Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,279 Bibi’s big assist (asking for leave)

After crushing the 10,000-meter-long stratum with one foot, Delalion had been completely eaten away by the endless erosion, just like a fluffy sponge ball, without much effort.

Ye Lin stood quietly on the edge of the giant pit and meditated for a moment, and then used the powerful power of space to directly restrain the suspected sacred object.

The weapon is a rusty war spear, and the shape is quite strange. It has exquisite wing patterns that cannot be covered by rust. The double blades at the top are as long and narrow as a shuttle, occupying one third of the entire length of the war spear. This is The design is not meant for combat.

It seems to be a decayed object, but it exudes a sacred and pure aura. If you find an object to compare with, it is probably no less than the Tears of Remedios in the hands of the Archbishop.

On countless lunar eclipse nights, no eclipse came to the demon world. I am afraid that it was this war spear that suppressed the will of Dralion in the ancient times.

Just when Ye Lin was about to leave, a golden palm stretched out from the void and firmly grasped the war spear. What surprised him most was that the palm only had four fingers.


He suddenly raised his head and looked at each other. Sure enough, what appeared in front of him was a little lion head with blue eyes, trying hard to pull out the ancient war spear.

"This item is not something you can control. Leave it to me." Douzi said the robbery confidently and increased his strength a bit.

"Tch, I'm proficient in hundreds of soldiers, and it's no big deal just a spear."

Another battle started vigorously.

Although they were familiar with each other, it was still earth-shattering for them to pinch each other.


"Hey, boss, why are you injured?"

Ye Lin came back from the victory looking a bit embarrassed. Not only was there a bruise on the corner of his mouth, but his eyes were also bruised and a little black. However, he was in good spirits. He grinned and then gasped in pain.

Based on Wuxuan's extremely strong recovery, this minor injury should theoretically be healed in one breath, so Mo Mei felt very surprised.

"I had a fight with Douzi. He wanted to steal my things."

He did not take out the rusty war spear to display, but first took off his coat, without squinting, and used his elegant gentlemanly demeanor to cover Katie's somewhat exposed skin.

"Wow~ His eyes really don't look around, he's a bit handsome." Bibi secretly applauded on the side, even more appreciative.

Sister Katie is also a gentle flower in the devil world, with beautiful appearance and elegant temperament. Her admirers can be queued outside Central Park.

Now that Sister Katie is fragile and weak, his first choice is not to ask about her condition, but to cover her body with a coat. A little care can easily make people feel better.

"Shall we go back?"

Without waiting for Katie to thank him, Yelin bent down and hugged her soft shoulders and knees in a princess hug that made her feel comfortable, without glancing around during the whole process.

Devil's Land, Central Park

The intense dizziness caused by the space teleportation across two planets made poor little Bibi feel dizzy, and she clutched Mo Mei's arm tightly.

On the other side, Katie had unknowingly hung herself completely on Ye Lin, her soft jade arms hugging her neck, her eyes closed tightly and her cheeks flushed.

When he felt the environment was stable and opened his eyes, his heart suddenly beat violently. Their cheeks were so close that you could even count his eyelashes.

"Thank you for saving my life. I will never forget it."

She twisted her body slightly, and then her knees were released. Her body still staggered a little when she stepped on the ground of the demon world, but she was basically fine.

Gentleman Yelin took a step back politely, and at the same time handed over a Remy potion and said with a smile: "This is our Arad's recovery potion. It is very good for restoring magic power and clearing abnormal conditions."

Because of Katie's stubborn personality, she will be picky about her choice of boyfriend and must not be rash or abrupt.

"Hello, sister?"

Bibi shouted softly and held the potion in her hand. Katie, who was standing there stupidly, waved her palm vigorously in front of her.

"Ah? Is something wrong?" After Katie came to her senses, she subconsciously tightened her clothes and washed them before returning them to him.

"Sister, I've been gone for a long time~" Bibi's big ruby ​​eyes were now filled with a weird smile.

"Hey, stinky girl, what are you talking about?"

A plain finger gently poked Bibi's forehead, and Katie raised her head to look up at the cold demon moon in the demon world. Then she took a long breath, and her eyes gradually became as gentle as water.

In the palm of her hand, she held a Wuxuan leaf, and sure enough, Wuxuan was on him.

On the way back.

"Sister, let me tell you~ Ye Lin secretly came to me before and asked me to create opportunities to date you."


Katie staggered, turned her head and looked at the quirky Bibi, frowning slightly. She didn't know whether she was deliberately making fun of herself, or...

"It's true~ Sister, you are gentle and beautiful. When steel touches you, it will turn into softness around your fingers. Who wouldn't be moved?"

Bibi deliberately walked backwards for a while, looking at her silly-looking sister. She turned around and walked bouncing around, like a naughty flower elf.

Bibi has some small considerations. My sister is really old and she should seriously consider her future expectations.

Otherwise, I really have to call her aunt from now on.

But there are very few men in the demon world who are as qualified as my sister, and they are either bad old men, arrogant madmen, or ugly ghosts.

"By the way, sister, how about we go on a trip to Arad? Many things are over now, and Sister Smila has also gone back. Why don't we take Pai with us and go on a long trip! I can be your tour guide~ "

"You just want to play." Katie sighed helplessly.

"Oh, let's go, let's go~ It's hard to find peace and quiet."

The attributes of the supplicant were demonstrated once again.


"So, you fought with Douzi just to grab this..." Siatt pointed at the rusty spear with his eyes full of suspicion.

I always feel that although this weapon has the charm of the passage of time, no matter how you look at the appearance and rust, it looks like something that was pulled out of an abandoned battlefield.

If you sell it to scrap metal collectors, you can probably get a few dollars.

"it is true!"

He patted his chest vigorously, with fiery eyes, and explained: "Douzi said that this is Pushia's weapon from the ancient times. It is the real weapon of the beginning. It once suppressed the greedy demon moon consciousness and targeted the distant ancient Terra."

Pushia, the element of the beginning, has an exalted status comparable to Nimer, who was assigned the power of wisdom in the beginning. She is the power of the elements of the universe itself, and is also the only existence that has returned to the beginning.

Whether it is the poor demon world, the rich Tabors, or the mechanical planet Hyperion, no matter when and where, the elemental power that is everywhere in the universe is the invisible but tangible force that is equivalent to time and space. Something that exists.

Mo Mei also looked at the rusty war spear carefully, and with a casual movement of her fingers, she pulled down a piece of iron filings. She hid the iron filings with a slight embarrassment and asked: "Boss, this is the same level as your Wuxuan." of?"

"Theoretically yes, but..." Ye Lin scratched his head and said a little embarrassed: "Douzi was so angry with me that he didn't tell me how to activate his power."

He had a fight with Douzi. In fact, Douzi's owner Xiao Douding was also there, but he was too embarrassed to come out and snatch things from him and kept hiding in the void.

"It's simple~" Feng Ying came over, holding a fruit knife that had just peeled an apple in her hand. She swung it flexibly a few times and guessed: "You can identify your master by dripping blood. That's what the story says."

"But I suspect you just want to stab me." Ye Lin glanced at her sideways.

However, after much deliberation, it was finally a try, so Ye Lin gritted his teeth, turned around, and went directly to the curator's deep body, sniffing the gentle and gentle Naixiang, and said in a loud voice: "Please, please stab me, don't be too harsh." Try harder, Yuena, treat me in time, I'm hurts~"

A few drops of bright red blood fell and hit the surface of the rust-covered spear. Then the expected half minute passed without any other reaction at all.

"How many more pricks are you going to do? I'm not afraid of pain!" Ye Lin continued to mutter, unwilling to raise his head.

When Feng Ying saw this, her eyes were unkind, she grabbed his wrist and signaled to bring Lei Woding!

The curator, who just happened to be passing by and wanted to throw away the fruit core garbage, patted the back of his head fondly and helplessly, and said: "Get up, can you go back to Arad? It will get dark soon, and there will be no dinner." eat."

The warm breath blew continuously, not only making the surface of the skin feel itchy, but also the man was working secretly with his head buried, the taste on the tip of his tongue, and the full hemisphere on one side.

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