Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,792: Who can keep a diary?

At the beginning of the New Calendar 964 in Arad, there was a prosperous scene in the Delos Empire. The city of Vetalun, known as the "Golden City", was covered in white, dyeing the whole city pure.

If you mention anything commendable recently, you can chat a little after tea and dinner to pass the time, which is really a lot.

First, His Majesty the Emperor accidentally caught a cold and coughed constantly. However, due to the complicated political affairs at the beginning and end of the year, he could not take rest and had to go to court despite his illness.

Secondly, His Majesty the Emperor's third son, the third prince Heid Baden, is about to be engaged to Miss Josephine, the only daughter of the Marquis of Aswan in the second northern territory.

Everyone in the empire is very optimistic about this happy event. His Royal Highness, the third prince, Heid, is talented and talented, and his progress in training is also quite good.

At only thirteen years old, he was already learning the imperial swordsmanship left behind by the late Emperor Heron Baden and was already on the verge of becoming a professional.

Among the three princes, he is also the fastest.

Although Miss Josephine, the daughter of the Marquis of Aswan, was born in the relatively remote north, she was still beautiful and elegant in her early years. She was also well-read in poetry and had an elegant manner.

In addition to the marriage of two children being a happy event made in heaven, it also has very important significance on a political level.

The "Aswan Family" dominates the Second Northern Territory, and the people in the territory are brave and good at fighting. They are a military force that cannot be ignored by the empire.

However, the resources of the Northern Territory are relatively poor. The harsh desert environment occupies a quarter of the territory. There are also rolling barren mountains. It is also bordered by the snow-covered Stun region, which has a cold environment all year round, and the Bantu people with strong folk customs.

Due to various factors, a rather embarrassing situation emerged. The northern territory was not suitable for sending too many legions to garrison, and no other nobles were willing to go to that desolate place.

But no matter how you say it, it is still the territory of the empire and the people of Delos.

Therefore, although the Marquis of Aswan in the north is only a marquis in the title of title, the weight of his voice is no more than that of several dukes, and even slightly exceeds it.

Generally, expatriate nobles have only a few hundred to a few thousand private soldiers depending on their title, and at most a few knights. However, the Marquis of Aswan commands all the people in the north and can pull up hundreds of thousands of troops at any time. The army is not on the same level at all.

The current emperor intends to weaken, but he has many concerns and is in a dilemma.

Now that the third prince is engaged to Miss Josephine, it is a gratifying event on every level.

It not only deepened the connection between the first and second territories, but also helped to consolidate the rule of the imperial power.

"Ahem, Conard, I'll leave this matter to you... Ahem..."

The current emperor couldn't help the itching in his chest. He coughed violently and his face turned red. He had taken medicine, but this time the cold seemed to have touched an old problem in his heart, and the cough was not getting better.

"Conard takes the order." The middle-aged Conard knelt down and obeyed the order, his hair looking very energetic.

The splendid and shining palace hall was separated from the sight of the emperor and ministers by a long screen of calligraphy and painting.

The screen depicts the empire's thousands of miles of territory. Every mountain and river is majestic and heroic. It was painted by a famous artist and inscribed by the emperor. It took three years to complete this map of mountains and rivers.

The majesty of the monarch cannot be compromised, but urgent political affairs have to be dealt with and require the emperor's golden words, so this can only be done temporarily.

"In addition, there are signs that the ice dragon in the snowy area of ​​​​Ston in the north is showing signs of awakening. Maybe the Bantu tribe will make changes at some time. Aswang, you must be extremely vigilant." The emperor took a breath and continued.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The Marquis of Aswan was also in his prime. He had a powerful figure and an air of calmness and authority on his face. He said: "In case the ice dragon moves, in accordance with the agreement of the late emperor, we will rent out Chater." Is it profitable?"

"Well, the threat of the ice dragon Skatha is obvious to all. If it is not handled carefully, it may develop into a second mad dragon disaster." The emperor nodded and said calmly: "Shatli is a small city on the border of the empire, close to the Gray Desert. Resources are scarce and products are not abundant, so there is no harm in moving the residents out and temporarily leasing them to the Bantu people. After all, once a war starts, it is not as simple as leaving home."

If the Bantu people are really desperate and desperate to survive, then the empire will have to dispatch multiple legions to carry out the Northern Expedition. Not to mention wasting people and money, it is completely worthless.

Because even if all the Bantu people were wiped out, who would be willing to garrison that ghost place in the Wannian Snow Mountain? There isn’t even a speck of oil, so why go and beat him?

Keeping the Bantu tribe will not only save a lot of extra military expenses, but also allow them to rack their brains to take the lead in dealing with the ice dragon Skatha and spearhead the battle for the empire. It can be said that it kills two birds with one stone.

"Also, set the table and light a white candle! Bring someone up." The emperor suddenly became a little more serious and his voice was cold and stern. Anyone could hear the anger coming from him.

Another meaning of lighting white candles on the desk is that His Majesty the Emperor is about to kill someone.

"Viscount Nastick, you are a provincial law judge, but you know the law and break it. You allow your relatives and friends to do whatever you want. You also accept bribes from others and commit corruption. It is roughly estimated that the funds collected from your mansion are at least 70 million! Anyone who complains to your superiors about you The people were either beaten to pieces with their arms and legs broken, or they disappeared without a trace."

The emperor's Zhu pen marked the sentence repeatedly, without giving the other party a chance to beg for mercy. He scolded coldly: "Execute the three tribes, and all other related persons will be punished according to the law. No mercy!"


All civil and military officials in the court knelt on the ground. According to tradition, when a noble was executed, he had to shout for His Majesty's mercy. But before they could speak, the emperor continued: "As the governor of the province, Earl of Ringwood has It’s a crime of negligence, but you say you don’t know about such a big problem? That’s nonsense! The Ringwood family is assigned to the Northwest Territory, and the family serves as the warden of the imperial prison. They are not allowed to return to Talen."

Perhaps because he was overly excited, his coughing became more severe, and the second half of his words became hoarse. The emperor had to be helped away by his servants. He needed a temporary rest.

The young third prince happened to be passing by. After respectfully greeting his father, he took advantage of this rare opportunity to sneak into the palace hall.

In the past, his father always strictly prohibited him from entering this place, but the strong curiosity of a teenage boy was harder to stop than a naughty cat.

The splendid palace hall, the ministers kneeling respectfully, all of them are showing off their power and fame outside, but now they dare not raise their heads or show their dignity, for fear that "the king's favor" will befall them.

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger. Thunder, rain and dew are all a sign of your kindness.

Heid Baden stared curiously at the throne that symbolized the pinnacle of power, and quietly sat on it as if by mistake. No one among the kneeling ministers below noticed it, and they were respectful.

His mother once told him that there are hundreds of millions of chairs in the world that you can sit on, but you cannot sit on the one in the center of the palace.

The flames of the white candle on the desk flickered, and the document on which the verdict was written was even more dazzling. With one stroke of the monarch's ink pen, all those who rebelled would die.

This is the emperor who is ninety-five years old!

Ye Lin held an open diary in one hand, stroked the eldest princess's smooth and beautiful hair, and said thoughtfully: "So, Leon was actually the same as you back then, he did his best to perform as well as possible, but... I can’t sit in that chair.”

"Hmm,..." Celia responded slowly, her voice a little unclear.

Diary, it sounds a bit weird. Emperor Lyon actually has the habit of writing a diary. It's strange. Who can keep a diary?

Celia's cheeks were rosy, she raised her head and took a breath, guessing: "Probably because he doesn't dare to tell anyone about many secrets, so he can only express his feelings in a diary."

That time he sat on the throne by chance and watched the ministers kneel down, deciding between life and death with a single stroke, which deeply touched Heid Baden's soul.

He was the third son of the emperor. According to tradition, he had no chance of ascending to that seat, but the seeds of ambition had quietly sprouted.

Regarding Lyon's diary, Celia found it and gave it to him, asking if she wanted to excerpt and publish it. There were many ambitious words in it, which were quite shocking.

The mental journey of a tyrant for nearly thirty years is definitely a very precious piece of information.

"It can be collected privately, but this is a royal scandal, so it's better not to be leaked." Ye Lin shook his head. It can be made public, but at least in three to five years, not now.


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