Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,752 Little people also have

"I often look at the boundless snow-capped mountains in a daze after finishing my practice, thinking deeply about whether my efforts are meaningful and whether I have always been on the right path."

Buwanga took a pot of kumiss and said goodbye to himself. At the same time, he asked the wizard of the clan to simply bandage his wounds and use some healing magic.

"At first, I wanted to defeat the ice dragon Skatha. Once that guy wakes up, our Bantu tribe's nightmare will come. Later, we want to dig through the ridge. Ye Lin told me that living in a remote place is not scary. It's scary. What’s more important is to be truly isolated from the world and unable to keep up with the times. The wheels of history will abandon you and you won’t even know it.”

He raised his head and drank a big gulp of kumiss, sighing happily, and then poured some on the ground to comfort his old friend.

"Skasa was wiped out and the trade routes were opened. I remembered the shame of the Bantu people. The Bantu people have not been able to completely recover from the Snowy Battle more than 20 years ago. I can't stop. , step by step, I will never stop moving forward, and there will always be goals worth striving for."

Baan was lying on the ground, his throat and cervical vertebrae had been cut open, and the hot blood watered the green buds of new weeds in the land. There was an evil smile on the corners of his mouth when he died, and his wide eyes seemed difficult to close his eyes.

"No matter it's windy, rainy, or a blizzard is coming, human beings will helplessly step on the earth under their feet and look up at the unreachable sky. Even if I climb to the top of the snow-capped mountains, I think I can overlook everything, and the houses are so beautiful. Sheep are as small as ants, but every time they raise their heads, the sky and stars are still out of reach."

Each mountain is higher than the other. Humility is the attitude that a strong person should have. At any time, you must regard yourself as a climber at the starting point at the foot of the mountain.

In the snow mountain training ground, Bwanga spent more time there than in Amroth.

Baan was deeply afraid of the unreachable height of the sky, the invincible power of the apostle, and the attitude of intending to obtain faster and stronger power, perhaps like wanting to grow the wings of a bird, directly climb to the top, and touch the top of the world.

"Rabina, hurry up and clean the battlefield. The movement here has completely alarmed the Delos Empire. It is estimated that there will be a large army to encircle and suppress us. Let's leave quickly and find a place to rest temporarily and wait and see the attitude of the revolutionary army and the eldest prince." Buwan Jia stood up and said.

After Baan's death, the Royal Knights were intimidated by Bwanga's power. When they fled in embarrassment, they left corpses on the ground, and there were also many sophisticated weapons that could be used directly if they got their hands on them.

Dead horses can also be quickly dismembered to make marching rations to replenish material reserves.

The fire was raging, burning the Bantu warriors who unfortunately died here. Bwanga and the Bantu warriors looked solemn, bowed to the flames, and quickly left the battlefield with the suicide notes and relics they had written in advance. .

The Wolf God embraces the soul of the unyielding.

Rabina stared at Barn's body for a while. He felt that this man who had gone crazy was too evil. He couldn't let go if he left like this, so he picked up a stainless steel sword on the spot and gave it to him again. A heart-breaking feeling.

Last-hitting is a good habit.

About an hour after the Bantu tribe left, Baan's body, which was absolutely not alive in a physical sense, began to twitch slowly again. His heart was now extremely large, occupying most of his chest.

"Ahem, ho... Damn it, it seems that the mythical beast that the Bantu people believe in is not nothingness. If it weren't for the "Corrupted Heart" secret method that the old man from heaven gave me, I would really die here, damn Rabina, hiss …”

Baan clutched his heart and was in shock. He narrowly escaped with his life in a state of suspended animation, and his chest was filled with the smell of the aftermath.

According to the old man, the Secret Technique of Fallen Heart is a cultivation method of a well-known master from the Demonic World. It can greatly increase the user's vitality. As long as the user's heart is not broken, the body will be almost immortal.

The founder once collided with the leader of the first-class forces. Although he was slightly inferior and unfortunately lost, it was enough to prove the power of the fallen heart.

"In the Demon Realm, there are eight major regions and six top forces. The comprehensive strength of each organization can easily rival the empire. It's really... fascinating."

Because the Silent City passage is firmly in the hands of Ye Lin, although Barn has heard all kinds of rumors about the "Devil Realm" and is very yearning for it, he has never had the opportunity to see it with his own eyes.

"The dazzling pattern and the secret method of Istar are more powerful than the Corrupted Heart... It seems that Ye Lin's sister Beyana is a dazzling pattern master, but she is far away in Hedunmar, and I know almost nothing about magic." Baan sighed regretfully and waited until his body wounds healed before slowly walking away with heavy steps.

The purpose of hunting Buwanga unfortunately failed, and the Four Sword Saints were not standing still. If they had known it would be like this, they might as well have let Mauletus come.


"This sandstorm will stop this evening." Ye Lin said softly, now it has reached the most critical moment.

The eldest prince was temporarily obsessed with power. Considering the power he possessed, it was indeed difficult to overthrow the foundation of the huge empire, so he was a bit reckless.

Moreover, although his declaration on the battlefield was very powerful and the description was very beautiful, it also completely pushed the vast majority of the aristocracy to the opposite side.

The nobles will fight against the eldest prince.

The opening of people's wisdom was not as rapid as expected.

Billmark, Gran Fire, and many experiments... actually increased the terror and majesty of the empire.

The revolutionary army and the Bantu tribe caused considerable fluctuations within the empire, but such behavior actually had two sides. Those with wise minds knew that they were fighting against an emperor who had invaded other countries and had a record of misdeeds.

Some subjects of the empire may feel that it is disturbing their normal lives and regard them as enemies.

But I believe that Bwanga and Ludmila have already anticipated and prepared accordingly.

"Based on the character of Legion Commander Gravus, he has always been relaxed and relaxed in his military use. If he is sure to win, he probably won't march at night." Siatt analyzed carefully.

Without taking action to determine the outcome, the most fun thing for everyone is to deduce the trend of the war, which is very much like a commander.

Yuena borrowed a pair of sunglasses from Qianying, pretended to be a knowledgeable scholar, pushed up her glasses and said: "If I were Lyon, I would call out to the eldest prince's army now to put down their weapons and surrender. The empire would forget the blame, reduce losses, and return the favor. It can show the emperor’s kindness.”

After all, as far as the facts are concerned, the eldest prince's intention to separate the first and second territories of the empire is an obvious crime of treason, and it is reasonable to lead an army to suppress it.

As for the gap between the rich and the poor, and the solidification of classes... Lyon could give a lively and affectionate speech, and be more attentive. The empire has been building up its power for a long time, and maybe he can get by with just a little effort.

The emperor has apologized, what else do the common people think?

Peace talks are unlikely. Lyon will not allow the empire to break away from its control and be divided.

"Actually, even if this uprising fails, the impact on the empire will be profound and long-lasting. The people will begin to look at this decadent empire. The glorious Pelus era has collapsed. How can Delos have a lasting foundation." Ye Linshen With a deep sigh, he looked at the overall situation from the perspective of a bystander. He was very touched and actually understood something.

In the past, whether it was the difficulty of the Dark City in the mirror dimension or the coming of Chaos, in addition to fear, human beings had more of a great sense of "collective resistance".

The home of life cannot be defiled by evil.

When Ozma came, even the Delos Empire dispatched troops honestly, although they made many small moves secretly...

Now, it's a fight for freedom and clarity, a civil war within the Empire of Man.

The development of civilization and the writing of history must have some special names in their texts. They may not be aware of them, but they are the driving force of the times, milestones in the long river, and have extraordinary significance.

For example, the Holy Spirit Monarch Aragorn, the Emperor Farmeria, and the Seven Mechanical Gods of War in the Celestial Realm are all famous in history.

But neither Ye Lin nor Lyon expected that some "little people" would suddenly become a key factor affecting the entire situation.

In the Imperial Army, a centurion named Bessie, who wanted to make a great contribution to the army, took the risk of taking advantage of the sand blast to gather information about the enemy while the sandstorm had just dissipated. He was a knight.

Although the eldest prince's army was not found, they were lucky enough to find a caravan that had no choice but to stop on the desert road to avoid the sudden sandstorm. The caravan set out from Belmare, transporting some precious spices and medicinal materials. A certain city in the second territory.

When returning, we will buy local specialties. The carriage will never be empty every time we return.

Seeing that the caravan was fully loaded with goods, the leader of the caravan was dressed in extraordinary clothes, and there was also an earth dragon transporting the goods. This was a precious and docile monster. The centurion suddenly had evil thoughts, waved his order, and surrounded the caravan.

The looted wealth is distributed among each other, the chopped corpses can be burned or buried on the spot, and the ears are cut off as evidence of military exploits, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

However, they never expected that the guards hired by the caravan were so skilled that they managed to escape the centurion's pursuit with some of them.

"Damn it! During the sensitive period of the empire's civil war, you robbed the caravans of other countries passing by and killed more than a dozen people. Are you crazy? Don't you know that Belmare had a war with us?" Glaus felt that he was going to go crazy first. His mouth was full of saliva when he roared, and his chest was about to explode.

Seeing Cai's idea, it would be fine if all of them were killed, but some people were allowed to run away!

Moreover, several of the dead people were citizens of the empire's second territory, working for the caravan.

"We can deal with Bessie secretly and then refuse to admit it, right?" The adjutant replied cautiously.

"Don't admit it? The newspapers reporting the news are all stuck in your face!" Glaus's eyes were as wide as bells. "Do you know whose chamber of commerce those idiots robbed, and who else was among them?"

"No... "I don't know..."" The usually strict adjutant was about to be frightened.

"It's Celia's Chamber of Commerce. One of the people who escaped is the famous traveling businessman Gabriel. Damn it..."

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