Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 2056 I want to live

The crystal of destiny is completely clear, and its diamond-like facets reflect the colorful and dazzling colors.

Yelin was a little reluctant to break this thing. After all, after fantasizing about holding the power of destiny for a while, Naiyali also wanted it.

"It doesn't matter~" Naiyali's exquisite purple leather coat was made of supernatural energy. She was a sexy and charming woman. She held his cheek and smiled sweetly: "The thing I care about most is you. Everything else doesn't matter, so let go. go a head."

When the invincible beautiful girl suddenly spoke little love words, it was more lethal than any other power. Ye Lin covered his heart, feeling broken and attacked, like a deer bumping into each other.

"Half a minute has passed and twenty seconds have passed. Are you going to use the Sword of the Beginning to destroy the crystal of destiny?" Naiyali turned her head and stared at the form of the great will, her pretty face looking unfriendly.

Does this guy think he can't escape from the great Naiyali, so he deceives them and destroys his power?

Because as the saying goes, fate plays tricks on people the most.

Ye Lin raised the Sword of Taichu and already had an idea in his mind. The lady in black dress had pointed out to him that any ability after "virtualization" can be called "creation".

Returning to a common question about the magician profession, what is magic and its meaning?

His answer is to make the impossible possible.

"Everything in the world, even a grain of dust, has its original meaning of existence, but..." Ye Lin flicked the sword with his finger, and the sword trembled with a clear sound, resounding through the space, as if there were billions of long swords resonating.

The fate crystal suspended in the air trembled violently, and the cracks left by Niyali were expanding. It exploded with a bang, leaving no trace.


He suddenly gasped in horror and almost sucked the air out of the Destiny Domain. Even the gods could not destroy this Destiny Crystal.

It looks like a diamond, but it is not a substance at all, but the embodiment of a concept.

His pupils suddenly shrank, and he discovered that Ye Lin's sword of Taichu had changed. The originally dark jade-like long sword seemed to have solidified a galaxy, dotted with numerous stars, and now it suddenly turned into black and white, flowing indefinitely and endlessly.

Putting aside the cover of black and white on the surface, he saw a self-contained world inside the sword body. Deep darkness filled every place, and suddenly light burst out at a certain point, and then a big explosion occurred.

When the dust settled and formed its own rules, he seemed to see the stars congealing, everything sprouting, and the fire of civilization burning...

"Destiny can explain everything, but 'creation' from scratch is an area that cannot be touched by fate." Ye Lin smiled, and it came naturally. He had a new understanding of the power of chaos.

"Dear, thirty-three seconds, you have timed out." Naiyali made an untimely slap. She was sweet and sweet just now, but now she is slapped in the face.

"Those three seconds are the creation process of my love for you."

"Hey, your love for me only lasted three seconds? You are so fast~"

While complaining about the disgusting things with Nayali, the destiny form frowned and murmured: "What will be born should be within the destiny."

"Creation from scratch is to get rid of the interference of all factors, nothingness..." Ye Lin said that it is not convenient to explain too much about the mystery. Now it is your turn to know what is going on.

"From nothing, to something..." The destiny form murmured, and then, as if it had awakened, it looked up to the sky and laughed, wantonly and cheerfully, laughing until its face was red, mixed with some sad tears.

As a result, the realm of destiny was shattered into pieces and reappeared in Chang'an on the cloud.

The fight on the battlefield of mythical beasts was a little half-hearted. Almost all the low-level beasts were wiped out. The three ancient evil beasts had strong vitality and could not be killed for a while. They were more concerned about what happened on the battlefield of "destiny".

"Made, are you two done yet?" Qiongqi roared angrily, his body covered with bruises. White Tiger and Astra, two fierce species, were still chasing it, why not go after Taotie and Taotie.

In the secret realm of mountains and seas, the realm was shattered. The three of them descended on a rocky mountain, overlooking the vastness of the earth, and felt a bit of pride rising in their chests.

It's over, Ye Lin wants to know the truth behind it.

"I got the destiny crystal, but I couldn't change the final destiny of my body... I don't want to disappear like this." He lowered his head and sighed. It was not just the apostles who were fighting against the "destiny" of being annihilated by the light.

The roots have to be traced back to the light side of the great will, which exploded in the divine battle that hurt both sides. The universe was turbulent, and the long river of time was diverted as a result.

Partial forms of the great will are also scattered throughout the universe, and no one can detect their true appearance.

The broken forms have a very strong sense of fate. They don't know who they are or their names. They travel aimlessly throughout the universe and are lonely time and space travelers.

Only at the moment when they meet the great will, they will wake up to their identity and understand the meaning of their existence, which is to wait for the radiant and majestic existence in front of them.

Whenever the physical body is unified, the power of the great will will gradually increase, the power will bloom, and it will take control of the universe again.

The mysterious warrior with the ball of light on his abdomen was later named "Stru" by him, and he didn't know who he was at the time.

"I found that crystal by chance... I should say it was fate. Then at a certain moment, the power of wisdom increased, and it also prompted me to awaken the consciousness of independent thinking."

"In the mirror dimension, forget the river." Naiyali interjected, she also had some impressions.

After rescuing Archangel Raphael, he opened the River of Oblivion directly with his eyes narrowed and picked up some fragments of wisdom and power from it.

The destiny shape nodded its head, and the feeling of being able to think on its own and come up with its own results was very fascinating.

This is His personal memory, insignificant and infinitely precious.

"I am 'me' now. After returning to the light of the beginning, I will no longer be me."

He is one of the broken forms of the great will, but it is not the largest fragment, nor is it the main consciousness.

After becoming one, will this self-thinking consciousness still exist?

He will become a part of Caroso, a vicissitudes of memory, and will lose his current form and the ability to think.

When a glass of water is poured into the sea, the concept of that glass of water disappears, and the whole thing that is lifted up is only the vast sea.

Ye Lin frowned slightly and remained silent, because he had actually seen a similar situation before, that is, little Shilok didn't like to stick to each other and merge with Big Shilok.

Little Sirok is worried that she will be completely swallowed by Big Sirok and become the nourishment for three evolutions, turning her complete self and experience into a memory of the other person.

The destiny form in front of him is very embarrassing. He is facing exactly the same situation, but his condition seems to be more serious, because once he is fused and returns to the light of the beginning, he will never come back.

Caroso is not the great Shilok, something that belongs to the light of the beginning, how can it be separated again.

In the era of the God War, Caroso scolded the Twelve Radiant Biana, asking them to give up their bodies and wisdom and return to the light of the beginning.

"The first strong shift in the power of destiny was the reincarnation of the Darkness of the Beginning, which became a link of destiny, but was destroyed by you." He continued to tell the information he knew, as if he was dying.

The descriptions in the Holy Book of Ancient Terra Stone Tablets are completely consistent with the characteristics of the apostles of various races distributed throughout the universe.

It was not a super-standard prophecy that saw a clear future, but a destiny.

Reincarnated, and then killed one by one, a character other than fate appeared unexpectedly.

"The second deviation of fate is the great will and parallel dimensions, which will eventually merge into one and return to the top. The third time, I tried to reverse my fate of being fused, but failed. I could only find you."

A layer of golden light glowed on the surface of Destiny's body, and his body was turning into ethereal golden light particles, spreading upward from the feet, and was about to decompose bit by bit.

"The future that has been blurred in the main dimension is actually not because of you, Ye Lin. Everything you see is an illusion under the power of destiny, but the crystal of destiny is broken. This is the way to reunite the power of destiny and completely master it. There is only one above...find the power of destiny for the fourth reunion.”

A piece of consciousness came over, and immediately, the bitter eyes of the destiny form suddenly became unfamiliar. He deleted part of the memory of the exchange with Ye Lin, otherwise once he merged with that person, everything he knew would be revealed.

Thanks to the boss "202209281664313150" for the 2345 points reward.

Thanks to the boss "Tianjianxing YQ" for the 3000 point reward.

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