Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1814 Welcome to the Forest of Dolls

"Xiao Su and I are innocent. There is nothing like what you think."

Ye Lin firmly defended Xiao Su's reputation as a pure boudoir. The so-called aid to Su was all ridiculous and nonsense. At most, he would step on his back and pinch his legs.

If one day Xiao Su slowly takes off her soft and smooth white silk stockings and throws it on his face, that will be the greatest reward. He will be so frightened that he will bow down and kneel down.

Yimi Wu lifted up his slender white calves and put them on the front desk of the car. The smooth and white calves were covered with many band-aids, scar cloths, and many other scary-looking decorations.

It’s as if her body is also sewn with needlework, and she is a “living” doll. Coupled with her dark-style Gothic dress, and the rough-stitched Bad Bunny and Crazy Bear, it’s quite scary. Chills.

However, those "wounds" are just decorations. Yimiwu feels that since it suits the dark style, a pair of bare calves is not suitable, and stockings are too monotonous, so some unique "stitched wounds" are so cool.


Yelin braked suddenly and turned the steering wheel to the side. The sudden change caused Yimiwu, who was crossing his legs, to fall directly under the seat, touching his forehead and crying out in pain.

"I told you not to wear your seat belt." Ye Lin blocked the little witch's words before she was ready to hold him accountable. The angry Yimi Wu's cheeks bulged and she opened her teeth and claws to scratch him.

"Diao Donggua, did you not remember the way home, or did you drive to the wrong place, Ye Lin?" Yuena stuck her head out and asked. The dry and rough air in the demon world was very uncomfortable, and there was a slight feeling of suffocation. .

"Probably not. To get to Boronx, only the central area is safer. But an area is so big and there are no standard roads." Facing the huge explosion-shaped pit about a hundred meters deep in front of him, Yimi Wu blinked innocently.

There is no road in the world. If there are more people walking, there will be a road.

Boronx was originally a sparsely populated area with sparse vegetation and no reference points. Occasionally, a gust of wind and sand would blow up, and all that could be buried would be buried.

So it's normal to not know the way sometimes~ Yimiwu used to be a dry girl. Unless there were special circumstances, such as when the elf seriously injured Katie, she rarely left the Forest of Dolls.

"It has the power of the Eye of Darkness." Siatt carefully felt the remaining magic and elements in the pit, and squandered it in an almost wild bombing method, triggering a big explosion here.

This fighting method has distinctive characteristics. It is most likely that they are the remaining Kaxiu sect. A small number of them may be magicians who have broken away from the Kaxiu sect and are looking for their own magic.

"Oh, these guys are haunting, like cockroaches, they can be found everywhere." Yimi Wu hates the people of the Kaxiu sect because these guys don't show any respect at all when they ask for help.

Occasionally, there were a few people who were very respectful beforehand, crying and begging, but as soon as she cured them of their injuries and curses, they immediately turned against each other and raised their swords, trying to steal the treasure in her secret house.

"By the way, I heard a rumor that if the magic power of the Eye of Darkness is poured into a certain container and then compressed infinitely, it can create the power to destroy the planet. Is it true or false?" Yimi Wu thought of this, and asked There was quite a bit of trouble in the demon world for a while.

"Theoretically it's true." Ye Lin nodded. This speculation was also recorded in the notes of Moya, the former deputy leader of the Kaxiu Sect. However, the difficulty was that the material of the container had not been solved.

The car couldn't be driven anymore, so I took an ex Dornier and passed through the explosion crater. After about the time it took Sophie to kill three beef thighs, I saw the outline of the Dark Forest (Forest of the Dolls) in the distance.

The dark and pale light cannot penetrate this strange forest. It is like a black spot spawned by the earth. It is as quiet as if everything is sleeping in death. Occasionally, one or two black crows scream evilly, which is even more creepy and full. Cold sweat on head.

When you get closer, you can see more evil places in the Forest of Dolls. The ancient trees here are towering, blocking out the sky and the sun, and the atmosphere is gloomy and terrifying.

The posture of the trees is even more weird. They are like tree spirits that are close to human form, twisting their thick trunks, and their branches look like crazy people dancing with their limbs.

Maybe, they were once really human beings...

Feng Ying folded her arms and rubbed them, a chill spread over her smooth skin, and she accidentally got goosebumps. She looked around and said, "It's like the villain in the fairy tale lives here, that is, he lives deep in the dark forest. Use fly heads, lizard tails, pig eyeballs to boil a pot of magic potion, an old witch with a wrinkled face."

Of course, Yimiwu is not an old witch with wrinkles on her face, but a pretty little witch who is in her prime, with skin as tender and smooth as a peeled hard-boiled egg... or a rich lolita.

"We're home! Follow my footsteps." Yimi Wu snapped his fingers, and Crazy Crazy Bear swaggered ahead to lead the way. It was very familiar with the road.

Every tree, every flower, and even a stone in the Forest of Dolls may contain trap magic. If it is triggered, you must bear the consequences.

Because they had long been reminded that half of the trees in the Forest of Dolls were transformed by humans and half were generated by magic, so everyone was careful and tried to avoid touching the branches.

Maybe the ancient tree resting on was a living human being in the past.

"I always feel like there are eyes on those trees, staring at us. Yimi Wu, can these puppet trees turn into humans?" Mo Mei asked quickly.

"The curse of turning into wood can be lifted within a certain period of time. If it takes a long time, of course it will be over."

Protected by the Holy Light!

The sacred golden light shrouded Yuena. She took the lead with light steps, surpassing Crazy Bear, and strode towards the interior with graceful strides.

According to Crazy Crazy Bear's walking speed, it would take at least half a day to reach the dark house.


A purple mushroom exploded, spewing out a huge amount of purple dust that filled a ten-meter radius, obscuring the team's sight.

When the dust from this mushroom is inhaled, it will cause an unbearable itching sensation on the skin, as if there are ten thousand ants crawling on the surface of the skin.

"Yellow-faced woman! It's very troublesome for me to set up traps."

Yimiwu roared angrily, ヽ( # `Д′)ノ, I miss the shark man so much!

Mo Mei lightly shrugged, cast mental energy protection on everyone, and then sped up and rushed towards the dark house in the central area. She really didn't want to stay in the forest transformed by humans.

The core area of ​​the Forest of Dolls is a flat and open land, where stands a tall and majestic ancient castle that seems to be quite old.

There are shrubs and thorns on both sides of the road, and the gray building surface is covered with dark green vines. Large blocks of moss exude a moist and decaying atmosphere. If there are a few evil crows croaking and thunder and lightning flashing, it will be said that inside the castle No one would believe an old witch who didn't brew the potion.

The garden in front of the castle is full of roses, white as pure snow, red as flames, and some purple-black roses carefully cultivated by Yimi Wu.

"Welcome to the Forest of Dolls, I am the owner of the Dark Mansion."

Yimi Wu stood at the gate of the castle, lifting up the hem of her Gothic skirt and making a ladylike gesture. The girl's evil and ominous smile, the walking sewing puppet, and the eerie dark house behind her, gave the atmosphere of a dark theater about to begin. The lining is just right.

It seems that stepping into this castle is heading towards the dark and terrifying end point. After enjoying a candlelight dinner carefully prepared by the dolls, you will embrace countless bloody roses and die tragically.


Holy light apocalypse!

The dazzling cross rose into the sky, and the sacred bright light instantly illuminated the dark house and nearby areas as bright as day. Everything was clear and clear, and a few evil crows flew away in fright.

The quiet, dark, cold-toned atmosphere was also swept away in an instant, completely destroyed. Yuena clapped her hands with satisfaction and said: "Dwarf Winter Melon, the light here is too dark, and the environment is gloomy and cold. I guess. I can’t even dry my panties after washing them, why don’t I say thank you, pretty lady.”

Yimi Wu's face stiffened.

The originally eerie castle had an evil smell in the forest, but now that Yuena is taking a photo like this, it feels a bit dirty, damp, and messy...

To put it nicely, it is in line with Yimi Wu’s artistic conception. To put it bluntly, she may be a bit lazy.

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