Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,688: The apostle dies and does not enter the underworld

On the other side, Kazan, the number one ghost god, once again borrowed the power of the underworld to push back Siatt and the others, giving Ozma a chance to escape.

City of Glory—Aero Reno

Ozma is covered in scars, and she and her best friend Kazan return to this city full of sadness and memories everywhere.

Before rushing to Vetalon, Yuena had already purified the place. The filth was gone and the evil was annihilated. Therefore, Ozma had a psychological reversal, and it was dark under the lamp.

And because the underground volcanoes in the Chester area have been erupting and the smoke is billowing, the environment here is really not good. Except for the money-obsessed guys, few people are willing to come here.

"General Kazan!"

Karenin's burly and muscular figure was so excited that he couldn't help but tremble. His tiger eyes were full of joy. He stared at Kazan who had returned from the underworld carefully. Suddenly he laughed up to the sky. In addition to feeling relieved, when the laughter gradually faded, it was inevitably filled with sadness. .

After Karenin's hamstrings were cut for the crime that Kazan was guilty of, although he was not exiled to the extreme to wait for death, for a general who was good at conquering and fighting, it was no different than death.

Before dying, he found the body of General Kazan in the Exiles Mountains with two crutches.

Odais of the Vengeance Fortress also mentioned that when the Usiel Order took in the body of the God of Destruction, they also discovered the body of another general of the Peruvian Empire, Karenin, but the latter was directly dismissed. The ground burned.

"General, I am guilty and ask for your forgiveness." Leonid knelt down and knelt, atonement and repentance for his original actions.

Although he was not the main architect of the empire's tragedy, he also led the army to surround Kazan and Ozma and persuade them to explain themselves to Emperor Farmeria.

At that time, Kazan himself no longer wanted to return to Talon. He saw through the true face of the emperor's hypocrisy, hiding the original sin of infinite jealousy and greed.

It was due to Leonite's persuasion that Kazan also felt that Farmelia still had a deep brotherhood with Ozma and he could explain it clearly and there was still room for maneuver.

"Forget it, get up, it's all over." Kazan shook his head slightly and said to be more straightforward, what should have happened has happened. We are the people who should have passed away. We have been dead for hundreds of years. How can we kowtow to atone for our sins? No matter what, it can't change the established history in the past years.

"Kazan, your sins seem to be heavier." Ozma, who had always been brazen and unbridled, softened in a rare tone.

Kazan, the first ghost sword and soul, does not mean that he is the first ghost body, but that when the great priest Jig really made the powerful power of "ghosts" known to the public, his ghost hand was the first The ghost that carries it is the great general "Kazan" of Perrus.

The bodies of ghosts and gods should not linger between the human world and the dead should go to the underworld.

When some ghost swordsman summons Kazan's phantom to increase his own power, no matter what kind of killing sin this person causes, the cause and effect source will be counted on that summoner.

Now, Kazan has followed Giger's example, forcing himself to appear in the world through a special medium, and taking the initiative to have a major impact on the world.

He broke the rules of the underworld and rescued Chaos, and Kazan would have to bear part of the consequences of the killings caused by Chaos in the future, shouldering a heavier crime.

Mavis's warning was not just words.

"It doesn't matter to me. Before the red moon of the underworld comes, Ozma, my dear friend, you have countless better choices."

As the apostle of the ultimate life form, as long as Ozma is willing, he can live a more relaxed life, instead of being filled with hatred and wanting to inflict his pain on everyone.

Ozma is not "dead" yet, and there are countless wonderful possibilities in this world.

Ozma smiled and waved his hand. Because he needed to hide his whereabouts, after he had suppressed the evil aura of the God of Chaos, he unexpectedly had a refined scholarly demeanor at this moment. In a daze, Kazan seemed to see a magician's robe and a smile. "Ozma" is always confident and calm.

Has his best friend been dominated by hatred for a long time? Kazan doesn't quite understand and needs an answer.

Can he really not let go?

The Perus Empire has collapsed and fragmented, and no matter how glorious it is, it has long become a thing of the past. They are the remnants of the old era. Counting Saint Michael, everyone is actually an abandoner of time.

Ozma raised her hand and took out a jug of good wine and four jade cups, filled them with wine, and took one cup for herself first.

Every time they come back from the bloody battlefield, they like to relax like this, and all the pain and worries seem to disappear.

Swollen valley

However, Kazan and others stared at the cup in a daze. They were soul bodies, and the material wine could not taste the taste.

"I forgot that you are already dead." Ozma poured three glasses of wine on the ground one after another, like a memorial, and joked: "Does the underworld need paper money?"

The once upright brothers reunited and became three dead men and one devil. It was ridiculous, sad, and lamentable.

Kazan sighed deeply and said that currency does not circulate in the underworld. Because it is useless, he said: "I am a ghost and god in the underworld. It is a special spiritual world. The red moon shines forever. There are ferrymen floating on the Styx River. There are only a few people." Only by existing can we have the opportunity to retain complete spiritual consciousness in the underworld after death.”

"Oh? What do you mean?" Ozma frowned slightly and unconsciously clenched her palms very hard.

"Farmelia's soul should have completely dissipated."

There is Ozma, the vengeful evil god of chaos, in the present world, and there is the ghost god Kazan in the underworld. Farmeria is truly unable to live in peace even if it is dead, and there is no room in either world.

It's probably a good thing for him that he completely dissipated.

"That's right." Ozma nodded. He didn't seem too surprised by the news, or in other words, he wasn't too concerned about it. The person he really cared about was not the emperor.

Kazan also knew who the person his best friend wanted to ask was. He was about to open his mouth when suddenly a dark swamp appeared under his feet. Countless chains and arms stretched out, wailing and filled with death, trying to grab Kazan's body. .

"The reckoning of the underworld?! Can't you give me some more time?" Kazan struggled hard, waving his giant sword and battle ax, constantly breaking the chains and arms that spread out, but his body had sunk deeper and deeper, and he was already trapped below his knees. Stuck in the quagmire.

Upon seeing this, Ozma raised his hand and blasted with a black light. Kazan's body was burned. After all, it was impossible to achieve a perfect resurrection. The underworld is very repressive to the dead.

"It seems that we are all rebels in each other's world." Ozma made a cold joke, then shattered the black pool of the underworld with a punch, temporarily restraining Kazan from being dragged back, and said:

"If I were stronger and could confront the gods, I would break the underworld to pieces and rescue you."

"I'm not greedy for everything in the world, Ozma. I just don't want to see you being driven by others. Your body seems empty and has no independent soul."

The brotherhood between Kazan and Ozma is a real life and death relationship. Kazan is willing to violate the supreme rules of the underworld for his best friend. Ozma is not afraid of the underworld. He is pondering the true power of the "primordial darkness".

Seeing that Kazan wanted to persuade him, Ozma shook his head slightly and said, "I have no other way out."


"For the apostles will not enter the underworld if they die."

From the moment he became the God of Chaos and started the Blood Curse and the Dark Holy War, there were only two ways for him to end.

Either spreading chaos throughout the world, or being killed and pierced by the trial blade, the power of the apostle may be inherited by another living being in the world in a certain period of time.

But the soul of "Ozma" in the Peruvian Empire will perish together. If he is definitely dead, his soul will be truly scattered, and there is absolutely no possibility of being recalled from the underworld again.

Whether it is because of the century-old holy war in the past history or the new Vetalon incident, everyone in the world is eager to take off his head.

Therefore, in fact, from the beginning of the Dark Crusade, he had only one way left to go, which was to win, otherwise he would completely dissipate.

"Although I have no intention of becoming the judge of mankind's end, their growing original sin will one day devour themselves. It is the real chaos of good and evil, and is even colder than the curse of blood." Ozma slowly grasped his hand. fist, and then stared at Kazan, "My best friend, tell me, Liz, has she... No, you'd better stop talking."

If the apostle dies, it will truly dissipate, leaving only the pure power of the apostle. There is no way for Ozma to enter the underworld, and there is no way to verify whether Liz, the woman he deeply loves, can meet in the underworld.

Real heaven and man are forever separated and will never see each other!

So Ozma suddenly changed her tune and told Kazan not to say anything, leaving him her last thoughts.

Liz was the last way to soften his devilish heart.

After a long moment of silence, Kazan slowly raised his head and said, "I have a way to help you swallow this world."

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