Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1611 The little white flower pigeon is gone

As the country with the strongest comprehensive strength in the Arad continent, the Delos Empire's preparation and attitude towards the Dark Holy War are very important.

But because of some unpleasant past events, the people here are actually not very interested in the empire, and even have a blood feud.

If it weren't for the tragic precedent of the Dark Holy War, which plunged the continent of Arad into darkness for hundreds of years, if it were any other apostle, they wouldn't be bothered to care about the life and death of the empire.

The spread of panic caused by the blood curse has not completely dissipated from the year 158 of Arad to the present for more than 800 years, and has always lingered among people.

"The starting point for Lord Michel to seal the black earth is in the northern territory of the empire, probably near the current Chester. If Ozma comes again, there is a higher probability that it will be there."

After Obers finished speaking, he looked at the third princess, who nodded. She was more familiar with Chester's affairs, so she answered:

"That place is a mine and is very rich in resources. A few years ago, we also introduced an encouraging immigration policy, so there are now hundreds of thousands of permanent residents near Chester, and it is still growing."

Because it involves the apostle Ozma, the area around the mine was originally a restricted area, but as time passed by, Ozma...Ozma...his ears became numb.

Precious mineral resources are what the empire needs, wealth at your fingertips, so Chester has become a newly populated city in the empire.

Evacuating the population is also a trouble, but it is none of their business.

Except for the fact that the three princesses of the empire are not represented, the alliance between other countries and regions has been relatively smooth, and they will each show their strengths and abilities. This will be a dark event that will affect the entire continent, and it will require everyone to join forces to deal with it.

Vanes and Xuzu, including the Bantu tribe, have a much lower risk factor due to their race and geographical location. The areas affected by the second Dark Holy War are mainly the Belmare and Delos Empire areas.

Because of the influence of Ye Lin and the fact that the first-level Great Temple is also in Hedunmar, the support from Vanes and Xuzu will arrive here first.

As for the Third Princess, it would be great if the empire with strong troops and horses can handle it on its own. If unfortunately there is a heavy loss, they will not ignore it indifferently.

Because the number of "pretenders" is not fixed, but will increase rapidly. The once-rich "Aero Reno" collapsed overnight, and its prosperity turned to ashes. This is a very cruel and realistic example.

Obes made multiple copies of the key information held by the Great Cathedral and distributed them one by one to the noble queen and princesses. He said: "Although it is not yet certain when Ozma will come again, there are people from the Revenge Fortress. Things first, I’m afraid it won’t last long.”

Obeis looked around at Skadi and others who were scanning the documents without leaving a trace. A knowing smile appeared on his fair and beautiful cheeks. As long as everyone can unite, the Dark Holy War can be quickly ended.

Thinking about a world without pretenders, Obers felt it was wonderful, and his mood was bright.

After the discussion of the alliance ended, Hebron Princess Kabali took out a box of green medicine from a self-refrigerated medical box and introduced: "By analyzing the blood samples of the pretenders, through our Hebron technology research , the targeted vaccine made.”

Dr. Gina suddenly had an idea and analyzed the blood curse infection from a physiological and medical perspective. It will destroy human tissues, attack the central nervous system, cause genetic mutations, etc.

After analyzing the Silent City, a legacy of the top technological planet Hebron, it took half a month to finally create the first generation blood curse vaccine.

Originally, the vaccine samples were supposed to be delivered by Xiao Baihua, and she invited Ye Lin to dinner by the way. She had personally promised it in Heaven. But now, it seems that she was too busy and accidentally missed it.

Kabali said that except for deep pretenders who have experienced physical collapse and mutation, the vaccine can greatly reduce the intellectual pain of infected people and reduce or even eliminate the desire to attack in the dark.

If an uninfected person is injected in advance, there will be a high probability of being immune to the erosion of the blood curse caused by ordinary pretenders, and will be affected by the physical constitution.

A gift from Hebron is a welcome surprise at this critical moment.

The continent of Arad is not as good as the Heaven Realm. It is difficult to regulate population movement, the social system is relatively loose, and most importantly, the number of priests is far less than that of the pretenders.

Every additional means to deal with the Blood Curse can reduce future losses and add another chip to the final victory.

"But the problem is, even if we use the royal family, the Great Holy Cathedral, and even Yelin's reputation as a guarantee, how many people will be willing to inject themselves with the vaccine?" Meia sighed softly, rubbing her eyebrows, her beautiful and delicate face There was a hint of worry.

After all, there is a strong cultural gap between the heaven and the continent of Arad. For an ordinary resident, how can he just let others use sharp instruments to puncture his skin and inject some "weird" things into his body? in.

For them, this is a brand new thing that they have never been exposed to before, so of course they will have strong resistance.

Moreover, more than six hundred years have passed since the Dark Holy War. Time has gradually erased the vigilance against pretenders, and the world seems to be peaceful and peaceful... Suddenly the people are told that the terrifying Dark Holy War will break out again. Do they believe it or not? It's the same thing.

Not only the ordinary people, but also the noble queens and princesses, and the great wizards of the Bantu tribe, were also caught off guard and slightly panicked.

Moreover, if we want to spread the vaccine to the entire Arad continent, we will need an astonishing number of heavenly doctors. The Emperor of the Seventh Heavenly Empire, Alijie, has expressed her full support for this and is really grateful to provide help in times of need.

Finally, after half a day of serious discussion, many things were finalized one by one, and everyone had a plan in mind, so that they would not panic when the time comes.

Regarding the vaccine, even if the public will resist it, as long as there is one person who is willing to take the vaccine, the tragedy will be reduced.

Queen Skadi hosted a banquet in the palace to show her kindness as a landowner. She was beautiful, noble and elegant, and had a motherly temperament about her, which attracted Meia's attention frequently.

The Senate's recent advisory and memorials have become more and more frequent. They will not cut off the "bloodline of Aragorn" no matter what, and even seriously link it to the future development of Vanes, and the analysis is clear and logical.

There are even a few old guys who simply don’t want to be old-fashioned. They say with snot and tears that the old minister is old and decrepit. They have half of their feet in the coffin board. The last wish in their lives is to see Lord Aragon’s bloodline continue. .

After the serious official business was settled, it was time for a relaxing meal. While the maids were serving dishes and adding soup, Meia pulled Skadi and quietly asked curiously: "Sister, how old are you?"

"Seven months..." The dignified and elegant Skadi was quite helpless. As a noble queen of the same country, she did not want to be shorter than Meia.

But given the racial advantage of the dark elves, there is really no way around it.

In particular, Meia also recalled a name, saying that the other party had given her a congratulatory gift when she ascended the throne as king.

That name was Bellemare's former king, in other words, her grandfather's grandfather~ which made her lose her temper even more.

"Well, how do you feel?" Meia seemed to be a curious baby, but she was mainly tired of being teased by the Senate. Otherwise, she would really consider spending a year in the dark elf's long life to fool those old stubborns.

"Well, I can't put it into words~ It's better for you to feel it yourself."

I still have some feelings, including a slight heaviness in my waist and abdomen, difficulty in moving, and often hallucinations of babies crying... But the most important thing is the change in my mood. The sacred feeling of becoming a great mother is simply indescribable.

Aska, who was sitting silently, blushed slightly and pretended not to hear. She was still young and would not have to think about these things in ten years.

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