Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2163 Give you a slap

Damn it, kill me by touching your head!

Ye Lin saw with his own eyes that a hole in "his" forehead was easily pressed by a slender jade finger, and half of his forehead collapsed. Although there was no blood flowing out, the tragedy was horrifying enough.

The cold and pure appearance of the lady in black dress is slightly smiling at this moment. Do you still want an eight-carriage sedan and a red carpet to pave the way?

It's not impossible. The blood of the dead is used to cast the bright red and immortal road of the dead. Beside the road is the endless sea of ​​the dead with no end.

There are hideous faces and bloody arms poking out from the ocean, trying to grab your ankles. Even if the transcender unfortunately falls into the depths, it is probably in danger.

Hum, looking at the vast universe and the long river of time, you are the second person who I invited twice and still ignored. What a great prestige and face.

The last person who disobeyed was Naiyali, the street kid who smashed the gate of the underworld.

"Well, I've been a little busy recently. I'll visit you in person another day." Ye Lin tried to quibble, and at the same time, powerful mental power burst out, sweeping through any possible hiding space.

It would be okay if the lady in black dress came alone. Usiel has always been fair and strict, with a cool temperament but not coldness.

Mavis has a god-given weapon called "Ushir's Law", which shows that she pursues the lofty ideals of balance and order, and hates all abnormal mass deaths.

But it seems unclear whether the sinister squinty eyes are also peeping, waiting for him to suffer misfortune and be taught a lesson by the lady in black dress.

"Lord Uthiel."

Mavis bowed slightly in respect, and her good sisters Siatt and the others also paid tribute. After Bastetto's popular science introduction, they gradually understood how difficult it was for Usiel to maintain normality in the underworld.

There are people everywhere in the universe who are trying to take advantage of your family at any time. How can you avoid having a headache?

"Hello everyone, there is a magical cold pool in the underworld, which can cleanse the soul and reflect the original heart. It should be good for you." Usiel said that if you want to temper, just pick a time and contact Mavis.

"Could it be said that that place can easily allow people to return to their original nature and realize their origins?" Siatt was also surprised. The legendary realm can initially break the shackles of life, and it is already rare among people.

There is a legend that an old man at his peak looked back on his life. After living in seclusion, he cultivated his moral character and did not seek to be born in the world, but he still could not let go of his heart in the world of mortals.

Unexpectedly, there is such a magical place in the underworld, which can reflect the purest soul and have a high probability of breaking through the original source.

"After all, it is a land of gods." Ye Lin shrugged.

The experience and traces of the strong are undoubtedly very precious things to the temporarily weak, such as the Nianhuang Stone Tablet that fell deep in the Xuzu Mountain, the Wave Stone in the hands of G.S.D, and the Tower of Despair left by the strong. Fighting skills and more.

For professionals and awakened people, the Nianhuang Stone Tablet is undoubtedly a sacred object.

And Mo Mei once preached at Yuexi Mountain after the wedding. It was an unprecedented event. Master Jiulong, Master Xilin and other powerful Nian Qi lineage also listened, and they looked at it more seriously than the stone tablet.

Therefore, the level of the cold pool near the gods is too high, and it is normal that it can have an effect on transcendents.

Usiel looked at Ye Lin with a smile on his face. His crystal clear purple eyes were magnificent and charming, as if he could read people's hearts and see into the deepest secrets of the soul.

"If it's about the time and space lord Garrincha, I will do it for you." Ye Lin nodded. Many clues and traces now indicate that Garrincha was making trouble in the past.

As for the land of the underworld, if I had to go, Ye Lin tactfully said that I was already at the door of the leader's house, so I should say hello anyway.


"It broke so quickly. It really needs improvement." Dr. Muniz hurriedly went down from the 76th floor to the first floor, picked up the body of "Ye Lin", and showed no resistance after being slapped on the head. force.

He still didn't know how terrifying the woman who was killed by touching her head was. Even Ye Lin himself didn't dare to put his forehead under Usiel's fingers and let her press it.

Seeing the rightful owner, Ye Lin's face suddenly turned cold, he coughed, and his eyes were evil. If you don't give me a reasonable explanation, I will tie you up and feed you to the goblins.

Dr. Muniz had already seen them coming in. He was an antique figure from the Terra era, and his worldliness had long been established. He had a strong voice and explained: "We really want to imitate your fighting skills and create puppets to replace the previous ones." Those residents who left, but it was never ideal.”

In other words, it is too difficult to create a doll that truly embodies Ye Lin's fighting skills. The one placed on the first floor just now is actually a defective product, which is barely half the strength of an awakened person.

"I think it would be a pity to destroy the monster directly, so the waste is reused..." Dr. Muniz was startled, knowing that he had made a mistake, and immediately shut up.

He learned from Erica that the other party had surpassed the realm of Master Soderos and had grown to an unbelievable level that he could only look up to.

Presumptuous words are disrespectful to the strong.

Ye Lin did not pursue this trivial matter, but reminded and asked: "Remember to put me on the 101st floor, where is Captain Azera?"

"Captain...she is sleeping." Dr. Muniz told him that after returning, Azerla went to the power engine of the Genesis spacecraft and checked the function operation, but inexplicably said that she was very sleepy.

Then he returned to his room and fell asleep, with Erica guarding him. It was certain that his vital signs were stable, and it was not a vicious curse, but the curve of his mental fluctuations was a little abnormal.

There are also famous doctors with excellent medical skills in the Tower of Despair, such as Liao Qing, but their advice to Aizela after the diagnosis is just to rest and wait for her natural recovery.

"I'll go check on her." Ye Lin was worried. If the leader was really sick, he and Yuena could help.

On the way to the top of the Tower of Despair, Muniz did not dare to mention that he wanted to know more about his data in more detail. Even if he continued to make more perfect dolls, he did not dare to use his appearance again.

He was now convinced that the rumors were true. Muniz felt a sense of oppression from Ye Lin that was more suffocating than Master Soderos. His sharp edge was restrained, and he could shock the world the moment he took it out of his sheath.

Captain Azera was quietly sleeping with her eyes closed, her tied hair spread out on the back of her head, her face was peaceful, and her demure and gentle temperament emerged spontaneously. Without saying a word, the Sleeping Beauty was already the most beautiful picture.

"It's nothing serious." Usiel took a look and said calmly: "She has the memory of Gu Terra, and part of the two thousand years of forgetfulness has been restored. She will wake up in about two days."

Even for some particularly memorable events, three or five years later, it is inevitable that the specific details will not be remembered. Thirty to fifty years later, there will probably be only a vague impression, not to mention the countless years since the destruction of Terra.

The curse of time on Captain Azera's body, which once caused her to become comatose, has been solved by Kabbalah, or beans, and her current slumber is purely due to the recovery of her memory.

Erica and Dinas, who had been worried, breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that the leader was fine. They were curious about who this cold-tempered elder sister was. She had a beautiful face that she had never seen before.

"Okay now, come with me." Usiel frowned slightly, with a hint of displeasure. It's not that I'm really bad for you, but I have a great blessing for you.

If it were any believer, wouldn't it be surprising if they would wipe their necks and pledge their allegiance on the spot upon hearing Usiel's invitation?

Why is this sugar cane hesitant and squirming? I really treat myself as a big girl getting on the sedan chair, right?

All the ladies in black skirts came to his door. Ye Lin knew that if he kept nagging, he would really lose face to the ladies. How could he lick her in the future... No, how could he still be friendly and friends.

Ye Lin took a deep breath, and with a generous look, he took off his shoes, socks, and jacket... Then he lay down in a comfortable position on the bed, tilted his head and said, "Xiaoyu, when you grind the tofu, please leave the soy milk. Me."

After saying that, he closed his eyes, as if he was going to do it and I won't resist.

"This guy... is robbing Aizela's quilt." Siatt complained and found a seat to sit down casually. Aizela's room was quite big.

Bastetto's cat tail swayed, and he uttered words in the shocked eyes of Erica and Dinas: "The underworld is a half-spiritual and half-material world. If there is enough pure hell rock, By staying close to the body, you can temporarily enter the underworld physically."

"That's right." Ye Lin opened his eyes instantly and forgot all about this. He was about to take out the prison rock. He had a lot of accumulation.


Usil slapped his forehead with a slender, cold slap, and then you remembered that it was too late, just go to the underworld like this.

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