Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,747 Greater is justice


A sharp long sword pierced the chest of a soldier. The hot blood quickly dyed his thin yew light armor red, and the lively look in his eyes slowly dimmed.

We are both citizens of the empire, but now we are wielding swords against each other, and such tragic situations are happening every minute on the battlefield.

A person who was alive and well one moment is lying on the ground gradually becoming cold the next moment.

The time of constant life is reduced to zero.

The eldest prince was briefly distracted by the overpowering power, and thought he could overthrow the empire that had been glorious for hundreds of years. However, after many battles, he suddenly realized that the price for obtaining this power was very heavy.

And only relying on the three legions following him, how can he match the empire's powerful army of nearly 800,000 people once it is assembled?

But now he is on the verge of riding a tiger, and the power he possesses at the pinnacle of the legendary realm is his last source of confidence.

"Following the tyrannical and unjust king, your sacrifices are meaningless. You are not fighting for happiness and tomorrow. You are just wasting your lives on the battlefield. That emperor did not even dare to step out of the gate of Vetalun. "

The eldest prince's hair was messy, a hint of scarlet appeared in his eyes, and the gorgeous and expensive gentleman's clothes were stained with blood, which was sprayed from the enemy's neck.

He has understood that the crux of the empire's problem is that the nobles control most of the resources, including promotion channels and secret techniques... making it too difficult for ordinary people to get ahead.

Counting down the geniuses of the empire in recent years, Barn Bachut is one of them, the dead director of the research institute Halena, the missing genius noble swordsman Cruz, the hunter Max who died on the Red Moon Festival, " Shiku, the decisive battler of "treason", and so on.

The empire is full of outstanding people and talented people, but compared to the huge population of the empire, it is really not enough.

And most of them are already unfortunate, such as Cruise and Halena. Their tragedies could have been completely avoided. One was because of the stubborn aristocratic class thinking, and the other was because of Leon's transfer experiment.

"If I were the king, I would definitely break the monopoly of the nobles, sort out the bloated and stubborn political system, and disclose the martial arts secrets of each family in the form of an academy. I would carry out a major change in the empire!"

The voice of the eldest prince resounded loudly and excitingly throughout the battlefield. More than 200,000 people were fighting on the edge of the Gray Desert. The flowing blood made the sand sticky, and life seemed as worthless as a piece of grass for a moment.

Although the three legions headed by him were at a disadvantage, he did hold the principle of justice and had confidence. Lyon's actions were difficult to convince the public.

The nobles relied on their ancestors' inheritance to live in fine clothes and fine food, and they also kept secrets of powerful martial arts secret. This was a manifestation of class rigidity.

Emperor Lyon actually made some reforms, such as promoting the new Earl of Barn and removing the rights of some dukes and dignitaries, but it was far from a major change of blood.

The eldest prince's words at this moment have indeed touched the hearts of some people. Regardless of whether he can ascend the throne in the future or fulfill his promise, it does sound very tempting now.

If the Delos Empire is not a right based on blood inheritance, but is similar to the "supreme priest" before the heaven, maybe his words can win him a lot of votes.

Now, what are they doing in the blood-stained desert? After one general's achievements, thousands of bones are withered. The glory of "one general" is eye-catching, but whose name is the surname of the thousands of bones buried under his feet?

And not all of them join the army to gain promotion or promotion, some just have a pure passion to serve the country, earn a living and receive a reward.

"Strength does not mean justice." Siatt whispered. The empire has accumulated prestige in the hearts of the people for a long time. It is like a heavy mountain, raising its head to block the sun and not seeing the morning light.

How can an ordinary citizen of the empire have such ambition and pride in his chest to question the corrupt and stubborn political system of the empire?

Even if some civilians roar unwillingly, how many people in power would care about it, and they might even sneer at it and laugh secretly.

Running around for three meals and earning gold coins to support the family has taken up most of the time and energy.

Although he is humble and dares not to worry about the country and the rise and fall of the world, everyone has the responsibility... In the face of the heavy pressure of reality, he suddenly becomes a little bit sarcastic and ridiculous.

Now the eldest prince's cry of anger has really reached the hearts of many people.

A strong empire does not mean justice, and the strength of an empire is not the result of a generation of monarchs, but the joint creation of thousands of people of the empire.

"Liao, you're right. Being strong doesn't mean justice. Being strong is just a concept of strength." Ye Lin nodded and sighed, thinking deeply about it. He smacked his lips and said, "Big means justice."

"Hey~ You're greedy again~" Mo Mei rolled her eyes and was too lazy to complain about him.

There is a very brave team of magic gunners beside the eldest prince. They were once the subordinates of "Slaughter Soul" Max. At the cost of his life, Max inspired them not to abandon them because they are addicted to absorbing the power of Warcraft. soul.

This group of hunters was later recruited by the keen eldest prince and became his personal guards. They were also the backbone and performed well on the battlefield.

At the same time, the revolutionary army was gathering insurgents to capture Cantwen, the old capital of the former dynasty. Shiku and Gerald, two legendary strong men, on the one hand owed Ye Lin a favor, and on the other hand they followed their hearts. And fight.

After all, the hazy memories of the arena are just the past. They feel that they should start a new life and fight for some good things, such as...peace.


The roar of the dragon shook the sky. From the direction of the golden capital of Weitalun, a huge and mighty dragon flew from a distance. It was surrounded by poisonous green mist, leaving traces in the sky wherever it passed. A terrible trace that lingers for a long time.

Mauletus's chest was empty, and its fatal heart was hidden by the empire. Even if he was reluctant in every way, he could only obey.

Because of its own characteristics, it cannot even commit suicide.

There are more than one Imperial Research Institute, and there are more than one hidden research bodies of evil objects. The reason for the second Dark Holy War was because Ozma was too strong. It only took half a day to penetrate from the Chester area to the Imperial Capital, and it was completely too late. Release them all.

The battlefield of the Bantu tribe was located a hundred miles northeast of Cape Byron. They encountered two knightly groups. The Imperial Army thought that relying on the plain terrain and elite cavalry, they could instantly overwhelm and scatter these barbarians. , kill them all without leaving any trace behind.

Cavalry has a crushing advantage over infantry.

However, I never expected that not only people from the Bantu tribe would come, but also their unique and powerful wizards and shamans, as well as their domesticated ice tigers.

An ice tiger was covered with very tough cowhide on its neck and abdomen, which could withstand physical damage from swords to a certain extent. It leaped high, slapped the cavalryman off the horse, and instantly bit its fatal throat.

Hundreds of ice snakes exuding a deep cold air filled the ground with ice spikes wherever they passed, causing even greater terrain trouble for the cavalry.

"Damn the imperial dog." Rabina shattered a centurion's breastplate with one punch. When the other man was about to die, he pulled his collar and roared: "Tell me, who was the one who attacked Chatli that year?" A legion, and where is the Purple Mist Regiment?”

Two thousand-man knights were caught off guard due to intelligence and suffered heavy losses, but Bwanga remained calm and ordered not to pursue them further.

The empire has destructive weapons such as dragon-headed cannons, which are very dangerous to the soldiers.

"Another Imperial Dog is coming." The totem warlock Hawkey is good at manipulating birds and can understand their words. Now another group of knights has arrived.

The horses and horses are all wearing bright armor, and the knights riding them are all very powerful and high-spirited.

Most of them had medals of honor hanging on their chests, each of them had a calm aura, and their sophisticated equipment sparkled in the sun. They were the elite of the empire.

Bwanga's tiger eyes were slightly focused. The sunlight shining in front of him was too dazzling and he couldn't see clearly clearly. However, there was a knight who seemed to be the leader, riding a horse and walking alone with dignity.

"How brave!" Rabina shouted.

"Barn?" Bwanga was slightly surprised and raised his thick eyebrows. Unexpectedly, he met an acquaintance.

"Uncle Bwanga, you are well." Baan smiled very gently and calmly, ignoring the corpses on the ground, and greeted him in a relaxed and friendly manner, with a bit of carelessness.

"If it is in a certain tavern, I will be happy to see you." Bwanga grasped the huge totem blunt weapon. This is the territory of the empire. Baan leads an imperial knight. The purpose is why he has not said it for a long time. And metaphor.

"Me too, uncle. If we weren't in the empire, I would definitely buy you a drink, but it's such a pity."

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