Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1508: Ten Parrots in a Nest

Although the behavior of the informer Augustus was despicable and despised, after reasoning about the incident in detail, it was Venus who made the most angry people.

At least Augustus exposed Naxos as a scumbag, and then he was considered a "victim".

Telling the truth to Venus, the goddess of beauty, and obtaining the gold veins. Putting aside other factors, this should be a deal in which everyone gets what he needs. I will give you information, and you will give me wealth.

However, Venus placed a curse on the dwarves' reward gold. The more they got, the more unfortunate they became. It was like an unscrupulous vendor in the vegetable market. You look nice when you buy vegetables, but when you get home, you find a bunch of vegetables in the middle. With rotten leaves.

Compared to the dark elves who were cursed with their physique and appearance, the dwarves who once built a majestic city like Noipera are now living a very unsatisfactory life and are barely surviving.

The living area has been compressed by the dark elves and humans, and the golden curse is entangled forever. If Meia had not been tolerant and compassionate, and remembered the old alliance between the dark elves and the dwarves in the evil dragon era, the dwarves would have disappeared in the long river of history.

"Can you give me the space-time fragment found in Hedunmar?" Gu Yu suddenly reached out to him to ask for it, with a serious look on his face and a kind of anger that could not be concealed.

"You want to attack Venus?" Ye Lin immediately guessed what Cai Yu wanted to do. It must have been influenced by the heroic spirit of his ancestors. As a member of the dark elves, Gu Yu desperately wanted to do something.

"Hmm! I think the Transcendent should be able to touch the fallen Venus."

She actually has no confidence whether she can advance smoothly, but as long as she detonates the power of the space-time fragments and causes a small era of destruction, Venus will definitely pay a heavy price.

"This is very dangerous." Ye Lin took out the space-time fragment and placed it in Gu Yu's palm. He smiled understandingly and said, "But I will protect your own safety. After all, you have to give birth to a parrot for me."

After he finished teasing, he still didn't know how to die, and curiously asked the eldest lady, who had a wide range of knowledge: "Liao, how many parrots can have a litter?"

"When parrots hatch eggs, there are as few as three or four, as many as eight or nine, and occasionally more than ten." Siatt answered seriously, and then took a step back to avoid blood splattering on himself later.

Ye Lin nodded in understanding, and then glanced at Gu Yu's slender waist under the tight leather jacket. Although she worked as a killer and required high physical skills, Cai Yu had a very hot and attractive figure, especially under the leather pants. A pair of ripe peach flesh, she couldn't help but ask her to raise it higher every time.

"Die!" Gu Yu gritted her teeth in shame and decided to get rid of the other scumbag first before rushing towards Venus, so as not to continue to harm the dark elves.


A muffled thunder suddenly sounded in the sky, shocking thousands of miles away. Hedunmar and even Weitalun, who were thousands of miles away, heard about it. Countless people raised their heads and looked at the sky in surprise.

Main Dimension·Dark City

You Yu, the current leader of the Night Destroyers, placed a letter with the Senate's secret letter symbol next to Queen Meia, who was handling official business.

"Just throw it away!" Meia put down the pen in her hand, her eyes filled with helplessness and she didn't even want to look at it.

"Minette said that this time it was a joint letter from the elders. Of course, she just signed it just to watch the fun and not take it too seriously." Youyu shrugged with a smile, took the envelope back and opened it. Sure enough, the content Not much has changed recently.

The Queen of the Principality, Skadi, has begun to have difficulty moving. Her belly under her gorgeous dress is still flat and her curves are slender, which is of course urgent.

As the custom of human countries goes, mother is more valuable than her son, and the first child is the prince!

"What~" Meia rubbed her eyebrows, snatched the letter from her hand and clenched it into a ball of paper, saying dissatisfiedly: "If converted into human years, I'm less than twenty years old."

Minette, that big-mouthed man, went to the Demon Realm and learned about Ye Lin's definition of "transcendent". He immediately moved the theory of the power system to the Dark Elf Kingdom, filling up the Dark Elf's lack of knowledge in this regard.

So all the old men in the Senate were shocked by the power system, and when they learned about Ye Lin's realm, they were so frightened that they almost couldn't breathe, and they immediately focused on the inheritance of blood.

Every day, a "heart-breaking" memorial letter came, just like Meia's elders, using all kinds of sweet words to coax and trick her into giving birth to a child.

It was as if the dark elves would become extinct tomorrow without a gifted prince.

With the establishment of friendly relations and trade with the principality, information about the heavenly world, the demonic world, apostles, etc. also slowly flowed into the Dark Elf Kingdom.

The dark elves, who have always been proud and complacent, are now much more open-minded. The "dark elf race", in this dazzling world, is really not outstanding except for longevity.

Only strength is the foundation of everything.

"Because of that incident in ancient times, the dark elves have always been malicious towards humans, so it's rare that those pedantic old men are so impatient now." Meia felt ashamed and helpless. After a few words of complaint, she was ready to take a break and drink some tea. .

"That's right." You Yu nodded gently, sharing the queen's worries, and said calmly: "He is not in this dimension, queen, can you still transform the prince by yourself?"

"Youyu, you are so brave, aren't you!" Meia said angrily, "I now order you to relinquish your position as a personal guard and hand it over to Alicia. I want to see little Youyu at this time next year. "

"Your Majesty the Queen!" Alicia hurriedly ran into the palace, panting, righteously heaving, and said urgently: There is something strange in the temple. "

After the Senate and Queen Meia received the news, they immediately set off for the majestic abandoned temple. Alicia and Ye Lin had been there before and learned that the soul of His Majesty the Holy Spirit Monarch Aragorn still existed.

But this matter used to be top secret, and only a few people in Vanness knew about it.

But now, His Majesty Aragorn's soul actually walked out of the temple underground on his own initiative, floating on the surface, standing calmly in front of everyone.

"Meia, this is a method that I have spent thousands of years researching to neutralize the curse on the dark elves. It should be effective." Aragorn was elegant and calm, and a piece of sealed letter fell into the palm of Meia's hand.

"I'm leaving. The resistance war in another dimension has begun. We are the source. Many of us are already on the way."

An irregular gap opened on Aragorn's head, and a mysterious force was calling, calling him to go somewhere to curse Venus.

"Your Majesty Aragon, we are willing to go together." One of the senators shouted passionately, his momentum rose, and tears filled his eyes.

Willing to curse Venus, even at the risk of his life.

"You can't pass through this crack. This crack only allows the dead to pass through."

Aragorn's figure slowly floated towards the crack. He looked at the juniors who were kneeling to see each other off, nodded slightly and said in greeting: "For the glory of the dark elves."

In the moment before the crack closed, they were lucky enough to catch a glimpse of the battlefield, the mysterious floating island suspended in the sky, the red aura of an unknown curse, and the night forest gazing above.

"Hey, why is he there?" Meia and You Yu were both very shocked. What happened there actually alerted Aragorn in the main dimension. After he comes back, they need to ask him in bed.

The great will caused the long river of time to branch off and give birth to many parallel dimensions.

The wings of butterflies can stir up storms. Affected by multiple factors, parallel dimensions have gradually moved towards a completely different future.

Therefore, the dark elves in various dimensions also bloomed with different flowers under this influence. The Dark City in the main dimension is still underground, but the Dark City in the mirror dimension is floating on the ground, etc.

In other dimensions, the dark elves may not have flowers named "Meia", "Gu Yu, You Yu", "Salan" and other similar flowers, but as long as the dark elves exist, there must be "Aragon". ", there is "Rommel".

"So, I tried to link all the parallel dimensions where dark elves exist, and conveyed the will to curse Venus. Sure enough, the two dark elves ancestors, both civil and military, were willing to cross the dimensions to conquer."

Seeing Naiyali's face lifted up in triumph, Ye Lin immediately understood what he had understood and skillfully patted the big evil god's little fat flesh, praising: "She is worthy of being named the invincible beautiful sixteen-year-old girl, who has not only conquered the world He is invincible, and his intelligence is also top-notch. I am afraid that Nimer, the God of Wisdom, will also admire and surrender to me. He is soft and warm."

"Yeah, yeah." Naiyali nodded with satisfaction, narrowed her big eyes into crescent moons, and said, "I like your enthusiastic praise, but please take your claws out of my skirt first, or I'll chop them off for you."

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