Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1916 Time, Space, and Quality


The effect of the virtualization of chaotic power made Ye Lin invincible. He ignored many insidious traps and traps of time. The offensive of the sword of Taichu became more and more fierce and domineering, rushing straight into the sky, penetrating through the chaotic zone, and even slightly affecting To other dimensions.

He is based on this moment. He is the present, the absolute only one, and will be the immortal eternity in the future.

He stood proudly, parallel to time, jumped out of the long river, and gave those who thought they were superior and looked down a hard slap in the face.

"Messi, actually I don't care much about the end of time, the collapse of the universe, hundreds of endings... I'm blabbering about something that sounds very scary."

In the chaotic zone, there is no concept of the sun, moon and stars, and there is no direction of the sky and the earth. It is impossible to distinguish the up and down directions. Those seemingly huge and vast Death Stars, or the huge fragments comparable to the demon world, are not qualified to define the chaotic zone. Heaven and earth.

"I have always done what I can and what I think is right. I have set my goals too far, my heart is as high as the sky, and my life is as thin as a piece of paper."

The billions of light spots engraved on the Sword of the Beginning seemed to come alive, as bright as the starry sky, and a galaxy condensed into eternal divine light, slashing at Messi, who was in a state of confusion. It could not hide in the past or present time, and was lost. The strongest means of defense.

Ye Lin did not fall into arrogance and arrogance after gaining the upper hand, but was repeating a very important point, his will, his soul, he was once a member of the Ganges River.

The angle of sight of each other was different from the beginning.

Messi was silent, his breath was cold, the silver-gray lion head rippled, and a huge crack emerged, leading to an unknown place, whether it was an escape or a trap.

The shield on his left hand was shattered. It was a shield comparable to the weapons of the gods. It could protect against the collapse of dimensions and the attack of nothingness, but it could not stop the sword that symbolized the original disorder.

The Sword of Taichu, which is deeply integrated with chaos, has already caught up with the creation artifact - the Ring of Creation.

Messi's rippling right hand took the initiative to meet the shocking sword light, but couldn't stop it. Immediately, his arm shattered inch by inch, and fragments of time flew around, reflecting the past and future of this place.

Despite his embarrassing injuries, as long as he can find a chance, he can easily reverse the flow of time and return his state to the peak of perfection.

Some fragments passed by, and Ye Lin saw it from the fragments. Belfast and Mars faced the end of the evil surge,

Infected by the doomsday messenger, he lost the guidance of wisdom.

He also saw that a huge crack suddenly appeared in the sky of Arad in the angel dimension. Archangel Rafael was compassionate and gentle, worried about the safety of the City of Angels and Arad, and took the initiative to explore the source of the disaster and try to repair the upcoming disaster. Collapse of dimensional boundaries.

But she encountered the ambush of the end in the cracks. She saw the end of time, the death of the universe, the devastation of all living things, and all the prayers, holy texts, light... everything the believers had placed their trust in had turned into a pitiful joke.

The noble and holy archangel, in the end, no one can save him. He watched the tragedy and disaster happen but was helpless. Rafael was attacked in a daze, and his holy wings gradually turned black.

Ye Lin saw it again, and there was another majestic and bright figure stepping out from the depths of the starry sky. He shouted majestically: "You already have concreteness and wisdom, but you are still not satisfied..."

The time hourglass suspended behind the lion head of Messi, the ruler of time and space, symbolizes his power of time. What is rippling in it is not the gravel of time, but a burgundy mysterious liquid, which is a special substance held by all rulers of time and space.

Now, the hourglass begins to flip, from bottom to top, and the wine-red liquid begins to slowly flow to the other side. The mysterious invisible ripples spread and will spread to all dimensions and all time.

Ye Lin's personal experience was the most obvious. His rapid offensive was put on heavy shackles, as if he was trapped in the quagmire of time, struggling to move forward. This was the full power of the time and space lord, which was very terrifying, and the effect of virtualization was weakened.

Messi's mouth turned into a black hole, and endless time was swallowed up. He was borrowing his own power from other times to re-condensate his shield and right hand, both of which were majestic and majestic, covering the starry sky world and grabbing Ye Lin's head.

The liquid in the hourglass is materialized, the most original water of time, and can also be regarded as part of the power of time. It is the key to Messi's ability to travel freely through time.


Ye Lin shouted, an ancient divine light flashed in his eyes, and an ancient war spear covered with rust emerged from the void. It was not the weapon of the primordial god Pushia, but the embodiment of the power of the elements.

"Material collapse!"

In an instant, the void was turbulent, and one dead star after another turned into nothingness. The four directions were called the universe, and the past and the present were the universe. Time and space circulated each other and existed based on matter. At the beginning of nothingness without reference objects, time and space did not exist. the concept of.

Some old scholars believe that time, space, and quality (elements) are the three major elements that make up the vast universe. Protoplasm, quality produces space, space produces time, time produces all things... and then gives life to create brilliance and realize the infinite scale of oneself. .

Where the elemental attributes spread, the meaning of time and space will naturally be born. In absolute nothingness, time and space will no longer exist. It is a concept of the creation of a lake.

This theory does not mean that elements can transcend time and space, but that the relationship between the three is interdependent. Although they are sequential, they are inseparable.

Therefore, Ye Lin annihilated matter in a certain area, creating a concept of absolute void. The basic balance of time, space, and quality exploded instantly, thus making Messi's attack immediately ineffective.

Because time has lost its bearing.

He was able to escape from the quagmire of time. He was extremely domineering and raised the power transformed into a war spear. Like an immortal god, his momentum was like a rainbow and unstoppable. He once again shattered Messi's shield and right arm.

A slight crack appeared on the lion's head, which was as large as a mountain. Although it healed in an instant, it did indeed exist.

Messi was almost killed and died now.

The eyes of the lion head were dark and slightly irritable. Ye Lin, who possessed elemental powers and chaos fragments, was once again unaffected by the power of time. Even if he turned the bottle of the time hourglass upside down, he could not cause too many negative effects on Ye Lin.

He himself is only one of the rulers of time and space and does not have complete power of time. However, the elements in Ye Lin's body are the only complete primordial power among the three attributes of time, space and matter.

Generally speaking, time is one of the most mysterious basic attributes and the supreme killing power. Even if you only touch and understand a hint of the mystery, such as Astros with thorns on his butt, you can still be invincible among the strong men of the same level. place.

But Ye Lin has one of the few powers that can restrain the attribute of time, and there are two types.

This has resulted in the ruler of time and space, who has always been unfavorable, unfortunately suffering in various ways here. Messi's hands have been blown to pieces twice, his head has cracks, and he was almost killed in one-on-one.

"You dare not use the full power of the elemental power, because after matter falls into absolute nothingness, it is no different from the final disorder." From the hourglass behind Messi, a drop of water of time flew out, and he had no choice but to take out the ruler of time and space. The trump card brought an end to the opponent's proud present and invincible body at this moment.

The rulers of time and space need to use their brains and join forces to deal with an existence in this dimension. This is the first time in history.

Ye Lin's previous guess was completely correct. The higher the interference in time and space, the more costly it would be. The time and space lords were overlooking managers, not absolute rulers.

The water droplet transformed into a golden rattle, shaking the conceptual model of time in the future. At this moment, the present and the future seem to be intertwined and chaotic, projecting multiple Messis and reflecting many night forests.

They all seem to think that they are the real body, uu read a book

Cautious and suspicious.

Deep in the void, a second purple water droplet struck and turned into a purple gem medal, completely separating the time in an area from the long river of time, forming a new time flow rate.

One thought in normal time is enough for a hundred years at the new flow rate.

The third blue water droplet emerged, flashing with chaotic brilliance. As the final blow, it directly detonated an area. The chaotic time energy was like the birth and death of the universe, flowing endlessly. With the encroachment of endless time, immortality will also decay. !

"Repentant Garrincha, reborn Fogelba, I really have such great dignity and status that I am worthy of your hostility at different times."

The fluctuation of the big explosion during Yelin's bathing time, strolling out of the courtyard, was affected to a certain extent. His hair was broken and white, and the power of Taichu's power was accompanying him. The sword of Taichu was clanging, the stars were shining, and his eyes were cold. The killing intent was boundless, and a black light that was difficult to detect suddenly flashed for a moment.

He and Messi are no longer in the chaos zone now. The Time Lord has linked the time of a certain world and teleported to an unknown place together.

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