Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,421 The Second Kahn

"The Trial Blade, ha." Ye Lin also smiled at the right time, full of disdain, and spread his hands and said: "If I were really the kind of fool who believed in a few prophecies and believed them all as truth, Luke and Sirocco would have had no chance. Appeared in Agulanda."

Unexpectedly but seemingly destined, neither of them were very interested in the prophecy of the stone tablet.

"So, what is your stance with the immortal will to pierce me?" Kahn crossed his arms and cast a look, asking with a hint of curiosity, but no other emotions could be read.

"The glorious crown passed down by the Royal Family of Hebron for generations is engraved with a mysterious prophecy that says, 'Light does not save the world, and darkness does not destroy'." Ye Lin seemed to be answering the wrong question. His eyes were changing and unpredictable.

Xiaodou has been to the end of time, where countless stars exploded, the universe fell into darkness and silence, and everything ceased to exist.

If the "Age of Creation" engraved on the ancient Terra stone tablet is destiny, then this mysterious future prophecy solemnly inherited by the Royal Family of Hebron is not necessarily a false talk, but may actually imply something huge. 's secret.

Does it simply refer to the unique environment of the planet Hebron? An evil sun caused fireballs to fall from the sky, blazing flames, and burned the earth. Later, Luke's children exhausted the mechanical technology of the entire planet, and it was so bad. It can be sealed and turned into darkness.

Or should we talk about the darkness and light of the beginning... Ye Lin shivered slightly.

"It's interesting, isn't it." Kahn took a deep breath and tried his best to suppress the erosion of the stagnant water, but it could be seen from the hideous wounds all over his body that the immortality had gradually corroded.

Ye Lin just nodded. The wounds all over his body were gradually healing, and he slowly said: "All things are born and conserved. If the source of power is broken, it will be out of order. Don't think that this will be a loss, but the heaven and earth will collapse... This is A prayer about Antuen, but its scope of application actually coincides with all things."

Normally, one would not delve into the deep meaning behind these words, but once connected with certain things, every sentence seems to hide a terrible secret.

Some sentences are tainted with the majesty of light, and some sentences dissipate in chaos. The flow of time never stops, and destiny has already been laid out in the dark.

Everything is so profound that no one knows. Perhaps only by directly questioning the great will can we understand it clearly and thoroughly.

Perhaps, the two suddenly developed a tacit understanding and a weak sense of commonality at this moment, but their mutual arrogance and unyielding characters destined that two true dragons would hardly survive in the same sky.

Ye Lin raised his hand and waved, and the crystal clear crystal bottle exuded a strong breath of life, with infinite brilliance. The eternal substance that was like water but not water appeared in the void like the sun, illuminating the darkness.

This portion is the real water of life!

Kahn did not look sideways or immediately snatch it away. His eyes were as calm as water, neither happy nor sad, but he was still arrogant.

Like a horned dragon's powerful muscles, bones, flesh and blood, it is slowly tightening, with a majestic momentum that overwhelms the common people. The stars in the sky are trembling in fear, as if they are about to be shaken down.

By killing Ye Lin, you can take away enough water of life, which can not only dissipate the bad influence of dead water, but also create immortality and eternity, which is simple and easy to put on the table.

If Ye Lin could launch an elemental power attack, there would be a high probability that his blood would splash into the sky when his condition dropped. Even if he was lucky enough to survive, he would be completely eroded by the stagnant water and annihilated.

The respect given to each other should not be mixed with any other factors.

In an instant, the starry sky was turbulent, and Kahn moved. His body was like thunder and his expression was cold. His whole body was wrapped in the darkest realm. It was the true meaning of darkness that he mastered, which could swallow up most of the external attack energy.

The killing punch was like picking up the sun and holding it in the palm of his hand. The golden light bloomed endlessly, covering most of the starry sky. Even the distant Tabors noticed it, and the flying races raised their heads and stared in surprise.

Kahn's heroic appearance, majesty as a god, and his dual powers pushed to the limit, also unintentionally showed Ye Lin how to apply them, which is a very valuable combat experience.

Ye Lin faced each other tit for tat with the ancient war spear, and the vast magic power in his body evaporated instantly. The brilliant elemental brilliance shined in the starry sky, strongly resisting Kahn's fierce light, and he was launching a strike of elemental power!

He stood proudly in the void with a peaceful expression, his war spear glowed with the glow of extraordinary elements, and the universe shone with billions of endless stars, each one echoing him from a distance.

The endless light formed a torrent, then converged with the void of the universe, and quickly compressed to the limit. At that moment, it was more dazzling than the sun, and then exploded in an instant. Elemental light rain fell from the sky, and a hazy and graceful figure slowly stepped forward. out.

The silver armor and silver skirt shine with divine light, noble but not cold, gentle and brilliant, and the skin not covered by the armor is as crystal clear as jade. Her beauty is gorgeous and ethereal, as if it is unreal and only exists to describe all the beautiful poems. goddess of the elements.

Puxia slowly raised her delicate arm, and Ye Lin's hand holding the ancient war spear also raised. The infinite light rain suddenly gathered, shining in the starry sky to form an even larger bright war spear, like a Milky Way, being Forged into weapons!

Ye Lin was "manipulated", but it was for the purpose of exerting his power, and he was willing to do so, because at this moment he was connected with the goddess of elements.

Kahn was fearless, fierce and invincible. He used his immortal power to burn for eternity, and even the erosion of the stagnant water was transformed into this peerless blow.

Even though he was about to perish in the sky, being able to die in the hands of the most mysterious and powerful god in the ancient times was worthy of his reputation as invincible.

"If I reach the peak, I can kill the gods!" Kahn roared wildly, with no trace of reluctance, just a hint of regret.

If he could have the true immortality of his body and the integrity of his strength and power, he would be invincible and invincible.

Like a burning meteor, he crashed directly into Pushia's condensed starry sky war spear. The moment the two came into contact, the war spear was covered with cracks, and then shattered, turning into an even greater rain of elemental light.

The endless light rain contains the true meaning of the original elements. Bathing in it can improve your understanding of the elements.

And not only light, fire, ice and darkness, but also thoughts, dazzling patterns, and even all powers based on the real world will receive huge benefits.

"Light and darkness, good and evil, in that distant and chaotic beginning, was there really a distinction between who was right and who was wrong?" Kahn's last voice lingered in the starry sky and lingered for a long time, seeming to turn into obsession.

Elemental power: material collapse.

Except for the basic time and space that constructs the universe, everything that belongs to it will be annihilated, and the universe that loses the elements it relies on is equivalent to reaching the end of time.

This is the future that Xiaodou sees, where the stars collapse and everything ceases to exist.

Pushia has the power to actively bring an end to the long river of time.

Kahn's figure has been completely annihilated and disappeared in the attack of elemental power, and there is no trace of him in the starry sky.

Ye Lin staggered and coughed up blood, feeling that all the bones in his body were about to be broken. If not for Kahn's final blow, which seemed to have chosen to attack Pushia because of his sudden surge of fighting will, he might have died together. Danger.

"That is……"

His pupils shrank, and in the rain of light that filled the sky, there was a faint glimmer of darkness. It was not an ordinary dark element, it was like a terrifying prototype of a black hole.

What Kahn possesses is the Darkness of the Beginning.

Devil's World, Central Association Square

Abandoned civilized buildings are numerous and desolate. Gray is the eternal main color here. Even if the devil world occasionally shines with the brilliance of the sun, the Association Square remains unchanged.

The King of the Demon Realm, who sits quietly on the Supreme Throne, seems to exist only in the legends described by people. It is said that he is so huge that he can cover the clouds and the moon, the breath from his mouth is like a hurricane, and he can flatten mountains with just one step...

He seemed to have become a stone statue, one with the Supreme Throne, covered with dust, eternal with time, immortal with heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a few golden lights fell from the sky, like stars shining in the gray sky. Kahn slowly opened his eyes, as if the universe was born and annihilated in his eyes, and raised his palms to grasp the golden light spots in the sky.

The golden light of power penetrated the body. Kahn's body shook slightly and the throne cracked. Then he stood up and murmured: "So that's it."


The writer has no words to write down... At the same time that the great will created the world, the evil and dark side wandered into the universe.

However, according to Douluo Sanjue and Pushia's description, she existed in the ancient world where the world was only divided into light and darkness, and the boundaries between good and evil were still blurred.

The problem arises. Since there is already light and darkness, it means that creation has been basically completed, which means Pushia already exists.

"At the beginning of all things, the world was empty and chaotic, and the abyss was dark... Only the great will floated on the surface of nothingness and shouted its name, and the world had light... While the great will created the world, The dark side of evil separates and falls into the boundless universe. 』

It's very contradictory. In the ancient times when Pushia existed, good and evil were already blurred... So how could justice and evil be determined if the world was created earlier?

What did those primordial darkness do?

Either they are taking it for granted, or the official did not pay attention to such a few words, or they hinted that Caroso might be "black".

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