Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1922: Being hugged by the goddess!

Pushia was flawless, with a delicate face and refined charm. Her eyes calmly swept over the area where the battle ripples remained. She did not make any waves and only paused for a moment on Brother Diao and the fur-collared coat.

The powers of the sky and the power are indeed powers that have quite the character of each other.

Today, Andres is still staring at Fogelba's time hourglass in a daze. It is like a burgundy hourglass on a mountain, flowing with misty brilliance, naturally forming a time field.

For those below the realm of the transcendent, this hourglass is the "future" that is eternally unreachable.

Andres is not hypocritical, nor does he hide his sadness. Fogelba and Messi are colleagues he has known since the beginning of time, and they have also maintained the order of time together.

"This time is just a prelude to the end. The real decay of time is an extinction that even the gods cannot stop. At that time, messengers will descend on all major dimensions one after another..."

With a flash of gear halo, Andres left a message and then disappeared into this final dimension. Only one Garrincha escaped, and it could concentrate all its energy to trace it.

Fogelba is the most darkened and malicious one. It attempts to swallow up yesterday, today, tomorrow, endlessly... to become the true Lord of Time!

Andres was very suspicious that the reason why Pushia sniped Fogelba instead of Garrincha might be related to the fact that Fogelba disturbed her light cocoon before, and she was silently holding a grudge.

Both Isis and Kahn felt an unprecedented pressure from this woman. She seemed to be a majestic and infinite mountain in front of them. Even if their flying wings were broken and their climbing hands were broken into bones, they could not overcome it.

Immediately, Isis fluttered its wings, its magic wings lifted up the sea of ​​stars, and thunder jumped. Kahn remained silent, but his whole body and spirit became tense, and his immortal body was filled with a faint golden light.

The oppression brought by this woman is very strong, but who is stronger and who is weaker can only be known after taking action.

"Let's break up."

Puxia casually put away the ancient war spear, and her beautiful voice was round and round, like the sound of nature, and it also carried an unquestionable sense of majesty.

"Now that you have reached the extraordinary realm, you should think more deeply about how you were born. It is very important." Puxia said again, meaning that she should be referring to the "Darkness of the Beginning".

Being given hints by others, Kahn stared indifferently, but did not make any unhappy moves. His understanding and application of the Darkness of the Beginning was not inferior to Ozma in the Chaos Dimension, but he was not omniscient and omnipotent.

Just like the predictions about the various stone tablets, he and Prey both heard about the end from Held.

He has always had a very keen perception that the darkness of the beginning still hides deep secrets, because in a sense, darkness is also one of the fragments and part of the great will.

From another perspective, both Prey and Kahn are also a small part of the great will, but it does not refer to the current main embodiment of Caroso, but to the complete blend of light and darkness at the moment when they emerge on the surface of nothingness. Great will.

The mysterious relationship between the apostles that cannot kill each other may have a deep connection with this reason.

The deep black and red feathers of Isis gradually turned into pure emerald blue. Prey's consciousness took over. Now they can switch easily.

They are also very harmonious, one body and twins, but working together, Brother Diao's strength has become much stronger.

"If you have time, come to Tabors to discuss and do some research." Prey nodded and entered the door of time and space left by Andres. It would be more convenient if there is a shortcut.

The power of power is not to be used casually. It causes serious damage to the body and spirit.

As for the favors for aid, based on his understanding of Ye Lin, there is no need to talk about this kind of thing, as long as there is a tacit understanding.

The mystery of the Darkness of the Beginning should be actively attempted to uncover the truth.

If you wait now, you will only be caught off guard in the future.

Brother Diao walked free and easy, but Kahn was cold and stubborn. Although he had gained something, namely getting a piece of information from Ye Lin that gave him a headache at just one glance, he was still not satisfied.

He still wants the darkness in Ye Lin's body to achieve a state of unity and become a stronger self.

If it were another primordial god, he might have tried to persuade Kahn to avoid unnecessary disputes and conflicts. Peace is the most important thing, and fighting and killing would be boring.

However, Pushia is just the opposite. Compared with Nimer's gentleness and elegance, her reputation in the ancient times was that of a powerful battlefield goddess with full strength.

The oldest mythical era of Terra came to an end, and a war spear sealed the Lord of Eclipse. In fact, she was not a very gentle, good-tempered, virtuous character.

As a result, the war broke out unexpectedly, and the energy of the battle swept across the entire world. The final dimension, which was already nearly annihilated, once again became riddled with holes and completely shattered.

Ye Lin's eyes were black and he was shaky, dragging tired and heavy steps little by little towards the door of time and space. He tied his palms and the Sword of Taichu with a vine to prevent them from breaking away.

Drawing out the elemental power from the body is not as easy as it seems on the surface. It is as casual and simple as taking something out of your pocket.

There is no end to learning, and knowledge is unlimited. From the time he was recognized by the elemental power to now, he has been carefully understanding the mystery of the beginning carried in the power, and has benefited a lot.

Now that he was suddenly withdrawn, his soul state was seriously damaged, and his special state of blending with the elements was greatly affected, as if it was hollowed out.

To use an example, it is like the first period of time when a person who is accustomed to the company of cigarettes is suddenly forced to quit smoking.

It can also explain the torture that caused Mi Gao to suddenly stop drinking and then have to eat grass every day.

If You Wuxuan hadn't been providing repair and nourishment, this painful feeling of separation of power from the body would be enough to torture a person with an iron will to the point of mental collapse and split consciousness.

Ye Lin slowly sat down holding on to the door frame, adjusting his weak and tired state, closing his eyes and taking a rest. If he crosses the boundary by himself now, if he falls into the battlefield of the eldest lady and the others, any malicious Transcendent can kill him. life.

Recalling carefully, on the one hand, the goddess Pushya arrived in time, and on the other hand, Naiyali cleverly conveyed the message to Brother Eagle.

Otherwise, he would have been in danger in a one-on-three situation. If he was a little more unlucky, it would have turned into a one-on-four situation with Kahn, and he would have absolutely no chance of escaping and would perish.

The invincible beautiful girl also helped a lot.

I don't know how much time had passed, but Ye Lin was so exhausted that he was almost asleep when he suddenly heard a gentle call from nature, which made his sleep even sweeter.

"Wake up~ are you okay?"

Ye Lin slowly opened his eyes, and the first thing that caught his sight was Pushia's flawless and stunning face, her unparalleled temperament, and the proud and full justice under her splendid battle clothes, which was thrilling.

She is indeed the goddess of light and justice who was known as the goddess of light and justice in ancient times. Her beauty is unparalleled and her reputation is well-deserved.

"I'll just rest for a while." Ye Lin nodded slightly. After being amazed by the goddess, he was still exhausted.

There's no need to ask how the battle ended. Pushia is still there, so that's no problem. Kahn should go another way.

In fact, the total words he said to the Elemental Goddess did not exceed ten sentences, uu read the book

But maybe it's because they hold elemental powers, or maybe they both share the same "orderly" mood. They feel at ease as if they were old friends who have been together for a long time.

His condition was actually very bad. He stripped away his power and then forcibly merged into the Darkness of the Beginning. He didn't just take things out of his pocket casually. It was a miracle of Wuxuan and the Water of Life that he didn't collapse on the spot.

"This dimension of the end is about to disappear. The power fluctuations that merge into the main vein of time are difficult for those who transcend to resist." Puxia slowly put away her dazzling brilliance, her makeup was fresh, the bright moon was flawless, and the darkness The world seemed to become brighter because of her.

"Well, let's go." Ye Lin braced himself up and was about to climb towards the door of time and space, but the next moment, he was hugged up, was still a very shameful princess hug.

"I'm back, and the end will not come." Puxia didn't know who she was telling, her tone was very strong, her appearance was heroic, and she was stunning.

Ganzhi, who had always been unscrupulous, blushed shamelessly after being picked up... It was the first time in his life that he was pampered like this, and his shame was about to explode.

Not long after Pushia left holding the sugar cane, a ray of silver light flashed in the desolate and silent final timeline, and a silver lion head stared at the disappearing door of time and space for a moment, and then slowly disappeared.

It is Ymir the Endless, the strongest among the rulers of time and space.


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