Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,207 Fighting Sixteen Hours a Day

"Ys, is it possible that this place is like your hometown, and a gate to hell has been opened?" Sophie's face was full of dissatisfaction, which meant that Held was causing trouble again.

What an annoying woman. When she returns to the central arena, she might as well challenge Held directly, without inheriting the ninth apostle, the Exploding Dragon King, and then change her name to the second one!

"Can not be sure."

Yisu shook his head slightly, seeming a bit sad, and then said: "In the land of demons, when the door to hell was opened, the entire demon world was still in a relatively nascent state. Magical civilization had just started, and the overall strength was very weak."

In other words, the point of difference between the Demonic Land and the original main world was long before Terra approached Arad, much earlier than the birth of the "Beautiful World".

But in the current demon world, Yisu noticed when he was among the participating teams. It was as strong as a forest and its aura was vast. It was far from what the demon world could compare to at the time.

Especially some strong men who she was also shocked by definitely had the power to face the hell dimension head-on.

Held in this dimension might be able to close the door to hell by herself!

Although I still want to say more, the blood explosion zone is not a good place for a tea party after all. Not only are there demons from the hell dimension, but there are also strong radiation effects.

With enough crystals in hand, Sophie spread out the dragon wings that can fly at high speeds on her back, preparing to find the location of Cyrus and Iqi.

She knew that Ys had always been a loner, didn't like dealing with "stupid humans", and had a sense of self-consciousness and narcissism.

Hina is a comfortable person who sleeps for sixteen hours a day, and when she wakes up, she eats and drinks, doing things like a homebody, but Izuku probably spends sixteen hours a day, either fighting or on the way to a fight.

Therefore, unless Yisu takes the initiative to find Mailu if she wishes, otherwise, taking her there by force will definitely cause trouble in the team.

However, something strange happened on Astra's side. Previously, it deliberately sneezed and sent a group of potato spirits rolling around for dozens of times. Now these weird potato spirits actually picked up the weapons in their hands and attacked it. Fight back.

They are not big in size, but their bodies are very flexible. Their stubby legs can jump directly onto its back with a jump, and their weapons splash sparks on their scales, making them as annoying as fleas.


With its giant mouth and fangs gleaming coldly, Astra shook her body vigorously and stepped on several large holes in the ground, hoping to throw these potato spirits down.

Its temper and patience are only perfect for Sophie and her future wife Xiaobing, but not for others. The roar just now was asking Sophie if she could kill all these potato monsters. It's annoying to death.

"Ys, tell them to be quiet. Astra has a bad temper."

But Yisu didn't speak. Instead, he stared at the strong man walking in the distance with burning eyes. The man had blood-red eyes and the sword in his hand was twisted like the backbone of a snake.

She grasped the void in her palm, and a delicate and slender short sword appeared. The sword was engraved with mysterious evil runes. When she swung it, black flames burned, and the air was faintly distorted.

Sword of Aden!

"Is this God? Or is it the messenger of God?" Cyrus is very eager to fight, and she has an incomparable obsession with killing gods.

"The black flame is the pattern of Aden." Tamos explained that as a carrier, he has never been patient.

"Are you a devil?" Yisu was equally excited.

The opponent's body is covered with a layer of armor formed by a demon, and the armor extends out many flexible sharp blades like ropes. The whole person is like a humanoid demon. If you can tame it, you will definitely become your proud "demon spirit".

Next to her, Sophie held her forehead helplessly. She seemed to have expected this to happen, and a long and narrow scarlet dragon blade appeared. It had been tempered with the blood of many dragons, not only the dragon Natra of Yuelun Mountain, but also the devil plum. In the Yin area, her dragon blade was once again stained with bright red dragon blood.

Dragon Emperor Wushuang!

"We haven't entered the knockout stage yet. Civil war is a very irrational choice." Sophie still reminded.

"No, no, I don't know her." Yissu shook his head, ordered all the demon spirits to return, and said hotly: "We are not friends. Of course, there is no civil war."

A strange-looking thing appeared next to her. It was short in stature and had a black and purple body. Its head was the same size as its abdomen. Its six arms seemed to hold some kind of power, but it only had one evil and ghostly eye.

The clone of the sun god Aden!

"God? Haha~" Cyrus sneered with disdain. If this is the specific appearance of God, it would be too disgraceful.

God is supposed to be omnipotent and omnipresent. His appearance is vague and extraordinary. How can a guy who shows his own specific image be qualified to be called a god?

However, surprisingly, Yisu also nodded in approval and said: "Aden is just a demon that I have not yet surrendered."

The battle broke out in an instant. The god-killing blade was twisted and sharp, attacking from all directions. The summoned demon spirits were knocked away and scattered in almost an instant.

Obsidian Eyes Aden is coming!

The embodiment of God, with a purple evil light shining in its only eye. The embodiment, which was small just now, revealed part of its true body in the sky, with golden sacred eyes, but many twisted black shadows spread around the body. .

Aden, the black sun god, the evil devil!

The sky fell and twisted the fire snake, burning the earth, melting the stone into pulp, and a sea of ​​​​purgatory fire, all directions turned into nothingness, alarming other powerful people in the demon world.

"God-Killing Sword: Sacrifice of the Gods! Use your blood to dye my divine blade!"

Cyrus once drank the true divine blood, and her demon armor had extraordinary resistance. She smashed the fire snake above her head with her sword and charged towards Ys.

I will drink your blood, O God, and satisfy my endless burning desire.


A brilliant sword energy struck from afar, and the earth was easily cut into an abyss, forcibly separating Cyrus and Ys who wanted to fight again. The endless sword energy clanged, and the absolute ruthless power suppressed the fighting spirit. anger.

Ye Lin's face turned gloomy as he ducked in. If he hadn't been brought into the bloody blast zone by Shilok, the two of them would have fought for our lives.

Sophie doesn't know how to break up fights. Her way of breaking up fights may be to join the fight and make things more chaotic.

"Is the quantity of materials sufficient?" He glanced at them one by one and said in an unquestionable tone: "That's enough, just come back to me."

The black flames burning silently in the sky and the weird sun patterns are full of "evil" no matter where you look at them.

Aden, the sun god, the god of evil, was judged by Naiyali as a really bad guy, and his behavior is comparable to mine.

However, because of Ye Lin's scolding, Yi Su's naturally charming and beautiful face gradually became cold and unhappy.

The Blade of Aden burned with dark demonic flames, and Isu's strange-colored eyes showed an icy coldness. Under her handsome appearance, the tyranny of the demonic bloodline was hidden.

She looks extremely beautiful, but her heart is warlike and cruel, just like the former sun god Aden.

Black sun disease is not a mutation caused by external erosion, because Aden is an evil god.

First, it was like the sun, bestowing endless brilliance and warmth. When the entire continent was praising its power and kindness, the arrival of the dark sun caused the magic power to deteriorate, and the entire continent fell into despair, and the lives of all people were devastated.

This is Aden’s favorite behavior!

"Yisu, are you going to see Mailu? Then you must restrain your bloodline first, because demons and elves are in conflict."

Ye Lin was the first to speak. He had heard the nagging from Mai Lu countless times. It was clear that his sister had arrived in this dimension long ago, but why didn't he look for them.

The reason is actually Ys's own character. She is too lazy to talk to her unless necessary. Chatting with Sophie was just a chance encounter.

It would be great if you could live alone.

There used to be a guy in Arad who had this kind of character. He wanted others to isolate him and it was best not to talk to me. That guy was Natalia, whose mouth could make people angry.

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