Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,794 The benevolent are invincible

Maybe it wasn't until this moment that Leon suddenly realized that there were many things he didn't understand. It was like looking up at the twinkling stars in the sky, knowing only their surface light but not their true appearance.

Josephine was the only daughter of the Marquis of Aswan and the dazzling jewel of the Second Territory in the North. His ascension to the throne was indispensable without the strong support of the Marquis of Aswan, so it was natural for him to be his queen.

He had been engaged to Queen Josephine for a long time and had been married for nearly thirty years. They had a son and a daughter. They were supposed to be happy, but now he suddenly realized that Josephine had never taken the initiative to ask for anything from him.

Whether he later took a concubine, or went to visit the bloody competition in the arena and carried out various sinful experiments, Josephine was always quiet, gentle, smiling, harmless to humans and animals, and never said the word "no" .

The sun at noon was quite strong, but Leon felt a chill all over his body for no reason. A chill crawled up from the soles of his feet and quickly spread to his entire body.

The ruler is lonely, and his relatives and friends are his strong backing, but his children are called filial piety, and he has never understood his lover.

Now, what is left of him?

Looking around, tens of thousands of people gathered around him, all with angry eyes, as if he was a terrible and heinous devil who accidentally slipped into the human world from the cracks of hell and brought endless disasters.

There were erected burning crosses, well-dressed lawyers, and countless people stretching their necks to wait for his death, using his blood to wash away the "past."

"Haha..." Leon suddenly laughed. He looked up to the sky and laughed wantonly and full of contempt. "They are really a bunch of ignorant wallflowers. They package themselves as innocent weaklings. They are pitiful. In fact, they are just greedy for their own remnants. .”

He still has some strength left, and his voice is like a loud bell, resounding throughout the capital, saying: "Our country will not yield an inch of land. The late emperor was weak and signed a peace treaty with the Bantu tribe. Why should I inherit the mistakes of the late emperor!"

Leon's eyes were angry and he clenched his fists. He could accept failure in terms of strength and even be killed, but he would never accept his long-standing ideals being trampled on. He seemed worthless in the eyes of others and was a wrong example. .

"The late Emperor Helun ended the war with killing, suppressed the princes, and had unparalleled royal power. Who dares to invade even half an inch of Delos' territory! Just a few generations later, the weak emperor actually surrendered the city in shame. What a big joke."

The sound was so loud that Ye Lin, who was enjoying the Mailu knee pillow, frowned when he heard the words. In fact, from the perspective of the country's territory and the concept of not giving in, the peace treaty signed by the empire and the Bantu people in 831 was a bit of a compromise. The smell of weakness.

But if you look at it from another angle, it is a historical necessity that the Bantu people were forced to flee south due to the ice dragon disaster. The empire would definitely waste people and money by fighting with it, getting twice the result with half the effort, and it would be almost worthless.

A group of "lunatics" who don't even have a family, fighting for food and survival, if they break out, is extremely amazing.

Do you want a trace of the empire's majestic face, or the lives of thousands of the empire's citizens.

By the way, I have to mention the "First Snow Battle", that is, when the ice dragon Skatha first came, the Bantu tribe was forced to go south.

At that time, the territory of Delos was still a vassal state, and the ferocious and brutal Bantu people had amazing fighting power, which unexpectedly forced the vassal states to unite and form a coalition to fight against the Bantu invasion.

And speaking generally, the Principality of Belmare is actually one of the vassal states that was born after the empire split.

However, the monarch at that time was very smart and did not use the name "Perus", but the name of the great magician Mar.

"Hey, let's change the concept!" Siatt took an old popsicle and took a small bite elegantly. It was cool in the summer and said: "Let's not talk about the Bantu people asking for the small town of Shatri to avoid disasters, but also asking the empire for help. A corresponding price was paid, and in the Second Snow Battle, the empire was clearly the first to tear up the peace treaty and launch a surprise attack on the Bantu people."

If you can't give up an inch of land, then you have to fight. Why do you pretend to give up the city first, and then attack secretly?

"Well, even though soldiers are crafty~" Feng Ying shook her head and said politely, saying that the empire had grown rapidly, but it had ruined the reputation and credibility it had cultivated for hundreds of years, leaving behind today's consequences.

If it were a direct war, the Bantu people would be convinced that they would lose even if they were defeated, and the older generation of Bantu people would not be so filled with hatred that they would remember it for more than 20 years.

On the other side, Leon has not given up yet. He is wearing chains, but his momentum is getting higher and higher. He said contemptuously: "During my reign, I focused on military affairs and national strength. The Delos Empire became a true overlord. You all can enjoy it." I am proud of the glory of the empire, showing off my posture when traveling, and showing the pride of the empire in my conversation, and now suddenly you turn around and want to judge me, the glorious founder? Ridiculous!"

Regardless of what the people want, the water-devouring land is just a group of parasites who silently enjoy the glory of the empire. They will just follow whoever has the biggest fist. Whoever is the winner of "justice" will package themselves as followers.

Leon thought so, and his angry shouting was also true to a certain extent. The iron blood and hegemony of the empire were actually things that had changed in the past twenty years.

An old man from Bellemare once said frankly that when he mentioned the empire, his first impression was that it was a huge thing, as motionless as a mountain, majestic and awe-inspiring.

Now when we talk about the empire, we are talking about invaders and thugs!

Queen Josephine frowned slightly, never thinking that even now, he was still stubborn, so she said calmly: "If the monarch is wise and considerate of the people's livelihood, then the world will be peaceful and prosperous. Naturally, people from all directions will come to court, and the world will be convinced... The benevolent are invincible!”

"Nonsense! Without iron and blood, how could the late Emperor Helun conquer such a territory of thousands of miles with a sharp tongue?" Lyon retorted, stubbornly opinionated.

"That is the trend of the times. The feudal states have been conquering and invading for many years. I do not offend others, but everyone offends me. Only unification can end it. Now the wind of peace in Arad is blowing, exchange of needs and wants, peace and tranquility, Your Majesty, you can even protect the lives of your own people. You can't guarantee food and clothing, but you are so philanthropic that you care about the people of other countries?"

She was hinting that the Empire had invaded the Principality of Belmare.

After a lot of bickering and fierce arguments, many people never expected that such a huge ideological conflict would break out between the current queen and the former emperor, husband and wife.

Whether it is right or wrong, everyone holds their own opinions, and perhaps it can only be left to the future decades later, by the people of that era to review and judge.

Lucille, who has been waiting, is a little impatient. She doesn't care who is in power or whose ideals of governing the country are correct. She only knows that Lyon wastes human life and experiments with evil. According to the teachings of the Inquisition, it is completely consistent with the rules of the cross. discipline.

Beside him, Teda closed his eyes and remained silent for a long time before slowly saying: "Lucille, your black flame may need a reasonable explanation."

The person who judges heretics is himself a heretic, which is not good news for the entire Heretic Tribunal.

Although Astros' blood-drinking cross was destroyed, Lucille was not the initial infected, so she could not dissipate her own black flames with the destruction of the cross.

"I tried to set myself on fire, but God didn't let me die." Lucille replied calmly, the eyes under her mushroom head were cold.

In fact, Lyon's trial is just a procedure displayed to the public. After all, he is the monarch of a country and cannot die in an unknown manner.

Suddenly, the strong men with keen spiritual senses all turned their heads to look in the same direction. A cold and deep figure struck at an incredible speed. The grass and trees were frosted and the bluestones were condensed, and a dark afterimage passed by. Long lasting.

And the target of his attack was suddenly an excited Leon!


Cyrus, who was serving as a guard, had a cold look in his eyes. What idiot had the guts to attack the emperor at this delicate moment? It was completely irrational.

Because as long as he endures for another moment and a half, Leon will be judged by the law of condemnation and annihilated in the sacred light.

The God-killing Sword extended in an instant, turning into a bright red and violent Punuo demon, biting the figure with a bloody mouth, with the potential to devour the sky, making people tremble.


The figure roared with monstrous murderous intent, as if it had an old grudge. It turned in a strange direction in the air, avoiding the attack of the God-killing Sword, and went straight for Leon's head.

Snake Dance Blood Wheel Sword!

The God-Slaying Sword sank into the ground and broke through the thick bluestone in an instant. When it came out, the thick sword blade was like a dancing dragon, strangling and encircling people, making it impossible to avoid them.


The mysterious attacker tried his best to avoid the attack, but was still taken away by an arm under the airtight strangulation. The blood from the broken wound fell to the ground and condensed in ice. It was shocking and extremely strange.

"It's that undead experimental subject!" TEDA couldn't sit still. He and Hyde teamed up to barely drive this guy out of the city. The opponent's power was definitely no less than one of the Three Dark Knights.

It is a horrific disaster of the Empire's own making.


Held. (Bikini Apostle)

Huyde (Lyon)

Heide (Held)

Heder (Goblin)

A bit convoluted...

Similar to Isabella, Isadora, Igabella…


The second update will be late. Thanks to the boss for the 100-point reward from "Guangjie_Good Affair".


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