Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1858 Missing the Bikini of the Past

Hard ores need to be mined and smelted, and liquid petroleum also needs a series of processing and extraction before it can be used in a variety of ways.

The process of obtaining seemingly ordinary and visible electrical energy is equally hard-won.

As a survivor of Ancient Terra and one of the scientists who built the "Genesis" spacecraft, Azera has an extremely detailed understanding of the civilization in her world from its extremely prosperous to its sudden collapse. .

Scientists from Ancient Terra have gained insight into the energy lingering in the universe through high-precision detectors.

But that energy was very powerful, and the terrifying energy density seemed to compress a star field. It was majestic and indifferent. They seemed to see the end of the universe and the beginning of the world.

And the most incredible thing is that traces of "consciousness" were detected from it.

Terra's strong shock turned into a silent sigh. How to effectively and safely capture the terrifying consciousness energy in the universe has become another century-old problem for Terra.

For example, the scientific research level and direction of Celestial Realm are still in the process of exploring the materials of their own world, while the mechanical Hebron has sealed the evil sun and occupied all the sun's resources.

The ancient Terran civilization at its peak is still above the two!

They gathered manpower and material resources to successfully create a device that pulls and absorbs energy, pulling the detected highest energy from the depths of the universe and injecting it into the twelve civilization crystals of Ancient Terra.

Azera spoke very fast, frowning worriedly, and explained to them: "If the wisdom of Glorious Biana can reproduce that device, not only the Demon World, Arad, but also the nearby Tybols, Aiken , will be affected, and the device can create a terrifying celestial body similar to a black hole, sucking and shattering everything nearby, including light."

At this moment, time square

There is a lot of mechanical garbage left here, some of which are waste products generated when Luke built the Silent City, and some of which are abandoned machinery that accumulated without knowing when.

Maybe it's like the central arena, maybe a little dusty remnant of Terra's civilization.

Now a change has occurred in this area. The rusty and twisted steel is melted into molten iron by the mysterious power, flying like a torrent towards the place where Glorious Beyana is. The ores buried deep in the earth also seem to have been summoned, and they are pouring in densely. starry sky.

They were reshaped into new and shiny mysterious machines in the cold, dead void, with billions of the tiniest electronic components filling their interiors, shining brightly, and beginning to perform their functions.

It was a pair of huge mechanical wings with brilliant golden light flowing around them. The surface seemed to be attached with eternal flames. When it was waved gently, the void trembled, strongly distorting the blazing light from the sun.

The proud and noble Brilliant Beyana stands on top of the world, her chest and face facing the sun that has existed since ancient times, her metal wings fluttering wildly, her expression peaceful, absorbing the power from a star.

If a powerful person looks from the starry sky, he can see that most of the light from the sun is distorted by invisible energy, as if it is forced into a funnel-shaped channel, and the boiling energy flows along the metal wings. , all of them were submerged into the body of Glorious Biana, and the aura was slowly getting stronger.

For a time, including Arad, all the planets that relied on the sun's light were dim. The dazzling and bright noon fell into the hazy dusk. The vision frightened countless lives.

"How can this guy bear it?" Shilok trembled in her heart. Even though her roots penetrated Zhuyalopa, she would not dare to absorb the sun's energy so wantonly, she would definitely be scorched.

The energy that Glorious Beyana needs to replenish is so terrifying that it exceeds the predictions of many people, including Ye Lin. It is difficult to say whether Gu Terra actually created twelve infinitely devouring black holes. Only the supreme power of the beginning can fill them. Fill them.

"what happened?"

The Demon Realm people gathered near the mountains, eager to witness the glory and power of the gods, suddenly shouted in horror, their whole bodies filled with cold fear. The flowers, plants and trees were withering and annihilating visibly to the naked eye, and the streams and green mountains were quickly covered with a layer of deathly gray.

They even felt a sense of exhaustion, as if their bodies had been hollowed out.


In the distance, a thousand-meter steep mountain peak suddenly cracked with a muffled sound. The stubborn and hard boulders turned into scattered dust. The majestic and majestic mountain seemed to have had its hard muscles and bones removed, and strangely shattered into soft dust. Then, The wind was blowing, and huge amounts of dust covered the sky and the sun.

"The demon world is dying." Ye Lin has Wuxuan's origin in his body, and he can most clearly feel the weakness and decline of a land of life, which is already like a candle in the wind, and is about to die.

Mailu nodded heavily, worried, she had the same perception.

"Look, nature protects you!"

She has applied auxiliary natural secrets to herself. In the past, she was ridiculed as a gardener's path. Fresh and beautiful green grass and flowers will grow wherever her footsteps pass, which is a trace of the spread of the power of nature.

Xiaoyu also said that if Mailu and Miya team up to start a landscaping company, they will definitely make a lot of money.

However, something very scary happened now. The flowers and green grass produced in the place where Mailu walked would wither and die in a few breaths, as if their meager vitality had been directly drained away.

"Yes, in fact, this is one of the reasons why the Terra War broke out." Azera leaned over and grabbed a handful of dry and barren soil, her beautiful cheeks unable to hide her sadness.

Mud fell from between her fingers, and Azerra explained to them a secret past event that was not recorded in a few of the 30 million books in the ancient library.

Twelve man-made gods gained the infinite worship of Ancient Terra, and then wanted to liberate the thirteenth Darkness of the Beginning that was mysteriously sealed deep in Terra. They beguiled the highly prestigious sages and issued the so-called commands of gods. In order to provoke a war against the king, the tribulation spread to the entire planet Terra.

Because the Thirteenth Darkness is not a tangible material solid or liquid, it can be directly penetrated through the thick earth with mechanical force and extracted.

Otherwise, if it is really that simple, given Terra's level of scientific and technological civilization, it is impossible for scientists to do it, and there is no need for the king to hold a veto attitude on this matter, and even end up fighting the sage for Terra. , going to war with God.

And you must know that in that long and ancient era, the attitude of the people of Terra towards the glorious Biana was extremely fanatical, which was the public opinion and the general trend of civilization.

The Thirteenth Darkness buried under the ground of Terra is a special form that cannot be obtained by conventional physical means, so it needs to use the mechanical device that Azera said is no less than the crystallization of civilization. Now Glorious Biana The wings that absorb solar energy have a similar effect to the original device.

The wise and far-sighted King of Terra had a clear mind and believed that once the mechanical device was used on the planet Terra, it would cause an irreparable and terrible disaster, so he resolutely rejected the sage's suggestion, which was tantamount to violating the will of God.

"Hiat, who is she? She knows so much in detail. Lord Held may not even know her as well as she does." Smila pointed to Ezera with her eyes. She is such a gentle, delicate and mysterious woman. , she also has the elegant temperament of a lady, knowledgeable and courteous.

A bit like a teenage version of Monica.

As the second agreed leader, due to her responsibilities, she had carefully understood certain information. She learned that although Azera lived in Wuxuan Town and served as a teacher and deputy leader, she was actually Ye Lin's child from Arad. People brought from the mainland.

That was too strange. She, a native of the Demon World, didn't know so much secret information. How could an outsider from the Arad continent know so much about Gu Terra? It really surprised her.

"I swear I will keep it secret." Smila was curious, paused, and added: "At most, tell Yin Su. Anyway, she is also Mai Lu's sister, one of your own."

"Actually, you almost have the answer in your mind." Hiatt did not say it directly. Not only that Azera's identity needs to be kept strictly confidential, but the fewer people who know about it, the better.

One of the well-known miracles in the demon world is that the apostle Held has a body that hardly ages.

Lady Held has existed since the fragments of Terra escaped the explosion vortex. She was the first to use elemental magic, laying the foundation for the glorious history of the elemental masters in the future, and protecting the demon world from the gravity of other planets. Pull and devour.

Scholars in the demon world unanimously believe that it should be the effect of the immortal water of life that makes Master Held so naturally beautiful. His bright and charming face will never age, and his skin will be shiny and remain youthful forever.

Otherwise, how can an "old woman" who may be thousands or even tens of thousands of years old have the courage to dress up in a sexy and hot bikini every day... Although she has recently worn a jacket and trousers for no reason, the demon world is missing a beautiful thing. The scenery is really quite regrettable.

So Hiatt followed Smilla's guess and gave a hint that Held was not the only survivor of Terra.

. Lewen

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