Arad's crooked savior

Chapter 1,100 The Leftover Terminator!

The bright red blood exuded an ominous aura, and large swaths of it stained Workman's uniform. Now, every time he struggled to say a word, he would cough out miserable blood from his mouth.

Ignoring the severe pain in his body, or perhaps it was actually numb, Workman slowly straightened his tall body, as if he was reflecting back on the light, his resolute face glowed with an ember-like brilliance, and he spoke loudly:

"I feel ashamed. There are tens of millions of blades in the world, but most of them are inferior weapons used to cut vegetables and chop meat. Only after being tempered through fires and calamities can they be called divine weapons and can... pierce the apostle's chest!"

This thoroughly enlightened truth, the last afterglow of life was so bright, even the shining Ye Lin narrowed his eyes.

Everyone in the demon world knows that the Black-Eyed Demon Emperor is cruel and ruthless, as cold-blooded as an animal, and is despised by everyone in the eight major regions.

Although they are disgusted and fearful of the power of the Demon Emperor, how many of them secretly envy and want to become a domineering and powerful man like the Demon Emperor.

"As the envoy of the Kaxiu Sect, I am responsible for most of the external affairs. I have always had a very good eye for judging people. I can tell at a glance who is a coward and who is ambitious!"

Workman actually stood up slowly. There was still blood on the ground that had not dried up, and the cold sword blade at his heart was still not drawn out.

He was mortal, a candle that was about to burn out, but with great will, he refused to let himself be like those ants, lying on the ground and dying in a twisted posture, like maggots.

Even if you die, you must hold your chest and head high!

Workman looked up at the direction of Harlem. Blood spilled from the corner of his mouth again, and his throat became like a broken bellows: "For example, Richard, who is quite notorious in the devil world, has a self-righteous character and tries to steal the sparks that fall from the sky. Egg, little do you know that he is just a clown who is being looked at coldly by us."

"But you are different, Ye Lin... The sunshine on your surface is gentle, but the shadow under your feet is illuminated very long and obliquely, as if it can surround the demon world on all sides!"

"Uh, I..." Ye Lin was embarrassed and scratched his chicken coop-like hair. His cheeks were now covered with dirty dust when he touched them. He just had to stick a straw tag in his collar and shout who would give him food. have eaten.

"You will be the most troublesome opponent for the Demon Emperor before he becomes a god in the new world. Unfortunately, I have not been able to see you fight. If you are interested, please let me know who won in the future."

Sighing full of regret, Workman gently closed his eyes and never opened them again.

After being silent for a long time, Ye Lin suddenly sneered, "God of the new world? New world? God... drink."

I don't know if he is mocking or implying who he is.

A deep pit appeared under his feet, and Workman, who would rather die than fall, was buried.


A beautiful silhouette passed by Ye Lin's eyes, like a low-flying and nimble swift, appearing dozens of meters away in the blink of an eye.

But Monica suddenly froze, frowned, and then walked back slowly.

She stared hard at the ragged "beggar" with an afro in front of her, and after a while she asked tentatively: "Are you ~ Ye Lin?"



Monica couldn't help but laugh out loud, her flowers trembling wildly. After a while, she apologized to him and shook her head, gasping slightly: "Sorry, sorry, I'm rude, haha...sorry."

"It doesn't matter."

Ye Lin dragged a ball of water with his palm and quickly cleaned up the bad image. At least it looked cleaner and fresher, and then handed Monica a small mirror.


Monica subconsciously took a look in the mirror, and Monica blushed instantly.

Only then did she realize that her current appearance was not much better. Her hair was messy, her dress was wrinkled, and her glasses were missing. She was no longer the elegant and gentle lady she was yesterday.

Half and half to each other, no one should laugh at anyone now.

Monica suddenly took a step back, looked at the place where her feet had just stepped, and exclaimed: "This blood contains something weird."


"Workman? Kaxiu sent an emissary? Was he injured by you?"

"No, he's dead."

When I walked into the body of the Warcraft and looked up from the ground, I was even more amazed at how majestic and dangerous it was, as if I were climbing a steep mountain.

All the team members climbed onto the back of the monster. The rocks were rugged and steep, overgrown with weeds, and marine algae were common. There were also large puddles in some places.

"Oh~ good guy!"

Sophie was surprised when she caught a big fish about the same height as herself in a deep pool, with funny fine black scales and sharp teeth that were half the length of a finger.

The caught fish struggled violently and swung its body vigorously in an attempt to bite her. Sophie swung the tail fin of the big fish hard and hit her head on the stone several times, knocking her unconscious.

"This is the Fokian fish." Monica recognized the species and said: "It is covered in fish bones and its teeth can bite through steel, but its blood has special medicinal value and is quite rare..."

"Can it be eaten?" Sophie swallowed. Such a plump fish should be good for grilling.

"Uh, no, meat has certain toxins. Eating it will make you dizzy."

"Forget it, Astra, open your mouth, don't waste it!"

The Leftover Terminator, after the last Terminator, Lao Pi, went to heaven, he was fed into a "braised egg" by the Seventh Empire. This honorable position in the manor was taken over by Astra.

Atropika had just climbed up from the bottom of the sea half a day ago, so on the mountain-like back, you can often see some strange-looking devil seafood, which is not new.

Monica is a scholar who is thirsty for knowledge. She originally had a strong curiosity about World of Warcraft, so she shamelessly followed the team to board World of Warcraft. As a result, she accidentally became Sophie's tool for identifying ingredients along the way.

"That sea electric eel is edible. The meat is fresh and tender. It is difficult to catch and the price is quite high."

"Those kelp are not good. They taste astringent and hard, like chewing tree bark."

The World of Warcraft Atropika has a huge stone tablet in the center of its back. It looks like a huge mountain that has been cut vertically four times. The rectangular shape is flat and neat, and then it is engraved with many complicated and unreadable words.

Mo Mei reached out and touched the stone tablet, feeling the rough stone, and muttered: "There is also a volcano on Antuen's back. Do these big guys need to carry something to feel comfortable?"

As a well-known scholar in the demon world, Monica has also watched Atropika in action and studied the mystery of the stone tablet on its back.

But it is very regrettable that even though the ancient library claims to have more than 20 million books, none of them are used to solve the mystery of the stone tablet.

The rubbings of symbols on the stone tablets have long been spread to various places in the demon world by researchers. If you just want to study these ancient symbols, merchants can buy clear copies.

"Regarding World of Warcraft, the World of Warcraft has also established a special organization of scholars to study Atropika, Hiero, and Happy Chair. These are very strange and unique special life forms. They are frequent visitors to our library."

The definition of "Warcraft" in the Demon World is very broad. In a sense, Prey and Mr. Luo can also be understood as a kind of Warcraft.

However, they are so powerful that even the demon world cannot contain them, so they are respectfully called "apostles".

The reason why he stayed in the demon world was just for some unknown reasons.

Monica raised her beautiful face and looked up at the stone tablet that looked like a knife cutting off a mountain cliff. She marveled and regretted: "The rumors about Atropika in the demon world, in addition to the news that the water of life is recorded on the stone tablet, there are also That is, it will bring about the destruction of the demon world.”

One of the traditions of the demon world is that watching Atropika leave will usher in a year of good luck.

In fact, to understand it from another perspective, to put it in a straightforward and simple way, for at least the next year, I don’t have to worry about this guy passing by again, so I’m glad.

Sophie and Mailu have already caught a large amount of seafood and grilled it on the sizzling iron plate. The oil is sizzling, and a little seasoning is sprinkled on it. The aroma is lingering.

Except for the two curators and Ye Lin who were very interested in the Warcraft Monument, everyone else was helping to process the ingredients. They had been busy all morning and their stomachs were already growling.

Ye Lin shamelessly took away the first skewer of golden eel meat grilled from Mailu, chewed a mouthful of the aroma, and then said: "Atropika has a heavy body, and his four claws can't scratch the shell on his back, so this The appearance of the stone tablet can only be man-made!"

It may sound like a useless analysis, but it is precisely one of the biggest doubts in the demon world, which ancient powerful person wrote the stone tablet.

The history of Atropika is so long that even the residents of the Demon Realm have made it into a proverb that has been passed down from generation to generation.

What can make people notice the passage of time are the wrinkles on the old man's face, the height of the child, and the circulating Atropika.

——An old man said.

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