Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,680 A loving father and a filial daughter

Three visitors from the past era, two of whom were still disembodied ghosts and gods, once again came to the "source" of the Dark Holy War.

Ozma is too tall, and her demon wings are as wide as a dragon's wings when spread out. If she wants to walk into the hall, she must bend down and tuck her wings.

Obviously, he was not happy to do this, because no one could make him bend again.

I still remember that he knelt down to Emperor Farmeria many times to show his loyalty, but what he got in return was deception and slander. He was thrown into prison and his bright eyes were ruthlessly gouged out. Even his lover Liz, She was also forced to enter the palace as a concubine.

A ray of anger suddenly rose from his heart. Ozma thought that he should be a little indifferent and indifferent after sleeping for such a long time, but as expected, when he thought of Liz, his lover, whom he had agreed to stay with for the rest of his life, his resentment grew. Unstoppable.


Ozma raised his arm and waved hard, and the ceiling of the palace hall was torn apart by an invisible energy. The aggressive towers, attics and other buildings were also cut in half.

Most of the top floor of the palace was torn to pieces, and the whole thing was exposed to the sky, like an ant's nest being dug open. Ozma's casual blow caused countless people to panic and wail one after another.

Leon, who was sitting on the throne, looked calm, slightly pale but with no emotional changes. Maintaining the proud dignity of a country's monarch was now the only thing he could do.

As expected, the institute's perfect creation should have arrived ten minutes ago, but except for the mechanical dragon, there was no additional movement.

Ozma's eyes were cold. He knew that the man sitting on the throne was the current king. He had a very faint bloodline of sinners, and was a collateral descendant of the Farmeria family.

The Delos Empire has always regarded itself as "Pelous Orthodox" because of the melee between the vassal states hundreds of years ago in order to be able to rule the people of the Pelous Empire in a legitimate way and to inherit an "orthodox" name.

In fact, the founding emperor Heron Baden was indeed a descendant of the royal family of the Peruvian Empire. Dating back to the time when Peruvian was not yet divided, the "Baden" family was a famous family and had an in-law relationship with the royal family.

Ozma just waved his hand casually, and Leon, who had always been stubborn and arrogant, was manipulated by an invisible force and fell to the side of the hall. He lost all his manners and was in a very embarrassed state.

Leon has always been strict with himself. In addition to his outstanding political talents, he also pays attention to self-cultivation. He also has the strength of the awakened state, but in front of Ozma, he is no different from a caterpillar.

The only difference may be that when he is slapped to death, the area of ​​Lyon's body on the ground will be larger.

"To this day, I still have no interest in this terrible throne of power." Ozma's demonic posture is too burly, and the human throne can no longer accommodate his figure.

Back then, the emperor with an ugly heart sat high in this place. He first attributed all the credit for destroying the mad dragon to his wise leadership, and then declared that he and Kazan intended to rebel and should be beheaded and executed.

The unparalleled Kazan, who was good at using giant axes and heavy swords, had his hamstrings cut off. He always charged at the forefront of the army. The indomitable Karenin had his hamstrings cut off. The chief magician of the empire, his magical attainments are still astonishing. His eyes were ruthlessly gouged out.

Leonite is the adjutant general. He once foolishly believed that His Majesty the Emperor's arrest of General Kazan and Lord Ozma was a misunderstanding. He also helped Farmeria speak up, led the army to surround Kazan and Ozma, and accused They have lost the heart of being a courtier.

In the end, Kazan and Ozma were exiled, and Karenin was deprived of his title and merit and became a useless person.

Only Leonite remained unscathed and still maintained his official title.

Afterwards, Leonid regretted so much that he could not forgive himself, thinking that although the emperor had deceived him, he himself was also a betrayer who should atone for his sins.

His body gradually weakened due to extreme guilt, and he could not even pick up a dagger to kill himself.

Leonid laid out the sword that Kazan gave him on the day he was promoted to adjutant, the shield that Karenin gave him, and the magic book that Ozma gave him on the ground.

He blindfolded himself, tied his hands with the rope between his teeth, and slowly fell forward. There was a fixed dagger on the ground.

"You still have some integrity. When Farmelia saw me, she was so frightened that she lost her crown."

After hearing this, Leon's face twisted slightly and his blood flow increased. This sentence was more like a contemptuous irony than a compliment.

It is an unprecedented shame for the majestic king of a country to be kicked off his throne without the power to resist!

He also said he has integrity...

Ozma looked down at the crowd, then looked at the entire city, and said: "I allow half of the people to leave the city and leave this place, ensuring that the pretenders will not pursue them."

Gu Zhuo

His voice was not loud but extremely penetrating. It spread throughout the golden city of Veitalon and rang in everyone's ears.

"But, I will infect the other half with the blood curse and turn it into a demon."

Ozma snapped his fingers, and dense red beads fell from the sky, landing in every corner of the Vetalon. They were the size of fingertips, sparkling and very conspicuous.

"Whoever gets the ball should leave on his own. This is my promise."

After a period of silence, the entire Weitalun was instantly in chaos. Both the well-dressed nobles and the simple civilians went crazy, trying desperately to grab the red ball, which was the only way to escape from the city. Opportunity.

Everyone is deeply aware of the tragedy of Airoreno, and seems to remember it vividly. Now it is Weitalun's turn, and they don't want to be buried here together.

Fighting, fighting, stabbing in the back... In order to seize the red ball, no matter what the means, bloody and cruel scenes were staged everywhere.

Even the members of the royal family, who used to pay attention to elegance and etiquette, now all lost their manners because some red beads fell in the palace area.

"Give me!"

The jealous guard kicked away his usually respectful leader, grabbed the red ball and ran out of the city. Then he was suddenly stabbed in the back by a colleague, his sword stained with blood.

There are only half the number of red orbs as there are residents of Vetalon. In other words, half of the people will die here and repeat the tragedy of Airoreno.

Some people are already losing their minds and keep mumbling, saying that Vetalun is finished and that the political center of a country is about to collapse. The next step is to repeat all the tragedies of the Peruvian Empire without even thinking about it!

The lords from various places may take this opportunity to "cruel" Ozma on the surface, and then support themselves. Only when a great "saint" comes to seal Ozma again will the empire restore peace.

Then, it is very likely that various places will be divided into vassal states, and the Arad continent will once again fall into a long-term war.

Perhaps the already ambitious nobles silently prayed for the complete destruction of the royal family.

Ozma watched with interest the humans snatching the red beads. One bead represented one person, but some more powerful guys secretly hid multiple beads and took advantage of the chaos to make profits.

"Haha, look, you don't even need a blood curse. In order to survive, you humans can do anything. The glamor on the surface cannot hide the hypocrisy and malice in your bones."

Then, Ozma suddenly saw a very special person out of the corner of his eye. From the time he arrived until now, this woman has not shown even a hint of fear.

The eldest princess Celia was very calm and calm, her elegant and noble posture was undisturbed, and she was caressing the ring on her jade finger. She was hesitating. This was a wonderful opportunity, but it was also accompanied by great danger.

"I read the strong malice towards me from your emotions." Ozma glanced lightly, raised her head and was about to catch Celia.

Interestingly, even the arrogant emperor of the empire can only remain silent and endure the humiliation silently, but this woman, who seems to be an ant with the status of a princess, dares to show obvious hostility towards her.

At the moment when Celia suffered a fatal threat, the ring that Ye Lin had left for her suddenly glowed, and a crystal thick elemental barrier quickly emerged, covering a certain area. At the same time, there was also a brilliant sword light blooming, drawing Breaking through the void, he cut a bone-deep wound on Ozma's shoulder.

"Damn it, Ye Lin?!"

Like a frightened bird, Ozma quickly retreated and soared into the sky. He scanned Weitalun fearfully. When he couldn't find anyone, he raised his head. His holy eyes shone. This sword energy was so amazing and so familiar.

But Ye Lin was still "banned", and the collapsed dimensional barrier actually showed some signs of healing.

"No, it seems to be just a sword energy left in the ring prop."

Ye Lin's magic skills are as good as or even better than swordsmanship. The ring he gave to Celia has a terrifying defensive power after the magic circle is activated, and it will be difficult for the apostles to break it for a while.

Emperor Leon was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then he felt happy. Although he still didn't know what was going on, Ozma seemed to have nothing to do with this magic circle.

He eagerly wanted to walk into the magic circle while Ozma was unconscious, but he was hit in the nose and his forehead was painful and red. The authority of the magic circle was in Celia's hands.

Celia was also in a hurry, and quickly brought in her mother, Princess Mary, and Queen Josephine. The latter was the biological mother of the third princess, who was Ye Lin's legitimate fiancée and must not be neglected.

Then, just when Celia was about to go to Larion, her hand suddenly paused...

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