Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1115: Can I sell this loli for 500?

"Alexandra, where did you meet him?"

Bosem looked anxious and stood up quickly. The beautiful petal-like dress spread out at his feet, highlighting his plump and proud figure.

She couldn't help but be anxious. After the strange purple rain in Tabors, everything lost its spirituality and the soil was seriously polluted. Everyone could only reluctantly live around the sacred tree Zema Kule.

Even though she is the Queen of Flowers, she is mentally and physically exhausted and cannot change many things.

Tappers is now in a similar situation to Central Park, with a dangerous string taut but not completely broken.

Wuxuan may have the ability to change this situation!

"You are like the bright moon in the sky, shining into the deepest part of my heart with one glance, leaving behind a beauty that will never fade away. I have been fascinated by you..."

Alexandra held the letter and murmured silently, her beautiful blue eyes rippling with excitement, her heart felt ashamed and panicked, her words were so shameless, how could he say this, it was obviously the first time we met.

A letter full of love!

She panicked and wanted to clump the love letter into a ball and pretend to tear it up and throw it away, but her eyes still kept glancing upward. This was the only love letter she had ever received, and it was also the first love letter.

Could this be the legendary "love at first sight?"

It's so annoying and embarrassing!


Bosem warned in a gentle tone, and had no intention of prying into her privacy.

Although that letter seemed strange.

"Ah? I'm here!"

Quickly folding the letter to hide the text, Alexandra's cheeks were covered with sunset, and she secretly thought that the next time he came to treat her to tea, she would give him a good scolding.

Because this kind of thing can't be rushed, anyway, let's spend more time together before talking about it... Thinking randomly, she accidentally got distracted again.


"It's right here. I wanted to warn him at first not to go any further, and then he deliberately lay on the ground and pretended to be dead..."

Alexandra pointed to the highest floor of a certain skyscraper, where they had had afternoon tea together.

But now that human being has left and disappeared, she can't help but feel a little disappointed.

"Hey, the table is not taken away, there are still~"

Alexandra stepped lightly on the window edge, as if she knew she would come back, and there was a piece of soft leather on the window edge.

The small thoughtfulness endeared her to her even more.

The small white table where we had afternoon tea together was piled with biscuits, snacks, breads and fruits, as well as several buckets of instant noodles, which she quite liked, in various flavors.

Alexandra picked up a vertical card that said "To the beautiful elf lady" and drew a smiley face with a pen.

How did he know that I would come back? Alexandra felt very happy, but she deliberately put on a arrogant face and coughed: "I paid him a good return!"

Bosem sighed slightly and shook his head slightly. Although he didn't know whether this Trial Blade was good or bad or how strong he was, it was obvious that he was quite good at dealing with girls.


Ye Lin took a long walk with his sword, preparing to go back to the ancient library to pick up Becky.

Halfway through the journey, he stopped at the total eclipse market to inquire about the follow-up information of the Kaxiu sect.

The total eclipse market is the largest free trading market in the demon world. Here, as long as buyers and sellers abide by the rules of the Kaxiu Sect, there will be basically no additional problems.

The character of the Ka Xiu Sect is not completely domineering and aggressive. The emissary Workman, who was once in charge of foreign affairs, knows very well that an excellent market environment can bring a steady stream of wealth to the organization.

The cadre who is usually in charge of the total eclipse market is Diobel, a fanatic code-named "Gray" of the Kaxiu sect's mid-level plundering group.

It is now approaching dusk, and the total eclipse market has gradually come to an end. Business at night is generally not very good, unless you have your own shop in the market.

Sure enough, things went as he expected, and the Kaxiu sect was shaken. In other words, before the ambitious regional war began, Harlem was already turned upside down, and explosive news came one after another.

Wadsworth, one of the three core leaders, had unlocked the armor that sealed the power, but was still beaten to death. If it weren't for the huge vitality of the Eye of Darkness, he might have died directly.

A total of a hundred cadres transplanted with artificial dark eyes were sent to Central Park, but less than one-tenth of them came back. It is said that they were attacked by the Wuxuan organization.

Even the steady and majestic emissary disappeared without a trace.

The most terrifying and shocking news is like a strong wind sweeping across all directions, expanding at an incredible speed.

The leader Wuxuan, who was so arrogant that it made people grit their teeth and wanted to beat him eight times in one night, started a battle with the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor on the edge of Harlem!

Finally, a big shot took action against him.

"Hey, don't you know? The last time there was a big-shot battle in the demon world, it was traced back to the second promise of Smilla, who betrayed Katie's Spin Demon Society. But after all, it was a battle between women, a small fight against a small one. Noisy."

The speaker was a stubble-faced slave trader, surrounded by several customers. The trader was a small cadre under the Ka Xiu Sect, and he had a broken crystallized eye of darkness in his body.

When Ka Xiu's hunters capture "goods", they will throw them to him and sell them to provide funds for the organization.

Of course, there are many such slave traders, and they are common in the demon world.

"As for the battle between the Demon Emperor and the leader Wuxuan, the sky was dark and the earth was dark, the world was upside down, and the aftermath of the battle could kill countless people."

The slave trader lit a cigarette for himself. The tobacco leaves were rough and inferior, but the strong smell rushed into his lungs and brought a special sense of enjoyment.

One of the guests asked excitedly: "I heard that the reason was that the Demon Emperor's luxurious mansion was demolished by Ye Lin?"

"It was demolished! It was accidentally shaken by a monster passing by."

The slave trader's semi-cloudy eyes stared with anger and dissatisfaction.

Ye Lin, who was passing by, suddenly stopped and wandered around silently to look around. Although it was almost dusk, there were some small stalls that were still closed, displaying some unknown gadgets.

In that battle, neither he nor the Demon King fought for their lives, it was a test of seven points of strength.

In the end, he had the upper hand and almost split the opponent's forehead with a sword. However, the Demon King still had a "living" heart that had not been transplanted, so he still had room to become more powerful.

But it was probably Duoheide who wanted to stabilize the precarious Kaxiu sect organization, so he publicized the result of that battle that the Demon Emperor had the upper hand and bravely repelled Wuxuan's leader.

Of course, this only deceives the middle and low-level members of the Ka Xiu Sect and ordinary people who cannot reach high-level strength. Major organizations are not so easy to fool.

The Black-Eyed Demon Emperor is a powerful being who claims to be "fearful of even death itself"!

After a fight, leader Wuxuan was able to retreat completely, which meant that there was a big problem inside.

If given the chance, the Demon Emperor would never let him leave Harlem.

"I guess Richard is in danger now that I'm making trouble~" Ye Lin shrugged and held a moment of silence for this powerful man who was also quite outstanding in the first Demon Realm Alliance.

Just as he shook his head and was about to leave Harlem, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of a slave with iron chains tied to his ankles and locked in a cage.

Slaves, one of the more common "goods" in the total eclipse market, are nothing new.

But most of the slaves were simply dressed and had dull faces. They were crowded together in piles, like half-dead fish in a pool for sale.

Only some of the more precious "commodities" will be separated separately, for better display and to sell them at a good price.

Sitting in the corner of the iron cage was a hunched-down girl with a fair face and a delicate face. She looked young.

The clothes were somewhat torn, with a section of her belly exposed, and her delicate legs were covered with red scars. She was only wearing a short pair of bloomers.

Ye Lin walked over and took a look at the price tag hanging outside. One hundred thousand pentagrams, or fifty pieces of high-concentration Terra ore, and the Time and Space Stone were discussed separately.


He shook his head and sneered. The price was 100,000 yuan, but she didn't even have any features. She looked like an ordinary little demon girl.

"Guest, are you interested in this girl?" The stubble merchant came over, smelling of inferior tobacco.

"This girl was just caught in the market today. She actually wanted to steal Bagur from the Kaxiu sect and was almost beaten to death on the spot. I took pity on it and spent money to buy it to save her life."

"So that's it." Ye Lin nodded, seemingly noncommittal.

As for slave merchants, even three points of faith is too much.

But what Ye Lin didn't expect was that everything the other party said was true except for the fact that he bought it with money.

"Hey, guest, let me tell you, this girl has pretty good magical abilities and can use several magics. And look at her tender skin and juicy flesh. She might be a girl from a wealthy family. She will definitely be a beauty when she grows up. .”

The vendors nearby were making a lot of noise. Just now they said she was a thief, but now she is a girl from a rich family.

Anyway, it’s all about adding value, and all it takes is to say that this girl’s future will be as strong as Reitz and as beautiful as Monica~

Having been a slave trader for a long time, I naturally have a keen eye.

The man in front of him was well-groomed and handsome regardless of his dress, temperament and appearance. It seemed that he should not appear in a place like Total Eclipse Market. His background must not be simple.

Ye Lin walked half a circle around the iron cage and glanced at the girl's neck intentionally or unintentionally. There was a mysterious black pattern tattoo there.

"How much does this slave cost?" He looked vaguely arrogant and knocked on the wooden board with the sign.

It means don’t fool me with a ridiculous price like 100,000.

"Hey, guest, this kind of high-quality goods is not common. It's not the slaves bought over there who can only do coolies, so..."

The merchant made a "nine" sign, which means ninety thousand. He will do an extra business today. After paying the money to Ka Xiupai later in the evening, he will have a few more beautiful days.

"Nine hundred? It's too expensive. Can't you sell it for five hundred?"

Lalo, who had been sitting with his knees bent and hugging him, with dark eyes, deeply hated slave traders and had no good impression of slave buyers.

Without a buyer's market, there is no seller's market.

But if someone can buy herself out of this hellish place, maybe she will have more chances to escape.

Therefore, when she saw someone wanting to buy her, a glimmer of hope ignited in her ashes-like heart.

However, the man outside who looked quite handsome and elegant actually only offered me five hundred yuan!

She never thought that she was a commodity, but she was still gritting her teeth in anger at this moment. Five hundred is nothing!

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