Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2101 No Carrot

Gisele Rogen is a former member of the Seven Gods. This status and honor alone is enough to prove how outstanding his personal talent is.

That's why he suddenly left the Elytra of the Seven Gods and went far away into the lawless zone to join Kallet's betrayal, which caused a huge ripple in the heavens, making everyone in the heavens shocked and angry.

The House of Nobles, who had always been arrogant and prejudiced by Nospis, also expressed strong incomprehension towards Giselle's choice.

In the history of the Seventh Empire, it is not impossible that members of the Seven Gods' Elytra retired early or resigned due to various special and necessary reasons.

But Giselle is the only member of the Seven Gods who openly betrayed the heaven and joined the evil organization Kallet.

The wanted order for Giselle has been hanging in the Seventh Empire for many years and has never been removed. The reward is extremely generous.

But the jealous Giselle has a keen intuition that is unmatched by ordinary people. Even the highest priest Beilean has passed away, but she still failed to catch this "running man".

Now, Giselle, a mentally ill psychiatrist, actually dared to show up at Conine Mountain. Not only did Jacket and other military personnel look at her coldly, secretly determined to arrest her, but the other members of the Seven Gods were also aggressive. .

Giselle betrayed not only the world of heaven, but also the honor of the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, which was a great shame.

"Come on, come on, everyone, the more people, the better. I have prepared a double gift for you." Giselle seemed to have lost her mind and danced like crazy on the mechanical platform rising from the Conine Mountain. An ugly old face trembled with excitement.

"I suddenly felt that Ruike still has potential. I hope she can change her ways after the disaster." Lindsay's pure and fair face twitched a little. Who likes to watch a lost and crazy old man dance.

Both of them are mad scientists who pay more attention to the results than the process. One is a geriatric psychopath, slovenly and skinny, and the other is a young and beautiful sexy lady with curves that are bulging forward and backward. The impression is definitely that of a posterior. Whichever is better.

She also confirmed that when Giselle was in Kallet, she often conducted evil human experiments. Behind his results were numerous bloody and unjust souls of the Celestials.

"I think so too." Ye Lin said in a serious manner with the demeanor of a profound scholar: "Ruike's research on mechanical prosthetics and biological extraction are all of great practical value, but her thoughts are too twisted. She is treated with both kindness and power, carrots and sticks. There’s definitely a bright future ahead.”

Unfortunately, after Ruike was forced to inject the Pretender extract, he hid in a small laboratory and lost news. The robotic arm seemed to have malfunctioned, and there was no surveillance footage.

"But you don't have carrots~" Xiaoyu drove the car without hesitation and headed straight for the rocket launch track.

The seemingly crazy Giselle, with an ugly smile and the corners of her mouth rising higher and higher, looked at the Celestial people gathered for him, including ordinary soldiers, generals in important positions, and elite Celestial scientists.

That's how it should be. The eyes of everyone in the Seventh Empire should be on the most talented person in the world!

Giselle's great invention is about to shock the world, to declare who is the best and greatest scientist.

Melvin, the Seven Mechanical Gods of War, the Mechanical Head of State, the Elytra of the Seven Gods... none of them are worthy of being compared to him.

"Giselle, stop resisting and surrender." General Jack was solemn and majestic. He usually shouted to the other party to surrender, but his mood was a bit complicated.

When Giselle suddenly betrayed and joined Kallet, he was not yet the supreme commander of the Seventh Empire, and the highest priest, Lord Beilean, was still alive and often discussed the special situation in the lawless zone with him.

That was also the first time that Jackett saw Lord Belayan, who was always kind and gentle, with warmth and wisdom in his eyes, so angry that he paced back and forth in the room and read the name "Giselle" many times.

"Resisting in a corner? Hahahahaha, if I am dying and resisting, why should I expose myself? Look, I am the one who wants to change the world of heaven."

Giselle laughed until the wrinkles on her face deepened, then she pressed a button in her hand, and two secret silver metal pillars slowly rose beside her.

"Come and witness my miracle together!"

The two metal pillars quickly melted into liquid under the gaze, and soon the red light emitted, revealing the mysterious substance wrapped in them, which were two crystals the size of a baby's fist, chasing each other and rotating.

The surface looks like a solidified crystal, but the inside of the crystal is a slowly rotating vortex. The red light it emits is extremely dazzling. The light is overwhelming, not only dyeing the Conine Mountain red, but also the distant ocean. The halo of red clouds is like picking off two rounds of the dusk sun.

"Extremely high energy response! It is indeed Skyhawk's shrinkage furnace." Michele spoke quickly, and his smiling cheeks became serious.

Before leaving, Schmitt had passed on information about source energy to her. Tianying's source energy experts had a new project to create a "substance" that could exert the ultimate destructive power of source energy and fuse it with it. , unprecedented terrifying energy will be born.

The complete recession furnace can also be called a miniature black hole engine. Compared with the energy revolution caused by the black nightmare, the former is even more destructive.

The shrinkage furnace project has always been top secret, subject to the national budget approved by Her Majesty Alijie, but now it seems that Skyhawk leader Lubat secretly gave Giselle the hard-earned information of the energy experts, allowing the latter to take advantage of it.

Dr. Nairn is also an expert in energy. He stammered and said in surprise: "Giselle...he used the theory of the source energy expert to control the source energy and create a perfect retreat furnace?"

If the other party's research is true, its significance is no less than the "dimensional movement" technology of the Coolio family.

Compared with the Black Nightmare, although the retraction furnace cannot be widely used by civilians, it has better explosive properties and can provide energy for the use of super large machinery for a long time.

For example, the energy of an entire giant machine, Geboga, and the shrinkage furnace are even more superior than the efficiency of an atomic nucleus.

There are very few energy comparable to the shrinkage furnace, but it is not impossible. The antimatter particles that Ye Lin once brought back are also one kind.

"Although I recognize his talent, I don't think he has completed the perfect shrink furnace." Dr. Gina pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose. Her mature and plump figure and intellectual and beautiful temperament are exciting.

Her glasses are one of the control parts of the micro-robot, ready to form a weapon to destroy Giselle.

The anomaly of a perfect singularity source core should be even more amazing. After all, it is the energy source of a so-called micro black hole.

But it is also safer before it is activated, rather than using special metal to forcibly restrain its power, and it should have both explosive and sustainable effects.

The two singularity source cores created by Giselle should be regarded as prototypes, and the number of times they can be used is estimated to be limited.

But even so, the value of the two singularity source cores is staggering enough, and they are very precious prototypes. Unfortunately, Giselle obviously did not want to use them for the right purpose.

"This is a great creation, the singularity source core..." Giselle began to introduce the two works enthusiastically. Although most people in the heavens did not understand its principles, it didn't matter. Just let them know that the effects were amazing.

In his words, the energy generated by the singularity source core is enough to supply the energy needs of the entire universe. Whether it is civilian or industrial, the energy cost is close to zero. It is an epoch-making and milestone invention.

If used to attack the enemy, the maximum exchange energy is enough to detonate the space. Even a powerful dragon will suffer from the weapons of the singularity source core.

"If he can perfect the singularity source core and make it more secure and applicable, that would be really amazing, and I would admire him too." Michele sighed, delicate and generous.

In terms of academics, she respected Giselle's talent, but the corresponding character was extremely bad.

If the technology created does not ultimately serve people, then its significance must be carefully examined to see if it will turn out to be a disaster.

The two singularity source cores, like the two black and white stars that can never be chased in the Tai Chi diagram, slowly rotated in the sky of Conine Mountain, overflowing with huge energy, causing changes in the distant ocean tide.

Before dusk, the sea began to rise abnormally, the waves were surging, and the heavy ferry in the ocean was also swaying.

"I'm fine." Mo Mei made a reassuring gesture, with a pure and refined smile on her pretty face.

Although the power of the singularity source core is very powerful, it is not enough to pose any threat to her. Even if a planet explodes, it is just a brilliant firework to Mo Mei.

So if Giselle detonated it directly with the intention of destroying the heaven, it would be wishful thinking.

"Haha, I'm shocked. However, this is just an appetizer, one of my insignificant achievements." Giselle was very satisfied with the almost silent atmosphere in the audience, and controlled her mechanical assistant to project a dense and complicated equation. , one look at it is like stars, dazzling.

"Do you know, if my final result has enough energy to tear everything in front of me, in the unknown darkness, like another abyss-like world, evenly distributed is the power beyond the current latitude, time! "


Hiatt and the others immediately looked at Ye Lin. It seemed that Yin Miwu bumped into Held.

Gisele's character likes to show off, so she can't wait to promote her achievements.

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