Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,632: Trying to reach the sky, but fall down on the ground

The First Legion of Delos was unable to cope with the combination of foreign enemies and internal troubles. It immediately suffered a heavy blow and suffered numerous casualties.

What frightened the accompanying priests the most was that they discovered that as the battle progressed, the breathing rate accelerated, and some mysterious malicious influence also deepened rapidly, and soldiers fell to the ground and twitched one after another.

If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before the entire legion collapses and is even annihilated.

"Your Majesty the Duke, Lulen Area!" A scout shook his dizzy head vigorously. He seemed to be in a trance, as if he saw a mysterious shadow walking towards him.

The big black hand he raised seemed to be trying to drag himself somewhere.

"We saw Lulon Forest, with a magical cross, creating a green environment where the evil atmosphere was weak."

Conard made an immediate decision after hearing this, "The Guardian Knights opened the way, the Imperial Knights broke up, and the entire army marched towards the Lulon Forest."

Lulon Forest is a beautiful green forest outside the city of Airoreno. It is fresh and beautiful and was once known as the "Morning Forest of Elves".

Legend has it that there is a beautiful elf named "Lulun" in the forest. She only appears when the first ray of sunlight shines in the morning, picking flowers, drinking dew, and dancing freely with butterflies.

Countless people are yearning for this legend, including the then monarch of the Peruvian Empire who sent people to search carefully, but there was no trace. However, there are more and more rumors about Lu Lun's beauty, which attracts more and more people's imagination and imagination. Pity.

Later, Lulon Forest was eroded by Ozma's evil aura and turned into a gloomy forest that exuded the smell of damp death.

The legend of the elves came to an abrupt end.


Suddenly, a halberd crashed down like a pillar holding up the sky. The strong red light contained an extremely violent aura, shaking the earth, and instantly turned dozens of pretenders into flesh.

Cut through the clouds and split the ground!

Gerald's fighting spirit was high, and his long hair was stirring like a demon. He finally found this long-lost crazy fighting spirit, and his blood was boiling and hot.

His intense thirst for fierce battles made his bones seem to be itching, and the power of the magic gun that filled his body came from the power of the apostle Sirocco, which inadvertently gave him a certain degree of resistance to the blood curse spread in the air. resistance.

With the strong men in the legendary realm taking action to stop the pretenders, the Empire's First Legion hurriedly left hundreds of corpses in place and rushed to the place where the cross was found.

If the battlefield is calm, they will consider rescuing the initially infected, but now every step of delay will result in more casualties.

Gerald was fighting fiercely, waving his powerful and heavy halberd, blood splashing three feet with every blow, as he approached the motionless Karenin.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank. At the place where the First Legion had evacuated in embarrassment, the hundreds of corpses that had not been burned in time staggered to their feet again. The eyes under their helmets were cloudy and scarlet, and a strange gurgling sound came from their throats. Voices.


This is one of the reasons why the Pretenders were able to destroy the Glory City of Aeronor in one day. Starting from the original Pretender Enbinor, the Pretenders have doubled in number and spread exponentially.

Not only were the imperial legions forced to relocate in embarrassment, but the free groups that came in before were also suffering. Tragedies kept happening, and people died every moment. The blood curse spread in the air was beyond everyone's expectation, and it caused harm to them. Unbelievably devastating.

The most important thing is that they don't even see the city gate of Airoreno now.

Those who want to climb to the sky will fall down and become bruised and bruised.

Only the devout priesthood with a noble spirit, as well as some well-prepared and powerful teams, are still in a relatively normal situation for the time being.

The golden wealth of the ancient kingdom and the glory of being promoted to a noble rank were basically forgotten now, and everyone began to look at everyone around them with suspicion and fear.

The Chaos Gate that came in has also disappeared. Obviously, unless a strong person can penetrate the space or kill Ozma, the mastermind behind it, it will be impossible to leave the black earth.

Many people have regrets and their heels seem to be sore.

The holy cross left by Saint Michael before entering the city of Aerono brought new life to the Lulon Forest. It is also one of the only places that is not eroded by the evil atmosphere.

(The cross is not in Lulen in the game)

The First Legion lost dozens more bodies in a miserable way, and finally managed to take a breather in the fresh Lulun Forest, take a rest, and relax their tense spirits.

The casualties were not heavy, but the blow to morale was devastating.

Without solving the bad situation of airborne transmission, continuing to drive to Aerono City is tantamount to seeking death, and the number of people will be used to nourish the enemy.

"No, it takes at least five Apocalypse, or a priest-level legendary warrior to completely protect the entire legion." The accompanying high-level paladin shook his head sadly, saying that he was unable to continue and could not reach Milan Roche. The achievements of the saint Bach.

That is, the undead army!

Because of his powerful healing and protective abilities, Milan's team suffered almost no damage in the war, so he was called the "Undead Legion". The name of the Paladin has been spread far and wide ever since.

The area protected by Michael's Cross is about half of the Lulun Forest, with a radius of ten miles. It is not narrow but definitely not spacious. It is crowded with people who came to seek refuge after hearing the news.

No one wants to leave without addressing airborne transmission.

After detailed confirmation, it was found that the holy priests accompanying the army could protect at most an army of a thousand people from being corroded by the evil aura and continue to the city of Airoreno.

But what can a mere thousand people do? Even if every one of them is outstandingly talented and can be as strong as ten, there is no way they can stop the army of pretenders pouring out of Airoreno like a tsunami.

There are even many powerful unique beings!

If he continues to hide in the Lulon area, it will bring disgrace to the empire. Duke Conard is in a dilemma, but the eldest prince does not take it seriously and wants to lead a thousand people to attack Airoreno.

He believed that the pretenders were just remnants and not something to be afraid of. Saint Michael must also be fighting Ozma in the city, perhaps just missing a blow at the critical moment.

"Crying child, crying child, where is your neck?" Hidden in the silent lake, it cannot be found. So pathetic, so pathetic. 』

"Crying child, crying child, where are your legs?" In order to find my mother, I fell on the road. So pitiful, so pitiful"

"Faceless child, legless child, where is your body?" Placed in the Well of Chaos beneath the sleeping sky. It's amazing, it's amazing. 』

Suddenly, a song sounded outside the Lulun Jungle. Every sentence of its content was terrifying and made people tense and alert. Danger was approaching.

The imperial army and some free groups that had just taken a breath were about to feel their scalps numb. Threats were everywhere, and weird things were everywhere. This was not an ancient imperial ruin, but more like the modern hell!

There were sneers in the darkness from time to time, as if countless pairs of eyes were peering into the jungle. The sheltered area provided by the mysterious cross was not necessarily absolutely safe.

"Boss, why is the combat effectiveness of the First Legion different from what we expected?" Mo Mei patted her white gloves and glanced at the corpse of the pretender next to her in disgust.

There was a group of about a thousand ancient pretenders, led by two fierce blooders, who wanted to attack Lulun Forest. They happened to see them and slapped them to death.

"Because they lack the fearlessness to risk their lives to survive."

In their subconscious mind, this was just a mission, a routine mission to destroy enemies, and it was linked to promotion to a higher position.

In the era of the Dark Holy War, most of the continent of Arad was raging in flames of war. Everyone had no retreat and could only fight to the death.

Today's army is for money and fame, and the latter is simply for survival!

The starting points are different, so the combat effectiveness they can display is also completely different. The performance of the First Legion is within the normal range, but it is difficult to compare with the soldiers of the Dark Holy War.

"Let's go. Don't worry about it here. The Saint's Cross is still of some use. Go directly to Airoreno City." Ye Lin did not stay nearby. If these people can't even break through this level, the Imperial Legion will It's really just a joke.

When they change from pursuing fame and wealth to fighting for their lives, will their will be reshaped into something as immortal as steel.

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