and dragons attach great importance to it.

Therefore, Eternal Light and the Dragon Clan often fought in the Steel Cemetery, which lasted for more than a hundred years. During this period, the Dragon Clan buried bones and destroyed countless machines. Some were so damaged that they could no longer be repaired, and they were piled up like a cemetery. Same.

Draconstan, Coliber, metal thorns...all kinds of mechanical waste.

Ye Lin glanced in a certain direction and saw the location of the Silent City. Mr. Luke also built this permanent passage and piled up Time Square like a steel garbage dump.

"Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King, possesses some kind of weird magic. He can turn scrap steel into magic-driven destroyers. The endless number has caused us to suffer a lot." Irina said.

One level lower than the Dragon Soldiers are the free Destroyers. They are also resistant to bullets and can easily regenerate endlessly. Their sea-like tactics make the Union Army's scalp numb.

The reproduction ability of dragons is much slower than that of humans. Humans are still at a disadvantage on the battlefield, which has a lot to do with the existence of high-level dragons and destroyers.

Irena contacted Juvenir in the underground base of Eternal Light. After the other party confirmed that there was no follower, the entrance in the ruins of steel slowly opened and drove straight in.

Juvenir, the leader of the Eternal Light, has a burly physique, unruly broken hair, and a pair of eyes that are filled with iron blood and perseverance. He looks more like a brave and fearless warrior, but in fact he is an intelligent scientist who leads the Eternal Light.

Of course, he can also do things like carry a gun and go to the battlefield.

On the way, Irina told him the meaning of Juvenir's pseudonym, saying: "Juvenir is a pseudonym, which is a pronunciation of ancient characters. The meaning of this name is actually...a boy."

Boy Coolio sounds pretty weird, so he probably uses "Juvenir".

"Compared to before, the base of Eternal Light has changed a lot." Ye Lin looked around and said.

Compared with the base in Nameroth, there is no atmosphere of harmony and hope. The staff coming and going all look hurried and tired, and they are not so happy.

This place still holds the hope of heaven, and the ultimate dragon-slaying weapon that can defeat Bakar will be born from here.

"So, are you admitting it?" Iliana said with a smile. Yelin has never admitted that he is the adventurer who appeared in Nameroth two hundred years ago. Now he has indirectly admitted it.

"Well... let me tell you a secret, a secret of one person." Ye Lin deliberately looked left and right to make sure no one was there, then motioned for her to put his ear to his ear and said, "I am that person, but my real age is not two hundred. age."

Irina raised her eyebrows, and a series of puzzled questions emerged. Have you deleted these two hundred years, or is this old man pretending to be young?

Ye Lin's appearance was so young that Irina felt that when she stood with him, he was like her younger brother, completely unable to see the temperament and airs that an older person should have.

In other words, if their mentality and appearance have not changed, should such people be called young people or old people?

Juvenir and others knew well that killing the high-level dragons was worthy of celebration and would reduce the casualties of the coalition forces, but the final mountain pressing on the heads of the people in the heavens, unattainable and invincible, was Bakar, the Explosive Dragon King.

As long as the Dragon King is not dead, the United Army will not be able to claim victory and liberate the heaven.

There must be a weapon capable of killing the Dragon King. This is a necessary condition and cannot be compromised.

Ilena also has high authority here. Juvenir was too busy to go out to receive the reception, so she swiped her ID card and took Ye Lin there.

"According to the remaining historical records, there was also a female swordsman Siatt who traveled with you, and she killed a giant dragon..."

She was inevitably curious. Ye Lin had lived to this day, so what about the female swordsman who also had a record of slaying giant dragons? Did she also break the limit of lifespan?

Irena is also playing tricks on her. One more person will give her more strength, and her chances of winning against Bakar will also increase.

"She..." Ye Lin recalled that the eldest lady was so "kind" with a smile that morning that she almost lifted Puff's skull.

The eldest lady likes to cook and accept everyone's praise, but she hates running away after eating and wiping her mouth, and those who don't want to wash the dishes, such as Beyana and Wanzi, are often punished by Siatt pinching the back of their necks.

There are also things like puffs that are all over the floor, full of garbage, full of wildness, no etiquette at all, and the eldest lady doesn’t like them either.

But in Irina's eyes, his expression seemed a little nostalgic. Could it be that...

"Please have my condolences." Irina apologized.

Ye Lin:? ? ?

The eldest lady is doing well. She has a plump figure and cultivates her body. She often does things she loves to do and maintains a happy spirit.

"You are here." Juvenir nodded and stopped what he was doing, a set of tedious data analysis.

"The program calculation of Dragon Slayer has reached the final stage and is basically completed. As well as TNB, we have prepared a lot of dragon slaying weapons, but when I think of Bakar destroying the majesty of Nameroth, I feel that it is not enough. It will never be enough. .”

Ilena nodded gently when she heard this and said to the curious Ye Lin: "We all know that no amount of preparation is enough, even ten years or a hundred years, but we cannot be in the process of preparation forever."

One of the reasons is very simple. Sarah has sent a coded letter, telling Bakar that he has the ability to create high-level dragons. Evil dragons, mad dragons, ice dragons, and a black dragon Keldrach who does not know where to go. It is his creation. In theory, the high-level dragons cannot be killed.

However, this information is kept strictly confidential. If it is leaked, it will severely damage the morale of the coalition forces.

The Steel Cemetery is just a microcosm of the heaven. The entire heaven is the cemetery of the dead. Moreover, this is the result of not officially declaring war on the Dragon Clan.

So Oscar and Flo were drunk. They all received the news from Juvenir, and they had a hunch that as the dragon-slaying weapon took shape, they might not be able to drink anymore in the future.

Juvenir took Ye Lin to visit one of Eternal Light's dragon-slaying weapons, the Dragon Slayer, which is an advanced version of the ancient particle cannon. It has modified the mode of the energy reactor, increasing the destructiveness of light by several levels. .

"The dragon slayers are the Seven Mechanical Gods of War Jenny and Lati, and the data and design drawings left behind." Juvenir said, and then observed Ye Lin's expression.

There are also TNB weapons. If particle cannons are closer to magic damage, then the mysteriously named TNB is pure physical destruction. It has nine tank-caliber extended barrels and can flexibly use most ammunition.

If necessary, Flo's special bullets can theoretically be fired, but it's just a waste.

TNB can tear through the scales of an ordinary dragon within seconds and has unparalleled suppression capabilities.

However, the shortcomings of the two are also obvious. The Dragon Slayer requires a long time to charge in advance. The latter is limited by its metal material and can only withstand about ten minutes of firepower, otherwise it will overheat and explode.

But compared to the two weapons against Bakar, Ye Lin paid more attention to a wall of honor in the institute, which hung many deceased contributors to scientific research. At the top were photos of seven people, that is, the mechanical Seven Gods of War.

It’s just that there are two darts in Taneba’s photo, which seems to have been used as a target by someone.

Following Ye Lin's gaze, Juvenir frowned and said, "He is a traitor to the heaven, and his crime is unpardonable, but the many techniques he left behind cannot be ignored, and he is the founder of many insights."

Juvenir then revealed one of the reasons for inviting Ye Lin, "Do you know anything about the fall of Nameroth and the failure of Gaeborga?"

"Yes, I know, but..." Ye Lin gave it a try and sighed with admiration, "Soon you will understand the truth about Nameroth and everything he has done."

Sure enough, Taneba was nailed to the pillar of shame.

Yelin waved, and the dart stuck on Taneba's photo fell down.

Irina shrugged at Juvenir, don’t look at me, I can’t say anything.

Juvenir's Korean name "" is translated as Juvenir.

Its English name "Juvenil" means young man.

However, in the NPC conversation in Bacani, it was mentioned that Juvenir was just a pseudonym, and his real name was unknown.

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