Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,336 It’s not like I don’t have any

Wanzi, a professional magician, was belatedly aware of the situation. Siatt and the others, who had just taken the initiative to destroy them, could only look at each other in confusion and helplessly spread their hands.

How could anyone consider this at that time? Besides, even if they had time to ask, what reason would there be for Xislin to hand over his perfect technology to them.

"Perhaps she kept it in her head, and it will be gone when she dies." Siatt comforted her.

After that, the Ancient Library will definitely come to investigate carefully, let’s talk about it then.

And it is also possible that they can be kept at the headquarters of the Kaxiu Sect and then destroyed altogether.

About ten minutes later, when the team continued to go deep into the cemetery, looking for traces of Isis.

The stuffed rabbit that was kicked away by Wanzi and fell behind the bushes suddenly lit up with dull and cloudy eyes.

Counting the erect ears, the rabbit doll was barely calf-height. It stood up with very stiff and clumsy jointed limbs and quietly looked at the environment outside the bushes. Everyone had left.

Xislin's last magical experiment, she successfully put her soul into a special magical creation, a rabbit doll.

Different from Yimiwu's crazy bear doll, the crazy bear has its own consciousness, and this rabbit doll is a simple soul carrier.

"Haha, the trial blade that defeated the Demon Emperor is nothing more than that."

Everything is fake!

The tombstone is fake, her body is not buried inside, and "Xislin" is also fake. The little girl sitting on the tall tombstone is actually just an imperfect artificial human being.

Even her death just now was fake, all for the purpose of escaping from the golden cicada's shell.

Xislin's original body had undergone an unstoppable mutation collapse long before Lalo escaped from the laboratory.

She kept using those Homunculus experimental subjects to replace the broken parts of her body. It was like mending a pair of ripped jeans. It could barely last for a while, but eventually it would lose its use value.

Xislin has been carefully cultivating one of the best experimental subjects, namely Lalo.

In order to achieve the ideal of absolute perfection, she even took the initiative to give Lalo the "free will" technology.

In other words, with the same skills as the original Homon Kruzbech, and with free will, Lalo can not only serve as her work assistant, but also the perfect physical candidate for the future.

But he accidentally gave her too much "freedom" and Lalo ran away.

But it doesn't matter anymore. I cleverly managed to gain a long period of safe time, so I can concentrate on more research on Hemenkuluz.

Because now, she is "dead".

Since the fall of the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor, Xislin has always had this plan. He wants to use one move to fake death and escape from the golden cicada's shell!

At its peak, the Kaxiu Sect was arrogant and domineering, with cruel and vicious methods. It can be said that it basically offended all regions and forces in the demon world, large and small.

However, the situation changed, and the overall strength of the Ka Xiu Sect was severely damaged by Ye Lin. Not only did the Demon Emperor die in blood, but the Harlem area was also lost.

The once lawless Kaxiu sect has turned into a miserable, bereaved dog.

The villains that everyone feared in the past have become rats that everyone screams for.

Although Duoheide followed the new master by chance, Xislin had a subtle intuition that the Kaxiu sect had exhausted its power, and now it was just a matter of grasping the last straw.

She had to think of a way to plan a perfect escape route for herself.

What made Xislin most anxious was that she was wanted by Held himself.

Once the Kaxiu sect is completely destroyed, she may not have even a foothold in the eight major areas of the Demon Realm.

That's why the scene just happened. Xislin of White Rust deliberately blocked the road and was killed by the Trial Blade team.

From then on, the demon girl with perfect artificial human technology became a rumor that only existed in the past time.

There will be no cadre named "Xislin" in the Kaxiu sect, the second apostle will forget her, and a page in the ancient library will be turned...

Then she can hide secretly and continue to research with perfect technology to create a body for herself that is different from the face of "Xislin", such as being taller, having a bigger chest and so on.

After a few more minutes, Xislin gradually adapted to the body of the stuffed rabbit. His limbs became more flexible and he could move briskly.

She had already dug a laboratory with basic equipment deep underground in a corner of the gray cemetery and prepared most of it.

Just when Xislin turned around and was about to sneak back to the laboratory by taking a small path, he suddenly bumped into the blade of a sword.

The metal sword, as bright as a mirror, stood vertically in the ground, reflecting the mysterious glowing eyes of the bunny puppet, as well as the legs that stood up and walked.

Xislin suddenly panicked and secretly prayed that it was just an accident. He hurriedly lay down and sniffed everywhere, trying to get into the bushes and escape like a real rabbit.

However, one hand grabbed the ear on top of her head and lifted it up. What was slowly revealed in front of Xislin was Yelin's surprised and smiling face.

"Xislin? You're in there, right?"

No response~

Xislin wanted to act silly and make him mistakenly think that the puppet was just a magical creation with some special abilities. It was not surprising.

"Stop pretending, guess how I found you?"

Still unmoved, Xislin continued to pretend to be stupid, using small verbal tricks, how could he be fooled.

Ye Lin smiled, then raised his voice, teasing and taunting: "What made me discover the abnormality of the puppet rabbit was your own fault."

At first, he really didn't pay attention to the rabbit stuffed animal. At that time, he was busy comforting Wanzi's mood and didn't pay much attention to the situation on the battlefield.

After Siatt and the others stopped, Sislin's huge transformed head exploded into a ball of black water, and the transformed Familil was also shattered into pieces. Only a dirty rag doll rabbit was left lying on the ground. .

Everyone took it for granted and thought that Xislin would die miserably in a group fight. After all, the strength of each other was not at the same level, and Xislin was not a cadre who was good at fighting.

However, when Wanzi was still angry and kicked the rabbit puppet away, he had sharp eyesight and suddenly saw something strange.

Ye Lin held the rabbit ears in one hand, poked the doll's back with his finger in the other hand, and said calmly: "Teacher Monica introduced you, you devil girls with strong self-esteem and arrogance, in order to distinguish each other's works. , will habitually leave his own exclusive symbols on his proud works."

There was a delicate and clear six-pointed star printed on the back of the doll. He had seen the same pattern on the back of Lalo's neck.

This means that the seemingly ordinary rabbit stuffed doll is Xislin’s proud work, a work that can be placed on the same level as the perfect doll Lalo!

That's why Ye Lin kept an eye on it, but because he had to take care of Wanzi's emotions, he didn't immediately pick up the sinful stuffed doll. Instead, he found an excuse to turn back after leaving.

Xislin knew that he had been exposed, and he was completely panicked, and violent fluctuations of consciousness came from his soul: "I will give you the perfect artificial human technology, you let me go!"

"You mean the technique of pinching people? I'm not very interested." Ye Lin shook his head and objected.

Although if you completely master Xislin's technology, you can create more beautiful dolls, but Alice is already perfect enough!

She has a gentle and skillful temperament, a delicate and dignified appearance, a mature and charming figure, and is also very good at changing jobs. She is currently raising a child.

Besides, it’s too troublesome to shape a doll, because the queen will change.

"No! Creating a body is just a by-product. The key to artificial human beings is eternal life!"

Xislin's consciousness and emotions suddenly became fanatical, and he explained eagerly: "Birth, aging, illness and death are cyclical laws. No matter how strong the body is, it cannot withstand the ravages of time. Even if it is as strong as the Explosive Dragon King Bakar, he has pursued the eternity of the water of life and set off the Dragon War. war."

At the end of his words, Xislin was afraid that he did not understand the importance of perfect technology, so he hurriedly explained again: "With the power of perfect technology, it is possible to achieve the effect of water of life! Aren't you excited? I am the only one with perfect technology. owner!"

Only, she deliberately emphasized her tone.

"If you don't want to be moved, it's not like I don't have water of life or something."

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