Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1882: Wanzi causes trouble as soon as he comes back

ancient library

Most demon scholars are unaware of the recent series of major events in the demon world, and they are more or less related to their teachers. They still leisurely fly around on broomsticks and read books.

There are 30 million books in the collection. At the reading speed of ordinary people, it would be impossible to read them all in ten lifetimes.

Moreover, Teacher Monica has a hobby of collecting ancient books from all over the demon world, so it is normal for her to stay away from home for half a month.

But when Yin Qi came back with Sleeping Beauty Monica, it immediately caused a large-scale onlooker and sensation. They were either shocked about why she fell asleep or whether she was injured.

But Monica, who always dressed very classically and conservatively, actually put on a fresh and eye-catching dress, which made her look extraordinarily beautiful.

"Wow, you are indeed Lady Monica. She is mature and elegant. She is so beautiful even when she is sleeping. She has a unique fragrance and is in full bloom in the cold weather."

There are little magicians who praise her, with a pair of flaxen eyes full of envy. Some children who want to join the ancient library are deeply influenced by Teacher Monica.

Monica, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, but actually had her ears up, her beautiful and flawless cheeks were slightly rosy. This brightly colored clothes was personally changed by a certain sugar cane. If she had chosen it herself, she would definitely not have considered it. .

Clothes that are too beautiful will get dirty easily, so how can she have more time to waste on them.

Finally, they put Monica in the boudoir and lay down. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Monica also felt a little better. She pretended to be asleep, but she was actually very tired.

Ye Lin seemed to know how she was feeling. He made an excuse that "the teacher needs a good rest" and sent away a group of lively and clever magicians and treated them to sweets and fruits.


After confirming that no one was in the room, Monica quickly opened her beautiful turquoise eyes, stood up and rubbed her troubled brows, pushed away some silk quilts covering her body, and sighed, with a complicated expression on her pretty face.

She had been trapped in a different dimension before and could not escape, but she was always awake. Although she was not able to witness the various situations that broke out in the outside world, she also heard fragmentary news from Hiatt and the others.

She got into a big disaster and almost destroyed the entire demon world. Fortunately, the entry-level student who cheated on the exam and his confidante saved this terrible disaster.

And he also saved her life. This was a huge favor. You can't just pretend to be in bed and don't know anything about it, so you need to express your sincere thanks.

But it was not only this incident that made her feel complicated, but also where the future of magic would go after the incident of Glorious Biana came to an end.

Magicology is a faction derived from the scientific and technological civilization of ancient Terra. Familial is used to replace the assistant function, magic replaces the energy supply, and magic lines are circuit boards. Magicology and mechanics are different, but they also have many similarities.

The road to glorious Beyana, which symbolizes the pinnacle of ancient Terran civilization, is cut off. Homonkuluz is still a taboo object. What is the future path for the derived magic science?

It seems to have a massive collection of 30 million books, but there are many things that are indeed not recorded in the books.

"Even if I were allowed to return to that era at the peak of civilization, I would still be confused." Monica reached out to grab the air, as if the most noble wisdom was hidden in it and could point the way to the future.


As soon as the door opened, Monica lay down and pretended to sleep. Even if she couldn't wait to go out for a walk, she had to pretend to sleep for a while.

"It's me. Those naughty girls all ran to touch Di Ruiji." Ye Lin was holding a bowl of sweet lotus seed porridge. He regretted the words as soon as he said them. Wasn't this self-inflicted? Tell him Monica, I know you're pretending to be asleep.

Sure enough, Monica was also stunned for a moment. Even though she was elegant, generous, intellectual and elegant, she couldn't help but her cheeks turned red. Her delicate hands slightly clenched the corner of the quilt, and she was at a loss for a moment.

"Hiatt changed your clothes for you."


The more he talked about it, the worse it got, and the more he talked about it, the weirder the atmosphere became. For a moment, Monica, who was extraordinarily intelligent, had the intuition that he might have done it on purpose.

I want to see myself embarrassed, see myself blushing with embarrassment. There will be times when the gorgeous flower of the high mountains will bow her head and be filled with embarrassment.

Even though she is demure and generous, and treats others gently, she still dare not look directly into Ye Lin's clear and clear eyes. These seemingly clean eyes stared at her for half an hour in a different dimension, which is called "Understanding Tai". The Elemental Mysteries of Ra.

What is this? Are you saying that Monica doesn't look as good-looking as those colorful elements?

Ye Lin can't read minds like Alijie, and can't sense Monica's rather complicated psychological changes, otherwise he would have to say a long sigh~Women, you can't guess your thoughts.

Teacher Monica is a legendary woman who devotes all her energy to the revival of magic. She has a strong female style and a classically elegant and beautiful temperament, hiding an intelligent and delicate mind.

The unscrupulous behavior of teasing a beautiful girl from the demon world is probably not feasible for a mature and quiet teacher. This is why he "cheated" to get started in demonology in the first place.

"I guess you must want to know what exactly happened after Glorious Biana came back to life. You've heard bits and pieces in your ears, but you're curious in your heart."


Monica nodded lightly. She was really curious about how Glorious Biana was defeated, and about the traces of civilization left by Ancient Terra in the different dimensions.

His speech is clear and his semantics is bright. Monica, the listener, knows some bits and pieces in advance, and it is easy to understand what he is saying. It is also a pleasure to chat with people who have common topics.

After hesitating for a moment, Monica also confided her worries and confusion to him, which symbolized that the road to the crystallization of Terra's peak civilization was blocked, and where should the magic science go.

Will you continue to invent some weird gadgets, such as the time clock after the Time Warcraft strike, which unexpectedly made the ancient library a fortune and made your pockets a lot richer?

"Hmm... I have an idea, do you want to listen?" Ye Lin thought for a while, then an idea came to him, and his smiling expression seemed confident.

"Of course, I'd like to hear the details." Monica is happy to have an "onlooker" point out a clear path. The authorities are obsessed with it, so maybe she really can't see it clearly.

She is a strong woman who is responsible for the ancient library and magic scholars. This can be seen from the fact that she often travels to all corners of the demon world in search of ancient books.

He has a gentle and open-minded personality, and is generous and natural. It doesn't mean that if someone stares at him for half an hour, he will gouge out his eyes or marry him.

She devoted herself to the study of magic, and even teased herself that she wanted to emulate Lord Held.

There are few women in the demon world who don't admire Held.

But now she couldn't deny that after that experience in the different dimension, she felt something strange in her heart that she had never experienced before, and she couldn't help but look at him.

Only when you come into contact with him can you feel that he has a reassuring feeling and is not as domineering as the rumors outside.

"If you want to know the solution, you have to go outside with me." Ye Lin put down a pair of sandals and thought carefully.

"Is it possible that you want me to learn from the maker Luke?" Monica was curious in her heart and did not pretend to be asleep. The beautiful legs slightly exposed under the dress were white and round.

Her body came back from the reverse element after elementalization, and she has been in the Holy Spirit state of the sixth element during this period. The consumption of soul energy is not bad. She has slept enough, but the loss of physical strength, energy and blood cannot be recovered all at once.

As soon as she stood up, Monica's knees went numb and she couldn't use any strength. It was as if her body was no longer her own. She had the frail beauty of a Xi Tzu, but she didn't have the delicate charm of a woman.

Ye Lin quickly put his hands on the jade arms and waist, and put the warm and fragrant soft jade into his arms. Their eyes met each other. For a moment, they suddenly seemed to have a certain frequency, and the heartbeats of both of them beat violently.


A voice of exclamation suddenly came from the door, causing Teacher Monica to look up. She saw a big ruby-like eye lying in the slightly opened door, and a shadow night cat standing above the head.

After being discovered, Wanzi became excited and ran away quickly, shouting loudly as he ran: "Sister Monica is awake, but her legs are weak and she can't stand steady. She is being held by Ye Lin."

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