Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,105 Water of Life—The Only Story!

Except for the stele itself, which is still emitting a faint fluorescent light, the surrounding area is completely dark, and only the sound of slight breathing can determine the direction of each other.

Siatt and the others remained silent and did not make a sound to disturb them.

Sure enough, there is still light somewhere!

Ye Lin nodded silently, having fully understood, and then gently snapped his fingers in the darkness.

A thick rock pillar protruded from the earth and pressed against the belly of the monster, supporting Atropika, who had been unconscious and then revived, to regain his limbs.

Its body was so heavy that it could not stand up using only its own limbs.

It turned out that the mysterious light came from the belly of the monster.

The giant beast carries the stone tablet on its back and travels in all directions of the demon world, rarely resting on land or water. This is a familiar story in the demon world.

It can absorb the magic power in the air to maintain its own life, but due to the abdominal wound, it will continuously leak a large amount of magic power, so it can only continue to walk.

Just like the interesting math problem about a pool, water is filled in and water is released at the same time, but in Atropika, the speed on both sides should be constant.

Scholars from the World of Warcraft Research Association once boldly crawled under Atropika's belly while it was resting.

The elemental magic there is completely chaotic, and no matter how skilled the magician is, he cannot flexibly use even a very simple magic.

According to research data, Atropika's belly, the "turtle shell" part below, shone with extremely dense light spots, like a cluster of bright stars twinkling in the night sky.

Even during the day, the environment under its belly is brighter than in the demon world during the day.

The cracks on the belly that look like palm prints reveal Atropika's magic power. When staring at the cracks, the internal light is dazzling and makes people dizzy.

According to records, there was a researcher who refused to admit defeat, raised his head and stared at the crack, and then fell unconscious for three days.

Later, after analysis by experts, those lights should be the surging energy of magic and elements, so those who were interested in the cracks suddenly lost interest.

Just like a nuclear bomb, the fire and smoke when it explodes are always unique. From a distance, you can say that it looks like a mushroom or an umbrella.

But when the "mushroom" is right in front of you, it doesn't feel so good.

Now the cracks have been basically repaired, except for a small gap on the edge that has not healed. Compared with the star-studded light spots on its abdomen, this subtle gap is brighter.

If the other light spots were grains of sand, it would be like a white pearl.

However, it is now a very mysterious star.

Ye Lin's eyes were red and his energy was listless. He was like an overtime worker who stayed up until early in the morning without taking a break. He was staggering even when he took two steps.

He was trying to memorize the locations of these light spots, especially the gap. Fortunately, he had extraordinary strength and could imprint the starry sky into the depths of his mind.

Otherwise, how can ordinary people's gaze exhaust the complicated and mysterious starry sky?

Theoretically, memory should be the safest way, but he was not convinced yet, so he used a Tianjie technology product and filled up an entire memory card.

"This should be a vast star map of the universe, and the only crack is the area where the water of life exists, the edge of the universe."

Held possesses part of the water of life, which was obtained from Agulanda, a magical planet that is half ice and half water.

After writing down the location, Ye Lin touched the crack lightly with his fingertips, and Wuxuan's power was absorbed. The last point, which symbolized the coordinates, also healed.

After all, the curator is not an ancient Terran. This kind of ultra-ancient Terran writing was all out of interest, so he studied it with Azera for a while.

It's a level of understanding that's 60-70%, but it's definitely not profound and erudite.

She regretted that she hadn't put in much effort in translating, so that when she was translating, her head was spinning like a millstone that hadn't been used for a long time.

"It is indeed a message about the water of life, but it is not what it is, but a special story. I will polish it a little and tell it to you."

The curator cheered up. The water of life was too mysterious. Even Mr. Luo and the Queen didn't know much about it.

Most of what is spread throughout the Demon Realm revolves around the "Dragon War", "Demon Realm Alliance", etc., which are incidents of fighting for the water of life, but are not about it itself.

This may be the first message story about the water of life.


In the vast universe, there is a lonely little star, and there lives a lonely child. He is very lonely.

The child decided to look for friends. He went to strange stars one after another and named those stars, but he couldn't find any friends.

After a long time, no one knew which star he had climbed to, the lonely child finally met a friend who was as lonely as "him".

The child was very happy, named his "friends" and invited "them" to his own star.

But the "friends" could not leave their hometowns, so they rejected "His" invitation.

The child was very distressed. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly said to his friends: "My star has a kind of magical water!"

"Magical water?" Friends asked curiously.

"Well, it's a kind of water that can lead to eternal life."

The friends were moved, and in order to find the magical water, they followed the child to his star. There was no one here, desolate and lonely.

But when all the friends came to their own stars, the child suddenly changed his mind.

The magical water is too little, not enough to divide, and the little stars are too small, not enough to live in.

So, the changed child began to throw his friends into the air, turning them into stars.

The first one, a pretending and shy friend, was thrown into the air and turned into a bright red star.

The second one, a cold and warm friend, was thrown into the air and turned into a cold little star.

The third one, a silent and calm friend, was thrown into the air and turned into a small black star.

When other friends saw it, they were afraid that they would become little stars, so they hid one after another.

In the end, only the lonely child is left, looking at the starry sky and missing his former friends.


After the curator finished speaking, he fell into silence and frowned. It was obviously just a story, but why did it sound unusually heavy and depressing?

It was as if my heart was bound by thick rock shackles, making it difficult to beat even once.

Not only her, but also the team members felt a certain degree of discomfort, and their faces all turned pale.

This child is certainly not Becky's innocent and carefree character.

Otherwise, there is no sense in it. It would be a cruel act to kill your friends by throwing them into the air and turn them into stars.

With the condition of magical immortal water, it is self-evident who the child is.

Shilok complained that she was deceived by the breath of the water of life, and then took root in the demon world, living on electricity like chewing sand, waiting for the water of life to come.

This is waiting, almost waiting until death...

"Considering that ancient Terran writings may have different meanings from those of today, such as being shy or too lazy to communicate with others, why do these three friends who are alluded to in order look like..." The curator's words suddenly stopped and he was helpless. The wind was not cold, but I shivered.

Dragon King, Queen, Mr. Luo!

Among them, Mr. Luo seems to be inconsistent, but as far as the region is concerned, it is actually a perfect fit.

Because after arriving in the Demon Realm from Solaris, Mr. Luo has been living in the Demon Realm Ocean. Although he is the overlord of the ocean, he has never done anything public.

The conqueror freely challenged all strong men, except Prey and Lotus.

During the Dragon War, Lotus did not show up when Bakar was besieged.

If Kahn is the otaku at the Demon World Association Plaza, then Mr. Luo was the octopus in the Demon World Ocean before.

Shilok's teeth were chattering in pain in the demon world, Di Ruiji was driven to a remote place, Luke was wilting and rickety... Mr. Luo was even in the mood to hibernate.

After hearing this story, Ye Lin thought about it for a long time, then took a deep breath and murmured: "I'm wondering if the stone tablet was left by Held."

"Huh? Held! Boss, this joke isn't funny."

"It's a bit unbelievable, but if you think about it carefully, the information and weight of the only water of life in the demon world is in Held's hands. And the rumors of Atropika are also famous in the demon world. It is impossible for her not to know. It’s impossible not to think of ways to check.”

Ye Lin looked up at the towering and majestic stone tablet. The words had changed again, turning into a bunch of mysterious symbols that he couldn't understand.

It remains a mystery to the rest of the Demon World.

"Shirlock told me that the moment she was transferred to the demon world by Held, there was a brief but fierce confrontation. The result was that Shilock forcibly attacked her soul, opened a corner of her consciousness, and knew Held’s plan, that is, the words from "The Age of Creation"..."

Creation is destruction, and only a part of us sacrifices can bring about new life!

Ye Lin's guess was that Held would have sealed the information about "Agulanda" himself, so as not to leak it like he was attacked by Sirocco.

After all, the water of life is her eternal and final trump card.

The monsters that are constantly circulating in the eight directions are a clue she left for herself, and they are also a tool to keep the water of life fresh in the demon world.

Of course, this is just a guess on his part. The main reason is that the origin of Atropika is a mystery.

It is unknown whether it is an extra-dimensional creature similar to Antuun, or whether it is like a giant Sky Veil beast and actually a mysterious creature from Ancient Terra.

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