Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2107 Raphael’s Little Schoolbag

"Ye Lin, I give it all to you, my research results, everything I have!" Giselle pulled off the black glasses from her eyes, clearly revealing a pair of cloudy and crazy pupils.

His black glasses are a modification that is almost embedded in the flesh and blood of his eye sockets. They have never been taken off from the bridge of his nose. They also have the effects of data analysis, data storage, and stimulating the cerebral cortex to wake up.

Since he cannot become the god of science who is the most admired in the world and respected by thousands of people, and cannot enjoy the honor of rectifying his name, then he will become the next Taneba, the next scientist with a bad reputation and amazing achievements.

Taneba, who personally extinguished the light of hope for an era in the heavens, can be ranked among the Seven Mechanical Gods of War. Now that his research on Giselle is timeless and revolutionary, it must be possible. .

It's a perverted pleasure to think that in the future, people in heaven will hate and be angry with him, but must acknowledge his pioneering and great technology.

Giselle seemed to have seen the future, and the Celestials pinched their noses and were reluctant, hating him deeply, but they could not deny his achievements and could only write his name in important scientific books.

This is also a different kind of domineering control, with a subtle feeling of compulsion.

A good name is a name, and a bad name is also a name. Anyway, Giselle must leave a profound mark in history. He wants to make Melvin feel ashamed when he sees technology, and who is the strongest scientist.

The data glasses have been thrown over, floating calmly between the two of them. Only Ye Lin's strength can protect the existence of the data glasses from the upcoming space explosion.

A scientist who is infinitely crazy about technology and has exceeded the bottom line of human ethics. The last thing he can leave behind is his research results.

Bury with yourself?

Then why did he study so hard?

Transfer it to someone else?

He also couldn't believe that Giselle had a strong jealousy, so he would be extremely suspicious of others, whether others would take his achievements as their own and write his achievements in their own names.

Only General Ye Lin will not be greedy for his research results, because the other party's realm is as extraordinary as a god, not limited by time and space, and is the master of higher latitudes.

Only his prominent reputation in heaven can guarantee that his Giselle achievements will not be stolen by others.

Giselle shrank all over, and the few remaining souls and blood were burning fiercely. He harbored hatred for Ye Lin, and the hateful palace maid Ma Lin. She was the one who invited him from the continent of Arad. disaster.

But at this moment, he must ask his enemies to make his research results public and slap those arrogant guys in the face, especially the hateful Melvin Richter.

Ye Lin nodded lightly after taking the black glasses, which was a reply to him. In addition to time retrieval technology, Giselle's other research also has very positive significance for the development of the heaven.

Although the mad doctor is crazy and has no moral bottom line, the knowledge and knowledge he possesses are absolutely true.

"It's worth it, at least I really succeeded." Giselle's body began to wither and shrivel. Being able to die under her greatest invention and technology was also a kind of romance, dedicating herself to the limits of science.

"Haha, I never want to see you again. I die for my obsession. I am crazy for science."

He wanted to give Ye Lin a middle finger, but all the blood in his body, including the Eye of Darkness, burned out. In an instant, purple light bloomed, and his fire of life was extinguished, leaving only a rickety corpse.

The dark space he was in also completely collapsed. Ye Lin memorized the trace coordinates of a certain different-dimensional space, sighed slightly, and waved his hand to smooth out the destructive fluctuations in the void, leaving a intact body for Giselle.

Therefore, the scene that everyone saw before appeared. The general smashed the gap like a huge mouth with one punch, and then Giselle's body fell from the sky, and everything was silent again.

"The lovely Nirvana has become unlovable." Little Mo Mei felt a little sad, because the Imperial Army was chasing Landilus' eagle dogs, and it was inevitable that artillery bombing would destroy the beautiful scenery and many antique buildings.

Fortunately, Dr. Nairn used Gaborga's full blow to annihilate the shrinkage furnace that might have caused a super explosion, otherwise most of Nospis would have been razed to the ground by the crazy Giselle.

It is precisely because of the beautiful scenery here that the rich and nobles like to buy some real estate here. It is a good place for leisure and vacation. Now unfortunately, many people are suffering.

"I saw a group of Kallet remnants, including Adjutant Digon. They intend to retreat towards the Zell Canyon. Be careful and must stop them." Raphael shouted to his Storm Cavalry team through the headset communication. They were picking up the defeated soldiers. , target, not a single Callett can let go.

That canyon is filled with fog all year round, and the terrain is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It will interfere with the detection of satellites and drones. Once you are hidden in it, it will be very troublesome to find it again.

No Kallet member can be let go, and they are allowed to be shot on the spot. Only humans deserve to be arrested, and animals should be eliminated directly.

Raphael was carrying her small schoolbag. Her body, which had been trained in fighting arts, was toned and flexible. She was moving quickly among the rugged and strange rocks. The intelligence summary of the team members was constantly coming from the headset.

It's really amazing. Kallet's real leader, Randy Luce, was defeated and fell by Ye Lin a few years ago. A few years later, a team of Randy Luce's eagle dogs appeared.

According to one of the captured Kallet members, this special operations team mysteriously disappeared after the Battle of the Ardennes and only recently reappeared. It is still unable to accept the fact that Randy Luce was killed.

"Everyone, if you are captured without mercy, I might consider sparing your lives."

Raphael's anti-tank cannon shot shattered a large rock, and a fleeing elite team of Kallet was now surrounded by her alone.

The opponent's equipment is extremely complete, including not only machine gunners, snipers, and blasters, but also chameleon camouflage technology.

If it weren't for his third husband's decisive weapon "Pandora", which has the most advanced technical configuration of the war core workshop, including thermal energy induction, this team of guys would have used "camouflage" technology to sneak out of Conyen Mountain.

Kallet's style is influenced by the Lawless Zone and has always been fierce.

They looked at each other with fierce eyes, knowing that if they fell into the hands of the Seventh Empire, they would be imprisoned for life if not executed. They might as well take a gamble and kill the woman with the pineapple handle hairstyle, and then use disguise technology to escape.

"Kill her!" Adjutant Digon ordered.

The bullets sprayed from the machine gun were like a violent storm, forming a metal storm. They hit Raphael's energy shield and created circles of fine ripples. The slightly dented bullet head was still hot to the touch when it hit the ground.

"It's so unfriendly, remove the authority!"

Raphael snapped his fingers, and the small schoolbag quickly transformed and expanded into a terrifying mechanical turret, like a human war machine.

The advantage of Pandora over the Assault Armor is that it has more firepower and is lighter in weight. It also comes with a series of auxiliary functions such as a protective cover and thrusters, making it like a miniature Gaboga itself.


A corner of Mount Conine was shrouded in a sea of ​​​​fire. The laser beams hit without blind spots, causing the earth to tremble and crack. The gushing light was clearly visible across a mountain range.

The ultimate outpouring of firepower is the most important characteristic of Pandora. With a brilliant explosion like the scorching sun, the entire Conine Mountain including the Zell Canyon in the distance trembled, and a nearby high mountain was completely annihilated.

The X-2 Solar Cannon is an upgraded version of the X-1 Compressed Quantum Cannon remade by the War Core Workshop. It was inspired by Mr. Luke’s Solar Star Destroyer Cannon, so the technical aspect involves the participation of Princess Kabali of Hebron. Becky also thinks this thing is more fun than the big slingshot.

The advantage of the Sun God Light Cannon is that there is no limit in theory. As long as the energy is sufficient, the launcher is increased accordingly, and the material is supported, it has the power to destroy the continent with one blow. Therefore, the production technology of this weapon is a core secret.

"Oh, you are worthy of being my husband. The firepower is so fierce that my heart trembles." Raphael hugged his small schoolbag and touched it. He was so satisfied. As for the Kallet team just now, there was not even a speck of dust on the ground. Can't find any crumbs.

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