Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1843 Where is Xiao Su, please save me

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"It seems that we took it for granted at the beginning." Smila understood the overall situation and did not talk too much to Ron. She was also angry.

I thought that after the leader of the wild dog group was killed, their ambitions would plummet, and they would hide in a small place and live an ignoble existence. They would be in constant fear all day long and be treated like a second-rate organization.

After Harlem returned to the second agreement, the Kaxiu faction fled to the barren and harsh Boronx area, which was unanimously agreed upon by the representatives of the major forces.

However, they are accustomed to the sense of wanton command from above, and they simply cannot change from extravagance to frugality, intending to make a comeback and return to the top.

Using an egg left by Prey, he evaporated a large area of ​​the ocean, shook half of the demon world, and even intended to use the people who died in the disaster to sacrifice the ancient demon Bellator on a large scale.

"Wait a little longer, they should be here soon." Ron closed his eyes for a while to rest, feeling like he had been abandoned by the times every moment, which was very uncomfortable.

He is not a remnant who is obsessed with the old era. He also wants to take a step beyond, but he simply cannot keep up with the progress of the years. He can only rely on his own accumulated realm foundation to barely be respected by others.

Tarakuta has been making very discordant voices recently, proposing that the position of leader should be given to Reitz the Transcendent. They all believe that she is the eternal Holy Spirit, and her accomplishments in elemental magic are second only to Lord Held, so her qualifications are absolutely sufficient. .

But she was declined by Rez herself. She seemed dignified, elegant and intellectual, but in fact she also had an uneasy temper. It was difficult for her to calm down and spare time to deal with the trivial matters in Talakuta.

So the position of leader still belongs to Ron, but this feeling of charity that others don't want their turn inevitably makes Ron feel a little uncomfortable.

Although he knew that Ruiz didn't actually mean it.

"Sir Ron, what are you thinking about?" Erica came over and said

She was lively and restless by nature and found it hard to settle down. She was one of only a handful of people who dared to challenge the Demon Emperor when he was at his peak.

There are only two people nearby who can talk besides the sea water. The woman Smilla may have a slight sense of alienation because she uses forbidden things. She keeps away from strangers and has a slightly gloomy temperament. It seems that she accidentally... She will capture him and use the ring of dominance to train him in various ways.

Instead, old man Ron became the first choice for conversation. Erica saw with her own eyes that Ron was cursing the children in the slums for being dirty and smelly, while throwing down some food and coins.

"It's nothing. I'm old and I was distracted for a while." Ron's white beard was thick and dense, and his hood covered his eyes, so he couldn't see the subtle changes in his mood.

I had a casual chat with Erica and encouraged her to practice hard.

"By the way, Rebecca, do you know Biana?" Ron suddenly changed the subject and asked.

"I know, the glorious Biana who carries the expectations of Terran civilization..."

"No, no, I mean, Niu's former little follower."

"I just like...the one in Marseille." Erica nodded and said, "I went to school in Arad, and my cultivation was good, but I always failed in cultural classes."

Kaxiupai Duoheide and others believed that what Bayana drank was fake water of life, which was a deliberate scam between big shots.

Ron himself, including Smila and others, have always believed that what Biana drank was real, and they were envious and even jealous of her. A little kid in her teens, with rich years and youthful vitality, wasted and wasted.

It's so funny that it makes people laugh and cry.

He wanted to understand Biana's reaction after drinking the water of life. After taking a big sip of the magical object, another year had passed, and there must be some changes.

For example, if you practice a thousand miles with each passing day, your pores will spurt out rays of light, when you meditate, auspicious clouds will bloom, three flowers will gather at the top of your head, and five qi will rise to the vitality, etc.

Before Ron could ask any further questions, a purple stream of light suddenly rushed out of the turbulent ocean of Mad Wolf, leaving no trace on the waves. It was very fast and appeared in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

"Erica, Master Ron, Sister Smila, I'm sorry for being late." Bibi from the Spin Demon Club was pretty and cute. She greeted each of them warmly, and then touched the lucky three-tailed cat's head. The child ran away midway. Crooked.

The lucky three-tailed cat is the contract object of the elf messenger Katie, so there is no need to guess that Bibi is the representative sent by the Spin Demon Society.

It didn’t take long~


A nimble and small figure stepped on a surfboard and moved quickly through the waves of the sea. The surfboard seemed to be specially made and would not sink even if it was suspended on the sea.

"It's an artificial human from the ancient library, a remnant of the Demon Girl Organization. It seems like it's the Shadow Night Cat," Smilla said.

The humanized Shadow Night Cat raised a voice magic device and pressed the play switch. Iqi's dissatisfied voice came from inside: "Hey, hey, all of you powerful people can fly, my new generation mk-4 It’s not equipped with the sea-crossing function, can you please chat on land, and I’ll treat you to cookies.”


As the area closest to the origin of the explosion in the center of the orbit, it should have been completely destroyed by the impact energy, and the land turned into a sea. However, due to the timely arrival of Ye Lin, the place was still intact.

"Hiero?" Smilla frowned slightly. They saw the wandering Warcraft "Poseidon" near the haven. A powerful Warcraft from the planet Aiken, it liked to make trouble in the coastal area before being tamed by Ye Lin.

"The Kaxiu faction panicked and chose their own way. Some of them fled to Boronx, and some fled to Mine." Hiero's voice was strong, and his centaur-like body was covered with wounds, all of which were left in the explosion.

Not long after, Rossello, one of Wuxuan's deputy leaders, also arrived at the scene. After tracing the traces, he found them and informed them of more relevant information.

"Clean them all, especially Duoheide, Yemu, and Diolbe. The abscesses will worsen the whole body." Smilla took the lead and looked for a direction where the Kaxiu sect might be hiding.

Because the exact destination of the person's escape is unknown, who will be found during the tracing process depends entirely on luck.

"You guys, it's best to go together." Ron mentioned casually, Bibi, Erica, and Iqi, they are not the leaders or deputy leaders of the family, they belong to the younger generation, the rising stars of the major forces.

In the future, there may be a chance to take over the leadership position, and he will be a big shot.

Since clarifying the changes of the times in the demon world, Ron has gradually abandoned his inherent arrogance and has no intention of looking down on young people. He also knows that the absence of the leaders is a precious training opportunity for the juniors.

But the members of the Kaxiu sect are cruel, tyrannical, and cunning, and these young people may suffer a big loss in terms of experience.

Bamboo shoots after the rain can grow taller and taller. They are the new bamboo forest and the pillars of the future. However, not every bamboo shoot has a chance to become useful. Many of them are just poached by people or pandas to eat the bamboo shoots.

For example, Erica is a very clear example. If it weren't for her father's carefully crafted life-saving secret treasure, she would have died in the hands of the Demon Emperor.

Watching these young people leave, Ron's thick white beard moved, his eyes were complicated, and he said: "I still remember a few years ago, when the apostles occupied various areas wantonly, regardless of the life and death of the demon world. In the blink of an eye, the world suddenly changed."

"Yes, Antuen and Sirocco are fighting in the center of the subway, and there is no peace." Rousselot nodded in agreement. Sometimes at night she would dream that she was still working in the Silent City, and she would also dream of The genocide of alien tribes and a series of things that are enough to scare people.

The feeling of relief and relief when you wake up and find that everything is fine is a rather special experience.

"Rosselot, what do you think of 'order'?" Ron thought about it for a long time and then changed the topic and asked.

"I thought it was a joke before the Chief arrived, but now, Order, it seems like a real possibility."

While chatting, a gust of cold sea breeze hit his face. Ron's thin body trembled slightly and he coughed.

The people from other forces were all rising stars, but New Sun Star, he and Smilla were the only ones who came in person.

It is not that the elemental organization Tarakuta has declined. With the name of Reitz the Transcendent and the influence of Lord Held, the number one force is still the number one force.

It’s not that there are no representative young members. Susu, Reitz’s disciple, can maintain the Holy Spirit state longer than him at a young age, and also got a very powerful magic book. Compared with Erica, Iqi Others are definitely only strong and not weak.

But the problem is that Xiao Su has a personality like her teacher. Once she leaves, she never comes back for a long time and is abducted, which is quite frustrating.

If Xiao Su was still studying in the magic school, he would also appoint Xiao Su to come here this time and he would not get involved.

"There are always new faces replacing old ones." Ron sighed, then glanced at Rousselot, and suddenly remembered that sentence... There are always people who are getting old, and there are always people who are young.

Although Rousselot cannot be considered to be of the same generation as Bibi and others, uu reads

But he is also at the right age, young and beautiful, and especially his unique astrology, he is quite famous in the devil world.

However, Rousselot misunderstood and thought that Ron was teasing you Wuxuan. Why didn't he send a few young people to deal with it? Is it just like the second agreement that there is no one left.

"After all, our Wuxuan is a new force with a shallow foundation. How could we find a good seedling so quickly?" Rousselot suddenly remembered something and blinked his beautiful eyes, "But our leader is young, energetic, and has many confidantes. , in another ten years or so, probably...cough~"

If Ye Lin knew that the rabbit was secretly teasing him behind his back, he would definitely close the door and feed himself.


Thanks to the boss "Tasamet" for the 100 point reward.

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