Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,493 Cursed Gold

Hungry due to Sophie's strong request for a roast, eat a roast, eat a roast... (repeat many times).

So Xiaoyu, who had come to Dark City two days earlier, proudly took them to a hotel with a high-end decoration style in a "local" manner.

Asking for a private room by the window facing the street, Xiaoyu opened the fabric curtains and looked down at the crowds of people on the street. None of them knew that disaster was coming, and then she sighed worriedly: "Although I came to the mirror by chance. dimension, but the oracle’s precognitive ability strongly guided me to the Dark City.”

Due to the arrival of the imperial envoys, the Senate decided to close the city for safety and security, but it did not impose a ban on the city, so the streets in the city were still very lively.

Xiaoyu's oracle is not just about predicting someone's future good or bad luck. This ability to predict is actually just an additional small attribute.

The essence of the oracle is to give her a keen prophecy of large-scale events and judgment of the situation of large-scale battles.

For example, if the Delos Empire is amassing a large army and is about to attack Suran, then Xiaoyu can get a warning from the oracle and rush to Suran City in advance.

There is also the oracle's dance that can summon the rain that can cure diseases and disasters. This is actually just a small ability of the oracle.

Of course, all the witches and goddesses of the past generations will make their own judgments on whether they need to intervene in the large-scale events that are about to break out.

Sophie and Mailu were still the last two at the dinner table, especially the plate with bacon placed next to Sophie, which was stacked several high. She had eaten the portion for five people by herself, and she was still unsatisfied.

"The dipping sauce for barbecue in this restaurant is very good." Sophie commented very satisfied, and then drank a pot of mushroom broth to clear her mouth and relieve the greasiness.

"This is the precise map I asked Kanina for. It marks the past stories of several floating islands." Xiaoyu unfolded a huge map and showed it to them.

There is a majestic palace in the center, surrounded by bustling and colorful streets and cities, and there are more than a dozen huge suspended islands floating in the sky, with explanations in small letters on the side.

Currently, these unique islands can only be reached through the drifting channels built by the dark elves with "floating stones". They are like mountains hanging in the air, and their territory is very vast.

The smallest piece of it is about the same size as the city of Hutton Mar.

(The setting picture is like this, but the mission plot process does not have the feeling of a suspended island at all. Instead, it looks like the 60 version, all underground)

Although the dark elves restricted the access of outsiders, they actually failed to find out what happened on these islands, and even lost many people there.

Xiaoyu pointed at an island at the highest point, then her tone was a bit weird, and she said with a suppressed smile: "This island used to be the dark elf cemetery area, but later it was suspended in the sky."

Old skin!

The evil dragon Spitz, who once ravaged the kingdom, was sealed on the highest island. It was also an absolutely forbidden area for the Dark Elves. Even members of the Dark Elves race could not approach without permission from the Senate.

After Xiaoyu arrived in Dark City, she has been investigating the news of the Black Nightmare for several days. She is convinced that mysterious changes have occurred on several floating islands, and the dead have been awakened.

But she does not have a pass to board the floating island, and after all, she is single and weak, so it is difficult to find out the true source of the oracle's revelation.

Suddenly, Mo Mei, who was leaning by the window, waved to them and motioned to look down.

In the crowded street, pedestrians were now being pushed to both sides. In the middle of the road, a serious dark elf army hurried past. They were wearing swords and long bows and getting ready to set off.

Previously, the Dark Elves had solemnly declared that the city was closed, and no one was allowed to enter or leave. Now, suddenly, an army of a thousand people marched out of the city. Combined with the news that the imperial envoys had arrived in the Dark City, interested people have begun to worry and speculate whether there will be peace. The treaty collapsed in an instant, which was a precursor to a war between the two countries.

Gu Yu also came to the window and took a look, recognized the identity, and said unexpectedly: "This one is the Black Rock Legion, and it is also the main force of our dark elves."

Although she is not a dark elf from the mirror dimension, the customs of the dark elves and the basic composition of the kingdom have not changed much.

The Black Rock Legion has the largest number of Dark Elves and is the only comprehensive legion, including warriors, archers, magicians, etc.

Among them, the Black Rock Legion also has some special formations, such as alchemists, tacit necromancers, etc.

For example, in the main dimension, Viola, who followed Minette as an assistant in Hedunmar, was originally a member of the Black Rock Legion.

The Black Rock Legion is now basically loyal to the nominal supreme leader of the Dark Elves, the descendant of the Holy Spirit Lord Aragorn, Queen Meia.

And generally speaking, the march and mobilization of the army will not interfere with the normal lives of ordinary people, unless too many people are mobilized at one time and they are very urgent to leave the city.

Guyu left for a few minutes, and when he came back, he frowned and asked doubtfully: "I remember that the most elite part of the Black Rock Legion has always been stationed in and around Dark City, but now they have all been transferred away. Is there really going to be a war?"

"It's unlikely." Ye Lin held a cup of warm tea and watched him go away. "If Delos really wants to invade, they won't send any envoys at all. It would be simpler to just use the army to bulldoze the border."

Leon can be hypocritical at times, but once he makes up his mind to pursue something, he does it resolutely and cannot refuse.

A new notice was posted in the Dark City Square, and the Dark Elf patrol guards were also shouting, calling all adventurers from the Dark City to gather in the square.

Xia Pulun, the chief elder of the Senate, showed up in person. His face was old and sinister, and he was blind in one eye. He said that he would open a mysterious floating island to investigate the black nightmare spreading inside.

But because the Dark Elves are now short of manpower, they need the help of brave adventurers.

Moreover, Xia Plun personally promised that as long as it is not a threat to the dark elves, the adventurers can distribute it among themselves after obtaining it.

The right of passage to the floating island has always been firmly in the hands of the dark elves. Now that the floating island was suddenly opened at this delicate moment, everyone noticed something strange.

But the targets of the call were adventurers. They were a group of people who were looking for excitement but were quite powerful. Moreover, the conditions offered by Shaplen were very generous, so many people who were eager to give it a try gathered in the square.

The floating stone has the ability to be suspended in the air. When you step on it, it will fall a little distance and then be supported again, like an elastic trampoline.

"Meia is not in the palace." Ye Lin stood on the road paved with floating stones and glanced at the location of the palace.

Xiaoyu originally encouraged him to secretly go to Meiya and use the mysterious connection between them to get more passes and so on.

According to the markings on the internal map, the island suddenly opened by Xapron was originally an area where the dwarves lived.

More than a thousand years ago, Aragorn, the great Holy Spirit monarch of the dark elves, broke into the dwarf capital Noipela and killed the tyrant Augustus who had informed Venus, the goddess of beauty.

But later, Augustus' body was stolen back by the dwarves, buried somewhere, and an altar was built to honor their great "Golden King."

After all, Augustus was dead, so the Dark Elf turned a blind eye and was too lazy to snatch back the body.

Therefore, the floating island here was later called the "Altar of the Tyrant" by the dark elves.

Ye Lin and others did not actually go to the altar of the tyrant. He was more concerned about the treaty issues between the kingdom and the empire, and where Meia went.

So when many adventurers poured into the floating island, wanting to dig out various buried treasures, they instead took a leisurely stroll around the surface of the floating island and enjoyed the beautiful scenery from above.

The floating island is actually a suspended continent with mountains, water, birds and animals, and lava accumulation underground, just like an independent world.

If what is expected is true, after the adventurers have a preliminary understanding of the floating island, Shaplen's plan will enter the next stage.

"It feels so uncomfortable, I feel like there are ants crawling on my body." Feng Ying muttered, staring at an alchemy furnace that had not yet cooled down in the cave, and patted her cheek.

This floating island was originally connected to another "gold mine cave", but due to the strong turbulence of the Destruction Period, part of the gold veins broke off here.

The dwarves living here cannot bear the desire for gold in their bones, and they continue to mine and smelt gold from the veins.

In the alchemy furnace not far away, there is still some impure gold solution at the bottom. It is roughly estimated that after careful extraction, there will be about a dozen grams of gold.

Fengying and Xiaoyu have the habit of "accruing money", but now they avoid gold because all gold produced in gold mines is cursed by the goddess of beauty, Venus.

The more gold one gets, the more unlucky the person will be.

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