Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,600 A match, infinite and eternity

"How could it be possible? It's actually him!"

Erwuzai Qingye, who had been deliberately dilly-dallying and simply stopped moving forward after Devast transformed, felt his scalp numb and about to explode. A chill ran through his body like an electric current, and his whole body was stiff with fear.

Everyone in the Dark Order regards the adventurer who has a record of defeating the apostles as the biggest obstacle to the coming of Chaos... Why is he in the Dark Temple Knight's Revenge Fortress?

Could it be that you are accompanying the goddess of judgment to go home for the Chinese New Year?

The arrogant and arrogant pure-blooded person in the cult could not survive a single turn in his hands before he was torn apart by the visionary blood moon, shattered hard weapons, and fell into the mountains, completely unaware of his life or death.

Qingye immediately had a strong intention to quit. A good man will not suffer the immediate loss. He has a greater ideal to realize, and he must not die here.

"Chaos is very dissatisfied with your cowardice..." Kelinjie's damn voice sounded faintly again, and Qingye almost breathed her last, and her soul was about to fly away.

Devast, who was severely injured by Ye Lin, was forced to return to his original human form. His burly and muscular body now lay on the cold snow, with his mouth full of blood, his limbs broken, and all the bones in his chest shattered.

If it weren't for the "pure blood" of the Three Dark Knights that gave him a very powerful vitality, Devast would have been blown into a bloody mist with one punch, unable to find a larger part.

"So strong, but it's such a pity that I didn't get to see the goddess in action. It is said that she is a hundred times stronger than Odais." Lite shook his head to express regret. She is a loyal fan of her own goddess.

"You stinky girl, I can handle you more than enough..." Odais sneered faintly and pinched Litte's smooth cheeks hard with two fingers.

This girl is the youngest member of the Dark Palace Guards. She has a cheerful and bright personality, and is usually the most loved by everyone.

"Astra, do you want extra food?" Ye Lin pointed at the dying Devast. He had good pure blood in his body and should be able to replenish it.

How can the blood essence of the Three Dark Knights compare to Trobot, the planet of the dragon, and the steel stomach of the strongest dragon in the sky.

But after all, it is a kind of energy ~ don’t waste it.

Astra used the dragon claw she was picking her teeth to raise a dragon finger to him.

Although it has only four fingers and there is no concept of a middle finger, the meaning it wants to express is completely self-evident.

The dirty and smelly flesh and blood of the pretender would probably not be eaten even if it were given to me.

Ye Lin's face darkened, he grabbed the struggling Astra from Sophie's shoulders, waved his hand to tear a corner of the space crack, and made a beautiful motion like throwing a baseball.

"Where did you throw it?" Siatt asked strangely, slightly suspicious.

Because when Ye Lin grabbed Astra, it was still struggling fiercely, but when the space crack was torn open, Astra suddenly calmed down unexpectedly, and was a little... impatient to take the initiative to get inside. look.

"Well, the eternal frozen soil in the far north of the Snowy Land of Stone."


"Xiaobing is practicing there. How can he not be happy when he finds a wife? Just like every time I see you, I will be very happy. The whole world becomes brilliant." Ye Lin turned his head flexibly and took the photo. A group flatters, then caresses the fat under Lao's tight leather pants.

I have decided to eat plump dumplings tonight, decorated with a beautiful plum.


Lei Woding's sword energy was strong and powerful, and the snow flew three feet high. If he didn't beat him for a day, he would easily get itchy and push forward.

How to deal with the pure-blooded Devast, everyone unanimously decided that since Astra would not eat it, they should simply burn it with the Holy Spirit rune of the fire element, or the curator's Suzaku secret method.

"Hey, wait a minute."

Yuena stared at Devast's resolute and mature face with strange eyes, then took out a holy book that she carried with her, flipped through several pages, and finally stopped at a portrait.

Ye Lin came over and took a look. The character depicted in the portrait was very similar to Devast. In particular, the color of his hair and eyebrows were exactly the same, but his names were different.

The name of the man in the holy book is "Joseph". It is recorded that he was one of the clergymen who followed Saint Michael during the Dark Jihad era. He killed many pretenders and was famous for his outstanding achievements.

The Dark Holy War, which lasted for nearly a hundred years, finally ended with the sealing of Chaos to another dimension. When the entire Arad was weeping and celebrating, Joseph took the initiative to propose the idea of ​​guarding the black earth.

The world thought that he imitated the great qualities of Saint Michael, and praised him greatly. If Joseph had not had any descendants, perhaps the family of the Four Saints would be five now.

However, a few years later, Joseph suddenly disappeared near the black land and never appeared again, becoming an unsolved mystery.

However, the Order of the Holy Order has not forgotten its great achievements. As a kind of commemoration of heroes and a positive propaganda of noble qualities, Joseph was written in the back of the holy book of daily prayers.

"This is impossible." Yuena closed the holy book, shook her head vigorously, and said frankly: "Joseph is a great priest, and Devast is an evil pretender. How could it be possible?"

The hero turns into a demon... Because of the special situation of Ozma, Yuena has actually secretly believed that Devast is probably Joseph.

But if the priests of the Great Temple know that the former priest hero is now a pure-blooded demon, I am afraid it will have a series of subsequent adverse effects.

Devast's chest was severely sunken, and filthy blood flowed from the corners of his mouth when he gasped. He stared at the holy book in Yuena's hand with sarcasm in his eyes, "Only false revelations require flattery and praise."

Praying to God and praising God is one of the compulsory courses for clergy, and it is also a necessary part before going to bed at night.

"God has given you the revelation of divine light. Isn't it right for you to praise God's mercy and compassion? I give a dollar to a homeless person and I get a thank you." Yuena retorted calmly. Isn't this a pretense? I have been practicing for a long time, so my brain is not working well and my basic values ​​have collapsed.

Feng Ying quickly shook her head. When she was homeless and had no money, she lived by hunting monsters, but she never went to the street to beg.

Devast suddenly seemed to have a flashback, his cheeks were a little more energetic, and his lips barely trembled, "A hundred years of holy war, everywhere I have been, there is only blood, death and destruction. I can't see the light, life described in the noble prayers." , equality and forgiveness.”

The barren and desolate land, the dilapidated and ruined cities, the skinny arms... Is this the cruel world that God wants to see?

Why not use the power of God to save the common people?

"Joseph" was deeply confused by this. He kept wandering near the black earth. How were they, stained with blood during the war, different from the pretenders?

At that moment of uncertainty, he heard the voice from chaos. That voice spoke of darkness, death and chaos. It was the sound of wind, water, and all chaos.


He understood that the essence of the world was chaos.

Yuena remained silent for a while. She grasped the cross with her palms wearing sacred arm guards. The rich and bright holy power poured in crazily. The light of the cross instantly brightened like the blazing sun, and then she threw it into the sky, shining brightly for half a day. Exile Mountains.

Holy light apocalypse!

"Joseph, don't imagine that God will give you a detailed answer. God will only ask questions to remind you that you may be on the wrong path. Because you are an independent intelligent individual, not God's puppet. You should ask yourself and always ask questions. What are the beliefs you pursue, and is the path you are taking the right one?”

Yuena paused, pointed to the shining cross in the sky, and said, "This is the belief I insist on, pure light."

"But your light can't illuminate the darkness in the corner. This world is inherently chaotic, and this is the essence of endless eternity." Devast is different from Kelinjie's special situation. He has fallen into darkness for hundreds of years. For a long time, the mind has been completely tempered by chaos.

"But..." Ye Lin suddenly spoke up, his eyes blazing, and he said loudly: "Even if it is an insignificant match, when it is lit in an instant, the darkness will shrink back. At this moment, an infinitely great world was born. Meaning, are you too pursuing the perfection of the results and forgetting what you have been fighting for?”

After the Dark Holy War, the entire world needed to recuperate and slowly regain its strength. However, for Joseph, who was already exhausted from the war and had no doubts about the beauty of the prayer, the fruits after victory seemed not as good as what was described in the prayer. The flowers, the light, the warmth... are so joyful.

The strong sense of disparity made Joseph full of doubts, and finally Ozma took advantage of it and spread chaotic and twisted thoughts.

He believes that the so-called revelation of God and all the redemptions carried out are meaningless, and the light will eventually be annihilated in the darkness.

"But a match is, after all, a moment of light, and darkness is eternity." Joseph was shaken when he was about to die. He believed that his era as a priest was meaningless, but after inheriting pure blood, he has spent hundreds of years What are you doing again?

Have any great ambitions been realized?

Thousands of people he originally regarded as his kind, church members, pretenders who could see the world clearly, and blood-buried exiles in the mountains, their ultimate goal was to seize Kazan's coffin and resurrect Chaos.

Ye Lin did not speak, but directly picked up Yuena's holy book and chose a few pages to turn to... Milan Roshbach, Xinye, Aslan... each of them was brought to mankind by the Dark Holy War. A hero of hope.

Even the deepest darkness cannot cover up the light of the noble qualities of the heroes, which will be remembered by future generations and immortalized forever.

Joseph was stunned, his thoughts were overturned, and he was shaking violently. It turned out that light can also be eternal!

His mouth trembled, tears of sorrow and pain flowed from his eyes, and he made a beast-like sound in his throat. He snatched the holy book, found the "Joseph" page, and tore it into pieces.

The name of filth is not worthy of tarnishing the sacred prayer books.

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