Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1817: Brother-in-law is also brother-in-law

As the owner of the Forest of Dolls and the Dark Mansion, of course, you must have some eerie mystery, and it is best to add some horror elements. For example, the witch looks like a lolita, but in fact eats people without spitting out bones.

On normal days, you must go out less and show your face.

Only in this way can the mystery of the "witch in the dark house" be created, making people frightened and frightened by it, and reduce the number of boring people who pry into the dark house.

So when she needs to buy things on a daily basis, Yimi Wu always asks Crazy Bear, who has a certain amount of spiritual knowledge and wisdom, to go out, but rather than buying, it's more like enjoying the offerings nearby.

Residents living on the edge of the Forest of Dolls, when they see Crazy Bear appearing with a basket, will stuff the freshest and best fruits and vegetables into the basket, and then take away the corresponding coins.

Sometimes Yimiwu would write a note telling him what he wanted.

The letter brought by Crazy Crazy Bear stated that nearly 30 people had mysteriously disappeared in nearby villages and towns. The situation was serious, and it was very noteworthy that the missing persons were all children under the age of 15, and were suspected of being possessed by criminals. Special purpose.

And through communication with towns in other areas, it was found that the places where children disappeared were not just near the Forest of Dolls.

A rough estimate is that nearly a thousand children have disappeared, and this number is still increasing!

Simple patrols have been organized in nearby towns to try to find out whether it was malicious human traffickers or a terrifying demon who likes to eat children ran out of the demon territory.

"'s useless to tell me. It's not like we caught him in the Doll Forest, and I'm not the leader of any big force." Yimi Wu opened the letter paper and the content of his story was basically the same.

They probably couldn't find a solution, so they tried to hand a distress letter to Crazy Bear, hoping that the strongest little witch nearby would help.

"If it happened in my underground center, it would take at most half a day to find out the results, but as for Boronx..." Ye Lin spread his hands to express his attitude.

The main reason is that there is too little known information available. Even the "local snake" Yimi Wu has no way to do it, and the Wuxuan organization is definitely beyond its reach and has no way to start.

Boronx has a vast territory, many dangers, and no big force to intimidate the order. After the Harlem area belonged to the Demon Moon Summoner Smilla, many thieves and criminals were hidden.

"Let me ask Smilla. If it is a simple robbery, there will be more or less news in the total eclipse market." Ye Lin touched something that looked like a mobile phone. Hebron technology products, named Silent City, It is a signal tower that can cover most of the demon world with communication signals.

Except for some areas where the elements are messy, the signal is unobstructed.

"Oh, you still have Smila's friends." Xiaoyu immediately came over, her tall and beautiful figure pressed against his back, her soft arms were put on his shoulders, her hair fell gently, and she gently rubbed his ears.

White and slender fingers quickly tapped on the screen, and Xiaoyu clicked her tongue: "There are quite a lot of chat records, but they are all business matters anyway. Why don't you talk about ambiguous things, such as posting sexy pictures or asking Smilla for underwear photos?" ah."

Harlem Area·Second Promised Base Camp

Smila finished a fruitful practice and glanced at the shining mobile phone on the table. This thing was quite interesting. It was small and not surprising, but it contained a lot of information.

Her long gray hair fell to the floor and she wore a tight-waisted long dress that accentuated Smila's graceful and voluptuous figure. Her slender waist was not too slim to hold, but her righteous curves in front of her body were full and amazing. She could be described as slender and fleshy. .

"Oh? There is a missing child in Boronx? Including near the Forbidden Forest of Dolls." A strange color appeared in her cold, elegant and melancholy eyes, and she summoned a child with a round face and ordered her to check.

Although Harlem is not as good as Central Park and Brooklyn, it is many times better than the cold and desolate Quest. Coupled with the alliance with Wuxuan, the standard of living in the second agreement is much better than before. The organization The children are all fat.

"Smila, what happened?" Deputy leader Ys, Sophie's second sister, just returned from the Mayne area after a long journey.

She is already very proficient in the application of the Ring of Dominance, so if she is considering controlling more powerful guys, the ferocious monsters in the Main area are a good choice.

"It's just a small matter, some people are missing. There are not many such things in the demon world. Only that big fool Ye Lin has such kindness to help." Smila relaxed, not mocking, just teasing.

"By the way, Rousselot sent a message before saying that Wuxuan has cultivated a new batch of pearl grapes. They are juicy and sweet. Why haven't they arrived yet? I want to try them." Smilla was very interested and asked in Ques That damn place has such a pitiful mouth.

"The first batch is small. It seems to be sent to Central Park and Moller Valley. You can wait for the second batch."


Yisu helplessly shrugged and said that he didn't know. He suddenly remembered something and guessed: "The whole demon world knows that Leader Wuxuan and Lord Held have an ambiguous relationship. They are boyfriend and girlfriend. They are also very brave and cheat on Elf Elf Katie. , both have their own feet, and good things must be provided to them in advance. You are just an ally, and they are relatives and friends~"

Of course, as far as she knew, she was a supermodel bunny girl from the Alien Tribe, a desert-style beauty queen in the windswept zone... and this person was also her brother-in-law.

Isu held his forehead, the relationship was really messy.

"I'm going to Boronx. The demons there may be worth capturing." Isu looked at Smila. You are idle, are you interested?


"Smila said that there is no similar sale of child slaves in the total eclipse market. We cannot rule out whether there is another market or the work of some second-rate organizations." Ye Lin flipped through the news. It seemed that he could not find any useful information, but The lunch issue must be resolved first.

ex Dornier has always been a mobile home and canteen. The fine beef from the snowy area of ​​​​Ston, the plump fresh fish from the west coast, and the fruits and vegetables grown in the own yard made a quite sumptuous lunch.

When Feng Ying was picking her teeth with a toothpick, an idea suddenly flashed in her mind, and she said, "Could it be the Kaxiu sect? Didn't Rousselot say that the remnants of the Kaxiu sect fled to the Boronx area?" .”

Just like Held, who is always the one who takes the blame, when it comes to evil things that are so bad that the soles of his feet ooze pus in the demon world, the first guess is basically the Kaxiu sect.

It’s not that he deliberately took the blame unjustly. During the reign of the Demon Emperor Charles Foz, he robbed homes, hunted orcs, and experimented on humans. The Ka Xiu Sect was “committing all evil” in the true literal sense.

After careful consideration, everyone agreed that there was a certain possibility, but when the Kaxiu sect plundered the population, they usually gave priority to arresting young adults. Strong slaves could be sold for a good price, and children who were useless and still had to open their mouths to eat could only be taken back. Raise Gu like the original "Beir of Hate".

"Speaking of it, I always think that I have seen the special characteristics of only capturing children." The curator thought seriously and had a vague impression. It seemed that he had glanced at the relevant information somewhere, but he couldn't remember it for a while. .

Until the mechanical clock hanging in the dark house rang. It was a magical product of the ancient library. After the time monster Atropika rested and fell into a deep sleep, the concept of time in the demon world was further blurred, causing great trouble in life.

Therefore, the ancient library made sophisticated clock instruments to divide the time scale into one day, one month, one year...

Yimiwu's wall clock was given by the mischievous king Iqi. One side is engraved with a rose flower and the other side is a big frog.

"Magic Science... Cyborg Lalo, I remembered it!" The curator suddenly realized, and then took out a book with slightly scrawled handwriting. This was Lalo's notes when he was an assistant to Xislin in the Ka Xiu School. It recorded Information and characteristics of the Kaxiu sect cadres.

The member of the Plunder Team, codenamed "Gray", is the Zealot Diobel, a fanatical believer who dedicated his soul to the legendary ancient demon Bellator in exchange for powerful power.

And Bellator's favorite sacrifice is the child's flesh and soul.

"This ancient demon god sounds like he has quite a reputation." Yimi Wu had also heard of this name, and some small and unpopular fanatical organizations worshiped Bellator.

Moreover, Bellator is real and is definitely an evil god. There are indeed some children who survived the dark trial and gained extraordinary power, such as Diobel.

"Diobel can't plunder so many children by himself. It should be the remnants of the Kaxiu sect who are helping. In other words, they are preparing to make a desperate attempt to come to Bellator?" Ye Lin made a guess. Anyone would dare to do so. Called "God"!

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