Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1998 Didn’t do homework!

"I was suddenly told by you that I may be one of the strongest people in the universe..." Celia took a sip of tea, was silent for a while, then put her forehead on her forehead and complained: "This feeling is so weird, okay, savior... …I actually don’t have that grand ambition, I’m just an elf who runs a hotel.”

Run a small business worth hundreds of millions of dollars safely, earn money all over the world, enjoy it enough, then use it for charity, and build up a reputation.

You can spend your time freely, chatting with friends, travel when you feel like it, and visit various places, such as going to the floating island in the sky of the golden planet Tabols, and the Kingdom of Heaven, which I have not been to yet.

Enjoy the delicacies of the world, spiritual fish, octopus meat... In a few years, when my temperament is no longer so restless, I will consider raising a little Celia with Sugar Cane to continue the bloodline of the elves.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, sunrise and sunset, firewood, rice, oil and salt, life is just like this.

However, there is no peace when a great responsibility comes from heaven.

Suddenly, you are told that the future danger of the whole world is tied to you, so come on, Celia, go save the universe... For Saifupo herself, what the hell!

"It is also possible that the main consciousness of the dark side is Held, or in other words, every apostle has a certain possibility." Mo Mei pursed her lips and couldn't help laughing, and scratched the chin of the flame cat lying on her knees with her fingers. If you want to make money, you really don’t have too lofty and great ideals.

"Ah, by the way..." Sai Fupo's eyes suddenly lit up, she hugged Mo Mei's shoulders affectionately, rubbed her cheek, and said, "Can't I take away the dark side? If any of you wants my share, give it to her. Come on."

"Nonsense." Tana raised her hand knife, knocked the rich woman on the head, and said helplessly: "This may be the last entrustment of the elves, the true will of the Arad continent. Do you think you can buy a popsicle and hand it one dollar? It’s so easy to get the popsicle back.”

"No, the price of popsicles has increased. You can't buy one for two yuan, but you can't buy it for one yuan." Biana yawned nonstop while holding a pen. Her simple-structured head was filled with clear thoughts.

She was very sleepy but hadn't slept yet because she had forgotten her homework in the cultural class and was copying Mintai's homework.

Is there any way to solve it? I'm sick, or Astra chewed on my homework...

The ancient will of the planet Terra is Held, and the will of the planet Arad is also very mysterious, like clouds and fog, which cannot be clearly seen.

Ye Lin once called out with Wuxuan's characteristics, but got a very vague response, with fluctuations intermittently, as if his intelligence was hazy.

But Arad is a planet with civilization and life. It once took root in Wuxuan, but it was later destroyed. Some of the branches were made into a rosary and stored in the treasury of the Xuzu royal family.

Theoretically, it shouldn't be so vague. Even Ye Lin was not surprised that Arad's will was that of a transcendent and a demigod.

Sai Fu Po, will she be like Held?

Some responsibilities that should be shouldered by you cannot be shied away casually, and Celia also understands this truth.

Moreover, if the sky falls, Ye Lin will be the first to bear it.

"But why didn't you choose to be in Arad instead of running to Tabols for experiments?" Celia asked about the relevant details. Experiments and other such things can be done anywhere.

"My personal guess is that because Arad is the original place, it still hides many mysteries and is relatively sensitive. As for Tybols...Antuen is also there. It's troublesome for this guy to move once." Yelin's claws are not honest. , grabbed Mo Mei's jade feet and quickly scratched the soles of her feet, receiving a white eye.

She cleverly used her mental energy to block it, but could only scratch the thick mental energy shield.

"In that case," Tana nodded and glanced at Ye Lin meaningfully, "You know quite a lot. Are you very familiar with that sage?"

She has begun to doubt the true identity of the sage the rich woman met. The lowest level will not be lower than Yuena's.

In addition, as for the experiment that Held said could revive the memory of ancient Terra's god war, Saifupo was not interested at all. Her interest was waning and she sat on the sofa like a salted fish.

I am who I am.

My memory is from when I was an elf to growing up, that is my life. To suddenly wake up a memory belonging to "another person" is not very pleasing to her.

Without the origin called "Darkness of the Beginning", Celia is still Celia, and there won't be much change.

So she doesn't want to suddenly fill in an inexplicable past in her relatively colorful life. What she cares about is the future.

Sai Fupo's open-minded and calm attitude made Held look at her with suspicion.

These are the real two faces. Those with tearful eyes are overly immersed in the sad past, and the tears in the corners of their eyes will never dissipate.


Held himself did not want to stay in Arad for a long time. He came here this time because he had promised Ye Lin to come and see Alice and her "granddaughter" Xiaoyi.

Because of the successful experience provided by the coach from the third mirror dimension, she was even more eager to restore the Terra of her dreams.

But Yaco pouted and didn't want to leave. This place was much more interesting than the Moller Valley. There were red cats, snow-white cloud foxes, unicorns... and many, many other fun things.

Held put on a slightly more serious face and scolded Akko to be obedient. The little girl blinked her eyes and used her innate talent at her age... to cry.

When Akko rubbed his eyes and cried, Held was obviously at a loss, sweating on his forehead. In the end, Alice made him happy... and inadvertently let everyone see another side of Held, which was tenderness towards his loved ones.

The appointed time has not yet arrived. Facing the disappearing heat of late summer, the number of singing cicadas is gradually becoming fewer and fewer. Suddenly, they feel a little lost and want to catch something at last.

Beyana ate ice cream and fruits, and often went to the beach to play in the water and fish, playing like crazy. Finally, before the start of school, she succeeded in breaking down her body. She was so weak that she turned pale and could not get up from the bed.

In order to let her have a long memory, Yuena and Yimiwu unanimously chose to sit back and endure it. By the way, she missed the welcome ceremony of the new semester, and she probably didn't have to hand in her homework.

"My Ishtar warrior spirit, who is in the legendary realm, was actually defeated by these low-level cold-blooded people... Shameful!"

"Why, you want to go back for revenge and keep eating." Sailimin prescribed some normal conditioning herbs for her, and take her time.

"No, it's not." Beyana was nestled on the bed, hugging the quilt, and begged: "Sister Sailimin, please bring the game console on the table. I can play Fruit Ninja to vent my anger."


"Hey, are you planning to go to the planet Aiken? Can you take us on an unknown journey?" Yimi Wu held up her skirt, smiling, her toes were like jade, fair and cute.

The old man, the queen, and Mr. Luo can all notify him easily, but the fourth uncle is still wandering around the planet Aiken, looking for the oldest sword intention, the sword that cut off the moon of Aiken.

Moreover, Ye Lin also had a sword belonging to another fourth uncle, but I didn't find a suitable opportunity to give it to him.

Aiken, fight for the eternal land.

"Short winter melon, why are you holding up your skirt? You can't learn lady etiquette." Yuena mocked her every day, thinking that she was learning the aristocratic etiquette of a young lady.

However, Siatt rarely wore skirts, and the aristocratic etiquette was almost invisible.

In the words of the eldest lady, it is aristocratic etiquette. In fact, it is a set of cumbersome behaviors devised by a group of people who think they have a noble status to distinguish between high and low status.

There was a big wooden barrel in the yard, and grapes were being poured into it. I didn't know what Saifu Po was up to.

Penosio introduced that in the southern region of Bellemare, there is a place rich in high-quality wine grapes, and there is a custom of brewing fine wine.

The best grapes are picked and placed in wooden barrels, then trampled and squeezed by unmarried young girls. The grape juice is then brewed into wine, which is an expensive product.

The delicate white feet crushed the plump and juicy grapes, and the coldness and unique elasticity of the pulp made several demons shiver and find it a bit fun.

Xiaosu and Youxia also stepped on the grapes carefully and lived in the manor for the summer vacation. It was inevitable that they would be captured by the rich woman as labor force.

"Really, will anyone buy this kind of wine?" Yuena suspected that the beautiful girl's feet would not bring any seasoning or aroma, and it was just different from the ordinary wine-making method, that is, the extraction method.

"The boss will probably buy it, and then in the name of supporting the wine industry." Mo Mei knows her boss very well, and she even made her mouth full in advance.

"No, no, I also think this kind of behavior is very wrong." Ye Lin unexpectedly became serious, frowned and said, "If the feet of beautiful girls really have a unique delicious effect, why not just lick them?"

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