Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,750 The Disappearing Ghost Swordsman

The Imperial Army lost the experimental dragon Mauletus, but with the help of the mutant experimental subject Sarina, they temporarily achieved a small victory. Duke Conard personally congratulated him.

At the same time, he also brought a special commendation order from His Majesty the Emperor to honor and materially commend the soldiers who performed outstandingly in the war.

Some brave soldiers were allowed to make exceptions and become distinguished "knights", which could earn them an extra income and exempt their families from part of the tax.

Now is the time for the empire to show results, boosting the morale of the military with generous awards, showing that the soldiers' fighting is correct, and the empire will not ignore those who have made meritorious deeds.

The tug-of-war of public opinion has never stopped.

"It's a pity that the sudden sandstorm blocked the momentum of our pursuit. Otherwise, we would have completely wiped out the enemy troops and captured the eldest prince in one fell swoop." Glaus warmly entertained this old friend. He and Conard belong to the same military faction and have a close friendship. It’s always been deep.

Even when the Kruger family was in decline and there were rumors that they would be deposed by His Majesty the Emperor, Glavus did not treat his old friend coldly at all.

"The Gray Desert occupies about one-fifth of the total area of ​​the second territory. It is blocked by mountains and lacks water all year round, and it is easy to form swirling airflow..."

Duke Conard's eloquent talk about geography made Glavus helplessly shake his head. It was because of his overly serious and meticulous character that His Majesty once disliked him.

His son Hyde was even more upright and hated evil as much as he hated evil. He offended almost all nobles, big and small.

Later, if four-fifths of the imperial garrison on the Miranda Plain had not been wiped out by the Principality of Belmare and the superpowers, His Majesty realized that there were too many moths in the army and re-entrusted Duke Conard with important tasks. Now "Cru" The "G" family may really become a piece of history.

"The eldest prince still can't bear his temper and is a little younger." Gravus brewed a pot of tea. He was taboo on drinking alcohol during the march. He sighed: "He suddenly gained powerful and dazzling power. If he reports to your majesty truthfully, he will definitely be able to completely defeat him." The position of the heir is firmly established. Since the late Emperor Helen Baden, few monarchs have achieved such a high level of achievement."

After thinking about it, he shook his head and said: "Even the four long-famous sword masters are almost at this level. The eldest prince suddenly ranks among the top geniuses and has the honor of royal status. It's really... stupid. ah."

Duke Conard sipped his tea and smiled. Although he didn't know how the eldest prince obtained his power, there should be no ordinary awakened person who could suddenly achieve the miracle of becoming the pinnacle of legend.

It's hard to control his obsession when he gains power, but it's actually not that surprising.

As for the origin of unity and the more mysterious "transcendent", that realm is too far away. It is estimated that only certain monsters can have a chance.

"Duke Conard, when this storm subsides, our empire can send its army northward, directly attack the city of Aswan, and then attack the barbarian Amroth along the way. This time we are fully prepared, and we will definitely be able to expand our territory and establish ourselves in the world. Great work!"

Although Graius' hair is gray, his face has few wrinkles due to his leanness. At this moment, there is a touch of excited ruddy color, and his eyes are bright and shiny.

A magnificent picture of mountains and rivers seems to be slowly unfolding before our eyes, thousands of miles vast and filled with infinite beauty.

One of the most serious crimes under the laws of the empire is treason, and the most glorious and glorious achievement is to open up territory and expand the territory of the empire.

His Majesty has always been thinking about the "Glory of the Pelus Era". While wanting to restore the great achievements of his ancestors, he also wants to complete some unfinished things, such as... Xu Zu.

After quelling the rebellion, he will send his army north to eliminate the Bantu tribe and bring the Ten Thousand Years Snow Mountain into the empire's territory. Delos will usher in its peak glory, and his Walter family will definitely be promoted to the title of "Duke".

Different from Glaus's excited expectations, Duke Conard seemed a little absent-minded. It took him a long time to take out a secret letter from his sleeve and silently handed it to the other party.

Glavus opened the secret letter suspiciously, glanced at it, and said in surprise: "Your Majesty is so kind that you actually asked us to bring the eldest prince back to Vetalun."

The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, especially the eldest prince who is very powerful and can be killed on the spot in an emergency.

Now His Majesty said "certainly" in the letter, which is a fatal order and must be obeyed.

But, is it really the kindness of the emperor... Duke Conard pondered slightly, it should be killing two birds with one stone. Showing the kindness of the monarch is on the one hand, and how the eldest prince obtained the kind of power is also very eye-catching.

"Gravus, Your Majesty needs the number of casualties this time."

"It will take about three hours to complete the statistics."

"A lot of soldiers must have been sacrificed." His tone suddenly became a little low.

"Wars have always been like this. Without bloodshed, how can there be any results? Conard, why are you a little confused today? Do you feel too depressed and have forgotten the passion in your bones?"

The two imperial dignitaries talked for a long time. One was ambitious, but the other was a little distracted from time to time.

Before leaving, Duke Conard suddenly said: "Gravus, do you still remember your first sword?"

"Remember, that was a wooden sword given to me by my father. Unfortunately, it was accidentally broken later. Why, do you want to compare notes?"

"Haha, I just found that sword suddenly, and I want to ask you by the way."

Duke Conard left. He had a new mission, leading an army, knights, and mysterious experimental subjects to encircle and suppress the rebels who occupied Cantwen.

There were uprisings happening all over the empire, and the resistance was very active. The sharp archer Ludmila pierced the chest of a prince of the empire with an arrow. Although he was a playboy prince who was not taken seriously, he was Fann's younger brother. , volunteered to put down the rebels.

I thought I had seized a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, but instead I lost my life.

"We had the opportunity to do better, but we all seemed to be wrong." Conard closed his eyes and meditated on the carriage. The eldest prince's intention to split the empire and become independent in the second territory must be tolerated by the royal family.

He was carried away by the power and acted too recklessly.

Not to mention the Empire, Mauletus, Salina... He didn't even know that the Empire had such experimental subjects.

The pursuit of stronger power is essentially right, but the methods are too cruel and cold-blooded, and the lives of the people are regarded as nothing.

Mauletus has lost control. No one has been able to catch the terrifying undead body lingering in Vetalun. The magician Salina just now, and it is said that more than 10,000 soldiers in the empire died before A certain elemental spirit caught by luck.

Several peak awakened beings died in that battle, and Beatrice, the speaker in the arena, was also seriously injured and almost died.

Are they really the power possessed by the empire?

When you lose control, don't you set yourself on fire?

After Conard left, Gravus's excited expression suddenly calmed down. He silently looked at the map of the empire's territory and sighed in a small voice that no one could check: "Of course I remember, when I first picked up the sword, Knight's declaration, but the Walter family has hundreds of people, old and young, all in Vetalun. I am not as free and cheerful as you, I am a ship from the old era."

As a knight, should his belief be to punish evil and promote good, or to simply be loyal to the monarch?

There was once a knight of the Royal Knights who voluntarily applied to withdraw because she was shaken by her own beliefs. She could not distinguish whether her sword swing was for the spirit of justice or because the emperor considered the other party to be a "criminal."

Glavus had an impression of that man, who was now Queen Skadi's personal guard, Lobach.


Gravus' face changed slightly as his memory was implicated. The last thing Lobach did when he betrayed the empire was to release a group of ghost swordsmen who were used as experimental subjects in the Biermark area.

Are that team of ghost swordsmen still alive? Have they grown up? Their hatred for the empire must be unforgettable.

"No, no, ghost hands are not uncommon, but there are very few people who can reach the top. Besides, the world is so big, I should be worrying too much."

First, a giant dragon suspected of being an ice dragon appeared, opening a scar in the empire. Then, because of the Ghost Swordsman, Glavus was reminded of another nightmare of the empire, a real nightmare of despair, which almost swallowed the entire Delos.

Priest Jig.


"Ask the great wolf god to grant me the courage and strength to kill evil enemies. With your gift flowing in the blood of the Walker clan, I will be fearless and invincible."

Buwanga closed his eyes and shouted passionately, calling for the mysterious existence of faith. A layer of misty green light fell from the sky, covering his body like an iron tower, and his momentum suddenly surged.

His open eyes were filled with green light, and there seemed to be a divine wolf roaring at the moon in his pupils. The shadow was psychedelic and sacred. He did not turn around, but his hunter's instinct that had been raised to the extreme was already keenly discerning.


Bwanga didn't even look back, he raised his huge totem blunt weapon and swung it back in the sky, preparing to hit the dagger coming from Baan. With his brute strength, he could fight with the snow mandrill with his bare hands without falling behind.

Bang ~ creak...

With the crisp sound of bone cracking, Barn flew backwards for more than ten meters and landed on the ground and rolled several times. His chest bones were shattered, his hands were cracked, and one shoulder became soft.

"Your sword has changed. It is not as pure and spiritual as before. It is difficult for you to step into the legend." Bwanga slowly adjusted his breathing rhythm and said coldly.

"Fortunately, there is luck in it. Uncle, he was really ruthless." Barn coughed up blood and spit out a few teeth, but his eyes were still fanatical and he kept smiling evilly.

There was a little red light shining at his heart, and he was rapidly repairing the painful injury, and the healing was visible to the naked eye.

That was a cross-shaped red rune, and he took the risk to accommodate it.

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