Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2089 Recruitment in the Royal Courtyard

If we trace back to the root cause, it is already the disaster at the beginning of the year. The black earth with the spread of chaos came to Arad again, and the Dark Order went crazy, setting off a new round of blood curse.

Friends betrayed, relatives turned against each other, good and evil were blurred, and the entire continent was in a state of panic. Countless people prayed to Niaoyan for salvation.

Ozma's trinity was still defeated by Ye Lin's strong suppression. In the end, Kazan would rather bear the heavy punishment of the underworld to help his brothers destroy Arad and destroy this world where people's hearts are more malicious than those of pretenders.

At that time, Kazan briefly broke through the barrier of the Chaos Dimension, attracting countless pretenders from other worlds to descend from the sky, and there was even a giant sky-curtain beast transformed into a pretender, covering the sky with darkness.

So far, professionals with ghost hands have not been able to summon Kazan's ghost shadow. Instead, they can occasionally summon Baan's ghost shadow.

A large number of space cracks forced Ye Lin to take a trip to the dimension of chaos, leaving behind legends such as the arrival of gods and the harvest beast "Liao".

There are also some pretenders who have fallen into the Tianjie Continent, causing a certain degree of panic, because those pretenders are all in a severe state of serious illness, their bodies have mutated so much that they are almost no longer human-shaped, and they cannot hide their chaotic hearts.

Under the highly advanced technological equipment of the heaven and the absolutely orderly orders of Alijie, all the pretenders were killed and burned one by one without any major commotion.

But unexpectedly, Ruike was so happy to see the hunting spirit that he secretly hid some of the mutated corpses for research.

"Although the blood curse has lost its terrifying contagiousness, if Ruike directly injects liquid containing the blood curse into her body, she will most likely still mutate."

Ye Lin calmly copied and saved the monitoring link, and then told Alijie that he had deleted the link and that you were going to use someone else to monitor Ruike 24 hours a day.

Alijie hummed, not believing her brother's rhetoric.

Then she ordered people to investigate Ruike's laboratory and the mysterious experimental base in the Kalaha Desert. At the same time, she monitored Lubat, and then asked Schmidt to come to the palace. She needed to know the detailed questions.

"Let's go, don't let this embarrassment happen." Raphael said goodbye to Zedin, and dragged away Ye Lin, who was trying to find a way to bypass Alijie and secretly monitor Ruike...Justice alone.

Today is the day for welcoming new students in the Imperial Courtyard. A group of young and outstanding palace maids will go through a simple ceremony and officially announce that they will join the Imperial Courtyard and become her schoolmates.

Girls around five years old are selected, their talents are tested, and then they are given high-quality resources to train. They go through layers of elimination and selection, and only the top ones can be successfully promoted to a member of the Royal Courtyard. The whole process is The selection process takes about ten years.

For those who are unfortunately eliminated along the way, their assessment results during training will also become a highlight on their future resumes.

As for those who are eliminated very early in the initial stage, they can only continue to go to school when they are seven or eight years old at most. Women in the heavenly world advocate a free life, and the only way to go is the imperial court.

People who can enter the palace of the royal maid can be collectively referred to as "palace maids" from now on.

Alijie's chief maid, Malin Kishika, is the eldest sister of all the maids here, and is also Raphael's immediate boss.

"Ye Lin, if Ruike's research can really cure physical disabilities, it should be a major milestone breakthrough in medicine." Raphael asked, and then swiped his ID card at the entrance of the base.

The primary responsibility of the Royal Courtyard is to protect the safety of Her Majesty Alijie, so one of its training bases is located at the edge of the palace, within easy walking distance.

Feiyan and Aisha both teach and work there, and Taylor, who has become a female star, has been suspected of fishing for a long time.

The reason why Raphael deliberately asked deeply was because Zedin's right arm was blown to pieces, which was just a microcosm of the disaster caused by Kallet's invasion of Ghent.

Guns and artillery are ruthless on the battlefield, and the brave soldiers are not invulnerable. There are many similar victims.

"Well, that's true. She has a chance to leap over the dragon's gate! But it is very difficult to purify its negative effects. In Arad, only people with a will as strong as iron can survive the side effects of the blood curse."

Thousands of people have been infected by the Blood Curse, but only a handful of Avengers have survived. This shows the severity of the side effects.

Raphael led the way to an indoor lecture hall. Every member who passed the assessment and entered the Royal Courtyard must have passed the psychological and physical qualifications, so there was little need for military training.

The environment of the lecture hall is very spacious and warm. It is surrounded by colorful ribbons and balloons welcoming new students. There are about a hundred new students recruited this time sitting on the seats from low to high. They are all full of energy and the atmosphere is very good. lively.

On the central podium, the chief maid Ma Lin gave an exciting speech, saying: "Look, the legendary mechanical Gaboga that caused a sensation in Ghent yesterday includes three female mechanical gods of war, Janey, Ladi, and Hayd. They are in their respective roles. plays a very important leading role in the field!”

Ye Lin and Raphael slipped in from the back door and found a seat to sit down. Then Raphael lowered his head and whispered to him, "As you know, before Heaven discovered that the entire society began to undergo mechanical freezing, Our status as women is not high and many resources are geared towards men.”

Therefore, Ma Lin can be regarded as a kind of tradition, using the deeds of great women in history to inspire the will of the new members of the Imperial Courtyard. Even if women are not inferior to men, they can also make the heaven respect and be proud of them.

The side effect is that they accidentally cultivated a group of tigresses. They may not be very good at running housework, but they pull out guns and shoot each one more fiercely than the other.

"Modern Generals Helen Capri, Lyle Minnock, and Mellie Faionil..."

A series of unfamiliar female names that Ye Lin was familiar with symbolized a glorious deed and medal. Ye Lin heard it quite interesting, but Raphael next to him looked like he was not interested, lying in the front row. He sat back in his chair and yawned.

Because she has heard it too many times...

"Raphael, why did I realize that they look so young?"

At a glance, Ye Lin saw that the freshmen were all around seventeen or eighteen years old, which was about the same age as Alijie.

All of them have a youthful temperament, with green temples and rosy faces, elastic skin on their cheeks that are delicate and dewy, and an obvious greenness between their eyebrows.

However, due to the characteristics of the Celestial Clan's bloodline, their tall figures and undulating curves make them look slightly more mature than Arad's peers.

Ye Lin thought about Beiana and Wanzi, who were both from the Demon Realm and were not that many years younger at home... Their heights had not increased in the past few years. They were as tall as they were when they met, but they are basically the same height now.

Yuena teased Yimiwu for being a short winter melon, which now seems to make sense.

After knowing each other for so long, Yimiwu has never grown up to Yimiliu.

"Well, they are not very old to begin with, but they have grown up because they are young enough." Raphael raised his eyes and could only see a group of back heads, some with crisp and neat short hair, some with prickly hair. She has a vibrant single ponytail and a long, straight black hair that is more ladylike and gentle.

The only hairstyle like hers with a tall wolf tail mullet... Feiyan complained about the pineapple head, and I have never seen another one.

It was strange that she and Ye Lin slipped in through the back door, how could this guy see their faces?

After these new students join the Royal Courtyard, they will face a series of studies and assessments. The outstanding ones can apply to enter various special branch teams, such as the War Goddess Formation led by Ma Lin, the War Core Workshop led by Dr. Gina, and the Storm Cavalry Formation led by her. etc.

There are also some lucky maids who can "stay in school" to serve Ali Jie. Some of them are roaming gunmen who are proficient in archery and physical skills, such as Feiyan now.

Although the professions will be divided, everyone's ultimate goal is absolutely the same, to protect Her Majesty the Princess and the heaven.

After Ma Lin finished chatting, she respectfully invited a female general who made the atmosphere solemn and Raphael sat upright.

Sobel Kishika, the grandmother of Lady Marin, a staunch supporter of the royal family, and a contemporary of Lady Meili.

As a legendary female ammunition expert, Sobel has made outstanding breakthrough contributions in bullets, grenades, and trap bombs with various properties. She is also related to the research on individual propellers.

Even though the years have aged her body, which has never groveled, her sharp eyes and temperament, like bullets piercing the air, have never declined.

In terms of status in the Seventh Reich Army, she is almost the same as General Jack.

Sobel Kishika did not nag for long, but said some words of encouragement, and his stoic eyes were the best example.

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