Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,249 He is a special case and a microcosm

"It's really love that goes deep into the bone marrow, it's physical." Siatt crossed her arms and shuddered, a chill crawling down her spine.

Ever since the Demon King sent people to sneak attack on the bases of major organizations, there were only two ways left for him, either to suppress powerful enemies all the way and become the king of the demon world, or to die miserably.

Whether it is the paranoid second agreement or the "lady's" ancient library, they can no longer tolerate the Demon Emperor continuing to survive in the Demon World, even though he has been deprived of all power by Ye Lin and has become a mortal.

This is an irresolvable blood feud, and the only way to commemorate it is to die!

So the only difference is whose hands he will die in.

"Actually, if the Demon Emperor was a strong man who grew up step by step, Duoheide would still be a die-hard loyalist, but the bad thing is that his power was secretly given by Held, and he came in vain, and he failed repeatedly. "

Regarding the fate of the Demon Emperor, Gu Yu sighed and shook his head, commenting like this.

Charles Foz's deep eyes were neither like Dacker's, who narrowly escaped death during the transplant, nor like Workman, who was calm and calm during the transplant, allowing others to cut open the flesh and still handle the documents safely.

The source of his power was completely chosen and given to him by Held when he was about to die. From then on, he became the King of Harlem!

His original status was that of an ordinary Kaxiu sect cadre with some strength and perhaps some ambition.

Charles Foz's behavior of parodying "gods" is actually similar to the mentality of showing off after "getting rich" from another perspective.

When a mediocre cadre in the demon world and a despised user of black magic suddenly gained a huge power comparable to that of a leader-level powerhouse, the consequences can be known by looking back at the Demon Emperor's past.

Build a luxurious and towering spiral throne, gather wealth for royal entertainment, canonize Workman as the "Emissary" to imply that he is the emperor, wantonly show off his powerful force to slaughter the weak, and let every member of the organization sing praises of his phantom demon. Song……

Charles Foz's misdeeds and notorious reputation are actually exactly the result of his endless show-off and inflated mentality after he was despised in the demon world because of his lack of strength.

The power he possesses can be said to be top-notch in the demon world, and his power over Harlem can be considered the king, but his state of mind has always stayed in that weak child who was despised by everyone.

Strictly speaking, the history of the Kaxiu sect is longer than that of Tarakuta. They are users of black magic. They are a group of rats that are not recognized by the orthodoxy of the elements and live an ignoble existence.

Schaller Foz is a "special case" that has emerged in the general environment of the devil world, and he is also the representative and epitome of a group phenomenon.

Those who discovered the Eye of Darkness in "Delicious Trio Moya" and dared to risk the extremely high mortality rate to take the initiative to transplant, such as Sniffer Kai, Heartbreaker Richard, and even Da Keer, Ice Master Fu Wait a minute, in fact, every one of them is "Charler Foz."

The most terrifying thing is that even if the Demon Emperor falls today, the Ka Xiu Sect will still exist in name only. As long as the general environment of the Demon World does not change completely, when the "Eye of Darkness" is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind will not be its extremely high mortality rate, but its ability to The terrifying power!

There was once a black-eyed demon emperor who ruled the Harlem area with the help of eye transplants. The deeds of the self-proclaimed emperor are not a ridiculous story, but rather inspiring.

If the "King of Wild Dogs" that rules the garbage dump falls, the next strong wild dog will quickly take its place.

As long as this is a dump.


"By the way, Gu Yu, didn't you snatch the wand from Duoheide's hand?"

Just as he was about to enter the crack in the hell dimension, Siatt remembered something again. The wand in Duoheide's hand had a very special meaning.

The history of the Kaxiu Sect is older than that of Tarakuta. More than a thousand years have passed by, and because black magic can have huge side effects on users, it is inevitable that the leader's position will change several times.

The magic wand in her hand was the "token" passed down by the leader of the Kaxiu sect. In the past, because the Demon King often sat alone on the throne, orders and other orders were conveyed by Duoheide, and he no longer used any black magic.

Therefore, the wand that represents the leader of the Kaxiu Sect has always been in the hands of secretary Douheide.

Gu Yu was stunned for a moment, then blinked her innocent eyes. She just watched the two people "merge" and forgot about it.

Although Ye Lin used a mechanical torrent to wash Harlem over and over again, those cadres who successfully transplanted the Eye of Darkness were very powerful, and they might have the opportunity to hide and escape with their lives.

"It shouldn't matter. The Demon Emperor was eaten by dogs. How about I go there again?" Cai Yu knew that he was careless. This morning, Lin even mentioned the magic wand.

"No need, Duoheide is very good at black magic and transfer magic. If you hide deliberately, few people can catch him."

Siatt pointed at the crack in the sky. After the nuclear bomb was annihilated, Xiaoyu and the others had already entered. There was no oracle for divination, so it was difficult to find people.

Although the Demon Emperor fell and Harlem was wiped out, at least 70% of the members of the Kaxiu sect who used to plunder villages and towns and rob people as slaves were dead.

But this does not scare the remaining members. They will live anonymously from now on. Instead, they will gather together again. Rats will naturally live with rats.

Therefore, Duoheide's leader's wand is an important token that leads the remaining members.


The sky was dim, wavy and cloudy, and covered with the aura of chaos. The air was rotten, full of a "malicious" smell, and my throat felt dry and painful when I breathed.

An area of ​​the hell dimension was annihilated by an excessive amount of anti-matter bombs. The red earth was almost crystallized, and not a single inch of grass was left within a radius of thousands of miles.

In the hell dimension that cannot be reached by sight, there flows a turbid yellow river that has been mostly evaporated. Countless souls are sinking and floating in it. Their extremely distorted faces seem to be suffering great torture.

Siatt and the others formed a temporary tacit agreement with Niwu and other leaders, keeping a suitable distance from each other and treating each other with caution.

In the sky, three giant dragons soared and spread their wings, breathing heavily and roaring.

In order to invade the demon world, the hell dimension gathered monsters at the entrance of the rift in another dimension, and used a super anti-matter bomb, the theoretical limit of current technology, to wrap it up in a big dumpling.

But the most powerful demons hiding in the deepest part of hell, who occupy the power of hell, cast their eyes full of "evil" one after another.

The hell dimension is a special dimension similar to the realm of nothingness, like a small puddle formed inadvertently when the long river of time branches.

When Ys recalled his hometown, he said that the reason why the fragments of Terra became a land of demons was because Held inadvertently opened a portal to the hell dimension while conducting magic experiments.

The hell demons are very cunning. They promised to teach the Terran people magic, but at the same time deceived and stole their souls.

The most vicious thing is that they are good at provoking. The already devastated fragments of Terra were caught in the flames of war and became a world where the demons laughed.

Hence the name: "Devil's Land"!

But not all demons have malicious intentions. Some demons instead sided with the Terran people. They helped the Demon Realm people fight against the hell dimension, and even sparked the spark of love, giving birth to hybrid Chaos Demon Spirits.

"If we can withstand the malice from the origin of this dimension, the influence of time will be greatly attenuated here, which is very beneficial to practice." Yisu explained, she was relatively experienced.

She once teamed up with the apostles from the Demon Land to close the door to the hell dimension.

The area of ​​the hell dimension seems to be close to numerical infinity, and ordinary people may not be able to travel even a fraction of it in their entire lifetime.

The oppression brought about by different dimensions has a very shocking impact on people like Niwu and Smilla who do not understand the attributes of "dimension".

Their vision was also limited to a demon world before. There are no gods in the demon world, and those at the top are apostles. This is what ordinary people understand.

It turns out that besides the apostles, there is darkness that is equal or even stronger!

There are not many strong people who are qualified to step into the hell dimension. Although they have been washed away by excessive amounts of antimatter, the endless evil in the depths of the dimension still makes Monica and others look solemn and awe-inspiring.

The danger is on the one hand, but the benefits of setting foot in the hell dimension are also very obvious.

Their horizons are broadened, their will is firmer, and their passion for pursuing the ultimate realm will boil again!

It turns out that the Black-Eyed Demon King Charles Foz, who is noisy in the demon world and has no peace, is just a fish with big splash in the eyes of some transcendents.

No wonder Ye Lin never paid much attention to him.

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