Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,443 Your husband is awesome!

Doctor Sai's nap lasted much longer than expected. It was not until the sky gradually darkened and every house in the silver village was dimly lit that she woke up in confusion with her long eyelashes trembling.

The pattern of the ceiling that came into view was very familiar. She turned her head and realized that this place seemed to be her own house. There was also the sound of rain falling outside the window, which slowly brought back her thoughts.

"Celia, you're awake, are you feeling better?" Tana put away the book in her hand, quickly lifted Dr. Sai up, and placed two pillows on her back to slightly elevate her upper body.

"Ah, is it Lord Guardian of Blue? You are back." Doctor Sai's spirit was still a little weak, but a quiet and gentle smile appeared on his face, and his temperament was very comfortable and good-looking.

Tana is the most powerful being in the nearby area, and is also the guardian who maintains the Silver Sacred Tree and the Great Magic Circle. The villagers respect the Blue Guardian. As long as she is around, the Silver Village will feel much more at ease.

Tana left Silver Village before, in the name of traveling far away, looking for some possible loopholes in the great magic circle in the Arad continent.

"Well, I'm back. Come on, let's drink some brown sugar ginger tea first." Tana handed over the cold-repelling ginger tea that Ye Lin had cooked before.

She actually spent more time with Doctor Sai than Rich Girl Sai. The Great Fire of Gran Forest and the terrifying Age of Destruction seven years ago were only a few months apart.

After the fire, Celia was also taken away by Sothea, the only surviving elf. The difference was that Celia in the main dimension opened a hotel and lived near the Elvin defense line, overlooking the lush Gran Forest, trying to Looking for that lost memory.

Due to the Age of Destruction in the Mirror Dimension, the lush and rich Grand Forest was reduced to a barren land, making it impossible to live.

So Celia was sent to the Arnofar Forest, which is protected by the Silver Sacred Tree, which is the Silver Village.

Although she is familiar with the doctor Sai here, the relationship is more like a harmonious and friendly neighbor relationship.

But she and Sai Fupo have been living together for a long time, living in the same manor, the same room, and often sharing the same bed, sitting one behind the other on Ye Lin to form an isosceles triangle.

Tana glanced at her neatly manicured nails. Apart from Ye Lin, she was the one who knew Celia the most.


Doctor Sai took the brown sugar ginger tea and took a sip. Suddenly he remembered that very important thing and said quickly: "Tana, there is a family at the east end of the village..."

"The energy erosion caused by the black nightmare, right? I have solved it with your herbal medicine, so rest assured." Tana also smiled very gently. She tried her forehead and found that it was no longer hot.

Sai Fupo certainly wouldn't care about such a small amount of fame and fortune. Doctor Sai worked hard to find the herbal medicine. His simple kindness as a doctor is very touching.

"Also, where is the adventurer who sent me back? Where is he?"

Doctor Sai didn't ask about his status at all, he only thought about the seriously ill patients and the adventurer who stepped forward at the critical moment and saved him.

In her opinion, the other party not only saved her, but also indirectly saved the corrupted villager. Of course, she had to express her gratitude again.

And why do I feel that his appearance and name are familiar to me? Doctor Sai wants to find out the reason.

"You mean Ye Lin~"

Tana glanced at the living room without leaving any trace. The shameless bastard had made himself "old" again. There were blood-stained bandages on his palms, his hair was messy, and his slim and capable clothes were stained with a lot of muddy water that had not yet dried up. .

After all, this is Doctor Sai's tree hole room. They are all beautiful women's clothes. There are no men's clothes for him to change.

Tana hesitated for a moment, then said in a surprised tone: "He said that because he was worried that your fever would get worse in the rain, he carried you all the way from the Crystal Mine to the Silver Village. After seeing me, he handed you over He hit me and fell asleep directly. I woke up half an hour ago."

Ye Lin, who was listening attentively in the living room, was shocked and almost moved to tears. As expected, Long, who knew him well, suddenly gave him a big assist.

After hearing the words spoken by the guardian of the village elder Qing, Doctor Sai was convinced of this. His heart became frightened and warm, and the jade hand holding the tea cup quietly tightened.

"Celia, you haven't recovered from your illness yet. Have a good rest. I'll ask my friends to bring dinner later. As for Ye Lin, I found him another place to live."

Gently closing the door of the boudoir, Tana stretched her snow-white arms, her tall figure under the cheongsam was graceful and sexy, and raised her smooth and white chin: "How can you thank me? I forgot to tell you, I am the village chief here. , Of course, calling me goddess is a more pleasant title."

"There is nothing I can do to repay you, I can only pledge myself to you."

Doctor Sai was sipping cold tea in his boudoir. Although he was a little confused about why the sudden "pop~" sound was irregular, urgent and slow, he just thought it was the wind outside the window and didn't pay much attention to it. .

On the way back, Tana walked slowly holding an oil-paper umbrella, her cheeks flushed like clouds, and her eyes rippling like spring water.

The dripping raindrops falling outside are cold, but the unexpected wealth inside the wallet is warm.

She didn't dare to walk faster because the money Ye Lin left behind was too much and it was starting to show signs of leaking out.


Siatt took a little mushroom soup with a spoon and took a sip. It tasted delicious and the salt was just right. Vegetable soup was too salty.

"Xiao Min, please pack a dinner and let your husband give it to you later. You are so considerate." Siatt joked, blinking her bright eyes.

Xiao Min is the nickname given to Sai Fupo by everyone in this world. It means giving food to you, which means giving it to the frail doctor Sai.

Celia curled her lips when she heard this, and said not to be outdone: "Xiao Lao, your husband will be braving the rain later and delivering food to people. He is so gentle."

The two of them were talking about your husband, and when they were teasing each other, they would stare out the door intentionally or unintentionally, which made Ye Lin, who was waiting for dinner at the door, shiver all over and touch his nose to laugh along with him.

The usually tolerant Feng Ying happened to be yawning at the door. She took a nap in the afternoon and her head was still a little confused, so she nodded stupidly and said, "Well, both of you have great husbands."

In an instant, Xiao Min and Xiao Liao both looked at him strangely.

Packed with two pieces of soft bread, two exquisite side dishes, and a bowl of mushroom soup served in a thermos, the dinner was not very rich but very delicious.

Celia accidentally touched the edge of the pot with her finger while filling the soup. She was burned and she suddenly retracted her hand. She quickly rinsed it with cold water and signaled Ye Lin to come over and make some food for herself.

"It hurts." Ye Lin grabbed the slender white jade finger, and the pad of the ring finger was burned red.

But before he could treat her, Celia flicked her fingertips, and the burn healed instantly. How could a small pain disturb the great Sai apostle.

"Okay, okay, go bring food to my sister." Celia waved her hand in disgust. After a while, the dishes were almost cold.

She had decided that when she met Doctor Sai, she would first say that she was her long-lost sister, and then take her time in the rest of the matter.

The doctor on the hospital bed rested all afternoon, and his complexion improved significantly. His pale face also had color, and his eyes were big, bright, and full of energy.

After seeing Ye Lin knocking on the door with food, she naturally smiled sweetly, put on her pajamas and cotton slippers, and walked to the table to prepare for dinner.

The room is very warm, and the pajamas that Doctor Sai wears are also loose and slightly open. His collarbones are white and delicate, and his proud and charming depth and darkness coexist, and the arc is very round and beautiful.

"Celia" has always had a good figure, otherwise she would not have been able to be plump and plump. Of course, part of the reason is also due to his ingenuity.

It wasn't until she was about to pick up the chopsticks that she realized why she was so natural and fluent. She didn't even say thank you for dinner.

From memory, it seemed like this was the second time I met him.

"Eat quickly, it won't be good if it gets cold." Ye Lin put the food on the table, for one person, it was a very exquisite dish.

"Well...thank you, thank you for saving me and that patient."

Doctor Sai didn't know what was going on. She enjoyed the gentle warmth. She picked up a chopstick of scrambled eggs with lettuce and chewed them quietly.

"Is it delicious?"

"Yeah, it tastes good."

Ye Lin sat across the dining table, holding his cheek with one hand and smiling gently. However, when his eyes glanced at Doctor Sai's palm, he was instantly stunned.

Doctor Sai's right ring finger was smeared with a little cooling oil, and the deep red mark underneath seemed to be a burn.

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