Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,770 Ji Paopao ran away again

The flower of night!

The obsidian of the long sword and the white teeth of the dagger intertwined, stirring up a pale and sharp sword energy, splitting the air, and making little whimpering sounds, which was terrifying.

Qianying's attack was carried out with a strong personal intention to kill, and it occurred at Billmark's transfer experiment near the Grand Forest. Although Barn was not the mastermind, he was also directly involved.


Baan's expression changed, he raised his sword to block, and was knocked backwards by the violent collision. The entire hard city wall made of huge rocks and cement was smashed into cracks, and his bones were broken in many places.

Even a strong person who specializes in physical training would probably lose his fighting ability immediately after receiving such a blow, but Baan's heart was beating violently, and extremely energetic life energy burst out from it. He was still able to climb out on his own.

His heart, which occupied most of his chest, was beating vigorously, sending blood and life energy as strong as a furnace to his body and repairing the injuries. His chest and neck, including his arms and face, were all covered with strange bright red lines.

"Your growth rate is really beyond my expectation. Does this mean that you will be lucky if you survive a catastrophe?" He tore off his tattered coat casually, and the dagger in his hand had been cut into pieces by the ghost-bound silk. The fragments fell into a disadvantage in the fight.

The top metal from the mechanical planet Hebron is strong enough to crush most equipment.

The corner of Barn's mouth slowly raised an unflattering evil smile. He didn't seem to have any worries about his situation. He still had the confidence to be fascinated and may have a powerful trump card.

The person behind Billmark is His Majesty the Emperor, and the person in charge of the project needs to be absolutely loyal and loyal, so this excellent candidate fell on Viscount Barn. (Still a Viscount at that time)

It is estimated that most of the experimental subjects are familiar with Viscount Barne Bachut. His slightly frivolous attitude and a rather strange red hair among the slanted broken hair make him so familiar that he seems like a random person. "Son", I wish I could strangle him to death.

"In the top-secret area, I have seen you, indifferently sending batches of innocent people to the experimental site. I have also seen you in the Imperial Arena, admiring the bloody fights of others. It is still indispensable to hunt down the experimental subjects. Your shadow, Barn, you have become a slave raised by Lyon, groveling to him and begging for food."

I heard from my cousin Siatt that when the tree spirits of the giant Sky Curtain beast suddenly caught fire in the forest, almost burning the peace-loving centaurs there, it was also done by Baan and his people.

Faced with the extremely sarcastic language, Barn's frivolous smile slowly faded and became cold and low. Even he knew that his actions were not aboveboard enough and violated the spirit of chivalry, but when he was pointed at the nose and belittled and ridiculed, the clay figure also To generate three points of anger.

"You know nothing!" Barn's facial muscles twitched and his teeth clenched. "You are just a civilian experimental subject. Later, you were taken in by Crowell. You are filled with the fire of revenge, and your vision is limited to So, do you know how difficult it is for me to be in this position?"

The famous heroes of the past, the Four Swordsmen of the Screaming Cave, suddenly became the person in charge of the transfer experiment, the noble of the imperial arena, despising human life and mocking the weak.

The whole world is talking about the young, handsome, arrogant hero who was blinded by status and wealth and became the emperor's subordinate and the tyrant's accomplice.

But Baan was very angry because no one could truly understand his difficulties.

"Barn, you have risen from a commoner to a viscount and then to an earl. Recently, it has been said that His Majesty the Emperor intends to promote you to a duke. This is the first time in the history of the empire. Without the contribution of the founding of the country, the earl is already at the top. "Qianying took off the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose. His eyes were bright but filled with murderous intent. The opponent was a powerful enemy and needed to be taken seriously.

Knight status, in some small places, is enough to be respected by everyone, and some can even serve as leaders of villages and towns.

The aristocratic class, even the down-and-out nobles, are much better than the common people struggling in the dire straits of the empire, not to mention that Baan is still the emperor's confidant.

"Do you think aristocrats and common people are two different classes in your eyes? Yes, aristocrats are corrupt, but which commoner is not eager to stand up and become a member of the corruption?" Barn wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, In the palm of his open hand, there is a ball of red energy filled with thunder.

"Qianying, you are so ignorant. You think you are standing from the perspective of common people. Little do you know that if those common people stand up and stand tall, none of them will be able to learn kindness and mercy. They will only get worse and squeeze a stronger sense of superiority from the same kind of people. .”

In a sense, every commoner is a potential noble!


The scarlet ball of light exploded suddenly, and millions of thunders shot out for thousands of feet. Every splash of energy could leave a hole the size of a head on the city wall made of bluestone. No matter how hard the armor was, it would become useless.

"Qianying, are you okay?"

Mo Mei used a mental energy shield that was tens of thousands of times stronger than the city wall and said: "Bane escaped, but he shouldn't be far away. I left a ray of mental energy on him."

Dozens of miles outside Weitalun City, there is a lush forest. It is early summer, and the branches are lush and lush.


Baan stumbled into the underground private research institute, where the former Elytra of the Seven Gods who had fled from heaven was hiding. He was recruited by the empire and made many valuable research results.

It's still not enough. Although he has obtained Richard's Corrupted Heart Secret Technique, this fighting method that provides terrifying vitality and energy does not match his own swordsmanship training.

He is a sword master!

He needs stronger power, and Giselle, who has been in the Kaxiu sect in the demon world, might have a new method.

Flickering lights, complex and precise instruments, materials soaked in antiseptic solution, test objects covered with wires, and some junk piled in the corner.

Barn was confused. Rumors in the world were that Gisele Rogen was jealous of Melvin Richter's talent and had always regarded him as a competitor, but the latter acted like a lazy man all day long.

Giselle thought that the other party was mocking her, so she angrily left the Elytra of the Seven Gods and switched to the Kallet organization.

But he has already seen Giselle's research results. Most of them are one level ahead of the Empire, especially the Artificial Eye of Darkness, which can be called a "miracle" creation.

What outstanding talent does Melvin have that makes this old man jealous and unwilling? Does he have any amazing research results?


Baan shouted again, but there was no reply and there was no one in the institute.

But his voice seemed to have touched some device, and a ray of light formed a three-dimensional projection. It was Giselle with long gray hair and a white coat. He pushed up his glasses and said, "As you can see, I am no longer here." It’s an empire, so don’t worry about where I’ve been.”

"You bastard, you ran away early again?" Barn's face turned dark. No wonder he didn't see the secret guard guarding the ground.

"He who knows the current affairs is a hero." The instrument left by Giselle seemed to have a certain degree of artificial intelligence, and she replied: "I looked through the experimental data of the empire, and I didn't expect that you can even kill children. It is said that children have a pure constitution and are suitable for receiving and transferring energy.”

"Don't pretend to be righteous. It's just a smile at fifty steps. You helped Kalrett research weapons. Didn't fewer children die in Kalrett's artillery fire?" Barn said displeased.

"No, no, we are fundamentally different. Kallet's original motive was to oppose unfair treatment and regional discrimination in heaven, while your motive was pure aggression. The tyrannical and unscrupulous emperor also wanted to package himself as a man of great talent and strategy. Monarch. The aristocracy is corrupt, but who is the head of the aristocracy?"

Giselle was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with him, but she accepted Barn's offer to solicit favors, so she pointed to the corner and said: "There is a sword made of artificial dark eyes. It has incredible power. I'll pay you back." Favor.”

Kicking away the debris, Barn saw a black-red dagger, which seemed to be carved entirely from crystal. It was beautiful and exuded a heart-stopping aura at the same time.

"There are also some research products that I can use. But, Barn, after a long period of wandering around, I suddenly discovered one thing... There has never been a distinction between good and evil in the world. Whoever has a bigger fist is righteous. The so-called kindness, compassion, friendship and solidarity are just excuses for the weak to join the group for warmth."

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