Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1946 Divine Body

The tree's branches and leaves, which were covered with airtight, spread out again. Most of the negative conditions of the tree of heaven, which was treated by Ye Lin with virtualization ability, had been wiped away, and every leaf bloomed with rich and fresh vitality.

For a moment, the islands in the lake were about to be submerged by the pure fresh green life energy, which materialized and fell on the eldest lady and the others, including the tops of their heads.

"The aid and resurrection coins I gave you before were made of the Tree of Heaven. Now you can repay the favor."

Remedios crossed her pair of beautiful white legs and flipped through the Book of Order resting on her knees. The light from the text reflected her stunning face. The hem of her light and elegant fairy skirt just reached her knees, and she had a few strands of hair. The hanging writing shows less of the divine temperament and more of soft femininity.

"I am willing to go through fire and water for the goddess~"

Ye Lin immediately half-knelt down to show his courtesy. He and Mi Miyan had actually known each other for a long time, but the number of actual meetings was not that many. It was more like... online dating?

Now after appearing offline, he has become a very glorious goddess knight.

"Speaking of which, Remi, there's something that I feel is strange." Ye Lin asked cautiously. It seemed that this question would be more sensitive to Miao Mian, who was afraid of being beaten.

Remedios tilted his head, resting his elbows on the armrests, holding up his cheeks with one hand. The mark of power between his eyebrows made his temperament more holy and noble, and said: "Guess why I am unhappy with those doomsday messengers and those who are against me?" Doubt the vision of the end."

He narrowed his eyes and obviously answered the question incorrectly. He didn't know if he was too lazy to pay attention to him, or if he was really distracted and didn't hear him.

Ye Lin continued the topic and said calmly: "I believe as much as you do that the future is determined now, and this moment is eternity."

When you praise your eyes, you also mention yourself.

"Well, it means that, but it's not detailed enough." Remidios closed the Book of Order, fiddled with the fairy skirt at the knees, covered the beautiful white calves again, and said: "We know everything and are everywhere , the power runs through the long river of time, and exists in the past, present and future! But..."

She paused, spread her hands, and said, "I have never gone back in time myself."

Not only the time and space lords can trace the upstream of the long river of time, but the God of the Beginning, who has power throughout ancient and modern times, can also do it. The difference is that the latter does not have such great time and space authority, and in most cases just watches silently.

And because the influence of God's own status and power is too great, any slight fluctuation will cause the inherently stable order of time to produce unpredictable and terrifying hurricanes, which will then change the past and future.

"That is to say, up to this moment, you have not done anything that you regret very much. Do you think that everything is developing right now, and that non-existence is the cause of the present and affects the decay of the future?" Ye Lin thought in his mind. There was a flash of spiritual light. I don't know if it was because he had touched the power of wisdom with his own hands. His thoughts and spiritual consciousness were more agile and intelligent than before.

Find an opportunity to let Béjana and Natalya touch Nimer too. These two are often heartless and lack of brains.

"Smart!" She narrowed her eyes and gave him a rare compliment.

"When I brought you back from the virtual state, I deliberately took half a step back and glanced at the Book of Order." He raised the heavy Book of Order in his hand with squinted eyes and opened a certain page. The paper was clean. , there is no writing on it.

Although she has never looked back, she still has a very clever way of using power to penetrate the past, present and future, and this book is the embodiment of the power of life, which is the past, present and future.

Squinting your eyes can write a warning on a certain page to warn your past self not to make a certain choice or decision.

These words will appear in the past and then be seen by yourself, thereby avoiding making wrong choices. It can be said that it is convenient and also greatly reduces the side effects of looking back in time.

The Book of Order can be ranked as a divine treasure second only to the Ring of Creation of the Great Will.

Therefore, the Book of Order does not give any hint as to whether or not to give a good guy card to your nurturing boyfriend.

This means that she, who is in the future, did not leave a page of notes in the future to warn her present self because of today's bloody disaster... Kick him away, beat him up, or beat him up before he kisses you. , otherwise, if he doesn’t bleed, you will bleed instead.

But this sugar cane is worth relying on. Your vision has always been correct. Although the sugar cane is slag, it also provides all the sweetness.

"Oh, by the way, what were you going to say just now? What do you want to ask me?" He squinted his eyes as if he had just remembered this, and cast a curious look, "Speak, I'm listening."

It is very impolite to ignore other people's words, but Remidios was calm and contented, squinting and smiling, "I just wasn't listening~ What can you do to me?"

"Your heartbeat is very steady, but there is no sound of blood flowing." Ye Lin gestured seriously. He couldn't feel it when he was holding justice, nor could he feel the other person's blood flow when he was taking a big mouthful of meat.

It's as if the other person is not a life, but an exquisite and lifelike doll.

"What do I think makes you curious and frowning? This, because my current form is a divine body." Remedios raised a soft jade arm, and the aurora bloomed from the bones, illuminating her skin that could be broken by blows. .

The inside of the body is flawless and pure, with no blood vessels or muscle lines, as if it is really carved from a piece of mutton-fat white jade.

"In our realm, we have long been freed from the shackles of the physical body. We can survive with only a ball of consciousness, and our strength is not reduced."

Immediately, Remidios clenched his fist lightly, and blood vessels and nerves began to appear in his crystal-clear and warm arms. With the beating of his heart, the cycle work called "life" began, and the transformation only took one thought.

"The reason why we still maintain our divine body posture is because if we abandon our current body, we don't know what we will become in the years to come."

Just like the Darkness of the Beginning that was mysteriously divided, the images of several apostles really did not conform to normal aesthetics.

At the same time, a strong body is also a means of defense and attack. A clear example. If the physical quality can reach the level of Glorious Beyana, it can be used to defeat the gods!

So of course she prefers her current divine body to the pure consciousness light group.

As for why the heartbeat is always there, it's because the concept of heartbeat means that this life is still "alive" in most cases, and it also reminds her of her responsibilities as the goddess of life.

Ye Lin was deeply moved by this, and wanted to reach out his paws to touch the place that symbolized the living of life, but he was pushed away by the book of order with narrow eyes. It would be brilliant if I gave you some color.

"As the saying goes, a couple's kindness lasts for a hundred days. We obviously have five hundred days of kindness. Why do you turn your face so coldly!" Ye Lin complained. The Book of Order also has the power of light. The back of his hand was all touched by it. Burned red.

"Huh? What did you say?" Remedios squinted and smiled, as if he was wearing a fairy dress and wouldn't recognize anyone.

Her body was suddenly shrouded in a beam of light. After a moment, she reappeared the same as before. It seemed that the light was just cooler, but something seemed to have happened to her.

"The divine body can be reorganized and reconstructed. The me I am now is not the same me I was just now, so I have no favor with you." Narrow eyes began to talk about philosophy, fallacies, and nonsense again as usual.

But Ye Lin's brain circuit is always more bizarre than she imagined. With an expression of surprise and joy, she said: "In other words, under the influence of the power of life, your body can be restored to its perfect state at any time, and it can be restored to its original state. Where?"


The book hit his head, and his forehead swelled up. Remidios stood up, opened the space door to the island, smiled, and narrowed his beautiful eyes into crescent moons, "We are going to go to Hutton Mar. As for you, Well, hurry up and find me a copy of The Darkness of the Beginning."

The implication is that there is no need to inform Celia in advance, we will "encounter" by chance.

Ye Lin touched the big bag on his head and nodded, and then asked hurriedly: "I have one more question! The last one."

"Why are you suddenly a mother-in-law?" Remedios frowned, opened the book of order, and a pen with a sprouting green leaf at the end appeared on his fingertips, and said: "I have to write something to convey my current mood to my past self. , revise history, nothing happened to us, break up!”

"That's it." Ye Lin quickly closed her Book of Order and asked curiously: "Your divine body is pure and flawless, just like a beautiful jade carving. The power of life can repair all your negative effects at any time, so... your divine body can still be pregnant. What?"


"Sure enough, we should revise history." He raised his pen and opened the book with squinted eyes.


Thanks to the boss "My Love Q" for the 1500 point reward.

4500 points reward from "Tianjianxing YQ".

A 100-point reward for "generating good relationships".

Squinting is a bit too fast, but it’s Chinese Valentine’s Day~

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