Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2229 There’s still some meat in the mouth

After learning from the experience of the last time, they descended into the history of heaven again and changed their clothes in advance to suit the current era.

The traditional clothing style of Celestial Realm has been handed down from the magic era. Long-sleeved robes are loose but not simple.

People of high status also embroidered gold and silver threads, beautiful patterns, pearls, agate and other accessories on their clothes.

"I don't want to change. The clothes in Heaven look ugly and very old-fashioned." Yimi Wu Chuchu hugged her shoulders pitifully and said she was unwilling to take off her Gothic dress. She was a young girl.

Yellow-faced woman, if you come here again, I will yell at you for indecent assault.

"Tch, you have no breasts and no ass, who wants to see you?" Yuena put away her heavenly children's clothes and gave it to Naiyali when she had the chance.

Naiyali broke the head of a mysterious friend of hers with her bare hands, and kicked him away into the turbulence of time. Not worried, she took the initiative to chase Bubbles.

"I just like to look at it~" Gancane came over faintly. Loli had no figure but fair and soft skin. She was pretty and cute. The little witch still had the scent of roses.

Girls all like beautiful clothes, super gorgeous, super pretty evening dresses and so on. Even the underwear should be printed and embroidered with cute little flowers and have bows on the ties.

"I don't want to change clothes either." Michelle smiled freshly. She and the little witch stood on the same line and had the same point of view.

Michelle's dress is very fashionable, breaking away from the tradition, quite novel and beautiful, with a V-neck sports vest, a fairly spectacular rise and fall on her chest, and a deep and charming touch of snow-white.

She actually has a very good figure, with a slender waist and long legs, bulging front and back, and fair and fair skin. She is a goddess-level fashion girl, but she may not be too eye-catching in the team.

When she was in the Seventh Empire, she was often scolded by her family elders for not being serious and how she dressed.


The Celestial United Army is composed of dozens of organizations, large and small, and each organization has its own logo and badge. Overall, it is a bit chaotic and difficult to manage.

But fortunately, everyone has a common enemy, the Dragon Clan, so there hasn't been any major internal commotion yet.

"The model of the coalition army in Tianjie is actually related to Taneba's betrayal." Michele held a thick history book and read it on the spot.

She actually hated history class when she was a child because her teacher Herman's teaching skills were not vivid enough.

Time points, people's deeds, major events... Mechel thinks that a general impression is enough. Learning too proficiently will not be helpful to scientific research and progress.

I am a scientist, not a historian.

The Eternal Light is a resistance organization built around the Seven Mechanical Gods of War. All members take protecting the Seven Gods of War as their first criterion and can sacrifice their own lives.

After the Eternal Light was broken into pieces, many scholars believed that it was Taneba's betrayal that led to the fall of Nameroth.

Therefore, we should not follow the ancient method of betting our hope in heaven only on a few people.

In other words, if you want a hundred flowers to bloom, as long as you resist the Dragon Clan, you can use any method.

Before the meeting started, the team borrowed the name of a small remote organization, Sugar Cane copied their badges, and successfully sneaked into the coalition's temporary camp.

Normally, the leaders of each organization would only communicate via radio and rarely get together offline because there is a risk of being wiped out by the group.

No one can tell when the dragon assassin will appear.

But tonight is a rather special day. The leaders of the coalition forces have gathered here to select a commander with the highest status and the highest power face to face.

Leaders with excellent talents can see thousands of miles away and strategize, thus greatly improving the combat effectiveness of the coalition forces.

As the saying goes, if a soldier is raging, a general will be raging in a nest. The role of the leader's role model is very important.

Siatt and the others were nestled in the corner of the temporary camp, with a pile of firewood burning in front of them, roasting some beef thighs, meat skewers, and spiritual fish. The aroma was fragrant.

Ye Lin scratched the eldest lady's nose with his fingers, and the dancing firelight illuminated her beautiful cheeks, and said with a smile: "Roasted fat pigeon."

"Like hell, I'll roast you."

Occasionally, people passing by would look at me strangely, and they would be wary of each other.

They finally saw that dozens of organizations, large and small, did not get along well with each other, and there were many contradictions.

Don't expect that there is a big enemy at hand. Everyone has lofty ideals and works together.

The human traitors in Bakar's palace are a clear example. There are always people with different ambitions, and there are always people with crooked spines.

Michele fiddled with the fire and said: "For example, the largest arms dealer, Winged Eagle, is a weapons dealer who travels among various organizations of the coalition. As long as you give them money, they can provide sufficient equipment, but... …”

Michel shrugged his shoulders. If you have no money or supplies, even if you are passionate about revenge against the dragons, the Winged Eagle will be helpless.

The profit-oriented businessman's mentality is slightly unpopular in the overall situation of this era, but they do control several arsenals and can provide a large amount of weapons and equipment.

Fortunately, its leader, Oscar Doher, is enthusiastic and has a sense of justice, and provides as much equipment to the coalition forces as possible.

"Franz Dohe, the founder of Winged Eagle, I remember he was the son of the person in charge of logistics at the Eternal Light Headquarters." Ye Lin recalled with some impression.

He had a few words with Franz Doher's father, who was a colleague of Stark's, but unfortunately, he died in the dragon's flames when Nameroth fell.

Gu Yu took a walk outside and learned that there were three strong candidates for the commander-in-chief.

One, Juvenir Coolio, the successor of Eternal Light.

Second, the representative of the traditional aristocracy and the newly rising family power, Rosa Jurgen, who is known as the commander of the heaven.

There is also the founder of the Black Rose Special Forces, later the first supreme priest in the heaven, and the idol of the little girl Alijie, Ileana (Irine).

"Boss, there's a quarrel going on inside." Mo Mei added a piece of firewood to the fire, and her thoughts were everywhere, playing out the sounds of the quarrel inside.


The leader of a certain organization slapped the table, furious, and said: "There are already six organizations directly and indirectly killed by Sarah Wayne, but her family members are all in the palace, so she must be in the coalition army." There are traitors among us."


One stone stirs up a thousand waves. This word is so irritating to people's eardrums and they are very sensitive.

Immediately, the careless Rosa, Irina and others raised their eyes and frowned slightly.

"The top priority is to find this traitor, not to select the highest commander-in-chief. There are compatriots suffering outside, and there are traitors who are doing evil, but we sit here and choose from one to another, how pedantic!"

He is a bit impatient and speaks bluntly, but he has a sincere heart and the truth is correct.

Traitor, this word has caused great pain to the heaven, and it has not been completely eliminated.

"I understand your mood." Rosa Jurgen's slender white fingers gently rubbed the creases of the fan, and a complex look appeared on her fair and delicate face, and said: "After the failure of Eternal Light, I went to Bakar People have risen exponentially, including aristocrats from the Magic Age.”

"But..." Rosa suddenly used a turning word, which was her habit, and said: "There have been no fewer than fifty organizations that have been destroyed due to reckless actions, self-righteousness, and lack of intelligence in the past century."

"Well, one code should be treated as one code, and the two things should be grasped together." Juvenir spoke with a strong voice. He was tall, with messy hair, and very prestigious. He said: "And it is not appropriate to make a loud noise about traitors. We have to investigate privately."

There are a total of eighteen leaders who are qualified to sit in the temporary camp. They select the candidates for the best headquarters through voting, and the minority obeys the majority.

A piece of paper was put into the ballot box, each with a candidate's name written on it. There were a total of eighteen votes. This was the preliminary selection. If you have any opinions, you can still raise them.

"Is there no one here? Let me open the box." Rosa said. It was impossible to lie in front of everyone.

In the end, Juvenier received seven votes, Rosa Jurgen received three votes, and Irina received eight votes.

"Hey, how could this happen..." Some people whispered, with different opinions. Juvenir should be the most suitable commander-in-chief in terms of position.

"It's good. I'm a rough guy and don't have the delicate heart of a woman. But if you have any opinions, you can raise them." Juvenir was not surprised, but he breathed a sigh of relief.

There are lights on in the camp, well-trained soldiers patrolling around, and the sonic interference equipment targeting dragons is also operating normally. In theory, it should be foolproof.


A dragon roar suddenly rang out in the moonless and starless sky, and soon the sky lit up with a blazing fire. A huge meteorite mysteriously fell from the starry sky. The flames were blazing, and the fire illuminated the entire temporary camp, as bright as day.

The meteorite was reflected in everyone's pupils, with an emotion called fear rising, and they were dumbfounded.

"It must have been the informant from Rosa and the traitor who shattered the meteorite." The leader with an explosive temper shouted, his whole body turned cold.

This gathering should be kept secret enough, so why did a dragon summon the meteorite at such a critical moment?

And it was too fast, too late, at most half a minute.

"History is distorted and the traces of Garrincha are heavy."

Ye Lin frowned, took the cow leg bone from Sophie's hand, and threw it towards the huge meteorite falling from the sky.

There was a big mouthful of meat on it, and Sophie was speechless.

The cow bones turned into sword energy, and a bright stream of light hit the air and shattered the meteorite, turning into a rain of smaller stones all over the sky, greatly reducing its lethality.

If the meteorite just fell to the ground, there wouldn't be a single living creature within ten miles.


"Commander, I investigated a top-secret information about the meteorite that night." Juvenir played a surveillance video and said strangely: "If I said that the meteorite was shattered by a piece of cow bone, would you believe it?"

"What kind of joke did you learn from Flo? Isn't that a laser cannon?" Irina glanced at Flo, the drinking ammunition expert, who immediately spread his hands innocently.

"I thought it was a laser cannon at first, but what if the other party is the person who worked with Stark and other ancestors in the Eternal Light Era."

The pause button was pressed on the surveillance, and Ye Lin's face was clearly visible on the screen.

The affected history and the traces left by Ye Lin and others have not been completely erased.

"That person?" Flo was stunned and said, "It must have been at least two hundred years. He is still alive. Are cultivators so incredible?"

"Bakar is at least a thousand years old," Juvenir added.

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