Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,774 Women will affect the speed of drawing the sword

"I am an upstart in the Delos Empire, but I am just a vain person. In order to be worthy of Emily in terms of status, what is wrong with me being loyal to the emperor? I just have my own pursuits."

Baan gritted his teeth and growled some unknown sounds in his throat, like a wounded beast, hostile to all existence.

Kazan Syndrome is severe, and there are very few people who can control their mania and survive.

In fact, he doesn't care about glory, wealth, fame and wealth at all, but because Emily is the daughter of a noble duke, he must need the identity of this viscount noble.

I can't help myself, I have to do it.

The eldest princess Celia once said meaningfully to him, "In the prosperous capital of this empire, you can only rely on your own hands to get what you want."

It is unrealistic to pray to the Duke family not to care about family background, or to let Emily, who has always been quiet and gentle, accompany him to elope.

Because any one of them would be an insult to the honor of the noble Duke. He was just a small sword master and not as powerful as Ye Lin now. How could he compare to the famous "Kruger" family who were the founding fathers of the empire? Woolen cloth.

In comparison, Siatt is a down-and-out aristocratic daughter, with not so many twists and turns. The chance encounter between Ye Lin and her is full of romantic atmosphere... Although the eldest lady was very embarrassed and resentful when she mentioned it, Why did he become a teammate with this scumbag because he was unkind and deceived by lard? He should have killed this guy with a sword in the Grand Forest.

There is nothing wrong with Barn Bashut's choice to be loyal to the royal family. At that time, many people said that he had abandoned the noble reputation of the Sword Master. Maybe most people were just being mean.

It is the dream and desire of many people to become successful and famous by leaping over the dragon gate.

The original sin called jealousy grows and grows in the dark corners of the heart.

From "Juggernaut" to "Noble", Barn's real turning point in mentality should be...

"It's you damn adventurers who actually dared to set fire to the study room of the manor and assassinate Emily!" Barn's face was distorted with anger, and two rows of teeth were about to be broken.

He believes that adventurers who symbolize "freedom and peace" are just a group of thieves and bandits without legitimate careers and jobs, and they are just a good name given to themselves.

He seemed to regard Ye Lin as the assassin who attacked Emily. In his critical condition, Barn had little reason to speak of, and he had no method to swing his sword. His body was covered with bloodstains, and he was exhausted.

Ye Lin frowned slightly, calmly avoiding Barn's crazy attack, and asked strangely: "Didn't you have even the slightest doubt about such a weird thing back then?"

Unfortunately, Barn is already in a serious condition and cannot clearly distinguish the meaning of other people's words. He is completely venting his dissatisfaction and anger.

On a sunny day, Emily left Weitalun and went to a friend's manor to play. She wanted to introduce her fiancé Barn to her friends, because the two were going to get married in half a month, full of happiness and sweetness.

After lunch, she went to the study alone to rest, and then disaster struck, encountering a sudden fire and a mysterious assassin.

Afterwards, although Emily was lucky enough to survive, she unfortunately lost her memory and suffered from severe mental illness. She would scream in fright at the sight of men.

It is speculated that it may be two masked assassins who want to do evil to Emily, but she wears a silver sword to protect her chastity and is determined to not disgrace the reputation of the Kruger family and Barn.

Through investigation, the empire found that the two assassins were members of the Adventurers' Alliance. The reason may be that they were dissatisfied with the empire in many aspects, so they were looking for opportunities to retaliate against the imperial nobles.

Baan's hatred and murderous intention towards the adventurer were like a volcano erupting at that moment, and the seeds of hatred completely sprouted and grew.

But now, if we carefully reason about the whole story of Emily's attack, we can find that there is something strange about that incident.

First of all, Emily went to the study alone to rest in the afternoon. She was a woman who loved reading and had elegant manners. She met Barn in a public library.

"It just happened" that it was a social gathering of ladies and gentlemen, and Emily was definitely not the only aristocratic child present. "It just happened" that the location of the gathering was not in the heavily guarded Vetalon, but in a manor in a small city.

"It just happened" that the fire started in the study room of the manor. The gentlemen and ladies who were resting in other rooms were frightened and ran out without any harm. "It just happened" that the two masked assassins were discovered by the guards and died in the study. Emily was so frightened that she lost her memory.

"It just so happened" that Barn had additional training tasks that day and was unable to accompany him in time.

Under all the extreme coincidences, it didn't seem to be such a coincidence. The assassins obviously came with a purpose, and they knew the whereabouts of Emily and Barn so well that it was almost like monitoring them with the naked eye.

Can adventurers really have such detailed information? I'm afraid it's not possible.

If he is the political opponent of Duke Conard, then there is no need to hurt Emily, a collateral line. The status of the eldest son of the family, Hyde, is obviously more important. Moreover, Hyde was training in the military at that time, and there were plenty of opportunities. Look for.

Maybe it was because Barn was so angry about Emily, or maybe it was because he was loyal to the emperor and believed deeply in the empire's investigation results. In short, Barn and the adventurer had finally formed a relationship.

The empire does not allow uncontrolled groups to operate within the empire, such as the Violent Hunting Group, the Black Shock Group, and "guilds" composed of small groups of adventurers.

Baan led the Iron Wolf Knights to hunt and kill them everywhere, using cold and cruel methods.

He also sniped at the northern barbarians (Bantu tribe), presided over transfer experiments, participated in the imperial arena, research institute...

"After Emily was killed, I understood a truth." Barn suddenly stopped his offensive, seemed to suddenly wake up a little, and said coldly and bitterly: "If I am strong enough to frighten everyone, then no one will dare to commit the crime. My majesty, if my status is high enough, then when I perform my mission, there will be countless loyalists working for me to protect Emily."

Once when he went out on a mission and returned successfully, Barn suddenly learned a piece of bad news... Emily's old illness relapsed and she died unfortunately, and he was not able to see her for the last time.

Barn attributed Emily's death to the attack a few years ago, which was the assassination of the adventurer. If it hadn't been for that incident, Emily should be healthy and smiling like a flower now. They should have formed a Family, perhaps with children of their own.

"Barn!" Ye Lin suddenly raised his voice, frowning with a power that shocked the soul: "As far as I know, it was not the adventurer who attacked Emily, but someone else."

The news came from the eldest princess, and there was another hidden secret about what happened back then.

"who is it?"

Baan regained consciousness for a moment, and with murderous intent, he subconsciously asked.


Duke Brandt was very worried. As one of the representatives of the hedonistic class, he was the one who least wanted His Majesty the Emperor to lose.

But now that he has a keen sense of politics, he has to consider who the next emperor will be if the empire changes its owner, and how he should be loyal.

"They are just a group of grassroots natives. How dare they have the courage to resist the majesty of the empire?" Brandt cursed secretly. After decades of pampering, he could not think from the same perspective as the angry civilians.

A single spark can start a prairie fire!

The priest Teda on the side had an expressionless face. He was not employed by the Duke, but a creature from the undead world happened to fall into Brandt's manor before. He just came to deal with it and was about to leave.

Even in Weitalun, where land is extremely valuable, the Duke can still own a spacious and bright land and house.


Suddenly there were screams outside, sword energy flashed, and the Duke's guards were chopped into pieces. Barn drove straight in, carrying a blood-stained sword, and his momentum was like a beast that was biting people.

"Earl Barn? What are you doing?" Brandt slapped the table angrily and stood up. Has this guy lost his head after doing too many experiments?

More guards are coming. The Duke's private soldiers are of extraordinary strength and quality.

"Is it you who suggested that His Majesty the Emperor assassinate Emily?" Barn's critical condition still has not improved, and it is only because of his obsession with Emily that he can barely maintain his body.

He doesn't have much time left. The seriousness of Ghost Hand is one of the most difficult diseases to solve. Most people die of mental collapse and madness.

"What are you talking about? Earl Barn, you are assassinating the Duke of the Empire. It is a serious crime and will ruin your future." Brandt's eyes narrowed slightly. Only a few people should know about this matter, and all of them Several years passed.

The blood-stained sword tip was pointed directly between his eyebrows, and Duke Brandt's scalp was about to explode. Barn was really crazy, like a wild beast.

"Say, why? I'm obviously loyal to the empire." Barn roared almost hysterically. He abandoned his sword and joined the empire to become a noble. He never thought that one day, the empire would stab Emily with his sword.

"Barn, calm down. It was an accident. His Majesty the Emperor couldn't bear to bury your talent and wanted to arouse your fighting spirit." Brandt's face twitched, this guy really knows how to kill.

The young Sword Master Barn Bashut has a bright future that is envied by countless people, but he also has a fatal flaw, which is that he obeys Emily's words.

Gentleness will kill the hero's ambition, and women will affect the speed of drawing the sword!

When a young man has the glorious status of Viscount and meets the requirements of marrying Emily, it is inevitable that he will feel some satisfaction and pride and become slack. This is normal.

Therefore, Duke Brandt proposed to plan a moderate attack on Emily to alert Viscount Barn, who was about to get married soon, that his power was not strong enough and his status was not strong enough. prominent.

However, something unexpected happened during the planning process. It may be that the assassin who was sent took advantage of the situation, or it may be that the guards resisted diligently, causing a fire in the study, and Emily was too frightened.

"You...damn it!"

Barn's eyes turned scarlet, and he went berserk again, killing the Duke's guards crazily. Haha, it turned out that from beginning to end, he himself was just a foolish clown performing on the stage.

He worked hard for the Empire and did so many shady things for the Empire. He never expected that the sword that stabbed him in the back also came from the Empire.

"Barn! Calm down." Teda shouted, his fists glowing with blue light. The executioner who killed people wantonly was going to be burned at the stake.

"Anyone who stops me will die."

Outside Weitalun City, there is a cemetery of nobles

Some people enjoy fine clothing and food when they are alive, and after death they also long for glory and wealth in another world, and build their own cemeteries as grand and luxurious as palaces.

In the corner of the cemetery, there is an inconspicuous tomb in comparison, a simple tomb made of white stones, with a simple stone tablet erected on it, engraved with a person's name and life... "Emily Bachut Byrne Crewe grid".

Dang rang~

The dagger fell to the ground, and Barn knelt slumped in front of the tomb. He put Duke Brandt's head aside and tremblingly touched the name on the tombstone. Suddenly he coughed up blood and stained the tombstone red, and then cried loudly.

"I really failed." He murmured, his face full of sourness and tears.

He cannot protect the woman he loves, and is just a pawn to be manipulated from beginning to end.

He couldn't even implement the meaning of holding the sword, and was dazzled by the power of the apostle. Only by becoming stronger can he protect his relatives, but after Emily died, who was his sword for?

"I once saw Lynn's wandering soul in the Wailing Cave." Ye Lin appeared and presented a white flower to Emily. In any case, Emily was a completely innocent woman.

She is a descendant of the Duke, fell in love with Barn, and welcomed her wedding with full expectations. However, what awaited her was not happiness, but a blade.

"Sister?" Barn was slightly startled. The empire sent an investigation team to the Screaming Cave, but her sister Lynn was accidentally separated. Out of extreme fear, she joined the Purple Mist Group and worshiped the cruel Kane.

In the end, they all fell into the Wailing Cave, and their souls were restrained and imprisoned by Sirok.

"She said, I hope you will be fine."

Baan was shocked all over, his lip was bitten with blood, and he beat his head desperately as if he was remorseful. His sister's heart was gentle towards her brother.

He has let down too many people and forgotten too many things.

After a long time, the decadent Barn picked up the dagger again, with an ashen face and said: "I have lost my pure heart for swordsmanship and am ashamed of the name of Sword Master, but if Emily and my sister are still alive, I definitely don’t want to see me as a down and out loser.”

"So..." Ye Lin raised his eyebrows.

"Let me see how perfect your swordsmanship is when you are crowned the strongest! This is my last desire as a sword soul."

The sword penetrated the sky and clouds, like a rainbow penetrating the sun. The endless sword light seemed to cut into pieces the world, and then evolved into another extraordinary realm.

Some swords are stained with blood and emit fierce murderous aura, some swords are as blazing as the sun, burning the earth, and some swords seem to be born from the starry sky, emitting endless brilliance...

This is the ultimate evolution of the storm, shaking the world with the power of ten thousand swords. If it reaches its peak, the tens of thousands of stars in the universe will become the swords of the realm, killing all enemies in the dimension.

But what caught Baan's attention the most was a rusty samurai sword. It was ordinary, but it was qualified to form a sword array alongside those magical weapons.

"I couldn't protect my sister, and I couldn't protect Emily. I couldn't even protect my first sword..." Barn sighed, and then his figure was submerged in the endless bright sword light.

Beside Emily's grave, there is a mournful hurricane dagger.


Damn it... I bought two little rabbits, they are so cute, and they built a nest and a small shed to protect them from the rain.

Then I heard a sound at night and saw only the back of a wild cat... Rabbit - 1...

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